Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 350 Moon God Joins

Chapter 350 Moon God Joins
The timbre of the xun has always been praised by Taoists as the musical instrument closest to the sounds of nature. However, at this time, what Xiaomeng was thinking about was not the issue of Taoism, but the memories of ten years ago.

Tianzong emphasizes inaction. Any emotion is just an insignificant part in the long river of time. This is true for people, organizations, and countries.

Xiaomeng, under the guidance of Bei Mingzi, therefore understood that ruthlessness can bring him closest to the boundaries of Tao, and ruthlessness means that he does not care about other people's opinions and can do whatever he wants.

In this regard, her master Bei Mingzi did not comment too much: In the context of Tao, different people can have different understandings. Xiaomeng's understanding is still within the boundaries of Tianzong's Tao. Whether it is right or wrong only depends on Xiaomeng. Own.

After ten years, she heard the song "Zhi'an" from her hometown that her father often played in real life again. Xiaomeng, who had always been indifferent to "like" and "hate", understood that her emotion at the moment must be the so-called "like"
She understood Tianzong's forgetfulness as ruthless, and her ideas were shaken: whether it was her desire to repay her gratitude for being rescued before seclusion, or her longing for her father and hometown at this moment, it showed that Xiaomeng had never been ruthless from the beginning. .

After playing the song, Lu Wei put down the Tao Xun, but Xiao Meng still closed her eyes and was lost in aftertaste, seemingly enlightening.

He didn't bother her, but just when Lu Wei put down the Tao Xun lightly and silently, Xiaomeng suddenly said: "This song is very good. Because of it, I will not tell the cause of Zhang Han's death."

'Is Zhang Han still dead? "Lu Wei heard Xiaomeng's words before he opened his eyes. He was generally satisfied with the battle in the shipyard prison. He only needed information from the Anti-Qin Alliance.

Nodding to Ji Yan, Xiao Yaner walked to the desk in the corner clearly, picked up a brush and wrote the whole process of the shipyard battle.

The whole room fell silent instantly, with only the slightest sound of writing and breathing.

'Xiaomeng should have been borrowed from the shipyard prison by Zhang Han to deal with Zongheng. Judging from the dialogue, she witnessed Ji Yan's murder process and became a potential threat. '

'But since she took the initiative to tell Zhang Han's death, it means Xiaomeng doesn't care about it, but this is not enough. Zhang Han's death is a major case, and she has two choices.'

"Fortunately, the Xun music I learned had a clear impact on him, and the props I spent time preparing worked."

The silence lasted for half an hour. Such a long period of peace would have lasted longer, but the arrival of another woman broke the atmosphere.

Luna pushed open the door of the stronghold and looked at Lu Wei, who was hugging her from left to right, reading something. She also felt two unfamiliar auras that were instantly locked on her body. She closed the door with her backhand indifferently.

Ji Yan?I know this little girl.

Xiao Meng?Why is this head of Tianzong here?
Putting aside the doubts in his mind, the Moon God's Yin Yang Technique spread out slightly, pushing back the breath of the two 'little girls' directly. The whole room creaked, and the inner energy of the three people was fighting fiercely in the room, but it was obvious that Ji Yan and Xiaomeng were suppressed by the Moon God.

After all, the two of them are young.

Although Ji Yan looked unhappy, he still sat there. Xiao Meng, who had been in temporary retreat, snorted coldly, stood up, and simply pulled out the Qiuli Sword.

"We are all our own people, why bother to draw swords?" After sighing, Lu Wei finally stepped forward: He shook his head and stretched out his palm to press lightly. A more solemn inner energy swept everything in an instant, and the inner energy of the three women was wiped out. Pressing them back into their respective bodies equally, Yueshen, Ji Yan, and Xiao Meng all felt a tightness in their chests. Even Xiao Yaner, who was most familiar with Lord Xia Kui, was surprised by this terrifying power.

The windows that were originally opened for ventilation closed automatically, and the light in the room immediately dimmed.

"Let's all sit down." After the environment was harmonious, Lu Wei stood up with a smile, and the pressure on everyone disappeared instantly.

He lit the candle himself, made a pot of hot tea, and naturally asked the three women to sit down while they watched.

Ji Yan was obedient and had no objection.

Luna's initial reaction was just to warn the two 'little girls' to recognize their status.

It was only Xiaomeng's first day here. Her original purpose was just to meet her former savior. She didn't say much about being called 'one of hers'. She didn't think it was necessary for her to tell Ji Yanhe Luna explains what.

It's just that the realization has been interrupted, which makes me a little unhappy.

"The impact of the battle in the shipyard prison is still fermenting. How is the situation of Moon God and Star Soul?"

Now that the mirage has arrived, it is natural for the Moon God to arrive. Lu Wei did not ask any more questions about it. Some private matters still had to be discussed in private, so he asked questions that were irrelevant to the core. "He was not you. He took over Gui Gu Zongheng's combo attack and was seriously injured. However, Shao Siming took your healing pill for him immediately, so it didn't get too bad."

Luna didn't explain her itinerary after returning to Xianyang. She held her head high and answered calmly.

"I was indeed impulsive, but it also created an opportunity for Zongheng to escape. Apart from the cost of injury, it is also a blessing." Lu Wei knew Wei Zhuang's strength, had a general understanding of Gai Nie's strength, and understood the combined attack skills of these two people. Even the tenth-level skill of gathering energy with both hands to form a blade Star Soul can't stop it, but the latter will not be instantly killed by this move.

What's more, in order to have enough energy to use the second time to attack the two machine beasts, they will definitely save their energy the first time.

"It's just that you need to take over his work. Yun Zhongjun should be arriving in Songhai soon, right?"

The work here naturally refers to poisoning Ying Zheng's elixir through Yun Zhongjun.

Luna nodded: "I have my own sense of discretion."

"The Yin Yang family cooperates with the peasant family to resist the empire?"

Xiaomeng suddenly interrupted at this time, saying that the relationship between Taoism and the Yin-Yang family was not harmonious, or that there were very few schools of thought that had a harmonious relationship with the Yin-Yang family.

"How about I explain this matter to Master Xiaomeng alone later?" Of course Lu Wei would not let Yue Shen have a direct conversation with Xiaomeng at this time, so he took the initiative to take over the topic.

Faced with Lu's gagging behavior, Xiao Meng's gray pupils remained motionless: "You can call me 'Xiao Meng' or 'Zhen'."

"Okay, Xiao Meng." The head of Tianzong was straightforward and natural, and Lu Wei would not be polite. He nodded to her and continued to look at Yue Shen: "This is the last moment. Star Soul's injury will take its own time. To recover.”

"Farmers cannot become the focus of Qin's attention at this time. In terms of astrological laws, the Yin and Yang family can give Xianyang more 'reasonable' guidance."


Fusu, who entered Songhai and took off his substitute, was not surprised by his assassination. At least he acted calmly on the surface.

However, when the news of Zhang Han's murder came, he could no longer maintain the composure of the eldest son of the empire, and immediately summoned Li Si and Meng Tian.

Li Simengtian's performance was even more unbearable: The commander of His Majesty the Emperor's personal guard died in Songhai. Who could have predicted what His Majesty the Emperor would think after learning the news?
Especially Zhang Han didn't die in the hands of the anti-Qin rebels, he died in the treatment room after the war!

"This matter is of great importance and needs to be decided by His Majesty the Emperor himself." Li Si did not dare to deal with the Zhang Han issue privately, but as the prime minister, he had to bear the responsibility, so he still gave a stability plan: "Zhao Gao will come soon Songhai, Luowang will collect clues at all costs and submit them to His Majesty for His Holy Judgment."

"In the end, the general will completely eliminate the scattered rebels who have escaped to ensure that Songhai has no worries." Meng Tian did not have many interactions with Zhang Han, but these few interactions were enough for the two to firmly recognize each other as imperial generals who are dedicated to serving the country. .

Now that Zhang Han died at the hands of a villain, in addition to his public stance, he also had some private regrets and anger.

"Seal the shipyard and let the Shadow Guards and Luo Wang investigate together!" Fusu sat in the main seat, put his hand on his forehead, and made a serious decision: "All details of the scene must be written down in a book within today and sent to Xianyang as soon as possible. "

"General Meng Tian, ​​we can never relax in suppressing rebellion. You must do it yourself."

"Master Xiaomeng, who went to the shipyard with us, hasn't come back yet?"

"No news yet." Li Si handed over.

"Wait until Master Xiaomeng comes back to ask everything. In addition, put Xiaoyaozi on the wanted list and ask His Majesty the Emperor to hold the Taiyi Mountain Taoist clan accountable!"

(End of this chapter)

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