Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 416 Defeat the Qin Navy

The armies of the two counties were divided into three parts like the Qin Army, the Jiangbei Army, the Navy Army and the Jiangnan Army. However, the main force of the Qin Army was their Jiangnan Army, while Li Mu put the most elite main force in Jiangbei. The two sides coincided with Miss the target.

For Ren Xiao, the Fan County and Jing County he wants to attack this time are both in the south of the Yangtze River. The purpose of the Jiangbei Army and the Navy Army is to provide assistance, while the Jiangnan Army needs to sweep through the two counties, so he made this move The choice is consistent with the art of war.

But with such an arrangement, it is not difficult to guess that even His Royal Highness King Qi, who is far away in Daze Mountain, can make the most basic judgment on Ren Xiao's troop formation based on common sense. Under such circumstances, Li Mu's arrangement seems to be somewhat complicated. deliberate suspicion
After Ren Xiao's vanguard successfully broke through the last camp of the two county armies in the Yishan Mountains, the vast plain was right in front of them. The Qin army's navy in the middle moved down the river first, with the Jiangbei and Jiangnan armies on both sides lagging slightly behind.

When fighting a war along the Yangtze River, the navy's role is not only to explore the route first, but also to protect the river food routes. Only with naval support can the communication between the Jiangbei Army and the Jiangnan Army be smooth, so the main force of the navy will always be It is faster to travel than the armies on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.

Coupled with the sense that it rushed out of the mountainous area and the water flow with a drop in front was flat, the speed of the Qin army's fleet unconsciously made them lose their vigilance.

The winning streak along the way intensified the relaxation of the Qin army. When Ren Xiao learned that the three armies were slightly out of balance in the middle, he thought about it and ordered the troops on both sides of the strait to speed up and shorten the distance between them and the navy.

The rebellion outside the mountainous area has a large camp in the south and north of the Yangtze River. Their location is already a flat area. According to the scout report, it is confirmed that they are the main force of the rebellion. There are no less than 2 people stationed in the north and the south. After breaking through here, the rebellion will be suppressed. The war is almost over.

The morale of the Qin army was high, while the rebel army was suffering from successive defeats. Coupled with the crushing advantage of the army's numerical strength, Ren Xiao did not believe that the rebellious main force could stop his forward army.

However, the facts proved that his judgment was wrong
"Your Majesty, the battle report from the south has arrived!"

Daze Mountain is Lu Wei's base camp, but as the king of Qi, he could no longer live in the mountains, so he moved his residence to Licheng.

This small town is not very respectable, but it is enough for emergencies.

However, many subordinates told Lu Wei to go to Linzi. This former capital of Qi was prosperous and wealthy, and the grand palace in the city had been renovated by Qin a few years ago, which perfectly suited his status.

Some other opinions include Chen Ping's suggestion to conscript laborers to build a small palace for the king to stay temporarily near Licheng, but these people were angrily rebuked by the upright King of Qi:
He, Lu, raised an army to rebel against the Qin Dynasty, not for luxury enjoyment, nor to enslave the people through his status, but to oppose tyranny and enforce the right path!

Before conquering Xianyang and saving all the people in the world, he would never live in those luxurious palaces, and he would never conscript labor just to satisfy his selfish desires!

Many subordinates and Chen Ping immediately felt guilty after being reprimanded by His Highness King Qi, and felt inferior to the King's noble integrity.

This righteous speech soon spread to the whole world through word of mouth among peasant disciples and Confucian disciples.
There are already many palaces in the empire, and Lu Wei really does not intend to recruit corvees for too many constructions in the future, so what he said is very convincing.

Of course, what is "selfish desire" has yet to be determined in the future. After all, the emperor has no selfish interests.
The reason why he does not go to Linzi at present is precisely because Linzi is too prosperous. Lu himself may be able to withstand the test, but it is hard to say about the lower-level farm disciples and even the middle and high-level management.

Everyone will change, especially under the erosion of wealth.

You must let those who follow you see that you can only enjoy it by conquering Xianyang in order to maximize everyone's enthusiasm.At the same time, in order to prevent them from losing all hope, daily rewards need to be more generous.

"Yeah." Lu Wei, who was wearing a green dragon robe, took the secret box of the Mo family's mechanism. After opening it a few times, the silk book inside was written by Yan Shen.

After Qin General Ren Xiao's vanguard troops broke through the Yishan Mountains as bait, they encountered obstacles for the first time on the real battlefield carefully laid out by Li Mu.
Li Mu's Jiangbei camp was closer to the front line and was therefore the first to be attacked by the Qin army.

However, the tentative attack of the [-] Qin army vanguard was surrounded by the veteran general's bold attack. The Qin general did not expect that the timid and cowardly rebel suddenly changed his style and became extremely powerful. He was unable to react and was forced to leave behind a thousand soldiers. The bodies retreated hastily.During the pursuit, the Qin army suffered more casualties and scattered soldiers. When help finally arrived, the remaining troops of the [-]-strong army were less than [-], and they were considered defeated.

The guards on the south bank of the Yangtze River were commanded by Yan Shen and Li Zuoche. They had few soldiers and could not take the initiative to attack, but they did not let the Qin army take advantage of them even though they stood firm.

The camp here was built more solidly with the help of the machine beasts, and was further back than the Jiangbei camp. There was also a tributary connected to the Yangtze River to form a natural barrier, making it an excellent position that was easy to defend but difficult to attack.

Two successful defenses fell to Ren Xiao, which meant two failed attacks, but this was not the most important thing: on the same day, the most critical factor that determined this war: the main ship of the Qin Navy was wiped out. !
The advancing Qin Navy encountered the naval forces of the two counties led by Peng Yue personally.

Fanxian County and Jingxian County are both based on large rivers and lakes. Their naval forces have received professional training for more than ten years and have extremely rich experience, while the Qin Army's navy can only be described as infantry on board ships.

The composition of this southern army is complex. In addition to the Qin people in Guanzhong, there are also soldiers recruited from other six countries. Although the Chu people among them are somewhat familiar with water, few of them are specialized in water warfare.

Moreover, the naval forces in the two counties also have the biggest killer weapon: the trap water snake!

The wooden ship had no ability to resist in front of the underwater water snake.

It is a pity that the Mo family's mechanism Xuanwu is still in a damaged state. Otherwise, if these two mechanism beasts work together, the Qin army in the middle section of the river will be even more powerless. The mechanism water snake itself is not a fully mature product after all.

The loss of the navy's large ships caused the Qin Army to lose the ability to proactively break through on the river. In turn, the armies of the two counties could calmly attack the Qin Army's river and grain roads, and the communication between the Qin Army's Jiangnan and Jiangbei armies would also become difficult. stand up.

Using the navy to cut off the connection between the Qin army and the two sides of the Taiwan Strait was the first step for Li Mu to win.

The next step will be a long confrontation to wear down the patience of the Qin army, which is at its peak.

After reading the battle report, Lu Wei was completely relieved about the war in the south and began to make arrangements for the attack on Daze Mountain.

On the day he was honored as King of Qi, he announced the action plan for the Central and Northern Routes to attack Qin. Now Han Xin and others on the North Route are almost ready to set off: there is Lu Qiuge lurking in the dark on the Yan ground, and Han Xin's trip The attack will not encounter any major difficulties. The only thing worth worrying about is that when Wang Li's army withdraws, Han Xin will face the 30 elite Qin troops.

There is no doubt about Han Xin's military ability, but it is still difficult to judge easily whether he can stop the Great Wall Legion from attacking the wolves.

However, this was only a partial force after all. Lu Wei was prepared for the worst case of Han Xin's failure. The real main force to destroy Qin still had to be done by him personally, that is, the Central Route Army's attack on the Three Jin Dynasties.

The ultimate goal of this operation is to take Xianyang directly, so the process must be fast, and the preparation stage beyond this must be sufficient.

His Highness the King of Qi has found out that the new guard general of Hangu Pass in Qin State is Zhao Yi, his "old friend".

This guy still owes Lu a favor, and he has to find a way to get it back. (End of Chapter)

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