Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 42 Maple Forest Sword Technique

Chapter 42 Maple Forest Sword Technique
(PS, I was very busy in the afternoon. After I wrote the last chapter intermittently, I made some small changes when I had free time. The plot has been slightly changed, so it should be more comfortable to watch than the original version.)
Instead of improving yourself, it’s better to discredit others~
Lu Wei originally planned to secretly accumulate strength under Xu Qiu's tent, and then have a wonderful power struggle with Tian Zhong.

But now that Xu Qiu has been removed from power ahead of schedule, and time has not waited for me, Lu Wei has no choice but to let Lu Ni deal with Tian Zhong.

"This hall leader's position must be mine. If anyone wants to snatch it, please invite him to meet the ancestor of the Shennong clan!"

A female disciple was recruited out of thin air for the farmer's family, especially since this female disciple was extremely beautiful. If she wasn't careful, she could easily be noticed by interested people and cause some trouble.

Therefore, Lu Ni rarely appeared in front of others in the next few days. When she went out during the day, she would only take care of Xiao Yan'er at Nian Duan.

At around midnight in the early morning, she would go out for about half an hour, presumably to visit Tian Zhong's residence.

With her skills and the presence of Lu Wei, an 'inside agent' who could provide all kinds of information, Tian Zhong would be killed immediately if he showed just the slightest flaw.

As the Autumn Harvest Meeting gets closer, the atmosphere in the entire farmhouse gradually becomes lively. Everyone smiles when they see each other. Small conflicts that would have caused conflicts and fights in the past have disappeared at this time.

But hidden beneath this bustle, there are black lines in various directions, quietly outlining conspiracies.
Until the morning before the Autumn Harvest Conference was held, Lu Wei noticed a figure rushing into his room while sleeping, but he felt that it was not a stranger.

He quickly opened his eyes and found that Lu Ni was kneeling on one knee in front of his bed: "Master, there are special circumstances!"

Feixue secretly did not dare to relax her preparation at all. Lu Wei sat up and put the pillow on his back: "Tian Zhong?"

"Yes, Tian Zhong didn't sleep peacefully in his house last night, but came back from outside only early in the morning."

Lu Ni reported the report softly. She knew exactly what tone to speak at what time, and she was indeed the woman who could make Wei Wuji feel free to hand over his back.

"According to Tian Zhong's character, there aren't many things worth letting him spend the night outside." Lu Wei analyzed Tian Zhong's personality, and combined with the Autumn Harvest Conference being held tomorrow, he thought they might be the Tian brothers.
Tian Meng, Tian Hu.

"Do you want to find out Tian Zhong's purpose?" Lu Ni took the initiative when he saw that Lu Wei had not spoken for a long time.

As her investigation into Tian Zhong deepened, the reason why her master wanted to get rid of this person was naturally known.

Therefore, she quietly tried to figure out Lu Wei's thoughts.

"No risk."

However, Lu Wei waved his hand and refused. He got out of bed and put on a robe: "Just find an opportunity to get rid of him as soon as possible!"

"Yes!" Lu Ni nodded in understanding. After waiting for another ten seconds, when her master gave no further instructions, she silently exited the room.

Professional is professional!

While Lu Wei was satisfied with his new subordinate's success, he also kept in mind how Lord Xinling died.

After briefly washing up, Lu Wei went out and went straight to the main hall.

Since the conversation with Zhou He in the middle of the night that day, Hall Master Zhou would come to me from time to time to chat or practice together.

Lu Wei tried his best to satisfy him, but Zhou He was still hesitant about whether to push him out to compete with Tian Zhong.

After getting Lu Ni, Lu Wei had other plans for this matter, so he was not anxious about it. This won Zhou He's approval from another angle:
"Such a character is indeed much better than Zhou Zhang and Xu Qiu!"

In the past, when he went to find Zhou He, he went empty-handed, but today he brought a refined iron sword: Hall Master Zhou wanted to practice sword practice today.

Lu Wei would not spoil his interest, not to mention that he had just obtained another purple sword technique: "Maple Forest Sword Technique"!
The last time I got a purple-quality Kungfu from the daily treasure chest was the book "The Art of Termination" nearly two years ago. After learning it, I didn't need to use it deliberately many times.

After more than 600 days and more than [-] strokes, I finally had the free purple technique to learn.

After having Lu Qiuge as his backing a few months ago, he could actually afford most of those purple kung fu if he went to the system mall to buy them.But first of all, his own martial arts skills have not yet reached their peak, and Feixue is a bottomless pit that needs to be delved into. Lu Wei still understands the principle of biting off more than he can chew.

Secondly, there are internal skills, heart skills, fist and palm skills, sword skills, light skills and even mental attack methods. There is no rigid shortcoming in his equipment, so it is better to save the mall points first.

Maybe when there is an urgent need, I will be able to act boldly.

However, since Bai Guo has developed a new sword technique, you might as well learn it. The Youdie sword technique has its own characteristics, mainly light and gorgeous dazzling skills.

He briefly browsed through Fenglin Sword Technique and found that this sword technique was better at combining with internal force to attack with sword energy and take it by surprise.

When you practice to a high level, the sword energy can leave the body, just like the maple forest in autumn, with thousands of "red leaves" floating on the enemy.

These two sets of swordsmanship go well together. If they can be combined, they will definitely be more skillful when used.

But with my current level of swordsmanship, it would be impossible to complete the combination through independent research and development.

After all, the common wisdom among swordsmen is that those with good talent can sharpen their swords in ten years.

Lu Wei has a clear mind and a keen sense of martial arts that is stronger than ordinary swordsmen. It would take nine years to sharpen these two swords into one~

Bang bang bang, in the backyard of the hall main hall, after more than 20 rounds of fighting with Zhou He using the Butterfly Sword Technique mixed with the Fenglin Sword Technique he was learning, both sides sheathed their swords together.

"You just talked about your new sword skills yesterday, and today you can use them in a decent way. Such talent is really extraordinary."

Zhou He came to the stone table in the backyard and handed the long sword to his disciple to take away. He stroked his beard and marveled at Lu Wei's performance.

"The hall master is ridiculous." Although he had shown some other thoughts towards Zhou He, it didn't stop him from saying shyly and modestly: "The way of sword lies in understanding. Once you master it, you will know the sword in your hand!"

"I'm just lucky~"

Lu Wei, who cheated by using the Fenglin Sword Technique like a cat and a tiger yesterday, said this after immediately swallowing the Sanyi Pill.

I bought this elixir during the novice discount a long time ago. Its effect is to add a fixed amount of learning experience to a certain skill.

When it is only suitable for beginners to learn a skill, it will be more cost-effective to eat it. After you become a little more proficient, its value will suddenly decrease.

The original price was five hundred gold, which was very expensive.

Zhou He laughed loudly at the other party's false modesty and true arrogance. His personality made Lu Wei feel very similar to Tian Guang, whom he had been with for some time.

"If I hadn't entered the Tomb of the Six Immortals in two years, I would have taken you as a disciple."

"Master." He never expected that Zhou He would suddenly reveal the time of his abdication. Lu Wei subconsciously said according to the words in "The Encyclopedia of High Emotional Intelligence" he had read before:

"A master for a day is a master for a lifetime. I have long regarded the master as a real master!"

"You kid!" Zhou He was stunned for a moment, then he remembered this young man's character and shook his head with a smile: "I won't do anything to mislead others, but when I mention this topic today, I really want to convey two things."

"Master, please give me your instructions." Lu Wei stood up straight, just like Lu Ni when he was listening to his orders, with the words "I am listening carefully" flashing in his eyes.

"The spring cold breaks the palm, and it is immune to all poisons!"

(End of this chapter)

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