Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 460 The Finale

Chapter 460 The Finale
Mencius put his heart and soul into it and said: If you have the ambition, you will benefit the people; if you don't have the ambition, you will cultivate yourself and be seen in the world.If you are poor, you will be good for yourself; if you are rich, you will be good for the world.

In the past, when the Qin State was in power, Confucianists could only attend to etiquette matters in the court. In addition, Qin's violent laws were unpopular, so Fu Nian stayed at Xiaoshengxian Manor and concentrated on his studies.

Now, although His Highness the King of Qi is not a flawless gentleman, he can still be called a wise ruler. His achievements in eradicating tyranny can be compared with that of Yao, Shun, and Yutang. His third junior brother has always been willing to serve Qi and even personally participated in it. It was hard work to change the Qin Code to the Qi Code, but the sudden idea of ​​taking a back seat before the enthronement ceremony was really against the principles of Confucianism!
Not to mention that the inducement is still a Taoist method.

There was a faint anger rising in Fu Nian's heart, but today was a happy day, so he still suppressed those unhappy emotions.

He was wearing neat and exquisite court clothes, and he was standing in front of the Chang'an Palace.

Three thousand officials of Daqi, big and small, were arranged in several rows, and there were only a few in front of him. As one of the few who set an example for the world, Fu Nian strictly demanded that he could not make any mistakes today.

Today is the day when His Highness King Qi ascends the throne as emperor!
I will deal with the little things with my junior brother slowly in the future.

With a serious expression, Fu Nian quickly entered into the state he should be in.

The brightness at the edge of the sky gradually spread to the entire sky. When the long trumpet sounded, the passionate and high-pitched power undoubtedly set its own passionate tone for the new empire.

The palace door opened wide. Behind the big warriors like Dian Qing and Guan Wushuang, Lu Wei sat on the emperor's golden carriage. The guards around him were all carefully selected disciples with figures similar to those of peasants. Their uniform movements followed the misty words. The sound of chimes passed by the ministers on both sides step by step.

The twelve beaded crowns would not block Lu Wei much, and he could still clearly see the movements and expressions of the three thousand ministers passing by.

But through this layer of crown, his superiority and inferiority were irrevocably determined. From then on, he was the only emperor in the world.

On the high platform, Gui Ming Hou Ying Ziying stood aside holding a jade seal, solemnly waiting for Emperor Qi to return to the throne.

In total, this is the third time that he has dedicated the imperial seal to others: the first time was Zhao Gao, the second time was when he surrendered to the Qi army in the wild, and this will be the last time.

But at this time, Ying Ziying didn't have any resentment in his heart: his bloodline of the King of Qin made him and his family fight in the world, and only Lu Wei was kind and willing to take them in and protect them. If Lu Wei was not here, he would have hatred for Qin. Those who want revenge can kill the last Ying clan alive.

Therefore, facing Lu Wei who was destroying his country, Ying Ziying's loyalty was among the highest in the court.

36 martial arts masters carried the golden carriage to Chiqi, intending to carry His Majesty the Emperor to the main hall according to the itinerary planned by Shu Sun Tong in advance, but at this time something unexpected happened:
The ministers saw Lu Wei, who was wearing a golden dragon robe, standing up on the walking platform. He stepped on the void through the air, and unexpectedly stepped onto the high platform alone step by step.

Faced with such wanton behavior that violated etiquette, the leader of the ministers, the old Prime Minister Lu Qing, immediately knelt down and bowed, shouting "Long live". Following his actions, the ministers in the rear fell to their knees one after another like dominoes. , including the guards carrying the golden carriage and Shusun Tong, Ying Ziying and others on the high platform.
Zhang Liang was not surprised by the occurrence of the current scene among the kneeling crowd.

'There are three foundations of ritual: heaven and earth, the foundation of life; ancestors, the foundation of species; rulers and teachers, the foundation of governance.Therefore, etiquette serves heaven above and earth below. We respect our ancestors and honor our masters. '

Confucian etiquette is designed to serve the monarch. Although it also strives to bring the monarch under the jurisdiction of the ritual system, when faced with most powerful kings, especially the founding kings such as Emperor Qi, Confucianists will most likely obey him.

In order to strengthen his authority, Emperor Qi would definitely continue to challenge the etiquette system to make his ministers learn to obey step by step.
This is one of the important reasons why Zhang Liang wanted to study Taoism with Chi Songzi after the country was stable.

Of course, Lu Wei's approach was a common method used by monarchs, and Zhang Liang would not criticize it. He had even expected this, so he just wanted to avoid it.

'Senior brother Fu Nian also understands the key point here, but he has already realized that he is a minister. '

Lowering his head and joining in the shouts of 'long live', Zhang Liang became more determined.

Lu Wei, who was very satisfied with the reaction of the ministers, smiled and pulled out the Sea Swallowing Sword from his waist, and absorbed the national jade seal with his other hand. He used the sound wave power he specially learned to spread his voice to the ears of the three thousand ministers. Side:

"To maintain this great dynasty, the Qin government was tyrannical in the past, and the people suffered. I inherited the destiny, praised the heroes, and destroyed the Qin Dynasty. Now all the people have returned to their hearts, and there is hope for all living beings. I dare not resign, so I ascend to the great treasure!"

The breeze gently blew through the flags and made a slight sound. In addition, there was only one voice in the grand palace and even in the whole world!
In the past, Ying Zheng believed that as an emperor, no one could judge his achievements and faults, let alone his subordinates. Therefore, he abolished the posthumous title and no need for honorary titles: there is only one emperor in the world, and there is no one more powerful than the 'emperor' himself. Where is your title?
After Lu Wei ascended the throne, Shusun Tong deliberately followed this point when formulating etiquette, striving to elevate the emperor's dignity to the extreme, which was appreciated by Emperor Qi.So in the early years of the Qi Emperor, the country was rebuilt in ruins, and the restoration of people's livelihood, carried out by Lu Qing and Xiao He, began in an orderly manner.In the same year, Xiang Yu, who was ranked among the [-] marquises, commanded [-] cavalry and stationed in the defense line of the Great Wall, often going out to plunder the wolf tribe's sheep.

Over the past few years, because all their elite members have been lost and it still takes time for children to grow up, the wolf clan has been unable to cope with it and is unwilling to flee to the more remote west. They can only surrender to the Central Plains and contribute horses, sheep and goats to the Emperor of Qi every year. A beautiful concubine from the Hu people asked for peace as a tribute.

The time the wolves needed was also needed by the Qi Dynasty, so the peace terms were agreed to. However, due to the "personal behavior" of the border generals, Qi cavalry still occasionally went out to plunder, but after all, the frequency was much less. The wolves endured it.

In the fifth year of Emperor Qi's reign, the position of Prime Minister in the imperial court was replaced. At the same time, after completing the follow-up construction of Chang'an City, the Mohist family and the Gongshu Family jointly developed the violent version of the Suzaku Machine Beast, which was specially loaded with gunpowder bombs. The regular Suzaku Machine Beast The assembly line has also been put into production, and a steady stream of flying communication machine beasts have begun to be released to counties and counties, with dedicated personnel trained by Taixue responsible for controlling them.

Under the flight of Suzaku, the communication between remote places and the Central Plains only takes a few days at most. The Shu and Baiyue lands on the southbound road are no longer separated from the Central Plains, and the communication between the Central Plains and Guanzhong is even more convenient.

In the tenth year of Emperor Qi's reign, the Central Plains was flourishing and prosperous. The new empire had already outlasted the old empire. Shusun Tong requested Emperor Qi to grant him a Zen title at Mount Tai, but Emperor Qi refused because he felt that his merits were insufficient.

In the 20th year of Emperor Qi's reign, the Qi State has experienced rapid development for another ten years. His Majesty the Emperor, who is over fifty, finally reluctantly agreed to the many requests of the ministers for enshrinement. With all the wolves moving inland and the Western Region being conquered by the Qi Air Force, From then on, he patrolled Mount Tai in the east.

This year, all the old ministers in the court who should have retired have retired, but they still came to watch the Taishan Zen Ceremony with a cane as a meritorious figure.

General Han Xin and Cavalry General Xiang Yu are responsible for security work. They are representatives of two forces in the army. They are on opposite sides in the struggle for power. However, when facing His Majesty the Emperor, their arrogant natures are still maintained. modesty.

After 20 years of reigning, Lu Wei's reputation has reached its peak again after being enshrined. Everyone knows that His Majesty the Emperor, who has no sign of gray hair on his head, can still reign for at least another 20 years. No one can cause trouble while His Majesty the Emperor is alive.

But it turns out that the officials still underestimated the emperor's internal skills.

In the 50th year of Emperor Qi's reign, all the founding heroes of the first generation had left, and all the prestige in the court was controlled by Lu Wei alone. The second and third generations of ministers were all his yes-men, and no one dared to resist.

After decades of nationwide development in the art of mechanism, the speed of progress has far exceeded the progress of the previous 300 years. The steel chariot and the ten-fold expansion of the Suzaku have become the main force in the empire's external expansion. The development of the Central Plains and the South has also been carried out by the machine beast. With the help of the emperor, the empire's population expanded rapidly.

High-yielding crops cultivated by farmers were tested for the first time.

In the 100th year of Emperor Qi's reign, Lu Wei, who finally showed signs of aging, touched the heartstrings of the entire empire with every sigh and every time he raised his finger.

At this time, the empire's territory spanned the inland sea to the east, occupied a long strip of large islands, entered Maolin in the south, where a mirage base was built, reached frost and snow in the north, and met the large lake in the west.

At the limit of what the machine beast can do, Lu Wei roughly estimated that with the help of black technology, he had conquered most of Asia in later generations.

This would be an unprecedented legacy, and during his long career as emperor, he had long since grown tired of power.

Because of his true omnipotence, any of his wishes can be unconditionally satisfied. Even if the gap of desire is not filled enough, Lu Wei, who has everything, does not know what else he can fill in.

In the end, he chose to take out the seven Canglong copper boxes.

The box he once wanted to throw away was now the only secret worth exploring.

Lu Wei lazily picked up one of the boxes. The box that had blocked him because of his bloodline in the past was now easily opened by him. This is natural. In terms of dignity, even if he was just an orphan in the past, there are people more powerful than him now. Is it noble?

The object in the box bloomed in front of Lu Wei's eyes. It was a jade bead, and it was like a star in the sky. The gentle light made people feel warm.

The emperor, who had everything in his collection, smiled, and his consciousness invaded the jade beads.
That night, a ray of glow descended from the sky in Chang'an Palace, which has been growing more prosperous over the past century. His Highness Emperor Qi, who is admired and feared by all the people in the world, stepped on the stairs turned into starlight and soared up.
The new Emperor Donghuang, who succeeded the leader of the Yin-Yang family, was the first to arrive at the scene. He looked at the scroll blankly and murmured to himself:
"Father has become an immortal?"

(End of this chapter)

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