Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 5 Luqiu Pavilion

Chapter 5 Luqiu Pavilion

In the Yan State, the power of Lord Yan Chun can be said to be less than that of one person and greater than that of ten thousand people.

As the younger brother of King Yan, he can do whatever he wants as long as it is not a serious crime of rebellion.Even the current Prince Dan of Yan would not dare to be an enemy of Uncle Wang openly.

Yanchunjun's mansion occupies a large area in Jicheng. There is a snow dance pavilion in it. At night, there are red candles and bright flames, and the graceful dancing girls show their grace.

The owner of this pavilion, Mr. Yan Chun, was in a high position, holding a colorful glass cup, shaking the jade liquid with one hand, and couldn't help but laugh while admiring the elegant dance and charming appearance of the twin sisters in the center of the group of red-dressed dancers.

This is his toy tonight.

After finishing the dance, he waved his hands to drive away the rest of the crowd, and after hugging the two girls to vent their lust, it was already dawn.

After putting on his clothes under the service of his servants, when Yan Chunjun walked out of the Xuewu Pavilion with a fat belly, four guards knelt down to display a large fur.

"This is?"

After just one glance, his tone was full of impatience.

It's just a black bear skin, why would you show it to me?

"Your Majesty, this is the skin of the moon bear that I accidentally found on the streets of Jicheng yesterday."

The captain of the guard was extremely flattering, showing a chrysanthemum-like smile:
"It just so happens that the construction of Your Majesty's Moon Dance Pavilion has been completed. I think it would be the icing on the cake to put this moon bear fur on the main seat of the Moon Dance Pavilion~"

"You do have a heart." Yan Chunjun became more interested: "Now that the Moon Dance Pavilion is repaired, let's find some women with moon temperament to fill it in."


The captain of the guard was overjoyed to be recognized. He lay on the ground and grabbed the ground with his head, respectfully seeing his master off.


"What a bastards, those guys!"

There was a sound of indignation coming from a dark alley.

Lu Yu's left eye was purple, and he kept complaining about the evil deeds of the soldiers yesterday:
"Although the nobles of Zhao State will bully us, they will still give us some money!"

"This so-called Lord Yan Chun actually robbed someone openly. There are such evil people in the world!"

"If you hadn't stopped me, boss, even if I couldn't beat them, I would have shown them what it means to be a Zhao man's fist!"

"Stop talking, Yu." Lu Mu's expression was also unhappy: "When we first came to Jicheng, it was inevitable that we would suffer losses, but those soldiers did too much."

Lu Ye had calmed down and said with a cold tone: "I remember the faces of those people. Their heads are called 'Brother Li'."

"Those people are the soldiers of Lord Yanchun's residence. We can find them in the future."

Lu Shan squatted in the corner in silence, saying nothing, sulking alone.

"Boss, say something!"

Lu Yu woke up his eldest brother who was meditating, and his dissatisfaction was clearly written on his face.

Of course, that was directed at the soldiers who snatched all their fur goods and beat a few of them violently yesterday. His respect for the boss had not changed at all.

"A gentleman's revenge is never too late in ten years." Lu Wei's eyes widened, and the four younger brothers immediately became quiet. Even Lu Shan, who was squatting in the corner and autistic, turned around and listened to the boss's speech:

"Everyone just remembers Mr. Yanchun's kindness."

"Although the fur goods are gone, our people are still safe. In 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully young people into poverty. I promise you that within three years at most, you will avenge today's revenge with your own hands."

"I listen to Brother Lu!"

Lu Yu is always the first to express his loyalty.

Lu Ye and Lu Mu only nodded. Brother Lu had the same idea as them.

As for Lu Shan, although he is the oldest in the team, his right to speak is not high due to his personality. After mumbling for a long time, he choked out one sentence:
"What should we do next? The leather goods are lost and we don't have any money on us."

"Go to the farmhouse Luqiuge!"

Lu Wei stood up and reached out to pick up his fourth younger brother in turn.

Luqiu Pavilion is the official stronghold of the farmer family in Jicheng. Many people know that generally only farmers' disciples can enter it.

But what most people don't know is that not every farmer disciple can enter.

Only if you have some special skills that are beyond the abilities of ordinary people will you be assigned to the name of Lu Qiu Pavilion.

Of course, Lu Wei and the other five people were qualified to be put into the pavilion by the guards, and were personally received by the pavilion master. "Are you five from Zhao?"

The master of Luqiu Pavilion has long hair shawl and is dressed in brocade and silk. He is about forty years old.

Every part of his body has obviously been carefully taken care of. He does not look like a farmer's boy at all, but is very similar to those noble masters.

Facing such a person, the four of Shanyu and Konoha were naturally a little afraid and restless, and their behavior was clearly seen by the pavilion master.

"Yes, we fled from Zhao State."

Lu Wei clasped his fists. He was a little disappointed by the reaction of his fourth brother. He was worried that they would lower the pavilion master's evaluation of him.

As soon as he met this pavilion master, Lu Wei knew in his heart that this was someone he could take advantage of, so he hoped to show off his abilities as much as possible in order to make progress.

"Haha", the pavilion master chuckled twice: "The war has just started on the front line, but you, as Zhao people, came to Jicheng."

"I see, you are Zhao army deserters!"

"Yes and no!"

The pavilion master suddenly looked solemn and stared at Lu Wei, his power gathering and not dissipating.

Sansame Konoha felt their identities being called out, and their hearts were filled with fear to the extreme. They lowered their heads and stared at the gorgeous carpet at their feet, their minds going blank.

It wasn't until their boss's voice came that they came back to their senses:

"He is a deserter from the Zhao army and a farmer's disciple."

Lu Wei's brain was running rapidly. He didn't feel panic at all when his identity was revealed. He was just thinking about what the purpose of this pavilion master was.

You don’t just want to scold the five Zhao people, right?

"Hmph, as a Zhao Jun, it is unjust to commit war crimes on the land of Yan State."

"As a Zhao native, it is disloyal to abandon the country and flee to an enemy country to survive."

"You are so disloyal and unjust, and you still want to enter my farmhouse?"

As soon as the pavilion master finished scolding him, Lu Wei felt relieved.

He understood the cabinet minister’s intention!

But there was no expression on his face, he stood up and clasped his fists.

Sansame Konoha seemed to be waking up from a dream, and stood up in panic and imitated his actions.

"Lord Pavilion Master, what do you think is the nature of the war launched by Zhao State against Yan State?"

Lu Wei's heavy voice echoed in the small reception room.

The master of the pavilion never expected that after he scolded him, the five people in front of him would not kneel down and beg for mercy, but instead ask themselves questions~


He replied with disdain: "Of course it's an unjust war!"

"So 24 years ago, after Zhao State was defeated in Changping, what was the nature of the war that Yan State launched against Zhao State?"


After the Changping War, when the Yan State saw the heavy losses of the Zhao State, they took advantage of the situation and raised hundreds of thousands of troops to attack Zhao. However, they were defeated by Zhao General Lian Po with far fewer troops. In a short time, the Yan State was reduced to seven The laughing stock of the country.

This incident is by no means a good memory for the people of Yan State.

Zhao Jun's attack on Yan State this year was actually not without revenge.

The master of the pavilion tapped his left index finger on the table, his eyes turning from amused to cold:

"It's also an unjust war!"

"Talking about righteousness in a war is like trying to find bones in an egg. It is a meaningless thing."

"For our farmer family, we don't like any war." Lu Wei widened his eyes and boldly looked at the master: "When the war starts, the labor force will be drawn to the battlefield, and the efficiency of agricultural production will be greatly reduced. The common people will not only Not being able to support myself, and having to bear the grief of losing family and friends.”

"The responsibility for war should never be borne by any soldier or even general. I privately believe that what the cabinet master just said was wrong. Your unjust name should be sent to the kings of various countries."

"Soldiers are just following orders!"

(End of this chapter)

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