Chapter 57 Test
After finishing the meeting with the fourth brother, Lu Wei returned to the third floor.

He took off the jade sword from his waist and hung it on the wall of the room. The most perfect 'jade sword painting' was completed.

No matter how many times he looked at it, he was still amazed by the beauty of his own sword. Lu Wei smiled and shook his head and took out another famous sword: Haocao.

Lu Ni told herself the identity of this trophy. She didn't have much knowledge about famous swords, but Haocao was an exception. She was deeply impressed by this sword: Lu Ni had seen it inside the net when she was still a Jing Salamander.
It was six years ago that she officially received the name of Frightening Salamander. At the same time, another killer of Luo Wang obtained Haocao.

The two then cooperated to complete an assassination mission. After the mission, Cao Ren accidentally stepped on a mechanism and died tragically on the spot.

The next three years passed until 'Jing Salamander' defected. As far as she knew, Haocaojian changed four more owners.
This sword is worthy of Xue Zhu's evaluation of it: "It is an illegal thing and does not benefit anyone!"

Every killer in the net who gets the name of 'Hao Cao' will die within a year, and they will all die tragically.

Lu Wei combined his intelligence on Zhuangshan Mountain and guessed that the original 'hao cao' was killed by Zhuang Jia, who became the new hao cao, and less than a day later, he was killed by himself again.
In this way, this sword has changed at least seven owners in six years.
In the world of Qin Shi Mingyue, sometimes feudal superstition still needs to be believed.

The sword energy of Haocao Sword is very difficult for anyone to grasp. If you cannot grasp it, you will follow the fate of those who came before you.

Lu Wei didn't want to bet on whether his fate could be stronger than this sword. Lu Ni also persuaded him many times to abandon Haocao, but after careful consideration, he still brought him to Jicheng.

A peck and a drink have their own destiny.

If you really want to believe the comments about this sword: then since you didn't get it easily, you can't throw it away easily.

Secondly, Haocao is so effective, isn’t it a good gift?
Hanging it under the Jade Soul Sword, Lu Wei turned around and left the room when he heard the sound of wind and snow outside became much quieter.

He didn't bring any jade sword or black sword.

When we got down to the first floor, the strong wind had stopped, leaving only snowflakes still floating in the sky.

This kind of weather is perfect for practicing snow flying.

Just as he thought, Lu Wei went to the backyard, sat on the ground in the snow, and felt the world with his own mind.
The heavenly fairy Jasper and Qiongyao, a little bit of flowers, pieces of goose feathers.

I don't know how much time passed, but when he opened his eyes again, the falling snow became much lighter.

Gently patting the snow off his shoulders, Lu Wei used the Flying Snow Body Technique to turn into snowflakes and blend in with the scenery.
When he reappeared, he was under the eaves of the backyard house.

"Huh", exhaling a breath of hot air, Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth. With his skills improved a little, he walked outside an upper room and stretched out his index finger to tap.

After a while, the door was opened, and Lu Ni naturally sensed his aura in advance and welcomed him in.

"Is Xiaoyan'er okay? Do you have a cold?"

With his hands behind his back, he saw Wei Yan wrapped up on the bed and motionless from a distance. He thought he was asleep, so he didn't come near and sat down next to the table and chair in the corner of the room.

Lu Mu’s instinct as a carpenter is still there, and the furniture drawings given to him were restored perfectly~

"She is fine. She has the master's rejuvenation power in her body and will not catch the cold."

Lu Ni found her position and stood, lowering her eyes and replied.

"Well, that's good." Lu Wei looked at Lu Ni up and down, and went straight to the topic of this trip: "Besides playing music, chess, calligraphy and painting, have you ever studied arithmetic?"

"A little bit."

"Not bad~" Lu Wei nodded with satisfaction: "Your status does not allow you to go out, and Xiao Yan'er is still young and needs to be taken care of from time to time."

"Jicheng is short of manpower. From tomorrow on, you will be the supervisor of Luqiu Pavilion and be responsible for the administration of this pavilion. You can make your own decisions on small matters. You only need to report to me on big matters."

She doesn't have idle people under her command. Lu Ni took a long enough rest after solving Tian Zhong, and her murder business doesn't happen every day. She might as well do some clerical work to share Lu Shan's pressure.

"Lu Ni obeys your order!" Lu Ni responded softly. Today's life in the farmhouse is much easier than during the snare period and the escape period.After deciding to break away from the trap and giving birth to her daughter Yan, she was no longer cold-blooded as before, and little bits of humanity filled her side.

"Also, after the snow stops, go and test the strength of my subordinates. Do you know what to do?"

"My subordinate understands."


As evening approached, Lu Wei asked his disciples to sweep away the snow and clear an open space in the martial arts field in the backyard. Lu Wei called Shanyu Muye Ni.

The fourth younger brother, who knew the purpose of his trip in advance, held a long sword in his hand and felt uneasy. He took his time to get together in the lobby of Luqiu Pavilion before coming.

Lu Ni had no pressure at all. She wore a heavy winter coat instead of a loose martial arts uniform. She also left her Frightening Salamander sword in the room and only used an ordinary standard long sword.

"You take turns fighting Lu Ni, I will only watch from the sidelines."

Putting his hands behind his back, Lu Wei looked at the coy fourth younger brother and ordered.

Lu Ni heard the order and quickly came to the side of the open space, waiting for the first opponent.

"Well" Shanyu Konoye looked at her with a calm face and didn't move for a while.

Lu Yu poked Lu Ye in the back, took a step forward, and looked sideways: "Brother Lu, how about the four of us practice with each other, Lu, Ni, and she are a woman."

The fourth little brother doesn't really want to be known as a 'bully'.

Lu Wei snorted softly and barely managed to stop laughing: "Which of you can beat Lu Ni, I will give him my jade soul sword!"

"What if all four of us win?"

Lu Ye, who was hiding at the end, his eyes lit up when he heard this and asked.

"I can grant each of you one wish unconditionally~"

Lu Wei bit his lower lip and said with great seriousness.

"Then I'll go first!" Lu Ye rarely raised his hands before Lu Yu in front of his boss, and quickly boarded the martial arts stage.

"Wow, you actually ran away again!" Lu Yu said angrily.

Mountain trees are more mature in nature than rain leaves.

After hearing what Lu Wei said, they knew that Lu Ni should be very strong.

But since she is the boss's new subordinate, she is still far behind compared to the boss. If she and others work hard, they may not have no chance of winning.

What's more, women are naturally less powerful. If you stay at the end to see the flaws in the opponent's moves, and when the time comes to go on stage, attack with all your strength, you have a high chance of winning!
The two of them realized that they had a plan, so they quietly took a step back, leaving Lu Yu alone in the front row.

"I'm sorry, I have to win this one!"

After Lu Ye came on stage, facing Lu Ni, he drew out his long sword and launched a "salted fish thrust" move.

Lu Ni listened clearly to the chat between a few people just now, and she didn't care at all that she was being looked down upon.

A killer who is constantly being watched by his target is not conducive to completing the mission!
Use your right thumb to push out the long sword and throw the scabbard casually.

Her opponent's thrust seemed to her to be full of flaws and too slow.He simply slid sideways, flipped the sword, and hit Lu Ye hard on the head with the short hilt.
Boom, Lu Ye, who had planned that even if his opponent dodges this blow, he could do it with a horizontal slash after regaining his balance, his mind was confused and his body unconsciously fell to the ground.

"That's bad." Lu Ni looked down at Lu Ye, who lost his fighting power in one move, and subconsciously looked up in the direction of Lu Wei:
I started too hard and messed up the test task myself.
(End of this chapter)

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