Chapter 64
Sure enough.

To allow this Grand Tutor of the Yan Kingdom to come to Luqiu Pavilion regardless of his status, what he is planning to do will definitely involve Lord Yan Chun.

In the entire Jicheng situation, apart from King Yan, who was looking for a way to enjoy himself, there were only two forces fighting back and forth, and the officials at the top were basically either/or.

However, Ju Wu's excuse of "officials reporting" was too confusing. Of course, it was not the steward who risked his life to report the steward.

According to Lu Wei's guess, the Prince's Mansion may have sent intelligence personnel to monitor Yan Chunjun's Mansion and the families of important people in the Mansion very early.

And Yan Chunjun also treated the forces of the Prince's Mansion in the same way.

Lu Wei's control over the butler was very rough. This was mainly because the butler's fall out that day was so sudden that he did not have time to make more detailed arrangements.

That is to say, Yan Chunjun had great trust in Jueying and the housekeeper, and he only focused on suppressing political opponents and enjoying himself, so he didn't find that his subordinate's relatives had disappeared out of thin air for more than a month.

However, the Prince's Mansion, which was overwhelmed by Yan Chunjun's power, was eager to fight back, so it keenly discovered this anomaly.

As for how Ju Wu found himself from the anomaly, it was only the clues revealed during the communication between Lu Shan and the housekeeper.
However, Ju Wu's real purpose in coming to Lu Qiuge was certainly not to find justice for Yan Chunjun's dog. He just wanted to use this leverage to recruit himself and even the entire Gonggong Hall for Prince Dan.

Coming here alone is a sign of sincerity from this Grand Tutor, but it is also a threat.

After all, it was impossible for Lu Wei to dare to kill him, not even to imprison him.

If Lu Qiuge is ignorant of good and evil and refuses to be used by the prince's palace, then Ju Wu can use various means to put the matter in front of Yan Chunjun and watch Yan Chunjun annihilate this peasant Yan branch in thunderous rage.

As a result, the peasant family and Lord Yan Chun became mortal enemies, and the Prince's Mansion also benefited, but at a smaller scale.

In Ju Wu's view, the boy in front of him had no choice but to obey and lead Lu Qiuge to become the eagle dog of the Prince's Mansion.

This is a gift I prepared for His Royal Highness before he comes back!
"My lord is joking, there is absolutely no such thing as this!"

Lu Wei looked at the Tutor without any fear, with a relaxed expression and no panic at all: "My peasant disciples are all responsible farmers, how could they do such vicious acts as kidnapping other people's relatives?"

"Besides, the kidnapping target is still the housekeeper of Lord Yanchun's house. Such a big shot, I can't even meet him!"

"Someone must want to bully good people like us and make false accusations~"

"Your Excellency knows everything and will not believe such lies."


Ju Wu didn't know whether the young man in front of him was really stupid or had illusions in his heart, and his tone became serious: "Whether this is a false accusation, I am old and frail, it is difficult to find out."

"Out of public concern, I'm afraid I have no choice but to report it to Mr. Yan Chun and ask him to intervene on this matter."

The last sentence is a stark warning.

"Wonderful, wonderful~" Lu Wei was unmoved and just smiled: "With Lord Yanchun's wisdom, I can prove the kid's innocence even more."

"Please be sure to inform Mr. Yan Chunjun of this matter, Taifu. We commoners who speak so softly cannot get into the eyes of Mr. Yan Chunjun."

The air in the reception room became solemn.

Ju Wu originally prepared a lot of words to comfort the boy in front of him after forcing him to kneel down, but all of them failed. He opened his lips slightly and said: "Manager Lu, with Yan Chunjun's method, he likes to remove the enemy from the Yan Kingdom. Wipe it clean."

"Do it yourself!"

Grand Tutor Dayan left Luqiu Pavilion with a gloomy expression.

"Moody and moody, my mind goes blank when events develop deviating from my plan. Maybe I wait until I calm down after returning home before my thoughts emerge. I regret my words and actions during the day like an afterthought." Lu Wei looked at Ju Wu's leaving back and shook his head:
"Such figures are not useless, but they can only be used as advisers and chief executives. I don't know whether it's because no one can use Prince Dan, or because of his seniority, he can't be taken lightly~"

"Even though Ah Shan has a hesitant character, he understands that important matters must be reported to me carefully and he must wait for orders before taking action. This may lead to missed opportunities."

"But with the scope of my use of him, I will never make those irreversible mistakes!"

"I hope this Master will not make a wrong decision~"

Turning around, Lu Wei returned to the martial arts field in the backyard and called Lu Ni to continue practicing swordplay, completely ignoring Ju Wu's warning before leaving.

This Master is probably too old and too high-status. He only knows how to intimidate and doesn't even try to induce.

How can the Lord Steward be such a childish person who can be easily manipulated?With his "I would rather betray others than others betray me" temperament, how could he leave a flaw that may greatly damage his power without making any repairs~


Early in the morning, Yanchunjun Mansion.

Wearily, Yan Chunjun got up from the bed and allowed his maid to put on his court clothes. Then he took the small sedan in the palace and transferred to the large sedan outside the palace, preparing to enter the palace to attend court.

Before leaving, he habitually asked if there was anything unusual in Jueyingji City. After receiving the report that everything was fine, he left with peace of mind.

The housekeeper stared with jealousy at Jueying kneeling in front of everyone in the house: that position should have been his!

He was obviously the one who came first!Whether it’s joining the government or gaining Yan Chunjun’s trust!
Hateful Hateful Hateful!

Until Yan Chunjun's carriage disappeared from sight, Jueying stood up first and looked down at the other servants. Her eyes stayed on the housekeeper secretly for a second, she twisted her mouth in disdain and strode back to the house.

In a dark secret room, two large trays of bamboo slips were brought to his desk: these were the information from the entire Jicheng within one day, and were usually collected from below before being personally inspected by Jueying himself.

Just after opening a few volumes, he was fixated on the news that "Lu Wei, the general manager of the farm, had captured high-level relatives of the family and used them to intimidate and make money."

"Who handed over the information on this bamboo slip?"

After closing the bamboo slip and raising it, Jueying's hoarse voice came out.

Immediately, a subordinate came in, took a look at the bamboo slips, and reported back: "It's No. 17."

"Call him here."

Simply placing the roll of bamboo in a corner, Jueying continued to check other information.

After a while, the civilian assassin numbered 17 came in and knelt down on one knee: "Sir!"

"Where did you get the information in this volume?"

Putting down other things on his hands, Jueying took the scroll of bamboo slips, stood up, and walked slowly to 17, showing a cruel smile.

"It's my intelligence team, lurking in Jicheng North Street, collecting the information."

17 The voice was slightly nervous. Jueying seldom spoke except when facing Yan Chunjun. It was abnormal to call him over today.

Not to mention that weird smile
Thumping, the sound of a sharp blade inserting into flesh and causing penetration suddenly occurred when 17 finished speaking.

His pupils were filled with disbelief. 17 slowly lowered his head, only to see a short blade piercing his heart.
He had a big mouth but couldn't say a word anymore, and his vitality quickly declined.

Jueying completed the killing move, pulled out the weapon with a calm expression, and let the body fall.

"Drag him out and deal with it. No member of the team under 17's jurisdiction will be left alive!"

Giving the ruthless order, Jueying took the bamboo slip and suddenly disappeared from the room.

In the early morning, Lu Wei was meditating on the third floor of Luqiu Pavilion.

The figure that had been lingering outside his window for a long time finally bravely reached out and knocked: "Master!"

"Come in."

Slowly opening his eyes, Lu Wei had a smile on his lips.

The figure received Lu Wei's answer and quickly entered the house, lowered his head and knelt down on one knee.

And the moment he came in, another shadow also appeared behind Lu Wei:

It was Lu Ni who was holding the Frightening Salamander Sword.

The figure glanced at Lu Ni with lingering fear, fully aware of how terrifying this woman was, and quickly lowered her head:
"As expected by the master, the Prince's Mansion has indeed placed internal agents in Lord Yan Chun's guard."

As the figure spoke, he held up a roll of bamboo slips with both hands.
His identity is clearly that of Jueying, who has always been loyal to Lord Yan Chun!

(End of this chapter)

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