Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 71 Letter from Chu

Chapter 71 Letter from Chu
So far, the story of Xue Ji has spread to Jicheng only as various romantic rumors. In the next few years, Xue Ji's life in Handan will not be easy: a 12-year-old girl needs to work extra hard to be able to laugh at all kinds of jokes. , grew up in satire and became a world-famous dancer.

By the time he comes to Yan, I'm afraid it will be the day when the mountains and rivers of Zhao country will be shattered.

Calmly going downstairs, as soon as Lu Wei's footsteps hit the stairs on the first floor, everyone in the hall immediately held their breath and concentrated. The three fat, medium and thin disciples who were chatting shut up and stood up straight. They watched the steward walk into the backyard before they dared to take a big breath. stand up.

Manager Lu is not old and does not come from a wealthy family. He does not have the natural nobility like the former Pavilion Master Xu Qiu.

However, the general manager is very skilled in martial arts and is willing to give kind instructions to one or two disciples in his spare time. He also has clear rewards and punishments and is not stingy with financial rewards. Talented people under him will be quickly promoted and placed in positions that suit their characteristics. It glows and heats up.
In this way, the disciples of Luqiu Pavilion could not help but be in awe of this master and did not want to disappoint him.
The Lord Steward, who is respected by everyone, naturally knows how his disciples view him. After all, that is the impression he actively wants to give to them.

According to the plan, he came to Lu Ni's room from the backyard, and after completing the internal energy input to Xiao Yan'er, he just finished breathing when there was a knock on the door.

Lu Ni, who was standing by, opened the door. Standing outside was Lu Shan. He lowered his head and clasped his fists, not daring to look into the room: "Boss, the south has brought you a gift."

"Oh?" The steward stood up, walked out of the room, and thought for a moment: "Is it the Xiang family of Chu State?"


Following Lu Shan, the two walked out of Luqiu Pavilion and came to a side courtyard. At the entrance of the side courtyard, a dozen disciples were going back and forth to move goods from a dozen carriages into the courtyard.

The trade between Lu Qiuge and the Xiang family has not been interrupted since the last caravan.Yan's strong liquor, good horses, and some unique northern herbs and other material resources were continuously transported into Chu in small and multiple batches, becoming a powerful support for the Xiang family's cavalry.

Correspondingly, the precious flowers and plants, hard wood, and gold and iron minerals from the Chu region are also flowing into the Daze Mountains.

Both parties get what they need, and the relationship becomes increasingly intimate.

Among the generals of the Xiang family, Xiang Bo, who had the best relationship with Lu Wei, would also write letters from time to time to maintain friendship with each other.

However, this is the first time that a caravan has been specially sent a gift. I don’t know why.

The person in charge of this small caravan saw the general manager and the steward coming together from a distance. He quickly took out a copper box from the carriage and offered it to him quickly with both hands.

Contained inside are letters on bamboo slips.

After taking the copper box, Lu Wei checked it up and down habitually to make sure it had not been opened before, and then used a special technique to rotate the two ends of the copper box left and right. After a while, the box was separated from the middle, and a roll of bamboo slips was exposed.

This is the mechanism technique of the Chu State. When Lu Mu was studying in Shouchun, he received some help from the Xiang family and learned some basic Chu system mechanism techniques.

Although Lu Wei didn't fully understand the principles of these mechanisms, under Lu Mu's guidance, he had no problem unlocking some simple mechanism objects with muscle memory.

The copper box he has now is generally used to deliver orders in the Chu army. The technique is not difficult and it can be opened even if forced to do so. There is no self-destruction device inside.

But if it is not opened in a specific way, the copper box will no longer work properly, and the leak will be discovered.

This lowest-level secret box will not store important military orders, so Xiang's Gaiden is not a big problem. Higher-level secret boxes will be difficult to crack even by Lu Mu, who specializes in mechanism skills.

Open the bamboo slip and look first at the gift list in the last two lines: two gold boxes, ten pieces of Sichuan embroidery, a top-grade sword, two sets of fine iron armor, and two small deer.

Nodding, Manager Lu looked at the main text.

Indeed, as he had guessed, it was a letter written by Xiang Bo: The Xiang Jun general first praised the good news of Fan Lu Wei as the farm manager, then wrote a short paragraph about his daily hunting deeds, and finally said that Xiang Jun The young master Xiang Dong's heir is expected to give birth next year, and he hopes that Lu Wei can go to Chu to witness the birth of the young master, and then go hunting together.

"Xiang Yu will be born next year, and the gears of history will turn forward again."

After thoughtfully closing the bamboo slip and handing it to Ah Shan to hold, Lu Wei personally inspected the gifts. Except for the two deer that were missing due to the long journey, everything else was intact.

After instructing his disciples to send the deer to the kitchen and the others to his study, Lu Wei returned to the third floor of Luqiu Pavilion, took a roll of silk and wrote a reply to Xiang Bo in his own hand, saying that he would definitely go to Chu next year.

He entrusted the next caravan to set off to bring the silk book to Xiang's military camp. Immediately afterwards, Lu Wei summoned Shanyu Muyeni and the Yan brothers to make arrangements together.

This arrangement was supposed to be made in the near future. Xiang Bo's letter happened to involve plans for next year, so he might as well make preparations in advance.

In April, Lu Wei brought Lu Ni back to Jicheng. After a few busy months, Lu Qiu Pavilion was basically stable and improving. Among the potential external enemies, whether it was the Yanchun Lord's Mansion or the Prince's Mansion, they would not attack him in the short term. The farmer had other ideas.

Since Xu Qiu left the Lu Qiu Pavilion, the position of pavilion chief has been vacant. Lu Wei promoted the obedient old deputy pavilion master to the pavilion master naturally, and continued to play the role of the possible scapegoat in the high position.

Shan Yu and Ko Ye were originally in charge of the Three-Star Pearl Grass. From a fair point of view, Lu Wei promoted them all to the fourth level this year: among them, Lu Shan was promoted to deputy pavilion master, and Lu Yu and Lu Ye were promoted to general managers.

As for Lu Mu, the several workshops he manages have special status and cannot be taken lightly.Lu Wei returns to Qi this time, and Amu needs to follow him to re-establish a new mechanism workshop in Daze Mountain to ensure safety.

Jicheng is, after all, the farm's away game, and Daze Mountain is the base camp.

The Yan brothers are also going back to Qi. They have long been identified as the future generals of the General Manager. After joining the farmer's family, they were stuffed with many military books and studied hard.

Because they had joined for such a short period of time, the two of them were still at the level of one-star bead grass, which didn't matter. After returning to Daze Mountain, they said that they had done a good job in escorting the manager back to Qi, so being promoted to two-star bead grass would be enough for a while.

Finally, there was one Lu Ni left.

After careful consideration, Lu Wei decided to keep her in Luqiu Pavilion to guard her as a trump card.

Otherwise, if Lu Wei and Lu Ni were not here, no one in Lu Qiu Pavilion would be able to suppress the Jueying of Yanchun Lord's Mansion.

Although this officer has always been very well-behaved, his viciousness comes from his heart, and you must not let down your guard against him.

What's more, when I return to Daze Mountain this time, I won't be in any danger if I stay at the headquarters.I am going to visit Chu State in the next year. It will be safe under the protection of the Xiang family.

Despite the time spent on the road, it was not long before we could stay safely. Lu Ni held Xiao Yan'er in her arms, which was a lot of inconvenience.

However, after being away for several months, it would not be a big deal if the medicine in Xiao Yan'er's body was not strengthened.

After this calculation, keeping her is the best choice.

None of the close confidants had any objections to the arrangements made by the manager. The only one who needed to be busy was Lu Mu.

He needed to ask his disciples to dismantle the Jicheng workshop, load some key tools onto the carriage, and bring them back to Daze Mountain.

As the only one among his men who was talented in mechanism skills, Lu Wei had to pay great attention to Amu, and he personally escorted the transportation of these key tools!
(End of this chapter)

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