Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 73 The Enemy

Chapter 73 The Enemy
Moving the machine workshop is not something that happens overnight, not to mention that the destination is still far away in Daze Mountain in Qi State, and the journey is long.

Lu Mu needs to carefully plan which parts should be taken away and which parts can be built locally in Qiguo.

Fortunately, as the boss, Lu Wei is not in a hurry. The only thing that must be done in the plan is to go to Chu next year to make arrangements. There is no need to be too nervous about other matters.

While waiting for departure, Lu Wei rarely received a small force's support. The manager decisively let Lu Shan handle it, which also exercised his abilities.

As the deputy master of the pavilion, the mascot above will take charge of the Luqiu Pavilion in name immediately after his retirement. He needs a lot of training in chores.

As the capital of the Yan Kingdom, Jicheng has complicated internal relationships. For the people at the bottom, joining a group to keep warm is the best choice for survival purposes, so large and small groups are unconsciously established.

The force that wants to join the peasant family this time is a team of bodyguards named Snow Lang, with a total of 31 people. Although it is very thin compared to Luqiuge, which has thousands of disciples in Jicheng and nearby areas alone, they The popularity is not low at all.

As a fierce mercenary, Snow Wolf's banner to the outside world is 'take no orders and go for anything. '

The members of this organization are all powerful in martial arts and have high overall quality, especially its leader Xue Lang. In the name of the organization, it is said that he once slaughtered the headquarters of three Jicheng rivals in one night and escaped unscathed. .

With such strength, joining Luqiuge will undoubtedly greatly enhance the farmer's presence in Jicheng.

After Lu Shan received the instructions from his boss and briefly understood the other party's abilities, he took it seriously and took his people to the 'Snow Wolf' in person to discuss with him face to face.

In the evening, when he came back, he happily went to the manager and reported the results of the day:

"Boss, the other party is very sincere. Not only are they willing to become my farm disciples, but their leader himself also said that he will follow our rules, without any privileges, and start as a Star Pearl Grass disciple."

"Well, what else is there?" The manager acted very calmly, staring at the cheerful Lu Shan and speaking indifferently.

"Hmm" Following his boss for three years, Lu Shan noticed something amiss in the air, but when he thought of today's discussion, he continued:

"Snow Wolf is willing to hand over all their treasury to us, including a piece of Tianya grass worth a hundred gold, and countless other goods. The total value is estimated to be over a thousand gold!"

"I never expected that such a small organization could be so rich~"

"I don't want privileges, and I am willing to offer my gold and silver treasures." A glint flashed in Lu Wei's eyes: "Do you want to accept them?"

"It is necessary to further investigate their backgrounds to ensure that they are correct before accepting them?"

Lu Shan said cautiously.

"If you have an idea, just do it and report the results to me in three days."

Hearing his slightly unconfident words, Lu Wei closed his eyes and began to meditate.

"Yes!" He excused himself and left.

The moment he went out, Lu Ni appeared behind Lu Wei, and a cold voice sounded:
"Information from Lord Yanchun's Mansion shows that Snow Wolf is an extremely bloodthirsty organization. Among the small gangs, they are the most cruel."

"In recent months, Snow Wolf has been ambushing near Jicheng, plundering small caravans, transporting their goods to his warehouse, and finally killing everyone in those small caravans."

"Among them, there is a Tianya grass."

"What do you think?" Lu Wei asked casually without opening his eyes.

Lu Ni stared at his back, thought for a moment, twitched her lips slightly on her delicate face, and replied firmly: "The purpose is not pure, if you forcefully get close, you are the enemy, so it is better to kill them all!"

"Hmph~" Lu Wei raised his lips slightly, but still smiled: "How does Jueying evaluate Snow Wolf's strength?" "It's slightly worse than him, but if he wants to sneak attack, he can kill Snow Wolf."

This kind of strength is not bad in the world, at least it is at the level of Gao Jianli now.

According to Ning Wei's idea, it is not impossible to become the leader of a small force, but now he wants to join a farm and start from the bottom
If he were not forced by a deadly foreign enemy, it would be the task of the master behind him~
The steward suddenly thought that someone else was plotting against the farm.

There should be no such enemy in Jicheng City, and if the target is placed outside Jicheng City, the most likely one is undoubtedly that organization!
Slowly opening his eyes, staring at the Haocao sword hanging on the wall in front of him, Lu Wei raised his hand and touched his chin, thinking: He snagged the trap and was a bit offended.

Not only did he kill many of them, but he also took away a famous sword.

They sent people to lurk and test, the possibility is very high.

If these "Snow Wolf" people were really sent to trap them, should I pretend not to know, treat them like dogs and use them as a trap, or should I kill them one by one so that they don't dare to cross the line?
Stretching his left hand forward, his five fingers were in the shape of tiger claws, sucking the tall man on the wall into the palm of his hand, and carefully looked at this one of the five swords of the Yue King.

After looking at the skill from the tip of the sword to the tail, Lu Wei made up his mind and threw the sword back. Lu Ni didn't know the reason, but understood that the master wanted to catch the sword himself, so he took a step forward and captured Haocao.

"I will return to Qiu Qiu in a while. When you are guarding Lu Qiu Pavilion, you will only guard the headquarters. Unless it is urgently necessary, you do not have to follow Lu Shan's command."

"I won't be able to spend the New Year in Ji next year. Since Luqiu Pavilion has a close relationship with Yanchun Jun's Mansion, I naturally have to be self-aware as a subordinate."

"At the end of the year, you will hand over this sword to Jueying and ask him to dedicate it to Master Yan Chunjun~"

After handing Hao Cao over to Jueying and presenting it to Lord Yanchun, Lu Ni froze and said subconsciously: "I understand!"

"Do you really understand?" Lu Wei stood up, turned around, and stared at Lu Ni with a smile, holding the black sword in both hands.

Facing the gaze, Lu Ni pursed her lips and lowered her eyes: "This subordinate is stupid."

"The power of Yanchun is overwhelming, and it is impossible for Luo Wang to pay attention to him. Once Hao Caojian appears, I'm afraid... it will become a focus."

"We will also be implicated to a certain extent."

"Isn't this good?" Lu Wei approached Lu Ni and lowered his voice: "How can we catch big fish without bait?"

Zheng, Lu Ni's eyes trembled: "Master, do you want to hunt for a snare?"

"Why not?" The manager raised his head. This was a dangerous decision: "I dare to take you in. You are destined to be an enemy."

"Why, your comfortable life has been too long, and you don't even dare to fight against the snare anymore?"

He stretched out his index finger and raised Lu Ni's slightly lowered head: "Can you and your daughter remain anonymous for the rest of your life?"

Mentioning Xiao Yan'er, Lu Ni's fingers holding Hao Caojian turned white with force. She was not a timid person. As long as there was a good reason, killing someone was never something that required hesitation.

When he was wandering alone, Jing Salamander had the courage to fight against the trap alone. Now that he has become Lu Ni, how difficult is it to recall the feelings he once had.

Her blurred eyes became firm, and murderous intent emerged. She boldly looked at the manager:

"The owner wants it"

(End of this chapter)

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