Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 76 Gentle Country Ghost

Chapter 76 Gentle Country Ghost

After a brief discussion with Lu Qing, Lu Wei counted the time and went to the main hall to meet Zhou He.

At that time, Zhou He was fishing by a small pond. When he saw someone coming, he asked his disciple to give Lu Wei a fishing rod, and the two of them sat by the pond and had a rest for half a day.

"The choices you made, Lu Qing and Lu Chen, are both very good."

After half a year of separation, Zhou He's internal strength has increased visibly, which is rare at his age.

With Lu Wei's current status, he naturally knows the significance of the existence of the six elders in the six sage tombs of the farm: in addition to helping the farm in times of crisis, it also deduces the operation of Dize 24 and the progress of the supreme skills of each farm.

Taking the Gonggong Hall as an example, on top of the hall-keeping skill "Spring Cold Breaking Palm", there is also the "Buzhou Breaking Palm". The palm power can be condensed from empty to solid, gathered but not dispersed, and has great power.

However, this kind of martial arts can only be learned by Elder Yutu among the six elders. Others, even if they are the masters of Gonggong Hall, can only master Spring Cold Cut Palm for a lifetime.

As for whether Xiakui can learn from it, it's hard to say. Tian Guang, the old fox, will definitely not let anyone know.

Elder Yutu in the Six Sages Tomb is so weak that he can no longer stand up. Zhou He will definitely enter the tomb in another year and a half and take over the name of Yutu. Come to think of it, now he has obtained the true secrets of the Gonggongtang. study.

"They all want to be farmers. Even if I don't go on that mission, the father and son will eventually become farmers' disciples."

Hanging earthworms on the fishhook, using his internal force with his right hand to throw out the fishing line, Lu Wei quietly waited for the result.

"Not everyone can directly reuse an unknown person like you."

Zhou He focused all his attention on the calm surface of the pond and kept his voice low.

"Hall Master, you have given me too much praise. I am the one you are today, isn't it because you personally promoted me~"

"This is the credit of Xu and his son. I, an old man, just followed the trend."

"Speaking of the Xu family." Lu Wei suddenly thought of something and said calmly: "At the beginning, Xu Qiu was the one who asked to be expelled from the farmhouse for stealing medicine."

"It's true." As of today, Zhou He has no intention of hiding anything anymore: "I can choose him to be the person in charge of the expansion of the farm in Yan State, so naturally I trust him."

"But he betrayed your trust." Lu Wei shook his head slightly after hearing this: "He chose to trade with the Tian family."

"Go back to Yan, it seems you found something." Zhou He glanced sideways at the young man not far away: "Tian, ​​it's not so easy to refuse."

"I am about to be buried, so Mr. Tian has not pressed hard on Gonggongtang these years, but after you succeed, it will not be so easy."

He shook his right hand and a fish was hooked:
"You are the most outstanding young man I have ever seen. You are much better than my grandson. Please don't change your surname to Tian."

Throwing the live fish into a bamboo basket aside, hooking up the bait again, Zhou He flicked the hook again.

Seeing that the other party had made some gains but that he remained motionless, Lu Wei was not in a hurry: "Tian Wei is too ugly. Although I am an orphan, I still have the right to decide my own surname."

"I have always believed in your promise." Zhou He also smiled rarely: "I am an old man in the world, and my management methods have been in a mess for decades. I really haven't left you with a good situation."

"You are better than me, and I think you are better than the Tian brothers, but you are too young, and your background as a farmer cannot be made up for in a day."

"Your methods are too strong. Before you turn 30, you should keep a low profile and give in more."

"The other hall masters are older than you. As time goes by, even the position of the hero is likely to be involved by you."

"30 years old." Lu Wei blinked. He seemed to have a vision of the water moving: "15 years is the time for a generation to grow up. Who knows what will happen in the process~"

"I have never lacked patience, but I also don't want to let opportunities fly away before my eyes."

"Humph", Zhou He caught another fish at this time. He was not angry at Lu Wei's rebuttal. He just smiled and took off the fishhook: "Yes, this is your style!"

He turned his head and threw the fish in his hand into Lu Wei's bamboo basket: "Although my fishing skills are very poor, I left the Gonggong Hall to you, so I can live up to the founder of Shen Nong."

Carrying a grass carp wrapped in a straw rope, Lu Wei walked out of the main hall.During this visit, he received a fish and Zhou He's complete delegation of authority.

Although it was still a long time before Hall Master Zhou entered the Six Xian Tomb, from this moment on, Lu Wei could already say: Gonggong Hall was completely in his hands!
After returning to the house and asking his disciples to cook the fish, Lu Wei, who had great power in his hands, started planning the various plans he would start in the Gonggong Hall.

Amu, Lu's father and son, and Yan's brothers, these five people are the available subordinate talents in Daze Mountain now.

Amu has nothing to say, just continue doing what he is doing.I had said a few years ago that I would find a master of mechanics as a teacher for him, but it had been delayed for so long, so I had to do it as soon as possible.

Among the Lu family's father and son, Lu Qing is definitely the most suitable candidate for general manager after he succeeds as the head of the hall. In the future, when the Yan Kingdom gathers forces, Ah Shan can be transferred to him to study hard.

Lu Chen's patrol team initially performed very well, but he would have to see it in person in the next few days.

As for the Yan brothers, there is still half a month until the New Year. After the New Year, they will be able to choose a team of [-] people to test what they have learned. Calculating the time, I can still observe it.


Two flowers bloom, one on each side.

At night, the farmer's headquarters is Kuikaitang.

The position of Hall Master Kui Wei has been vacant so far, and the final candidate has finally been selected.

Tian Mi, this woman tried her best to force her competitors out one by one. She also made many meritorious deeds over the past year and successfully raised her level of pearl grass.

In a few days, Kuei Hall will hold an internal meeting, and she will be officially elected as the new hall leader.

But now, the future leader of Kuei Hall was lying naked in the arms of Tian Meng, the leader of Lieshan Hall, with his index finger circling the man's chest and his face flushed.

"The boss~, this little girl can ascend to the big position this time, thanks to you and your management~"

Tian Meng couldn't help but close his eyes and enjoy the soft voice, which made Tian Mijiao pant.

Soon, there was another fierce battle in the house.
After venting his anger, Hall Master Tian put on his clothes with satisfaction. He turned around and looked at the charming body with an evil smile. He couldn't help but feel something again, but tonight he called his brother and had some business to do, which involved the power struggle in the farm family. He couldn't help but feel it. main idea.

The situation at Gonggongtang is irreversible. For Lu Wei, it is necessary to win over and threaten him at the same time.

This little lady will have a lot of time to play in the future, so don’t be anxious for a while~
When Tian Meng opened the door and quietly left Kuei Hall's residence, Tian Meng's feet went weak and almost slipped: he stayed here for a long time this time. Tian Mi has no experience. Many matters in Kuei Hall need to be designed by himself, and there is nothing he can do about it. ~
Smelling the remaining fragrance on his body, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth again.

As the night wind blew, Luck used his Qing Kung Fu. Master Tian Da took a breath of alcohol and hurried to his Lieshan Hall headquarters.

When the familiar scene was right in front of him, he relaxed and slowed down a bit: he was in normal condition today and felt very dizzy.

Strange, a little bit of fragrant wine actually knocked me down~

Staggering on the road, Tian Meng looked up at the moon. Suddenly, his whole body trembled:
"No, there's something wrong with the wine!"

Feeling the numbness in your legs slowly rising, even the most numb person knows that he has been hit.

Tian Meng was not a fool. He gritted his teeth and chanted the name 'Tian Mi'. He didn't have time to think about the reason. His eyes were all around him. He didn't dare to delay at all, and he had to speed up his Qing Gong.

Farmers are immune to most poisons in the world.

The Chinese medicinal properties of the wine act in one's body. Although it is not fatal, it can numb the torso. This is a conspiracy specifically targeting farmers!
As long as, as long as we can get there!

Lieshan Hall was very close at hand, and Tian Meng could already see the candlelight lit in the hall. Hu Zi must be waiting for him!

However, how could the framer allow loopholes in the carefully crafted spider web?

Several black shadows holding swords were silently waiting for his arrival on the inevitable road.
(End of this chapter)

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