Chapter 78
As promised, Lu Wei came to Lieshan Hall for the banquet and met Tian Meng, Tian Hu, and Tian Mi as equals.

"Please." Tian Meng was the local master. He spread his palms and his calm attitude made Lu Wei a little uncomfortable.

"Master Tian Meng, please~" The smiling one was half a step behind Tian Meng. Lu Wei used the corner of his eye to look at the expressionless Tian Hu and the twisting and swaying Tian Mi. He couldn't help but feel a sense of disharmony. .

"Why do these three people act like strangers to each other?"

Confused, Lu Wei silently wrote down these strange points, preparing to calm down and analyze them carefully.

At tonight's level banquet, the only people who could have a small table alone were the three hall masters and themselves. They sat down in front of a bronze table under the reception of their disciples. Opposite Lu Wei was Tian Hu, Tian Mi, and Tian Meng was beside him. Theme.

Before the official start of the banquet, a disciple brought water and silk. The rules of Lieshan Hall were quite strict, and Lu Weike followed them one by one.

After washing his hands, he casually glanced at a few other people. When his eyes fell on Tian Meng, he suddenly paused, and then quickly withdrew his gaze:
Not right, very wrong!

Lu Wei was horrified in his heart, but his face remained calm. After all the pre-dinner etiquette was over, the main meal was served.

"Brother Lu is a guest from afar. I would like to toast this first glass of wine to you~"

Even though we are in a mountainous area, the dishes for today's dinner are not much worse than those in ordinary restaurants in Jicheng.It was just that Lu Wei had no intention of spending time on the dishes. When Tian Meng, the host, spoke, he skillfully raised the wine bottle and said, "Master Tian Meng is so polite, I don't dare to refuse."

He raised his head and drank the warm wine in one gulp, then held the wine bottle with both hands and displayed it in front of everyone.

"Okay, feel free!" Tian Meng also drank the wine in his glass and glanced at his younger brother and Tian Mi.

Tian Hu has always lived up to his name. Although he didn't know why he was a little depressed today, under the signal from his elder brother, he still forcibly cheered up and held up the wine bottle:

"Brother Lu took over Gonggongtang and hasn't had a drink with me yet. Today, you can't run away! I'll do it first as a token of respect!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for anyone to answer. After finishing the drink, he slapped the wine bottle on the copper case and stared at Lu Wei.

"I have always admired Master Tian Hu as a person, so of course Wei is going to give him this face~" When the disciple was pouring wine for him, he looked at him for two seconds. Lu Wei respected him from afar and drank again.

"Brother Lu is worthy of being a heroic hero of Yan and Zhao. He has such heroic spirit that the little girl's heart is filled with joy and she admires her so much~"

Tian Mi's charming eyes were as silk as silk. She held the wine bottle in one hand and the wine flask between her thumb and index finger on the other hand. She drove away the disciples and came to Lu Wei in person, filling him with wine:

"Although I am not as noble as the two heads of the Tian family, please don't refuse this glass of wine, little brother~"

"Master Tian Mi has such good intentions, how dare I disrespect him~"

Lu Wei smelled the rich fragrance of Tian Mi across a copper case, and his inner strength of the rejuvenation skill was automatically activated to block the smell.

Different from the delicate and light fragrance in Lu Ni's room, this fragrance now contained the ultimate temptation of Tian Mi's practice of "seeing flowers in the mist", which made him nauseous.

Lu Wei showed no sign of discomfort on the surface. He looked directly at the woman in front of him. He accepted the third glass of wine just like the previous two.

"Kekeke~" Tian Mixiao's body trembled wildly. He finished the drink in his hand, filled it up for Lu Wei again, and swayed back to his position.

Seeing how the other party cooperated, Master Santian was very satisfied. Tian Meng held his chopsticks and signaled to everyone: "The conditions in the mountains are difficult, there is no good wine or food, and the banquet is a bit simple. I hope you can forgive me."

"Hall Master Zhu, that boy was invited to Lieshan Hall, how can you still be so free to look at the stars here!"

Situ Wanli came to Shennong Hall and saw the Zhu family sitting on the roof looking at the moon with a smile, and his tone was inevitably a little impatient.

"Hey, brother Situ, come and sit down!" The Zhu family looked down at Situ Wanli, relaxed, and patted the seat next to him.

When he reached the roof, he touched the beard of the 'Smiley Face' mask and said proudly: "The stars in the sky are not random. The sun, moon and stars move according to their own rules~"

"Our ancestor Shen Nong concluded the farming season based on this. This is a great kindness to the people of the world~"

"The ancestors of Shen Nong were great, but the current situation in the farming community is..."

Situ Wanli was about to complain, but was interrupted by the Zhu family: "Are you worried about that kid Lu Wei joining the Tian family?"

"Aren't you worried?" Situ Wanli squinted at the little man next to him. He didn't say the words "Tian Zhong's incident is still fresh in his mind."

"Me?" Pointing at his 'smiling face' with his index finger, Zhu Jia shook his head: "I'm not worried at all~"

"Oh?" Situ Wanli turned sideways and raised his hands: "I would like to hear the details!"

"What that kid did in Gonggong Hall, he didn't mean to be someone else's vassal." Zhu Jia stood up, even though it was not much different from where he was sitting: "He went to Lieshan Hall, not Made for Tian Meng to see."

"But it was made for us to see!"

"Well" Situ Wanli lowered his head and thought deeply. After following the Zhu family's thinking and trying to understand the truth, his expression did not change: "This is just a guess after all."

"What if he really joins forces with the Tian family? We must be on guard against this!"

"That means the Tian family is favored by the ancestor Shen Nong, so we can only keep our heads down and live our lives~"

The Zhu family jumped off the roof: "However, according to my estimation, after the succession ceremony of Kuei Hall tomorrow, you and I will jointly invite Lu Wei to an appointment. I think he will be willing to come."

"Since he wants this face, let's give it to him~ As a young man, we two old guys can give in to the younger generation~"

The camera returns to Lieshan Hall
After three rounds of drinking, the dishes were almost eaten, and before serious business could be discussed, Manager Lu's face was red and he looked like he was about to get drunk at any moment.

But his heart felt cold.

The man on the main seat is not the real Tian Meng!
Then Zui Jin swept over Tian Hu and Tian Mi. Lu Wei didn't know if these two people had discovered this, or if they were not themselves anymore.
Lu Wei had never had close contact with Tian Meng as a person, but at the Autumn Harvest Conference a few years ago, he saw Tian Meng harvesting wheat for an entire afternoon.

In addition, among the Xu family in Jicheng, Xu Sheng also learned Tian Meng's left-handed swordsmanship, and Lu Wei watched it for a long time.

People can lie, but swordsmanship cannot lie!
From the swordsmanship performed by Xu Sheng, Lu Wei discovered early on that Tian Meng was a naturally balanced swordsman, so he was able to use swords with both hands, but due to his limited talent, he could not use both swords at the same time.

That is to say, Tian Meng himself probably does not have a dominant hand. When doing anything, he usually uses whichever hand is closest to him.

Recalling his careful observation of Tian Meng that afternoon when the wheat was cut, he could firmly confirm this!
But now, the 'Tian Meng' on the main seat, although his left and right hands are also very balanced, but after all, it is different from innateness to overcome it by force. Compared with the real Tian Meng, this person always has a little bit of disharmony.
This 'Tian Meng' is a fake!
"Brother Lu, what do you think of the current situation in farmers?"

Seeing that the other party was already drunk, Tian Meng finally got down to business.

"Farmer... burp. Farmer of course..." Lu Wei laughed drunkenly and burped again. Just as he was about to say the next sentence, a disciple suddenly came to report urgently:
"Master, there are disciples from Gonggong Hall outside. Master Yan Zhouhe has important matters to contact Mr. Lu. I hope he can go back immediately!"

"Zhou Hiccup, that old guy Zhou He is looking for me?"

After hearing the report, the drunken Lu Wei stood up, pointed his index finger at his face, staggered and came to the reporting disciple in an extremely impolite manner, and waved his right hand forcefully: "No!"

"Hey, hurry up and catch Mr. Lu."

After the messenger came in, Lu Qing and the Yan brothers also broke into the banquet. Lu Qing looked at the drunken Lu Wei and hurriedly asked the Yan brothers to step forward and help him.

He himself cupped his fists and saluted the three hall masters Tian Meng, Tian Hu, and Tian Mi:
"Mr. Lu drank too much. It's really rude."

"Our Hall Master Zhou is looking for the General Manager to return. We hope that the three Hall Masters will not blame us!"

Tian Hu and Tian Mi did not speak, but only looked at Tian Meng. Tian Meng was sitting in the main seat, looking at the scene in front of him. He presumed that the kid in front of him must be trying to evade. However, after taking stock of his current situation, he did not want to be too troublesome:
"Since Hall Master Zhou He has something to do, we can't stop him, so I will leave it to you, little brother Lu."

"Thank you three hall masters!"

Staggering all the way back to Gonggongtang, until he entered his room, the smell of alcohol on Lu Wei's body evaporated rapidly, and his blurred pupils instantly returned to clarity:
"This time, you came in time."

Sitting on the edge of the bed, he looked at Lu Qing, Yan Shen, and Yan Bing in front of him: "Is there anything going on at Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall tonight?"

"Lu Chen personally led people to keep an eye on it and discovered that not long after your Excellency set off for Lieshan Hall, the Master of Situ Hall of Siyue Hall went to pay a visit to Shennong Hall."

Farmer disciples are closely related to one another, and among the tens of thousands of disciples, the relationships among relatives, fellow villagers, fellow townspeople, etc. are complicated.This can certainly make the farmer's attitude firm externally, but internally, it will also become easier for the various halls to pry for information.

Lu Qing and Lu Chen tried to rectify this problem when Lu Wei left, but after some investigation, they found that unless Gonggongtang completely broke away from the farm, otherwise, it would be chaos instead of rectification!
Fortunately, this kind of internal transparency is available in every church, which is fair.

"Just take action!" Lu Wei nodded, thinking of what he discovered at the banquet today, and ordered: "Send some disciples to check the recent whereabouts of the three masters of the Tian family, focusing on Tian Hu, Tian On Mi!" Tian Meng was sure it was a fake, and he probably wouldn't take any more risky actions for a long time. In comparison, Lu Wei believed that there was a greater chance of finding something from Tian Hu and Tian Mi.


This night, every hall was full of little tricks.
At noon the next day, at the succession ceremony of Kuei Hall, Lu Wei arrived late because he was drunk last night. After apologizing, he went to the Gonggong Hall area and sat down.

There was nothing exciting about the entire succession ceremony. Even Xia Kui Tian Guang was not present. He only sent someone to deliver the seven-star pearl grass belonging to the hall master level.

Lu Wei didn't pay much attention to the ceremony itself throughout the whole process, and most of his attention was on the Tian brothers.

If Tian Meng can be exchanged for the "civet cat for the prince", the murderer behind it must be the person who trapped him.

The best way to handle this matter is to report it to Tian Guang.

He can easily detect the abnormality of Jia Tianmeng. Tian Guang has been the hero for so many years, so he can naturally detect it.

It's just that he is far away in Yan State and cannot contact Tian Meng.

Even if he didn't report Tian Meng's anomaly, he wouldn't be able to escape at the next Autumn Harvest Conference.

Luo Wang is really impatient to act like this, unless they are sure to get rid of Tian Guang too!
But this is not something he should worry about. That old fox is not easy to deal with.

After the succession ceremony of Kuei Hall, the farm family will be busy with the New Year. This is the first time Lu Wei has celebrated the New Year in Daze Mountain since he joined.

The meaning of the New Year is particularly special to farmers. As a symbol of getting rid of the old and welcoming the new, it is the forgetfulness of the misfortune of the old year and the prospect of a good harvest in the new year.

In this era of relying on heaven for food, even the aloof king must maintain a sense of awe for the missing 'God'.

"Brother Lu personally planned the New Year matters, and Brother Zhou really chose a good successor~"

Just when Lu Wei was directing his disciples to decorate the Gonggong Hall, the Zhu family and Situ Wanli came together.

"When Hall Master Zhu and Hall Master Situ come here, it is really a sin for Mr. Lu to miss them from afar."

Looking at the tall and short visitors in front of him, Lu Wei knew in his heart the purpose of their visit and ordered Lu Qing to take over his command. He himself smiled and led the way to the main hall.

"The two hall masters are here. I will ask our boss Zhou He to come out."

"Farewell~" The bright colors on the Zhu family's smiling mask said: "Brother Zhou is in a state of pure cultivation. It would be bad if I were to disturb him~"

"Brother Lu, let's not talk behind the scenes. Brother Situ and I came to Gonggongtang this time to find you."

"Two hall masters, are you here to discuss an alliance?" Lu Wei stopped. Since the other party spoke so openly, he would be disrespecting Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall if he pretended to be confused, so he changed his strategy!Be equally open-minded.

"Yes, Brother Lu has spoken out, which is a good thing for our Third Hall!"

With a wave of Zhu's hand, all the doors and windows in the Gonggongtang hall were closed, leaving only the candlelight in the hall to provide weak illumination.

If Zhou He, who was buried half-body in the grave, is not included, the one with the strongest internal power among the six halls is the little dwarf hall master in front of him.

As for the second one, it was not Tian Meng, but the always rough Tian Hu!

However, internal strength is internal strength, and actual combat performance is another matter.

"Oh, brother, I am not honest, but it is best not to let the disciples outside know about what we are going to discuss next."

The Zhu family instantly changed into a blue mask of sadness, and Lu Wei couldn't see its movements clearly even if he kept staring: the skill of thousands of people and thousands of faces is really strange.

"Tian's Third Hall and Foreign Family's Third Hall, the overt and covert fights within the farm family will inevitably begin. We all feel uncomfortable, let alone the ordinary disciples."

Situ Wanli opened his mouth and sang a double act.

"You two brothers don't have to be like this." Lu Wei took advantage of the situation and changed the title. He personally took the small teapot from the table and poured three cups of tea: "Xia Kui is still here, so Liutang can't be in chaos."

The Zhu family and Situ Wanli smoothly took the flying tea cups and took a sip. The sad mask on the Zhu family's faces turned into joy again: "It's true. Boss Tian Guang is the strongest glue in the farmhouse."

"But" his mask turned sad again: "Boss, he will only prevent our six halls from directly attacking each other with swords. Secretly, it does not involve a life and death struggle. He has never helped each other."

"Tian Hu and Tian Mi are obedient to Tian Meng's orders. With these three groups working together, it will be difficult for us in Daze Mountain~"

Situ Wanli once again said at the right time: "Almost all the forces of Lieshan, Chiyou, and Kuei are within the Qi State. Each of our three halls still has half of its strength distributed in the Chu, Wei, Han, and Yan States. If you want to rush to support our headquarters, it is always necessary." It takes a lot of time.”

"What do you think, Brother Lu?"

"What the two brothers said is true, but the boy is not careful enough." Lu Wei walked quietly and refilled the tea for the two of them: "I do want to unite with foreign surnames, but how to cooperate specifically? There is always some hesitation.”

"Brother, there is no need to hesitate. How can the two of us elder brothers put him at a disadvantage~" The Zhu family touched the long beards on both sides of their smiling faces and said in a natural tone: "I know, brother, you have been fighting with Chu Guo in Luqiu Pavilion of Yan State. A clan transaction.”

"The Chu State is within the scope of my Shennong Hall. With the help of Shennong Hall, my trade will naturally be much easier."

"Although Siyuetang mainly engaged in casino and brothel business in Han and Wei, it also accumulated a lot of food. Brother Lu's main base is in Yan State, where it is bitterly cold. The food output is much lower than that in the Central Plains. "

Situ Wanli also took advantage of the situation and threw out his chips.

"These two brothers have really helped me a lot. I wonder what Gonggong Hall can do for Shennong and Siyue?" Lu Wei's eyes lit up and he accepted the promise given by the two hall masters. At the same time, he repays his kindness and gives his promise.

"Well~" The Zhu family shook their heads: "First of all, the three halls must share the same hatred for suppressing the Tian family in Daze Mountain. I think you all have no opinion on this."

After waiting for a while, seeing no one objected, the Zhu family made a second request: "I heard that Brother Lu has a machine workshop that can produce all kinds of efficient farming tools?"

Hearing this, Lu Wei nodded: "Yes, if Shennong Hall and Siyue Hall are interested, can I ask my disciples to send some to you two during the farming season next year?"

"This is great~" The mask on Zhu's face turned into a yellow 'exclamation', and he made a third request.

The transactions with Shennongtang and Siyuetang were very pleasant, and the relationship between the three halls will be deepened step by step as the cooperation develops.

This news should reach Tian Meng soon. Lu Wei doesn't care about Tian's reaction.

He has sent the news about Tian Meng's issue back to Jicheng, and Lu Qiuge will send a message to Tian Guang as soon as possible to convey this information to him.

After Lu Qing's investigation on Tian's side, he was surprised to find that Tian Hu had kept to himself during this period, but his identity had not been compromised, which surprised him.

This is not like Tian Hu’s temperament, but he can do it. I don’t know why.
After all, the New Year is just a night of joy. Although Lu Wei personally organized everything for the New Year, he himself was not very happy. He only felt that his mood was the same as usual.

It would be better for him to feel happy after talking to Zhou He when he first came back and being completely empowered.

Years later, as promised, each of the Yan brothers and Lu Chen was given a 50-man squad, and some systematic general military books were found for the three of them to study. Lu Wei had high expectations for his three future generals.

After working overtime to initially build the main building, Lu Mu's workshop encountered a big problem: not enough blacksmiths.

There is no shortage of farmers, but there are not many reserves for skilled workers.

When he was in Yan State, Lu Mu was able to contract out a lot of ironwork work to large and small blacksmith shops in Jicheng City, but in Daze Mountain, this kind of contracting was obviously not possible.

With no choice but to ask Lu Qing to hire people around Daze Mountain, Lu Wei took the initiative to find the Zhu family and Situ Wanli and borrow people from them.

With the combined efforts of the three parties, the workshop can run without any hindrance.

After staying in Daze Mountain for another month, at the beginning of February, the manager solemnly handed over the work in the hall to Lu Qing and Lu Mu, and he himself had to run around again.

I don’t know when the baby will be born in Chu State, so I have to go there as soon as possible. I can’t stay in Daze Mountain until April like last year.

This time, Lu Wei went to Chu alone. The biggest question on the road was whether the sight of the Yin Yang family would still appear.

Fortunately, this question didn't let him think about it for too long. When he had just walked out of Daze Mountain but not more than a hundred miles away, a figure that was different from ordinary people in a resting inn made Lu Wei know the answer:
Luna, who was wearing a plain blue dress, looked straight at him.

There is a cup of tea in front of Moon Goddess herself, and opposite her, there is another cup of tea without an owner, which is steaming and steaming.
(End of this chapter)

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