Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 80 Farm Pattern

Chapter 80 Farm Pattern
Five virtues, also known as five virtues transfer.

The Yin Yang family regards everything in the world as composed of the five elements of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The five elements are mutually reinforcing and inhibiting each other, which is the basis of this theory.

They believe that all things in the universe correspond to the five elements and each has its own virtues.The movement of heaven, the changes in the human world, the replacement of dynasties, etc. are all the result of the transfer of the five virtues.

The virtue of fire will be destroyed by the virtue of water, and on its remains, the virtue of earth will arise.

Lu Wei would need to spend a lot of time to fully understand these theoretical principles. He was from a peasant family and had not read all the peasant classics. It would be a mistake for him to devote himself to studying the Yin Yang family's thoughts.

Fortunately, "Five Virtues" is not only a book on knowledge, but also a book on martial arts!
Its role in martial arts obviously interests the general manager even more.

Based on the theory of the Five Elements, the Yin Yang School divides the attributes of the Five Elements into the human body, uses them to complement and restrain each other, and develop a unique internal skill.

The biggest feature of this set of exercises is that it uses the principle of the mutual generation of the five elements to make the internal energy flow endlessly, and uses the principle of the mutual restraint of the five elements to make the attack hit the vital point directly.

After careful analysis, we can find that the inner energy part has a lot in common with Lu Wei's Rejuvenation Kung Fu, and the offensive part can be combined with Nongjia Di Ze's 24 formations!
If Lu Wei can integrate this "Five Virtues Gong" into his rejuvenation technique and actively divide his internal energy into the five elements of Qi, not only will the recovery ability of this fusion technique be greatly improved, but based on the Five Virtues, he can also be like Tian With a gift, one person can display Dize 24!
No need to use double swords yet.

You must be extremely vigilant about this great gift from heaven!

After checking the five virtues twice and confirming that they were harmless and error-free, Lu Wei closed the bamboo slip suspiciously.

Have you become a villain?
After encountering the Moon God, he continued on his way. When he arrived at the border of Qi and Chu, Lu Wei was warmly received by the disciples of Shennongtang and entered Chu. There were Shennongtang bases along the way from the border to Shouchun, which could provide rest and supplementary supplies. .

These branches were only established in the past two years. The last time Lu Wei followed the caravan into Chu for the first time, Shennongtang had not penetrated so far into Chu.

If this was the result of the support of Lord Changping, then Lord Changping had established a covert connection with the powerful people of Chu at this point in time, and was able to conceal the news until Li Xin attacked Chu and then rebelled against Qin. His method was really extraordinary.

Considering the capabilities of Qin's intelligence organization and the unilateral leakage of information by the nobles of the six countries, I really don't know how Lord Changping did it.

With this in mind, I arrived safely in Shouchun for the second time. This city has only aged two years, and nothing else has changed.

Gonggongtang has nothing to do with the Chu State, but after the smuggling in the past two years, the Xiang family generously assigned a piece of land very close to Yunmeng Market to Gonggongtang as a branch.

Every time Lu Qiuge's caravan from the Yan Kingdom handed over the horses to Xiang's military camp outside the city, other goods on the car would be brought here. After being sold in the nearby Yunmeng market, they would be replenished and brought back.

As the general manager of Gonggongtang, Lu Wei took this place as his residence in Shouchun as a matter of course, and did not look for a luxury inn to stay.

The local person in charge received the manager with sincerity. He was an old man who had participated in the last caravan and remembered Lu Wei's appearance.

After encouraging the disciples who stayed behind in Shouchun, Lu Wei left the city the next day and came to Xiang's military camp. After being informed by the soldiers, Xiang Bo, wearing simple leather armor, walked out excitedly:

"We haven't seen you for a few years. Brother Lu has become the general manager. In a few years, shouldn't I call you the hall master~"

The words were full of teasing, Lu Wei held up his hands and joked back with a familiar expression: "Every time I make progress, Brother Xiang will send you high-quality game. In order to get more and more mouthfuls, I have to work hard to upgrade the level~ "

"Hahaha" Xiang Bo laughed and patted Lu Wei on the shoulder: "Then you will be in trouble when you reach the top~"

As he spoke, he led Lu Wei into the camp.

"So I am shameless enough to come to my brother in person to ask for it."

Lu Wei didn't squint his eyes. The layout of Xiang Camp had changed dramatically from the last time he came. The layout was completely different. It should be that a new military formation mode had been activated.

The two of them turned left and right and walked into a military tent. There was no one inside and the layout was simple: "Brother Lu will rest here first. There have been changes in Qin recently. Brother Dong and Brother Liang led troops to the border to guard the city. I’m going to appease the military’s morale, I still have training to do in the military camp, and after I’ve sorted out the trivial matters, I’ll come eat meat with you again!”

"Brother Xiang Dong went to the border?" Lu Wei hesitated after hearing this: "I'm not saying his child is fast."

"The time is estimated to be at the end of this month, but alas" Xiang Bo shook his head: "We have important national responsibilities, and we and other soldiers can't take care of family reunions."

"I have applied to the general to take this trip for him, so that Brother Dong can stay in Shouchun and spend time with his family."

"But military matters cannot be done according to one's own wishes. The general had not yet given instructions. When Brother Dong learned about it, he scolded me first, and then he led the army and set off that night."

"Brother Xiang Dong is so righteous!" He cupped his fists and saluted westward, and Lu Wei said to Xiang Bo sternly: "Since I still have military affairs, please go ahead and be busy. I will wait here, little brother."

"Well, drinking is not allowed in the army recently. After a while, I will fulfill my promise and go hunting with you."

After Xiang Bo finished speaking, he left the military tent.

Lu Wei really doesn't know whether there was friction on the Qin-Chu border at this time in history. After all, the late Warring States period was full of wars. Many wars may have not developed due to follow-up. Even if some people died, not even a single word could be recorded in the history books. Leave memories in the river.

There is no record of Xiang Yu's father in history. He was brought up by Xiang Liang since he was a child, which shows that it is very likely that his father died early.
Yan State has always had a lot of snowy days in winter and spring.

In a northern tavern, a strong man covered in thick fur rubbed his hands and pushed open the door. Looking through his body, he could see that the outside of the tavern was completely white.

Breathing hot air to shake off the snow on his body, he went up to the second floor without the waiter to help him, and found the two men in the corner.

There were no other guests in the tavern, only this table was covered with wine and food.

"Xia Kui, urgent information from Lu Qiuge."

The strong man took out a piece of silk and handed it to the hero on his left, who was Tian Guang.

Although in the Yan State, his plan is to create a reputation as a "Jie Xia" on his own, without relying on the power of farmers to avoid being noticed by interested people, and in the name of a "Jie Xia", he will have the opportunity to meet the dignitaries of the Yan State who can cooperate, and spread the Qinglong Plan to the world. Yan land.

But there is no harm in bringing along two absolute confidants.

After taking the silk, he first poured some warm wine for his brother and let him drink it to warm himself up. Then he casually spread the silk on the table. With just one glance, he grasped the information in it.

With a chuckle, he grabbed the silk and stuffed it into the layer of clothes on his chest.

"Luo Wang's operation really failed. Not only Tian Hu, who is a biological brother to Tian Meng, noticed something unusual, but the newly promoted Gonggong Hall manager also noticed something was wrong."

The man dressed as a knight-errant sitting opposite Tian Guang sounded mocking and disdainful.

"Has this little brother Lu returned to Yan?"

Tian Guang did not speak directly, but lowered his head, ate two peanuts, and asked the strong man.

"No, according to his whereabouts, he went to Chu Di."

"Calculating the time, with the help of Shennongtang, it will probably be Shouchun by now."

"Shouchun is a good place. He can get in touch with the Xiang family, which is also a good thing for our plan."

Tian Guang smiled happily and drank another glass of warm wine.

"Xia Kui, that boy has a lot of secrets."

The man in the knight-errant suit opposite looked at Tian Guang's smile. Out of his identity, he said cautiously: "His words and actions are not befitting his age. What's more, judging from his methods, he is very ambitious." "Don't explore the secrets of your companions~ "

Tian Guang interrupted the man dressed as a knight, and handed him a piece of chicken leg. The man didn't think it was strange, so he took a bite.

"Brother Lu joined our farm since he was a child. He has been promoted from one-star pearl grass to six-star pearl grass with well-documented results. It can be said that he has worked hard and achieved great results."

"His ability is worthy of the position of a hall master. If we doubt him and drive him away, we will lose the strength of my peasant family to support his faction~"

Tian Guang pulled off another chicken leg from the roast chicken on the table and put it on the plate of the strong man: "As for the abnormal secrets of little brother Lu, what's the harm~"

"As long as he holds a high position in the farm family, his attitude will naturally be biased towards my farm family, and he will know how to work hard to gain benefits for the farm family. This is a good thing."

"Don't let some meaningless curiosity destroy mutual trust."

"I also have many secrets that I don't want you two to know."

"But he sent people to directly kill his rival Tian Zhong. If you were to be targeted by him as a hero in the future, you would be able to do such a thing." The man in knight-errant attire frowned.

"Don't you know about the bad things Tian Zhong did, and even the bad things Tian Meng did?"

Tian Guang shook his head, and the smile on his face never stopped: "Tian Du, don't look at farm brothers with prejudice."

"Internal fighting among farmers is worse than blocking. When it comes to the Qinglong Project, I may die at any time. It may not be a bad thing to let each church fight within a controllable area."

"No matter which hall leader he is, even if he is fake Tian Meng, he must develop his own authority for the sake of his own power."

"The farm family, because of its special nature, cannot be destroyed. As long as there are still people farming the land and as long as there are still people suffering, they will naturally become my farm disciples."

"This is all things in the land, Shen Nong is immortal!"

As he spoke, he changed the topic:
"How many people were inserted into the farmhouse by the snare?"

"A rough estimate is that there are about 50 suspects in Daze Mountain."

"As for outside Daze Mountain, we can't count."

Tiandu replied.

"How do these people compare to the tens of thousands of disciples in my farm family?" Tian Guang continued to ask.

"It's a drop in the bucket." Tian Du shook his head: "Although the killers are all over the seven countries, even if they all come to Daze Mountain to hide, they can only control the positions of my farm family."

"As long as the leader of the army gives the order, no matter how strong these people are, they can only die in the mountains and provide nourishment for the trees in Daze Mountain."

"Although this is the truth, the network is tightly organized and my farm disciples are loose. I'm afraid it will be difficult to mobilize effectively." The strong man finally found the opportunity to speak out and make his presence felt.

Tian Guang raised his hand and touched his short beard, feeling its rough texture: "Human nature will be loyal to its own interests, even the snare killers. Their lower-level qualities are not much better than my farm disciples."

"How do you think the matter about Fake Tian Meng should be resolved?"

"According to the information from Lord Changping, Prince Dan of Yan has escaped from Qin's custody and will return to Yan in a while." Tian Du analyzed the situation: "This is the only dignitary in Yan who can unite. Others such as Lord Yanchun The stream is full of moths."

"Xia Kui should not act lightly in the Yan Kingdom. How about treating this matter as a test for Liutang?" The strong man suggested based on Tian Du's analysis.

"It's okay to treat it as a test, but according to Tian Hu's temperament, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hide it for too long. The Snare Killer is not a fool. If he is noticed, it will be too easy for him to escape. After being desperate, the broken jar and the broken jar caused heavy losses to Lieshan Hall, so what should I do? ?" Tian didn't support this idea.

Tian Guang listened to the discussion between the two, his eyes flickering. He knew that his own ideas had the right to make the decision, but because of this, the huge pressure made his mistakes costly.

"Since Luo Sheng sent us someone, we might as well put him to use."

The farmer hero simply threw away his chopsticks and took the peanuts into his mouth with his hands. The two people didn't care:
"The six hall masters are always nestled in Daze Mountain, which is not conducive to cultivating new people." Thinking of Lu Wei, who has been traveling between the north and the south these years, he smiled: "Except Zhou He, let the other hall masters go south. , run west and contribute to the farmers!"

"Tian Zang, you do this."

After turning his head and saying a few commands to the strong man, Tian Zang nodded, put on his cloak, and entered the wind and snow again.

Then he looked at Tian Du: "Mr. Changping, be sure to keep in touch and investigate the traces of Prince Dan."

Tian Du accepted the order and added at the end: "Do you want the Mo family to keep an eye on it?"

"No." Tian Guang lowered his eyes and concentrated on fighting the peanuts: "I don't like to be disturbed by outsiders, and the same goes for the Six-Fingered Black Man."


"The people in power in Han and Wei are really short-sighted!"

Bang, slapped on the table, and Uncle Xiang poured water into his mouth.

Unable to drink alcohol, he had to drink water instead.It was already dark now. After he finished handling the military affairs, he found Lu Wei again.

According to him, Han and Wei had become pawns of the Qin State, and actually sent troops to follow the Qin State to attack the Zhao State, which was also one of the Three Jin Dynasties. He also sent envoys to follow the Qin envoys to threaten the Chu State and prevent it from taking the opportunity to attack Qin to save Zhao. .

The war between Qin and Zhao has begun again.

Although the Chu State had no intention of sending troops to attack Qin, it was unknown what King Chu thought of being threatened by these three kingdoms, but the Xiang family could not bear it at all.

But he was limited by his own strength and suffered from this humiliation.

"The king of Han has no courage, and even the king of Wei, even after his confident Lingjun, is a coward!" Xiang Bo scolded angrily.

Lu Wei only drank water with Yu Xiangbo and said nothing about the military affairs he mentioned.

Xiang Bo didn't care about this either. He just wanted a foreign friend to talk about the Xiang family's helplessness. Although Lu Wei was the general manager of the farmers among hundreds of scholars, he didn't think he had any good insights into the military.

He began to fill the wine jug with water for Xiang Bo. However, Xiang Bo grabbed the wine jug slightly rudely, opened the lid and poured it directly on himself: "Yesterday, the Qin envoy came to Xiang Jun's camp. .”

"He is a Qin man, and he is arrogant and rude among my Xiang clan soldiers, but the general has to personally prepare wine and banquet for him. If the general had not strictly prohibited it, I really want to kill that Qin man with one sword, and then commit suicide." The ghost of Chu!"

Although Xiang Bo had never drank alcohol, he still felt a bit drunk.

"Who is the envoy of Qin?" Lu Wei used his ice palm to freeze the extra water stains on the table and swept the ice out of the tent.

"Zhang Han."

(End of this chapter)

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