Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 84 Young Master’s Righteousness

Chapter 84 Young Master’s Righteousness

The Dantai of Lewufang has the same name as the Tantai built by Zhao Chenghou in the past to demonstrate his determination to "do what he says and do what he says". Later, King Wuling of Zhao issued a decree on "Hufu riding and shooting" in Tantai, which made Tantai even more famous.

This kind of nature is similar to the "Golden Terrace" restaurant in Jicheng of Yan State, both of which are named after their predecessors.

Being able to gain the reputation of a royal family is an ability in itself. The identity of the owner behind Tantai is naturally extraordinary. Its first owner was a member of the Zhao family: the son of King Zhao Wuling, the younger brother of King Huiwen, and Lord Pingyuan: Zhao Sheng!
After Zhao Sheng's death, Tantai Music and Dance Studio was inherited by his younger son Zhao Yi.

The younger son had no other hobbies. He only learned his father's habit of raising scholars during his lifetime, and took this as his ultimate goal in life. He wanted to become a world-renowned gentleman like his father and Lord Xinling.

And raising a scholar costs money.

Zhao Yi failed to inherit the position of Lord Pingyuan, and all he received was the tantai where his father and his disciples played during his lifetime, and some spare houses, which could provide him with wealth for the rest of his life.

If we only raise some personal guards and a few useful talents, it won't be a big problem.But the problem is that Zhao Yi has ambitious goals. The first time he recruited diners, he opened the door wide and took in more than a hundred idlers at one time. He tried his best to match the treatment given to diners by his father in the past, so that he could reach the full level. .

At the same time, Zhao Yi also used charity and wealth every day. Every time he passed by in a sedan chair, there would be a maid beside him, throwing coins in order to gain fame.

In this way, this 'Little Pingyuan Lord' has a pretty good reputation among Handan, and the knights all praise him as a wise man.

But on the books, Zhao Yi has sold several mansions under his name, and the reason why he is still prosperous is entirely dependent on the income from Tantai.

Also due to the lack of new sources of income, the number of customers he supported has not increased. Some of them even left because of the reduction in treatment, which made Zhao Yi extremely sad.

Since the Qin army invaded Zhao with overwhelming force this year, Tantai's income has plummeted, Zhao Yi's life has become even more difficult, and more customers have left.

The remaining ones who haven't run away either still have loyalty in their hearts, or they just can't run away because they don't have the ability.

This made Zhao Yi, who wanted to become a gentleman by raising scholars, even more depressed, and he rarely started to drink alcohol.

He is ashamed that he is not capable of achieving great military and state achievements like his father, and now he cannot even learn how to do such small things as raising soldiers.

Under such circumstances, a letter from Lu Wei requesting an audience was passed to Zhao Yi.

"Sir, there is a young ranger outside the door asking to see you." A year-old retainer reported to Zhao Yihui and placed the greeting card given by Lu Wei in his hand.

Zhao Yi was drunk and squinted at the silk letter. He quickly closed his eyes again and mumbled: "I have no more energy to accept any more guests. You can give him a hundred knives and let him leave."

"Yes", the old customer looked at the young master lying on the table with pity, sighed in his heart, counted the coins in the warehouse, came to the door, and handed his hands to Lu Wei, who was observing the curve of the eaves:
"Young Master knows your talent, but now that the country is in crisis, between life and death, the city of Handan is in danger. Take the money and find a way to escape."

"Young master, have you read my invitation?" Lu Wei did not take the coin. It was so heavy and not gold, so he didn't like it.

The elderly doorman looked at Lu Wei with cloudy eyes and said slowly, "Young master is busy."

"In the past, when Lord Xinling was visited by someone, he would personally welcome them into the house and have a banquet." Lu Wei responded seriously: "Since the young master takes Lord Xinling as an example, why are you not even willing to read a letter of greeting? Just send people away with these vulgar things?"

When the old shopkeeper heard this, his thoughts changed, and he knew that the young man in front of him was different from those snobs. He threw the knife and coin bag aside and clasped his fists:

"You have learned the lesson. Please come in and sit down, young master. I will invite the young master to come over."

He asked a guard to lead Lu Wei to rest in an exquisite small room. The old guest himself found Zhao Yi and told the manager's words to Zhao Yi, who was already impatient.

When the words "Xinling Lord" appeared, Zhao Yi sobered up a lot. After listening to the story, he sat upright unsteadily, took the silk greeting card, read it carefully, and immediately ordered the maid to help him bathe and change clothes, and then asked The old customer went to arrange a private banquet.

Half an hour later, Lu Wei met Mr. Ziyi alone in the gorgeous main hall.

"The young hero is the manager of the farm, but he came to Handan at this time. What did he do?"

The two of them faced each other, and on the copper table with gorgeous patterns were several exquisite side dishes, all delicious and delicious.

Zhao Yi was wearing formal clothes, and the smell of alcohol had not completely dissipated from his body, so he sprayed flower lotion to cover it up.

He looked at Lu Wei with a faint smile, not looking like he had just been drunk and lost his temper.

"I paid homage to Xinling Temple in Daliang some time ago. The reason I passed by Handan Dan was because of the young master!"

In the silk invitation, Lu Wei explained his identity, and before entering the banquet, he hung the six-star pearl grass on his chest to show his sincerity.

"Come for me?" Zhao Yi lowered his eyes, thinking in his mind, but said: "As a general manager, you definitely don't need to join my disciples. Among my guests, there used to be some farm disciples, but now they are all Escaped."

"I don't know why the manager came here for me?"

"When a prince raises a scholar, is it for himself or for the public good?"

At this time, Lu Wei picked up the white jade wine glass and rotated it to admire the relief on it. Instead of answering Zhao Yi's question, he asked in return.

"." Upon hearing this question, Zhao Yi subconsciously wanted to throw out some truths from books and generously talk about his ideals, but when he thought about what happened to his family in recent months, he hesitated.

"Does this question need to be thought about?" Seeing no response for a long time, Lu Wei spoke up again.

"I didn't answer it right away, but I already explained the answer."

A trace of unwillingness flashed across Zhao Yi's face, and he shook his head:
"For yourself first, then for the public!"

The youngest son of Lord Pingyuan grew up in a boastful and privileged environment, so he worshiped his father, the source of these good things, extremely.

But since the death of Pingyuan Lord Zhao Sheng, although the superior life is still there, those sincere boasts have become weaker year by year.

The reason why he wants to spend money to support his soldiers at all costs is that he basically wants to restore the prestige he had when he was the son of Lord Pingyuan.

He has a good reputation.

"What if there is a conflict between the public and myself?"

Lu Wei raised the corner of his mouth and asked a new question. Zhao Yi stopped answering at all. He only raised his head again and stared at Lu Wei:

"Why did General Manager Lu come here?" "I'm here to give you a chance~" The General Manager silently calculated the other party's psychology and strictly controlled the conversation during this meeting within a certain range.

"Although the farmer's family is at the forefront of hundreds of schools of thought, but based on this alone, if you want to say give me a chance, isn't it a little too arrogant!"

Zhao Yi's face was slightly gloomy, but even so, he did not turn his face.

"Master, do you know why you spend so much money, but you can't win the hearts of the people like Lord Pingyuan in the past?"

"Why?" He frowned.

Patting the white jade cup on the copper table, a strange light flashed in Lu Wei's eyes: "Because the young master only has money, but no power!"

"Can you help me get the rights?" Zhao Yi stiffened.

"This is exactly what I came here for!" The steward accepted the other party's gaze calmly: "However, it is not the power of Zhao State, but the power of the farmer!"

"The power of the rivers and lakes can affect the court, especially if this power is in the hands of the young master."

Hearing such remarks, Zhao Yi's face was gloomy. He stood up, came to Lu Wei's copper case, knelt down, and filled the wine glass for the steward himself just like Tian Mi did when Lu Wei had a banquet at Lieshan Hall last time: " Please elaborate."

"There are no less than three hundred peasant disciples in Handan City. If this range were included in the entire Zhao Kingdom, the number would reach thousands."

"This group of people nominally belongs to the farmer's family, but the farmer's headquarters in Qi State has not established effective leadership in Zhao State. Young Master should know the reason for this."

Lu Wei was very close to Zhao Yi at this time. He removed all the unnecessary objects in front of him, dipped his index finger in wine, and drew a rough map of Handan on the copper table.

After each stroke, the wine froze and the lines were clearly visible.

"The State of Zhao has strict control over Jianghu, second only to the violent Qin Dynasty. Coupled with the continuous war in the past ten years, any Jianghu organization with a large scale will become a target for purges."

Zhao Yi looked at this strange skill and his heart was filled with excitement. He had practiced martial arts, but his talent was average and he couldn't achieve anything.

"Yes, under the double suppression of the Zhao court and the war, even a farmer with tens of thousands of disciples can only abide by local rules."

"But if these thousands of loose disciples belong to the Young Master's name, things will take a turn for the better."

After Lu Wei's map was formed, he dropped a drop of wine on the map. The location was exactly where he was currently at Zhao Yi's mansion.

"Accepting thousands of disciples as disciples in the name of supporting scholars, the reputation of the young master can be astonishing to Han Dan."

"This" Zhao Yi swallowed: "What does Mr. Lu want?"

"Haha, the young master joining the farm will be of great benefit to the farmers. I have no desire, but I have a request."

Lu Wei stared at Zhao Yi with a smile on his face: "Farmers have never participated in the courts of various countries. This is the survival rule of farmers. Today I am willing to break the precept for the young master, so these disciples will no longer be able to act as farmers."

"I am stupid, I don't know what the manager means." After thinking for a while, Zhao Yi cupped his fists and bowed.

"Young Master can set up a new organization on his own, and fill it with farm disciples. I will send people to help Young Master."

Lu Wei put his finger into the wine glass, took it out and dropped another drop of wine on the ice map on the table.

"This place is" Zhao Yi looked at the location of the drinks and blurted out: "Tantai!"

"In the name of Tantai, this organization has much more prospects than the young master raising a hundred people~"


Tonight, Tan Terrace was still not full of guests, but the lights were much brighter than in previous days.

Because Zhao Yi, the owner of Tantai, came here to enjoy the music and dance in person.

This is extremely rare. In the past, Zhao Yi only cared about removing gold and silver from Tantai, leaving all other business issues to the original management.

Sitting on the second floor of the stage, Zhao Yi looked at Le Ji, whose eyes were turning here from time to time, and said in an unconfident tone: "These women are just dancing for fun, how can they establish an organization?"

"Young Master should know that there is a Siyuetang in my farmhouse, which operates a casino and brothel in the land of Han and Wei."

Lu Wei and Zhao Yi sat together and said in a relaxed tone: "Young master himself is the beneficiary of this tantai, how can you underestimate its role."

"Making money and collecting intelligence?" Zhao Yi recalled that he had gained a lot of knowledge after talking to Lu Wei yesterday, and still shook his head: "Rangers are trustworthy and have their own martial arts. Their role cannot be replaced by these musicians and dancers. of."

"It is easy for them to leak organizational information for various reasons: such as being emotional, being threatened, or being bribed."

"If I had a woman as my team, I would be ridiculed by the court and not be taken seriously."

"The Dancer has the role of the Dancer, and the Ranger has the role of the Ranger." Lu Wei held his chin with one hand and looked down at the performance with enthusiasm: "Besides, didn't I say that I wanted to fill in the peasant disciples? .”

"Zhao's music and dance are world-renowned. Tantai, as the top expression of Zhao's dance, should go out of Handan and let the seven countries see it."

"As for the young master, you only need to be the master of Tantai in name, and the farmer will help you with other matters."

"Those treacherous gangsters are really not worthy of being the young master's disciples."

"The most elite peasant knights are already arriving from the Yan Kingdom."

"By then, the name of Mr. Zhao's righteousness will be spread throughout the seven countries~"

"As a young master, with a reputation, you will naturally gain power in the court!"

(End of this chapter)

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