Chapter 86
The invisible pressure just now obviously came from this 'Manager Lu'. With this person's deep inner strength, he
The snow girl stood up slowly, straightened her clothes and messed up her hair, and kept herself elegant:
"Mr. Lu is very skilled in martial arts and the righteous young master is kind-hearted. In the past, Mr. Jia was also worried about the country and the people. Xue Ji is just a little dancer, but she can be valued by several adults. It is really Xue Ji's blessing."

Her words were full of sarcasm, but she didn't dare to curse them directly. Lu Wei threw the dagger back to her feet and looked into her stubborn eyes:

"If a person wants to die, he can do anything impulsively, but if he doesn't succeed, it is not easy to make up his mind."

Xue Nu lowered her head and her eyelashes trembled slightly: "Xue Ji's body is temporarily useful to General Manager Lu. Naturally, Mr. General Manager will not let Xue Ji die."

"Oh~" Lu Wei's eyes wandered over her body unscrupulously: "How much gold is your body worth?"

Hearing this tone that sounded like weighing goods, the snow girl unconsciously stared at the dagger on the ground: ". Ten thousand gold."

"How does it feel to have a body of ten thousand gold? Huh?" The steward smiled softly, raised his hand and poured himself a glass of wine from the table: "I just wanted you to play the song "Snow White" again here, and I don't want to be interrupted by the righteous son~ "

"Now that he has left, you can continue."

"." Feeling that her sight disappeared, Xue Ji's tight body relaxed slightly, and she bowed slightly: "Xue Ji's instrument was left on the stage below, and she cannot play for the manager."

"Then give me a dance."

Lu Wei's tone was casual. He felt that he had always been easy to talk to.

"Can't it be used here?"

Seeing that she remained motionless for a long time, the steward continued to press her with words.

"Xue Ji obeys your order." Upon hearing the urging, Xue Ji took a step back. Her heart kept swaying, but as soon as she took the familiar dance steps, the chaos immediately calmed down.

As long as she is dancing and playing music, she can feel that she is still truly alive.

The young man in front of him was far too powerful, far from being comparable to that young master. From this distance, I couldn't kill him.

The short silk cuffs are gently thrown out, and the snow girl's eyes are flowing. In this small box, she can also perform the dance gracefully and wonderfully.

This is Ling Bo Fei Yan, a dance that Lu Wei has never seen before, and it is also a dance that Xue Nu made an oath to never perform in front of others again last year.

If you violate it, you will see blood.

But today, forced to lose focus, the snow girl subconsciously danced her best dance, but she no longer cared about the consequences of breaking her oath.

Just because that faint internal pressure appeared in the box again, and the gentle air waves touched the skin, the snow girl felt that her whole body was being exposed, as if she was dancing naked.

The intense discomfort washed over her peaceful mind while dancing.

Lu Wei drank the wine in his glass, concentrating on it.

Due to cultural differences and other reasons, the taste of wine in different countries is always different: Yan wine is spicy, Qi wine is mian, Chu wine is warm, and Wei wine is thick.

But this Zhao wine is moist.

Staring at the snow girl's slender shoulders and waist, due to his concentration, the steward's inner energy automatically leaked out to protect his body: This dance is indeed much better than the Chudi witch dance!

Lu Wei spoke highly of the Chu Di witch dance because of its mysterious religious color and the strong exotic flavor of the dozen or so witches.

In his opinion, the original dance and music performances in Tantai, including the Snow Maiden, were nothing more than that, not much higher than the sensory effects brought by the witch dance.

But now, Lu Wei didn't have any comparison in his mind about this dance, he only subconsciously appreciated it.

The performance that the Snow Maiden was going to perform on the stage today was music, so she was wearing a musical outfit, which was not very suitable for dancing.

The red lips breathed out gently, and some small beads of sweat appeared on the snow girl's forehead.Lingbo Feiyan is a large-scale dance with a very long chapter. It is not easy to dance normally. What's more, at this moment, she has the anger of being forced, the joy of trying to assassinate and commit suicide but failed, the joy and tranquility that comes with dancing, and the subconscious... The sadness of breaking a promise, and a little bit of girlish shame.
These emotions were entangled together and kept beating wildly in her heart. Coupled with the long-term tension and relaxation of her body just now, it consumed a huge amount of physical energy.

Lingbo Feiyan had just finished two dances when she couldn't hold on any longer. She made a mistake in her foot movement and the dance immediately became chaotic. The snow girl fell sideways and was about to fall to the ground.

Frowning, Lu Wei turned his palm, raised it slightly, and used his inner strength to support Xue Nu's body from a distance.

"Is this your ten thousand gold?"

After the snow girl regained her footing, she immediately knelt down and hesitated uneasily:
"Xue Ji made a mistake."

"It's worth it." But before she could finish her words, the steward changed her subject and interrupted her speech. He raised the corner of his mouth, filled the wine glass, and threw it lightly in front of the snow girl with his inner strength: "I can give you a glass of wine."

"Thank you, Sir." Xue Nu managed to suppress all the emotions in her heart, but was still a little upset. She stared at the white jade wine glass in front of her. Knowing that she had made a mistake in dancing, she had no choice, so she picked it up and drank it all.

"Very good~" Lu Wei stood up, came to her, looked down, and saw a hint of blush rising in Xue Nu's ears:

"Since you say you are worth ten thousand gold, then make ten thousand gold for me!"

"After the war, Tantai will expand to the six countries of Shandong. As the head of the Yan branch, you will establish Feixue Pavilion in Jicheng." "Do you understand."

"Xue Ji knows." A slight twinge of pain came from the sprained ankle. This was nothing, but under the close-range internal energy lock of Manager Lu in front of her, Xue Ji only felt pain in addition to the pain, as if there was an invisible big hand caressing her. My mind goes blank.

"I will never treat my obedient subordinates badly."

With the last words left, Lu Wei walked out of the box with his hands behind his back. The moment he walked out, the vigilant inner energy inside was instantly drained away. Xue Nu's body tilted and she collapsed on the ground, a line of flush extending from her ears to her fair face, mouthing open panting
The dance just now caused something strange to arise in the heart of the steward, who has grown up a lot in the past few years, but at this time, the snow girl is not yet mature.

When her reputation is well-known in the Seven Kingdoms and she is coveted by people all over the world, but she can only serve her with tea and water in front of herself behind the scenes, it's a different feeling~


After Zhao Yi returned, he summoned the remaining fifty or so guests in the mansion and announced that he was going to the Zhangshui front line. Immediately, there was a loud cry of resignation.

Mr. Xiao Pingyuan couldn't help but feel sad, but considering that his future customers would all be peasant knights, he felt much better.

After quietly asking the old guest to bring a pot of gold and giving one gold to each guest who resigned, there were only seven or eight people left in the hall.

His eyes swept across the faces of these people, keeping their looks in mind for a moment. Zhao Yi stepped forward, patted these people's shoulders excitedly, and personally gave each of these people a piece of jade.

At this time, he finally had the courage to see clearly how many of the hundred or so disciples he had recruited in the past were true knights!

According to what Lu Wei said, he asked his old disciples to visit the Prime Minister Guo Kai with heavy gifts. After receiving the news that the Prime Minister was satisfied with the righteous deeds of "Little Pingyuan Lord", Zhao Yi no longer had any worries.

Lu Wei personally used the authority of his six-star pearl grass to gather the first batch of fifty farm disciples with certain moral standards in Handan City and handed them over to Zhao Yi. This made the guest rooms once again bustling with people. Mr. Xiao Pingyuan was extremely happy.

As for sending goods and materials to the Zhangshui front line, Zhao Yi originally wanted his old disciples to take the farm disciples to do it, but for such a famous thing, the general manager must ask Zhao Yi to do it himself.

Only in this way will his name, Zhao Yi, be valued more by Sima Shang and be informed to Li Mu later!
After several days of exchanges, and after receiving precious treasures such as Gongli Dan, Zhao Yi has become extremely convinced of Mr. Lu. Although there is a certain degree of danger, and the young master has never left Handan City since he was born, he still chooses to follow the instructions. Lu Wei instructed to do it.

Lu Wei himself was also unwilling to throw away this bragging experience that would gain respect in the anti-Qin camp in the future. He also went with Zhao Yi in the name of accompanying Zhao Yi.

Halfway through the journey, the cruel scenes of "frozen bones on the road" and "no roosters crowing for a thousand miles" were so vivid that it was unbearable to look at.
On the north bank of the Zhang River is the iron wall of Zhao State!
Fifty miles away from the rear troops, the team that rewarded the army was discovered.

Even with the warrant from Prime Minister Guo Kai and the weak blessing of the name "Little Pingyuan Lord", it was extremely difficult for them to enter the military camp.

After many rounds of interrogations, Lu Wei and Zhao Yi couldn't even see Sima Shang's face, so they heard the armored messenger say:
"The general has noted the kindness of the young master, but he has to patrol the defense line day and night. He is very busy and cannot come here to meet me. I hope you don't blame me!"

After speaking, he left without saluting.

Gong Ziyi has been staying in the comfort zone of Handan County. It was the first time in his life that he saw such a cruel scene. He felt uncomfortable again. He remembered that this was still a rear-line unit, the real front line. What a terrible hell it must be, which made Zhao Yi's expression even more grim. pale.
It was rare that he didn't blame the primary school for his rudeness. He looked up at the red sun and said: "Why is the grass not yellow? What day is not good? Who is not general? Manage all directions."

Lu Wei has killed many people so far.Some of these people are bad, and some are not that bad. Except for the first time when he kills a thief, he needs to use the soul-dwelling technique to influence himself. At other times, he can deal with it calmly.

But he still took the Zhangshui front line seriously: "What kind of grass is not mysterious? Who is not cautious? I feel sorry for my husband, who is a bandit alone."

Silently filling in the next sentence that Zhao Yi had not read, he followed the team back the next day.
On the way, he met those 'Kaikai White Bones' again. The team dispersed at the gate of Shandan City in Handan. Zhao Yi wanted to wash his body well after returning, while the farm disciples and disciples wanted to take advantage of the heat to kill the 'gongzi Yi Bu'. "Fearing the danger and going to Zhangshui to labor in person" was compiled into a story and sung in the city.

The manager "practices whenever he has nothing to do", so he has no time to spare.

On Tandai, Xue Nu was resting in the Li Pavilion, gently wiping the red and swollen ankle with medicine, her expression calm.

In any case, he had to deal with the greed of powerful people again, and he was lucky that he didn't die yet.

As for the 'Jicheng Concubine Snow Pavilion' mentioned by Manager Lu, she didn't think too much about it at the time due to her physical condition. After calming down now, Xue Nu immediately realized that this was an opportunity!
Being able to host her own music and dance studio has been a dream that Snow Girl has had since the first day she learned to dance as a child.

Normally, she would still calculate how much money she would have to make before she would have the courage to leave Tantai and recruit dancers and piano players by herself, so that she would no longer have to look at the faces of incompetent managers.

As long as I can earn more gold and silver, I can control my own destiny even if I am just a dancing girl.

"Ten thousand gold" thought again of the huge goal set by Manager Lu, and she was not very afraid: as long as a hundred people were willing to spend a hundred gold to watch her dance, the goal of ten thousand gold could be achieved!

But the problem is that the admission fee to Tantai is one gold, plus two or three gold for internal consumption, and the nobles occasionally order and spend ten or so gold. This is already a daunting price tag. How can I make people willing to shell out hundreds of gold?
She was frowning in sorrow when suddenly there was a knock on the door from the maid: "Miss Xue Ji?"

"What's the matter?" Her thoughts were interrupted, and the snow girl's voice was cold.

"Last time, the distinguished guest on the second floor brought a gift."

"!" Xue Nu's eyes trembled, and she lowered her eyes subconsciously: "Send it in."

"Yes", the maid responded softly, opened the door, held the sandalwood plate, lowered her head and displayed it in front of her:
On it is a jade flute with a green willow pattern.

"The person who sent it said that the manager hopes that Miss Xue Ji can use this flute to play a song of snow for him the next time he comes."

The snow-white wrist stretched out, and as soon as her fingertips touched the jade flute, Xue Nu felt that the labor pain started to rise again on her ankle where she had just applied the medicine.
(End of this chapter)

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