Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 88 Preparation for Zhang Yan

Chapter 88 Preparing to Return to Yan
When news of the victory on the northern front came, the morale of Zhao's soldiers in Zhangshui was greatly boosted, and the defense line became even more impregnable.

It is impossible for the southern Qin army to win again. Although the black-armored Qin soldiers have launched more brutal offensives these days, they have all been beaten back.

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.The Qin army, which had been grinding away for several months and unable to make any progress, learned that its colleagues on the northern front had suffered a disastrous defeat, and its morale became increasingly weak.

Although they are still stuck here, the feeling of longing for home has begun to spread among the army.

If nothing else, this war is really coming to an end.

Just wait for Li Mu to lead his army south - not only the Zhao army, but also the Qin army.

In Handan City, the streets that had been dark for a long time finally became lively. The powerful men had suppressed the fear for several months. Now that the crisis has been resolved, it is still raining lightly in the sky. For them, it has a different kind of beauty.

From restaurants and inns to singing and dancing bands, each one is decorated with lights and colorful decorations, creating another prosperous resort.

As for the soldier Zhao who fell on the bank of Zhangshui River on this rainy night and the bright red blood flowing, the big shots no longer care about it.

All the lights on the platform illuminated the sky, and various expensive carriages came and went in an endless stream. Lu Wei's three-story attic suddenly turned into a chaotic place.

Too noisy.

Although this would not affect the manager's concentration on cultivation, he still chose to go out and go to Zhao Yi Mansion.

The war is over. Next, we need to push Zhao Yi's position towards Li Mu. There is not much time left.

Not only the time he stayed in the State of Zhao, but also the time the State of Zhao could still exist.
Tan Tai's performance hall was replaced by a splendid main hall today, instead of the side hall some time ago.

Amber wine, jasper glasses, gold-footed bottles, and emerald plates, the food is like a picture, the wine is like a spring, the guqin is dripping, and the bells are tinkling.On the wall in the center of the hall, the crystal jade emits a faint white light, and the focus of the white light is exactly below it: a pool stage dotted with hundreds of emerald blocks.

Originally, this location should have been the famous Feixue Jade Flower Terrace.

But yesterday, Xue Ji used the song "Lingbo Feiyan" to transfer the ownership of the jade platform to the name of the future concubine of the Yan Kingdom, Xue Pavilion. She would not allow anyone else to set foot on the platform, so the platform was urgently replaced with a new one. of countertops.

The powerful men who stepped back into the stage after a few months did not care why the stage had changed. They had always only cared about the dancers on the stage.
"Mr. Lu, do you think I can be a general of the Zhao army like Zhao Cong?"

In Zhao Yi Mansion, Mr. Xiao Pingyuan and Lu Wei were sitting across from each other. The two of them hadn't even drank yet, but Zhao Yi seemed to be drunk and was talking nonsense.

"How can the young master have such an idea as a general?" Lu Wei looked at the snacks served respectfully by the maids on the left and right, calmly picked up the chopsticks and tapped the copper case.

"In recent days, I have followed the instructions of the general manager and have had extensive exchanges with Zhao Cong. Although he and I are good friends and have a close relationship now, this Zhao Cong's level"

"Well" Zhao Yi struggled with the choice of words: "To be fair, he's not as good as me!"

"He was able to defeat the Qin army last year and win the title of Zhao's famous general. I think I can do it too!"

"Zhao Cong is just a reckless man, An Neng can compare with the young master~"

Lu Wei smiled softly, rolled his eyes, flipped his wrist, threw the chopsticks out, and inserted them into the necks of the two maids guarding the door!

The two maids died immediately without even letting out a scream.

"Just let people like Zhao Cong do the rough work of going into battle to kill the enemy. The young master should work carefully in the court."

"Mr. Lu" Zhao Cong was surprised to see Lu Wei suddenly kill someone and was at a loss.

"Don't worry, sir. These two women have hidden internal strength. Although the tiger's mouth on their hands has been washed with potion, they still have the habit of using dagger weapons for a long time."

"When they just served snacks and retreated, they deliberately listened to our conversation clearly. They are undoubtedly spies."

Explaining why he took action, Lu Wei clapped his hands, and the peasant disciples guarding the door immediately came in and dragged the body away.

"That's right. Who could have done it?" Zhao Yi frowned. He had no doubts about the manager, nor did he think much about why Lu Wei was able to skillfully control his retainers: "Is there anyone else in my house?"

"Young Master, please be at ease." Lu Wei smiled and shook his head: "There are so many dignitaries in the city. The Young Master has been very close to the Prime Minister's Mansion recently. It is not surprising that he will be monitored by those who are interested."

"I left the Young Master's Mansion several times last month, and there would be some tailgaters behind me. But after they were all taken care of by me, no one thought about him anymore this month."

"There is nothing shameful about what the young master has done. It doesn't hurt to show some of it to those people."

"Mr. Lu said this, I feel relieved." Zhao Yi lowered his frown and returned to the topic they just talked about:
"The general manager wants me to make progress in the court, does he mean to continue bribing Guo Kai?"

"Tantai has reopened. The young master is making a lot of money every day. It is not expensive to raise a farmer's disciple. There is no harm in dedicating the excess wealth to that Guo Xiangguo."

"He is a traitor. Will it damage his reputation if I do this?" Although Zhao Yi said this, his eyes were looking at Lu Wei expectantly, hoping that he would have the words to 'convince' him.

"It is precisely because of Guo Xiangguo's treachery that we need people like you who are loyal to the country to come forward, isn't it~"

"As for the means to go up, even if it violates small righteousness, as long as it does not violate righteousness, King Zhao will understand in the future."

Anyway, King Zhao has no future.

The manager obviously understands what he means. This young master has changed tremendously since he opened the door to the new world.

"Yes, only by using Guo Kai first can I eradicate Guo Kai with my loyal ministers later!"

Zhao Yi's eyes lit up and he nodded his head happily.

In the pavilion of Snow Princess in Tandai, the dressing table of Snow Girl is now covered with bamboo slips.

Not only on the stage, but also on the floor next to the dressing table were neatly stacked with bamboo slips.

The snow girl held the writing brush and frowned as she revised the bamboo slips. These bamboo slips were filled with her vision for the Feixue Pavilion that she would host in the near future.The news of the victory on the northern front reached Tandai last night. The other dancers were happy that the distinguished guests would be back soon. However, Yuki Onna had heard about this from Director Lu during the day, so she was not too excited.

On the contrary, I was a little anxious about the fact that I was going to build a music and dance studio by myself in the unfamiliar land of Yan State.

She didn't know if her design would be sought after by the dignitaries of the Yan Kingdom. Fortunately, she got the Feixue Jade Flower Stand yesterday. Although the stand did not belong to her and she could only use it temporarily, it was enough!
She lightly tapped her forehead with the penholder, and it didn't matter that the ink from the pen tip splashed onto her chest or dripped onto her smooth thighs. Yuki-onna worked hard on her own settings, thinking about whether she could make any better improvements.

"Miss Xueji, are you going to perform on stage tonight?" A maid knocked gently at her door: "This is the first time for the distinguished guests to return to the platform. Their rewards tonight are particularly generous."

"No need." The disturbed Snow Girl sighed, put down her brush, looked down at the ink covering her body and the ground, adjusted her voice and said coldly: "I'm going to take a shower in half an hour, go get ready!"

"Yes", knowing that she would not get extra reward tonight, the maid became depressed, but she still followed Xue Ji's instructions and went down to do it.

"Yan State, it is said that it is the capital of Snow"

Lying down in front of the dressing table, the snow girl raised her eyes and looked at the jade flute hanging high up. She puffed her lips in the absence of anyone else and said, "They will bless my 'snow' to succeed."

After discussing with General Zhao Yi how to enter the court, Lu Wei unintentionally hinted that although he could not be a military general, he could make a proper friendship with General Li Mu.

"General Li Mu is the Great Wall of our State of Zhao, so I should make good friends with him!"

Zhao Yi patted his chest and had no objection to this request, but when Lu Wei saw this, he stopped him:

"You can make friends with General Li Mu, but you must do so in a public capacity. In private, the young master cannot get too close to General Li Mu."

"The manager is worried that King Zhao will suspect me of colluding with the army!" After hearing this request, Mr. Xiao Pingyuan narrowed his eyes and suddenly realized, clapped his left fist and right palm, and whispered.

No, I am worried that when Li Mu is convicted in the future, Guo Kai will see that you are friends with Li Mu and will not let you follow him to the military camp. In that case, there will be no chance to save my general.

"Exactly!" Lu Wei smiled and nodded.

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu, I understand this!" Zhao Yi accepted the task with great enthusiasm.


Another month passed, and Zhao general Li Mu led his army south and joined forces with Sima Shang.

The Qin army felt relieved and knew that they had completely lost their chance of victory. After a tentative fight and abandoning their armor, they began to slowly withdraw.

The Qin army withdrew first, followed by the allied forces of South Korea and Wei.

At this point, this year's war officially ended, Handan Danyan lifted the blockade of the city, and Lu Yu also entered the city with his caravan.

"Brother Lu!" Lu Yu is older this year and can now take charge of his own business.He asked the caravan to sell the food brought by the caravan in the city, and he came to Lu Wei's small building and happily met the manager.

"Ayu, here in Zhao State, you have a crucial mission!"

After briefly chatting with him to reminisce about old times, Lu Wei's face straightened and he gave a serious order: "Assisting Zhao Yi in the Kingdom of Zhao is just what you have to do on the surface."

"And secretly, General Li Mu of Zhao State will be punished by King Zhao in a few years. You must find a way to secretly rescue Li Mu at that time!"

Ayu is the most loyal of Lu Wei's subordinates. Only by letting him handle the layout and truth of this matter can she rest assured.

"Yes!" The huge information shocked Lu Yu for a moment, but this was a task assigned by his brother Lu himself. He didn't need to think about it, he just had to handle it strictly.

"Don't put too much pressure on it. There may be two or three years left. During these two or three years, you stay in Zhao and just focus on the layout. When it's time to implement it, I will come to Handan Dan in person!"

"Brother Lu, don't worry, I will do a good job in this matter." Lu Yu has been doing intelligence work for several years and is very well-educated. He didn't ask any questions other than the mission.

At night, I brought Ayu to Tantai and enjoyed the music and dance. The manager also informed him of Tantai's expansion to other countries.

In addition to the direction of Yan Kingdom, Ayu selected loyal secret guards from his men, thinking that these people could serve as heads of Tantai branches in other countries.

By cooperating with local farm disciples from various countries, even if those disciples are not from Gonggongtang, it will not be a big problem to settle down.

As for the Yan Kingdom, after the Snow Girl finished her dance on the stage and the aristocratic princes were tossing gold coins with satisfaction, he gave the Snow Girl a look on the second floor. The Snow Girl immediately understood, quietly left the scene, and went directly to the box:

"Xue Ji pays homage to Manager Lu." She could tell clearly that the young man Lu Wei brought this time was his subordinate, so she ignored him.

"The affairs of Feixue Pavilion can begin. Get ready and head north to Yan in a while."

"Xue Ji understands." She bowed slightly and the Snow Goddess looked calm: "Xue Ji has selected four dancers, two musicians, and ten piano players to accompany her in the sand platform, and they are ready to go at any time."

"It's just that the Feixue Jade Flower Terrace is quite troublesome to transport. It will take a little longer to send it to Jicheng."

"Well, just be prepared and go down."

".Yes", a little surprised. I thought I would have to dance alone for Manager Lu when I came up, but I didn't expect that he was not in the mood today.

She raised her slender eyebrows and carefully glanced at Lu Yu behind Lu Wei, before Xue Nu left lightly.

Everything was arranged well, and it was not until the end that the manager took Ayu to Zhao Yi's house and recommended him as the housekeeper of Zhao Yi's house.

Zhao Yi agreed wholeheartedly. With Guo Kai's recommendation and his reputation as a reinforcement, he successfully entered the court. When he met his brothers these days, he was very proud.

Manager Lu sent some elite farmers to help him, which is of course another good thing~
With the help of these farm disciples, every time I do a little good deed, it will be spread widely, which is very wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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