Careerist in Qin Dynasty

Chapter 98 Death of Zhou He

Chapter 98 Death of Zhou He
The moon was in the sky, and Lu Qing was still waiting in the lobby of Gonggong Hall when he came back from Shennong Hall.

After being away for almost a year, Lu Wei had a lot of things to learn from Lu Qing. If he had been there earlier, he would have chatted with him all night long, but as he grew older and more experienced, the manager became much more calm.

Having personally presided over various chores at the headquarters, Lu Wei knows how time-consuming it is to manage a headquarters.

As for Lu Qing, although he handles the affairs in the hall very well and in an orderly manner, in order to allow his beloved Uncle Qing to work for him for a few more years in the future, it is better for him to stay up less late.

After chatting with him for a few words, the manager returned to the accommodation area alone. As soon as he arrived in front of his house, his expression immediately became solemn: There is no light in the house, but there is someone!

One, with a steady breath, is a master.

At the same time, after searching carefully, there was another one hidden in an alley a little further away. His aura was slightly weaker, but he was estimated to be a master second only to the hall master among farmers!

"Young man Lu Wei is back, why don't you come in."

The door of the hut opened automatically, and a familiar voice came from inside. Then he saw the figure and face coming out of the darkness. Lu Wei's hand holding the Jade Soul Sword did not relax at all, but he smiled happily:
"Hall Master? Aren't you in retreat?"

"Yes, I have been in seclusion for 96 days and finally waited until you came back."

The figure in the room is clearly the current nominal leader of Gonggong Hall, Zhou He.

He turned around with his hands behind his back and walked into the house again. Lu Wei turned his head and took a deep look at the darkness in the distance before following in.

"I came here secretly today to let you meet someone."

Zhou He clenched his left hand into a fist and coughed.

The expert who had been approaching from the alley silently since the two closed the door stood outside the window and climbed in through the window with a coughing sound.

His uncovered face, illuminated by the moonlight that leaked in, was clearly displayed in the eyes of the steward.

"It's you." The well-informed Lu Wei was slightly startled, and then smiled freely: "Things are getting interesting~"

The next day, the manager summoned Lu Qing with a normal expression and chatted in detail about the situation of Gonggong Hall in the past year. Then the two of them came to Bailuyan and saw that the wild suburbs had changed greatly. They were now full of houses and the disciples were strictly coming and going.

After passing through a cave passage, they found Lu Mu in a secret room hidden in the mountain.

"Didn't you tell me not to disturb me unless necessary?"

Lu Mu was meditating hard on a rough cloth drawing that was half the size of a room. According to the guard disciples, Steward Mu had not been out for five days.

After he opened the door impatiently, he saw the smiling manager. He was even stunned for a moment before shouting in surprise: "Boss!"

Walking into the research cave, Lu Wei glanced at the blueprints on the ground and asked with great interest: "Are you studying the machine beast?"

"It's the mechanical farming cow in the boss's drawings." Amu nodded fiercely: "I built a prototype according to the drawings last month, but the defects were terrible during the trial, and I am looking for solutions."

"If this product can be mass-produced, it will be a historic change for my farmer disciples!"

"It is indeed important." Lu Wei looked at Lu Mu, whose eyes lit up as he spoke, and gently touched his shoulder with his right hand, passing a thick wisp of Five Virtues' rejuvenating inner energy: "Looking at it now, I want to advise you to rest more. Rest is no longer practical.”

"From now on, I will ask my disciples to bring broth every day at You time. You can take good care of it. Also..."

"There are ten pills here that can increase your rejuvenation energy. You can take one pill every month."

He took out a small sapphire bottle from his arms and handed it to Amu solemnly.After the Xu family incident, Mr. Lu had a lot of wealth, and this thousand gold was worth investing.

"Thank you, boss!" Amu didn't look particularly happy after taking the elixir. Most of his thoughts in his mind were still thinking about the transformation of the institution.

Seeing this, Lu Wei didn't bother him for long. He only said that he would come over once a week in the next six months, and left with Lu Qing.

Uncle Qing didn't say a word during the whole process, he just smiled behind the steward. He knew what he should do on different occasions.

After walking out of Bailuyan and making a big circle, Lu Qing had a lot to say in the next place.

Yangui Ridge, where the Yan brothers and Lu Chen trained their troops.

Going further north from Yangui Ridge is Qiubin Ridge, which is Chi Youtang's sphere of influence. The boundary on both sides ends at a small creek that is not wide.

"Judging from the current results, the effect of forming an elite team of three is pretty good."

Lu Qing explained based on what he knew: "The 150 people in Yanguiling have different styles. Yan Shen is very calm in his daily behavior, so his team is also very stable. This is shown in the effect of using the Dize 24 formation. They stick to their positions and behave upright."

"Yan Bing himself is very strong. He can climb up a big tree from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain without stopping. He does not feel tired even after three trips back and forth. Therefore, he is admired by his subordinates. His team is just like himself, very brave, no matter what It's suitable for hunting or as a patrol guard."

"Lu Chen's knight-errant spirit was something he had when he was a teenager. After staying at a farmhouse for a few years, he became more dissolute. For his team, the biggest advantage in mobilizing may be the higher applicability."

Although Lu Wei intended to let these three people learn the art of war, it was impossible to tell them clearly that he wanted to train troops. Therefore, he only said that he wanted to cultivate the elite guard force of Gonggongtang, so Lu Qing also used them as a guard force.

"Well, after a year of training, these disciples are much stronger in energy and spirit than ordinary disciples. They are doing well."

While walking and watching in the Yangui Ridge camp, the Yan brothers rushed over quickly, but Lu Chen was not in the camp because he was in charge of patrol today.

"General Manager!" The two brothers clasped their fists and saluted. After staying at the headquarters for a year, not only did these disciples make progress, Yan Shen and Yan Bing grew even more as commanders.

They are now practicing the Farmer's Internal Skills and Mental Methods, and are making rapid progress.

Because they had a good foundation in the General's Mansion when they were young, even after three years of hard work in the countryside, the two brothers were still physically stronger than the average disciple.

And precisely because of those three years of hard work, the two sons of nobles, Yan Shen and Yan Bing, gained a better understanding of the lives of the lower class people in addition to the principles of loyalty and justice they originally learned.

Therefore, they can understand many of the thoughts of their subordinates, and can share the joys and sorrows with their disciples on a daily basis.In the context of this era, it is true that there are not many descendants of powerful people who can do this.

Lu Wei was very satisfied after watching the two brothers' daily drills and experiencing the double-layered 24 formations of his elite disciples.

Time passed like this for half a month. In the early morning of this morning, he was wearing a smart suit and was dancing his sword in the backyard. Lu Qing suddenly rushed in. This was the first time he saw panic on his face and he yelled rudely. Stopped Lu Wei:

"Manager, no good, something happened in the main hall!"

Sheathing the sword, Lu Wei glanced at him, turned around, walked to the sidelines, and asked calmly: "Uncle Qing, don't worry, what's going on in the main hall?"

Lu Qing looked at the scattered disciples around him, carefully covered his mouth and put it next to the ear of the steward:

"Hall Master Zhou He was assassinated!"

Lu Wei's calm expression turned into horror. Lu Wei's pupils trembled, but he recovered quickly: "You immediately inform the Zhu Family Hall Master and Tian Hu Hall Master to come to the Gonggong Hall. I will go to the Hall Master Hall right away!"

After saying that, he didn't have time to put on his coat and used Qinggong to run quickly inside the headquarters.

After arriving at the main hall, Lu Wei ignored the disciples who were kneeling on the ground and cried, and went straight to the inner hall. He saw Zhou He lying in a pool of blood, his eyes wide with disbelief, and he had lost his spirit.


Several close disciples who had been with Zhou He for the past few years knelt and took a few steps closer to Lu Wei. They wanted to say something, but he stretched out his hand to stop him and said in a cold tone:

"You guys go out first, no one is allowed in, I want to inspect the scene myself!"

An hour later, the Zhu family and Tian Hu came together after learning the news. The two of them were too shocked to care about their grudges against each other.

They were still the only two hall masters who returned to Daze Mountain.

Nearly a hundred disciples gathered outside the main hall of Gonggong Hall. This news was too important. I don’t know who leaked it, and everyone who spread it knew it.

"Two hall masters, please follow me!"

Lu Qing used his authority to clear a path and led the Zhu family and Tian Hu into the main hall when he saw Lu Wei with a stern face interrogating the guarding disciples of the main hall:

"The hall master was so happy last night that he asked me to bring him a bowl of lotus seed porridge. When I come in in the morning,... woo woo."

The disciple who was being interrogated knelt down and cried loudly as he spoke.

Seeing someone coming at the door, Lu Wei waved his hand and asked Yan Shen to take these disciples first and take care of them.Lu Qing followed him out in a sensible manner and closed the door behind his back, leaving only the three principals inside.

"Brother Lu Wei, what's going on!"

The Zhu family mask remained angry, and after all the irrelevant people had left, his voice became stern.

Tian Hu remained silent in a rare moment, only staring at Lu Wei.

"See for yourselves." Lu Wei shook his head and led the two hall masters into the crime scene.They looked at the human figure and blood stains wrapped in white cloth, and their steps visibly stagnated and stopped in the distance.

Lu Wei stepped forward alone, squatted down, uncovered the upper part of the white cloth, showed it to Zhu and Tian carefully, and then covered it again: "The murderer is someone whom Hall Master Zhou trusts."

"The person you trust." Zhu Jia and Tian Hu could see Zhou He's "can't believe" expression from the expressions of the corpse. They subconsciously looked at Lu Wei who was getting up slowly, but immediately ruled out this possibility:
In terms of trust, Lu Xiaozi is the general manager of Gonggongtang, so he definitely meets this requirement.

But there was no need for him to kill Zhou He, not to mention that Gonggongtang now held great power and the top management were all Lu Wei's cronies.Since everyone knew that he would become the leader of Gonggong Hall in two months, Lu Wei had no motive to kill Zhou He!
"I remember that three years ago, there was a person in Gonggongtang who was also killed by someone he trusted."

The three of them walked out of the crime scene and returned to the hall. Zhu was the last one to close the door. After turning around, he said seriously.

"Tian Zhong." Tian Hu also remembered this matter.

"The murderer of Tian Zhong was traced by brother Lu Wei, right?" When the Zhu family mentioned Tian Zhong's surname, their voice dropped a little.

"Yes", Lu Wei nodded slowly, his eyes slightly absent-minded, as if he was lost in memories: "But Tian Zhong's death is an unsolved case. I was of low status when the case occurred and did not see the scene immediately. Later, even inside Gonggong Hall A thorough investigation has yielded no results.”

"Does the Zhu family hall master think this case is related to Tian Zhong's death?" Tian Hu had a deeper impression of that night. At that time, he and his eldest brother Tian Meng planned the Kuei Hall scandal. Tian Zhong was also one of the participants, but something unexpected happened unexpectedly.

Later, the eldest brother also had an accident.
"It's really similar, isn't it?" Looking up in response to Tian Hu's question, the Zhu family started to pace habitually: "If Tian Zhong is still alive, it is possible that he was killed by a killer who was far more powerful than him."

"But Brother Zhou He has been in seclusion since last year. Brother Lu Wei didn't see him even if he wanted to see him when he came back. Who could gain Brother Zhou He's trust in the middle of the night, approach him with weapons, and suddenly attack. "

"If this murderer is not someone that brother Zhou He trusts, then even a hero who can kill him instantly will never be able to do it!"

"Not bad." Tian Hu nodded in agreement after hearing this analysis.

"In the past three years of Gonggongtang, a hall leader and a general manager were assassinated. If this was done by the same person or the same organization, then he must have a deep hatred for Gonggongtang."

Lu Wei's face darkened visibly. He raised his head and clasped his fists and looked at the two people in front of him: "Master Zhu Family, Master Tian Hu, now you are the only people in Daze Mountain who are absolutely trustworthy by Lu. If the murderer's target is really the entire Gonggong Hall, Then I will most likely be the next target."

"I hope that these close disciples of Hall Master Zhou He can be handed over to you two for interrogation and investigation."

"As for the inside of Gonggongtang, I will strictly investigate!"

"My condolences to my dear brother Lu Wei, Xia Kuai is not here and the other three hall masters are not here. This is our duty!"

Zhu Jia and Tian Hu took it with fists in their hands and then resigned.

Watching the two figures leave, Lu Wei stood quietly for a while and came to the crime scene again.

As he watched, the white cloth on the ground suddenly twitched.
Then, Zhou He's body slowly sat up.
(End of this chapter)

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