Chapter 1 This is scary
"Ding, get Nine Tails x1, number of lives +1."

Chen Banxian:? ? ?

Chen Banxian:! ! !

His mouth was dry, he looked up tremblingly, and saw that the sun ring in the sky was a little weak.

"God, I know what the news in the past two days says about the return of Heavenly Dao, which is similar to the revival of spiritual energy, but the trick you gave me is a bit scary."

He was just a fortune teller, but his spiritual energy had recovered a few days ago. Daxia responded quickly, and the city lords even formulated autonomous policies.

The news said that someone had awakened, similar to a superpower.

The news also said that there was a method of cultivating immortals and a peerless treasure appeared in the world.

Although he was excited about this, it was far away and had nothing to do with him.

But in the past two days, something was wrong with his fortune telling.

Just now - was that a fox demon?

"Fuck! F*ck!"

Chen Banxian found it incredible, why couldn't he see it at all?

"Hey, little master, are you telling fortunes?"

Youhu, another person came to the Gua Tan and sat down. He was holding Journey to the West in one hand and said with a smile:

"The little master can set up a stall at a young age, and his future achievements will be limitless."

"Haha, you're rewarded, you're rewarded." Chen Banxian temporarily put away his turbulent mind: "I wonder what you are asking, sir?"

He caught a glimpse of the chapter in Journey to the West: Chapter 009: Yuan Shoucheng's clever plan and selfless plan, and the old Dragon King's clumsy plan violated the law of heaven.

Eyebrows jumped.

"How about I calculate when the wind will blow tomorrow, when it will rain, and how much rain will fall?"

The person who came had a calm and majestic temperament, but what he said was shocking.

"Brother, it's inappropriate for you to ask this while wearing a suit..."

Chen Banxian's head was full of dark things: "The news only talks about the revival of spiritual energy, not about re-enacting the myth. There is no Monkey King here."

"And..." He took out his mobile phone and pointed at the weather forecast: "It won't rain tomorrow."

Isn't it? It will be sunny tomorrow and the temperature will be 22 to [-] degrees.

"Ahem..." The man put away Journey to the West and revealed his original form, and said awkwardly: "I was fascinated by the book."

"Sir, how about you help me calculate my fortune?" He stretched out a palm. The roots were slender and round. The strange thing was that this hand... only had four fingers!
Chen Banxian's heart twitched hard again!
Do you want to do this? If he doesn't open for a few days, it will be so exciting when he opens?

If his mind is confused, he cannot make up his own hexagrams.

So Chen Banxian asked him to write a word.

The man didn't hesitate, he immediately picked up the pen and wrote the word "peach" in flying colors!

"When it comes to wealth, the word peach is for fruit, the four characters for wood on the left are for shock, the character for sign on the right is for six strokes, and the character for thunder and water is the hexagram!"

"This wood energy is already strong in spring, but it is also born from water. It's more than enough. It looks like you have wealth, but in fact, I'm afraid it's like water flowing through it, and it's not yours."

Chen Banxian told the truth that this word was unlucky and he went to see the man's reaction.

The hexagram master may or may not say it, but he must not be dishonest. Those who ask for predictions must be sincere, and the hexagram master must be more sincere. This is the bottom line.

Even if the one riding the horse is a monster.

The man sighed: "Master is really capable. Someone just took my money."

As he spoke, he stood up and bowed in admiration: "Sir, your calculation is accurate. I will give you the hexagram gold."

Putting his arm down, it was a red note.

But when Chen Banxian picked it up, the note turned into a ray of light and disappeared between his eyebrows.

"Ding, get the Ape Strike Technique."

Suddenly, his heart was shocked, and he seemed to have turned into an old ape in the mountains. He had been practicing boxing and kicking for more than ten years until he was perfect, and then returned to the present moment in the blink of an eye.

md, he knew that this was not a human being!

Looking at the man who left, it was clear that there was a tail behind his butt.

"If a gentleman doesn't stand behind a dangerous wall, we can no longer stay in this place!"

Chen Banxian quickly put away the stall and ran away!

"The city management is here?" Some nearby street stalls felt uneasy when they saw this, and they also packed up their goods and ran off the overpass.Chen Banxian ran all the way back home, gasping for air, and then closed the door tightly.

Excitement, fear, all kinds of emotions surged in my chest, and I couldn't help but perform the ape attack again!

The air was torn open, it was real, it was real, he could get incredible abilities by fortune telling!

After a long time, he managed to calm down his heart, and then he looked in the mirror and asked, my dear, is this still me?What's with this confidence revealed from the inside out?

Suddenly, his eyes narrowed, and he saw a big mouse stealing food while he was out. Without looking back, he just subconsciously used the ape attack technique.

"Bang!" The mouse was beaten into a pulp before he could react, and blood splattered all over him.

Chen Banxian's face froze with pride, "Oops!"

Afternoon, hospital.

The doctor warned: "Don't be so reckless in the future. You may feel a little uncomfortable after taking this rabies vaccine. Please pay more attention to rest."

"Yes, yes, that's what the doctor said."

Chen Banxian returned home with a gloomy look on his face, took out his cell phone and started browsing in boredom.

“The latest news from the Liangcheng City Defense Department is that it is currently taboo for residents.

One: You cannot swear in the name of heaven and earth.

Two: Do ​​not enter buildings you have never seen before.

Three: Try not to go out at night, and it is forbidden to talk to people you don’t know. "

Ignoring this message, Chen Banxian started scrolling through the video.

How can he tell fortunes without talking to strangers?

Ever since I entered college from the orphanage, I wonder where I got the money to pay for my tuition?

"Ding dong."

Another message came from the phone, it was one of his roommates, Fang Ping, with whom he had a good relationship.

"Ban Xian'er, something big has happened!" Fang Ping lives up to his name, with a flat nose and a square face.


"Our instructor had a seizure, so he took a few classmates to interview monsters!"


Chen Banxian had to give a thumbs up. Is this something a human being can do?
"But that's not the main thing!" Fang Ping added: "In the end, they actually interviewed him. At present, he and us, Liangcheng, intend to form an alliance to jointly fight against the unknown future."

"Awesome!" Chen Banxian exclaimed: "Qing Mimi did such a big thing?"

The news about Yokai One had been broadcast a long time ago, and the public had long since passed the time of being too shocked.

"Is this awesome?" Fang Ping's tone couldn't be suppressed and he said, "There is something even more awesome!"

"You know the ones at the bottom of our class, right?"

"You know, doesn't this bother me and Liu Wuya and the others?"

"Yes! It's Liu Wuya. Ever since I asked about his name, I knew this guy had a future!"

Chen Banxian had already seen Fang Ping on the other end of the phone slapping his thigh hard.

"That guy worshiped a monkey in the mountains as his godfather when he was a child. Now that monkey has become a spirit and was taken by Liu Wuya to meet with our Lord of Liangcheng."

Fang Ping said excitedly: "I asked for some photos of monsters and monkeys. Take a look, they are no different from us!"

Chen Banxian clicked on the photo, and his expression suddenly became strange.

Aren't these... the two people who gave him the fox tail and ape attack skills before?

Are they monsters?Have you all been touched by yourself?
He couldn't help but look up at the sky. He couldn't be the one who opened the catastrophe, right?

For example, the god-like Shen Gongbao, or the thunderous and rainy Yuan Shoucheng in Journey to the West?

If you think about it carefully, everyone is a fortune teller...

Chen Banxian took a deep breath, consciously discovering a big secret.

Is it possible that he will become a god or an immortal in the future? is this so embarrassing?
Do you still want to set up that stall?
Of course you have to put it on, and you have to put it up beautifully!
"Half fairy, half fairy!" Fang Ping's message on the other end was still sending: Why don't we go do something too? We can't be outdone by our classmates, can we?

The other party said in a mysterious voice: "I have a road in the south of the city. It's not easy to walk, but the benefits..."

(End of this chapter)

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