Chapter 106 Bring it to you
"Young man from another world, I advise you not to go too far."

Master Dingfeng finally spoke, his eyes still calm, as if he was examining an item.

"Oh, sorry, I forgot to block it."

He put up a stone plaque to block Dingfeng's sight, and then took off Wuque's pants.

"Brother, brother, please be gentle, I really don't have any treasures to store!"

Luo Wuque begged for mercy and shouted: "Leave me a pair of underwear, brother, my master is still here, how dare you!"

But the shouting was ineffective, Chen Banxian stripped him naked, and finally found two good things.

The first is the Notes on Entering the Taoist Realm - Master Dingfeng.

The second was a silver exquisite necklace. The moment he took it into his hand, he felt connected to the heaven and earth, and the flow of energy gates inside and outside the body increased!
He happily put on the necklace, put away the note, and then said disgustedly: "That's all? How poor!"

Luo Wuchue bit his lower lip, barely covered himself with his torn clothes, and said nothing.

Pei Dingfeng remained silent until Chen Banxian finished searching, then he spoke: "I got the things, should I let my disciple go?"

"Who said I would let your disciple go?"

Chen Banxian pointed to the ruins behind him: "Did you see that so many compatriots behind him were killed by him, how should this account be settled?
Gotta pay more! "

Pei Dingfeng said calmly: "What do you want?"

"What do you have?" Chen Banxian asked.

"I have a lot of things, ranging from treasures in the realm of life to incense and incense offerings from the mortal realm. I give them to you. Can you afford it?"

As Pei Dingfeng spoke, he took out pieces of jade boxes, boxes, or magical weapons, genius treasures from his hands.

"If you want it, you can get it yourself."

When Luo Wuque saw it, he couldn't help crying: "Master, that is the rebirth pill that prolongs life, that is the evil grass that refines the Taoist body, that is...

He counted them here one by one, and the more he counted, the more moved he became. Master was so kind and generous.

Chen Banxian was so embarrassed that he rubbed his hands together and said, "Give it to me, I will definitely be able to take it."

This person is really shameless!
Pei Dingfeng's voice became colder: "Young man, do you know the consequences of angering me?"

He pointed at the items in front of him: "I can only choose one thing. As money to buy the life of my disciple, it is wrong for me to kill your people, but compared to the treasures here, it is more than enough to buy the life of a mortal."

Chen Banxian pointed casually: "Just choose that one."

Of all the things, this thing is the most gorgeous, wrapped in hollow carved red jade.

There is something vaguely like a book inside.

"That's my natural skill. Are you sure you want it?"

Pei Dingfeng picked up the red jade box: "You are my disciple if you practice my method. You call me master and I will give it to you."

The old guy wants to take advantage of me!

Chen Banxian is so smart. He immediately turned his finger and saw that it was also a book: "That's it."

"Why did you choose these books?" Pei Dingfeng was a little confused: "You know our language but not our writing. If I give it to you, can you learn it?"

Sorry, Ye Kuli translated online, he really understands these words.

"Are you going to give it to me?" Chen Banxian said directly.

Pei Dingfeng snorted coldly, and the book flew from the other side of the crack without any delay.

Chen Banxian discovered that these people with some strength are relatively stupid and easy to deceive, and so is the female giant, and so is Pei Dingfeng.

He picked up the book, slapped Luo Wuque unconscious twice, took him away, pulled out the sword spirit from the ground, and ran away.

"What are you waiting for? Run." He grabbed Liu Lexian and rushed around the secret realm into the darkness without waiting for the latter's reaction.

Pei Dingfeng didn't stop him, and he couldn't stop him either. He looked at Mr. Fei.

"Who ordered the massacre of aliens?"

This is a terrifying elder. If he really wants to get angry, the strong wind and royal family will not be able to protect him.

Mr. Fei lowered his head and raised his eyes slightly: "We asked this city to surrender. They would rather die than surrender, so they had no choice but to resort to this trick." "Who gave the order?" Pei Dingfeng asked again.

Mr. Fei gritted his teeth and said, "I did it!"

In fact, all the disciples jointly requested the order, and the three of them made the final decision.

"If something goes wrong here, I'll go back to my sect and be punished."

Pei Dingfeng spoke, and then lectured: "Since you have been evil from the beginning, then don't be good, and don't be submissive. Our sect can afford it for just a small world."

The earth is just a small world.

Mr. Fei nodded in agreement, and the crack disappeared. He couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Uncle Master, this small world is connected to more than just our world."

Moreover, Master Uncle Pei did not mention Luo Wuque again. Did he choose to save him or not?
Leave it alone for now.


The miserable Ba Han on the other side shouted: "Why are you still in a daze? Help me!"

He rolled and struggled on the ground, and deformed things kept growing on his body. He could only use his spiritual power to chop them off with his sword.

Ming Qingyue, on the other hand, held his hands and observed on one side, recording it in the book from time to time, with a writing brush dancing in the air.

"Brother, please let my junior brother go." Mr. Fei handed over his hand and said, "I, Feng, will definitely come to pay my respects in the future."

Mr. Fei sighed, what happened today made him upset.

Ming Qingyue looked around and found that the lunatic had run away at some point, leaving him alone here.

Damn it, I was so absorbed in recording that I didn’t pay attention to my surroundings!

He pulled away, took off his hat, and left without saying a word.


In the darkness of the night, Chen Banxian was galloping all the way. He quickly found Jiaojiao and Xiaoxiao. His body was so cold when the two girls went back to bring in reinforcements.

Chen Banxian grabbed the coffin, threw it into Luo Wuque, then used the plaque to carry the four people, and speeded up again!
He looked behind him from time to time, fearing that Master Luo Wuque would come after him in a rage because he did not respect martial ethics.

There is also the flying boat, which alone is not strong, but it cannot hold up in large numbers and flies very fast.

Fortunately, Pei Dingfeng is not as naive as the giantess and has no courage to offend God.

After a near miss, Chen Banxian returned to the shelter.

The three Liu Lexian girls were sorting out the information and reporting it, while he and the other two secretly returned home.


Chen Banxian quietly opened the door and put down the coffin, but the next second his vision went dark!

The half dragon jumped out of the room and circled around him, looking up, down, left, and right with its eyes.

Seeing that there was no problem, she gently patted Chen Banxian's head with her tail.


I haven't been back for so long, I thought you went out hunting GG.

Chen Banxian smiled: "I'm hungry and want to eat braised pork."

I haven’t eaten much since I went out, so I’ll make sure to bring some dry food next time.

After finishing eating, Chen Banxian opened the coffin board and sorted out his trophies.

A necklace, a pendant, Ming Qingyue's elixir, an unknown book, four people, a soul...

At this time, Ge Li and Chao Keyao opened their eyes that could not focus, their mouths were dry and their faces were flushed. When Chen Banxian caught them, they were even more excited and trembling.

"Asshole, what are you doing!" He cursed, isn't there a hot cat in the coffin?As for being so sensitive?
The two of them turned red, then lowered their heads: "Brother, what are your orders?"

"Don't worry, someone is still awake."

Chen Banxian released Ye Kuli, the rogue ghost, and patted Luo Wukue on the ground: "Stop pretending, sleeping people won't be so hard."

(End of this chapter)

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