There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 21 You lost your white stuff

Chapter 21 You lost your white stuff

"Teacher, it seems you know, then I'm afraid today...

Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes, and an unknown aura was brewing.

Teacher Qian was startled and said with trembling fingers: "I am your teacher, you can't..."

Teacher Qian's heart rang with alarm bells, and he was about to escape to his own world. The latter was faster and blocked the entrance.

"Teacher, I'm sorry." Chen Banxian suddenly reached into his arms, took out a handful of money and stuffed it into Teacher Qian's arms.

"Click." Taking the photo as a souvenir, he took back his phone and turned it off carefully.

"Okay, now we have all shared the dirty money. You don't know about this. I don't know, and neither does heaven and earth."

Teacher Qian felt his heart beating wildly for a moment, and then he came to his senses slightly: "Silver...silver?"

"Yes, silver." Chen Banxian was suspicious: "Teacher, are you missing something?"

"No, no, no, I just want to ask you what brand of mobile phone you have." Teacher Qian took the money and looked at Chen Banxian again:
"Go back to school early and let me know when you get back. I'll ask the city-state army to send someone to rescue Su Yun and the others."

Teacher Qian's feet were shaking when he went back. Just now he thought he was going to be killed and silenced.

It turned out that it was not what he thought. Teacher Qian held the money in his hands and was entranced for a moment.

"It's so durable, I'll buy this brand of mobile phone next time!" Chen Banxian from another world heard the vague muttering and smiled, his eyes meaning nothing.

He threw the silver on the ground, took out the copper coins, and began to divine.

Those who use hexagram pay attention to the time, location, and harmony.

For any important event, you must first bathe and burn incense, then offer sacrifices to heaven with piety, and think about the things you ask in your heart. Only in this way can it be effective.

When forming a hexagram, one may listen to the joys and sorrows, distinguish good or bad luck, or look at the weather, or depend on the location, and also count the people who are coming and going, and judge whether they are appropriate or not.

"Moreover, the most important thing is to meditate. The mind has no external objects, and the chest can accept the universe and distinguish yin and yang."

He was talking to himself, and when he saw that the hexagram was about to come out, he suddenly slapped it with his backhand!
"MD, why are there mosquitoes in other worlds? Your business scope is exaggerated."

At this time, the hexagram is finally completed.

Whether Ze Di Cui is of heaven and earth, it is a hexagram to go, to let out the body. If you want to find someone, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until someone comes.

Metal is born from the earth, and it grows outward and has to run by itself.

He remembered again that the mosquito had been swatted to death in the west on the right, so this hexagram had to go west.

"Fortunately, it's not time yet, and the time body hexagram blocks the danger, otherwise labor and management would turn around and leave!"

He put away the copper coins and looked at the direction according to the sun, and quickly stayed away from the mosquitoes.

After taking two steps, the more he thought about it, the angrier he became. He had not been practicing for so long just to be bullied by mosquitoes.



"Ape Strike Technique! Snap!"

After taking a breath, Chen Banxian lowered his head and murmured: "My hands are covered in blood."


Sanshe Township was named after a strong man named Wen Sanshe once came out.

Although it is a township, it is larger than the three surrounding villages. It is equipped with standard equipment. There are three wizard elders in the township.

Today, a young man came from the Yangchang Trail in Qingfu Village.

Chen Banxian planned to sneak into the city first, and then use the silver he had collected previously to bribe people to get information and see if Su Yun and the others were here.

He is not someone who never forgets, he is just curious about the customs and customs of this place.

"Proof of identity." Sanshe Township is surrounded by a simple wall, with checkpoints set up at the gate.

"Brother, please take a look." Chen Banxian handed over a wooden sign with his name, place of origin, and an extremely crude portrait.Do you want to identify yourself with such a crude portrait?It's such a child's play. This is the disadvantage of underdeveloped technology. Alas... the indigenous people.


The head of the township guard took the ID card and looked at it briefly, and immediately frowned: "You are not Wen Ding. Wen Ding has a mole on the left side of his face, but you don't have a mole on the left side of your face!"

"The left side of your face?" Chen Banxian followed his gaze and said in surprise, "I thought it was accidentally stained!"

"Nonghua? This is carved with a Qi-blood carving knife. The edges are neat and smooth, not Nonghua."

"Come here! Arrest him." The head of the township guard shouted, and immediately several guards came over with energy and blood.

"Wait a moment!"

Chen Banxian stretched out his hand to stop: "Misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding. Maybe I picked it up by mistake."

He hurriedly took it out from the package behind him, and dropped several wooden signs...

The wind in Sanshe Township has never been as noisy as it is today.

"There are so many identity cards. Who are you? Are you a foreigner!"

The doorman nervously raised his sword and was about to curse, when another bunch of white stuff fell out of the package.

"Hey, brother, is this the money you dropped?"

Chen Banxian grabbed the silver and wooden sign and gently placed them in the hands of the door leader.

The head of the door raised his eyebrows: "Ahem, it was just me who dropped it, right? Wen Ding, you go in quickly."

"Pah." Chen Banxian shook his hand and dropped another white thing.

"Oh, what a coincidence, I found something you dropped again." He quickly picked it up and put it into the hands of the doorman.

The headmaster's face quickly changed from solemn to kind.

"My fellow countryman, it's been hard for me to come all the way. There have been a lot of people from other worlds causing trouble recently, so you have to be careful."

"Thank you very much, Chief, for your concern. I'm very touched. Please accept this small gift." Chen Banxian took out the money again, and this time he put it into the latter's hands openly.

The kindness on the headmaster's face instantly turned into intimacy: "Child, you look familiar to me the first time I see you. You have a special portrait with my brother-in-law. Does my brother-in-law know that? You are the seventh captain of the Three Snakes Township!"

"Then why don't you pay attention to safety when entering the city? Except for the dungeon in the northeast of the city, if you need anything else, please tell me your name, Jia Fugui, so I can help!"

"Brother Jia Fugui, you're welcome, you're welcome." Chen Banxian hurriedly thanked him and quickly entered the city.

As soon as he left, there was a lot of excitement behind him, and some excited shouts could be heard.

"Boss! What a fat sheep! Let's give him a good meal tonight!"

"Boss, with so much money, I'm afraid I only have three taels!"

"Three taels? You have never seen so much money at first glance. I thought it was at least seven or eight taels!"

Is seven or eight taels a lot?Chen Banxian wandered around the city gate, secretly wondering if he was given too much?
Anyway, it was just picked up casually and not worth much.

Sanshe Township looks shabby on the outside, but once you get inside, you realize it's not that big.

Restaurants, hotels, and even entertainment venues are basically filled with ordinary people. Occasionally, you can see Qi and blood monks with strong Qi and blood.

He grabbed a random person and said, "Brother, how to get to the dungeon in the northeast?"

The person who was pulled showed displeasure: "Asshole, I'm busy, let's go and play."

"Oh, brother, you have lost your money."

The cloudy sky suddenly turned sunny for a passerby: "Brother, I just wish I didn't get to know you earlier. So I walked along this road and saw a Y-shaped fork in the road. Turn to the right, and then I saw the township chief's residence on the right. That’s it.”

Thanking the passers-by, Chen Banxian only felt that the world was cold and cold. If he had money, he would be a brother and uncle. If he didn't have money, he would get out.

 Thanks to aiyuan for the thousand and five reward, ()
(End of this chapter)

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