Chapter 31 Intermission
“My classmates from the medical major said that I need to exercise moderately... Ugh...

"Eat slowly, be careful not to choke."

Chen Banxian's hand kept pushing and pushing, stuffing it full.

The strong boy's eyes widened, and it hit his throat. He couldn't spit it out, so he could only bear the impact continuously.

"Um... oh..."

He let out unexplained sobs, but he was still suffering from the violence.

"Classmate, is it delicious?" Chen Banxian put down the food residue in his hand and said with a smile.


"As long as it's delicious." Chen Banxian patted him on the shoulder: "Pay more attention to rest. I'll go take a look around."

By the time he finished speaking, others had already left here, their footsteps hurried.

Those students who could still stand up were on alert around them. One was observing the strange situation, and the other was watching to see if there were any pursuers coming from the direction of San Snake Township.

"Classmate, can you tell me your fortune?"

In the dense forest, he found an acquaintance, the fat black man.

At this time, the fat black man was spying on the way he came in the forest, and was startled by the sudden appearance of Chen Banxian!
"What the hell, brother, are you walking silently?" He trembled all over, and then quickly looked away from the outside of the forest.

Chen Banxian looked around and saw a creek over there, and a few girls were cleaning some things.

Do they need help?He pondered, his eyes unblinking.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect you?" The fat black man rubbed his hands: "I've been waiting for a long time, they are about to wash their underwear."

"Ahem, what's so good about this?" Chen Banxian looked away: "I am a fortune teller, do you want to tell your fortune?"

He pointed at the girls, "Look at how young and cute they are, don't you want to have them yourself?"

He took out a piece of cloth that had been folded many times from his arms. It was a little tattered and had been damaged a lot by Weird.

Shake it gently and spread it on the ground:
Plum blossoms are easy to count for divination, fortune telling, character testing, and naming.

Love, wealth, career, disease, home, Feng Shui.

Promote marriage, promote peach blossoms, and bring back your ex through harmony...

Damn, so professional.The fat man's eyes suddenly changed. He thought that this classmate was just talking, but he never thought that there was something real!

"Master, didn't you think you could take a peek at this?"

Is there a serious illness that is your concern?
Chen Banxian was angry and said, "Does it count? Since we are classmates and we share the same difficulties, I will give you a [-]% discount."

"How much?" The fat man looked at the girl over there again and said sheepishly: "I am relatively poor and my family environment is not good."

"I understand you, brother. In the past, I used to predict 688, but now the special price is only 68.8. I'll give you a [-]% discount, that's..."

He did the math and found that decimal points were not easy to calculate mentally.

Chen Banxian simply stabbed himself: "I'll give you another zero, 60!"


The fat black man dug into his pocket and took out a red bag. He opened the pocket and took out a silk scarf, which contained some neatly folded ten-yuan notes.


He spat on his fingers and counted them carefully.

"Master, I only have 50 yuan."

The fat black man was embarrassed: "Master, can you help me calculate half of it?"

Tsk...this child is indeed in trouble.

Chen Banxian sighed: "Well, I see that you are indeed in difficulty. Our hexagram masters also have unspoken rules that the rich charge more and the poor charge less, so I will charge you ten yuan."

He carefully took ten yuan from the latter's hand, and was even more careful to avoid saliva.

"Give me your date of birth and name."

"Thank you, Master!" The fat man thanked him repeatedly: "I want to calculate when I will meet the right person. My name is Zhang Debai, and my birth time is in the Chinese calendar...

Zhang Debai?Chen Banxian glanced at the fat man and checked whether the person was using a fake name.

"Let me calculate, the Lei Shui Jie Hexagram is the Lei Ze Guimei Hexagram. Oh, can't you see that you are still the eldest son in the family? You have a younger brother below."

"Master is so accurate!" Zhang Debai gave a thumbs up: "But let's still see the peach blossoms, shall we?"

"This hexagram looks good, why is the hobby so strange?" Chen Banxian muttered, and saw that the hexagram was both water and fire.

"It's over, you licking dog, you won't be able to find a girl until you reach middle age!"

"You see, this hexagram is about late marriage. You meet your sweetheart in middle age, but you have noisy separation and reunion, and you have to delay getting married for a long time."

"Master! Are you serious?" The fat man's face suddenly turned darker: "Do I really want to delay my marriage? When will it be too late?"

Chen Banxian faintly pointed at the hexagram drawn on the ground: "The shock was great. I saw that the mutual hexagram Li Fire was the symbol of marriage, but it was off the fire and restrained by the water. If it is really going to happen, when the fire is strong, Li San, at least 43 is gone. .”

"Four...43..." The fat black man felt like he was struck by lightning!Even the voyeuristic mood was gone, and the whole person suddenly lost his mind.

Sigh... Chen Banxian sighed, and then accepted the hexagram gold with peace of mind.

"Ding, get the skill: open your eyes and be blind."

He is blind when his eyes are open, his sense of presence is greatly reduced when using skills, and he can become invisible in the dark state.

What a skill!Chen Banxian smiled and said, these classmates are all treasures.

It's inevitable that he spent so much effort to save these people.

Looking left and right, he was targeting the next unlucky child.

So I climbed up an ancient tree and patted the classmates in front of me who were looking around.

The classmate's shoulders shook and he almost fell from the tree in fear!

"Brother, are you a human or a ghost!"

The classmate was trembling and his legs were shaking. He didn't realize how this person climbed up.

Chen Banxian didn't answer, but took out a piece of cloth from his arms, which read:

Count it as a happy marriage...

"Classmate, what time of day is this, and you are still in the mood to joke?"

The unlucky child tried his best to control his balance on the tree trunk, waved his hands and refused: "I am a staunch materialist warrior!"

"Go down quickly. It's more than thirty meters away from the tree. If you fall, you'll send it."

"Classmate, does it really count?" Chen Banxian took a step back slightly and gently pressed his palm on the branch next to him.

"Crack!" Several branches broke, and he put his hand on the root of the thick branch under the two of them.

"Don't! Wait a minute!"

The classmate on the tree stopped loudly: "I was joking just now. I am actually an idealist among undercover materialists. I followed my grandma to eat fast and chant Buddhism since I was a child. When I grew up, I also worked as a Taoist priest...

He chattered a lot, and then said righteously: "I have long wanted to experience the magic of Daxia's traditional metaphysics, and I ask the master to give me a chance!"

"Children can be taught." Chen Banxian nodded with satisfaction, and at the request of the tester, he carefully divined his life fortune.

Finally, he added: "Your five elements are not very balanced, there must be some twists and turns. I can see that your five elements are lacking, and you must not stand on a high place anymore."

"You should walk on the ground more to be safe."

"Master, you are right!" Classmate Shu reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief when Chen Banxian's hand left the branch.

Where did this freak come from!Damn it, he will never go up a tree to watch the wind again next time!
"Ding, get the skill: stretch your legs and stare."

Stretch your legs and stare: Just straighten your legs and widen your eyes to gain enhanced vision!
This skill... can't be said to be useless, I can only say that it is completely useless!

Chen Banxian looked up and saw that the classmate above was trying hard to open his eyes wide and stretch his legs straight.

As if she saw his spying, Shu slightly put away her long legs.

(End of this chapter)

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