There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 373 The source is people from the island country

Chapter 373 The source is people from the island country

Dongzhou is much larger than the earth. The place where Guixu is located is the place where thousands of waters gather, a deep valley of the sea.

At the end of the Dentian Mountain Range is Guixu. Without any warning, it is directly a huge water cliff with no bottom.

A major repairman once tried to enter the ruins to find out, but he never came out again.

Over time, all living beings were in awe and did not dare to dive too far into those mysterious places even if they entered the sea.

It used to be clear here, but it was obviously not today. The dark sea was filled with colorful oily lights and was filled with a pungent smell.

He controlled the rules, merged into the light waves of the sea, and kept moving forward.

But within a few breaths, Chen Banxian hurriedly jumped out of the water, his expression extremely expressionless.

He used the knife in his hand to cut off his own skin, grimacing in pain.

But he had to do this. The sea water was poisonous.


A seventh-level monk like him, who lives in the Qingxuan Realm with the name of a real person, was actually corroded by the sea water.

Chen Banxian stood in the air, feeling that the wind was biting and the cells in his body were damaged.

No wonder Ermu's father was caught in the trap after only diving for a short time. I don't blame him.

Being able to hold on for such a long time proves that he is more powerful than ordinary people.


Chen Banxian casually fired a ball of energy, causing the water waves to fly. This movement seemed to break some balance. White things gradually floated up under the dark water.

The first one to appear was a sharp-toothed fish with a sharp beak and blue scales.

Its belly was turned white and dead, emitting a foul odor.

It's just a signal.

Immediately, dense white bellies emerged from the water, and the endless ocean was full of corpses.

The stench was pungent, and the sea of ​​corpses covered Chen Banxian's vision. No matter whether they were whales or tiny krill, there was no one left alive.

The stench was overwhelming and the silence was dead, with only the wind and waves silently describing the misery.

Who caused it?
Shocked, Chen Banxian continued to search in the distance, and found that the depths of the ocean were full of corpses.

Suddenly, the sea rolled, the water exploded in front, and a dragon flew out of the sea.

However, all the hair on its body fell out, and its scales fell down along the seawater in pieces, turning into a "flesh dragon" with only flesh and blood and no skin.

"It hurts!"

It struggled in front of Chen Banxian, its four claws constantly tearing at the flesh and blood on its body, and it even fell into the sea water because it caught the internal organs and balls of flesh and blood.

One end is attached to it and the other end is in the sea water.

"It hurts!"

It cried and flew towards Chen Banxian: "Save me, please save me. I am willing to work as a cow or horse for you forever, please save me."

It was so painful, my whole body was burning like fire all the time, and I even lost one eye.

This dragon was in an out-of-body state, and it could be seen that there was a mess of phantoms behind it trying to escape from its physical body, but was being rescued by death.

What's left of its soul has rotted away along with its physical body.

Chen Banxian couldn't see it coming, so he used thunder to cut off the connection point between his physical body and his soul.

In the end, only one-third of the dragon's soul came out, and the rest was completely corroded and fell into the sea.

Large areas of water splashing and bright red flowing.

Regretfully shaking his head at the dragon's incomplete spirit, he continued to move forward. After millions of miles, he finally saw another living creature.

It was a white dolphin.

The dolphin's face was split into two halves, and other eyes seemed to have grown again, staining the white body with abnormal blood stains.

It whimpered and whined, struggling to survive among a sea of ​​corpses.


The whining dolphin jumped up at his feet, the tall figure was torn and leaking pus, and the only intact eyes revealed sadness that could never be erased.

It can't find its family, and it doesn't know why it became like this.

Chen Banxian couldn't save it, so he could only watch it fall into the sea again and jump up again and again, which was very painful.

It is close to humans, and in its simple wisdom is reluctant to let Chen Banxian leave, and reluctant to let go of this hard-earned sense of... companionship.

Chen Banxian finally stopped and stretched out his hand amid the pain and joy in the white dolphin's eyes.

"Hula" the flame burned until not a single bit of it was left.

His face was calm and his eyes were calm, letting the pungent smell linger in his hands for a long time.

A small boat flew out of his body and was filled with light. A line filled with flames shone for no reason, wrapping around the small boat and bringing blazing flames.

"Senior Brother Zhiqing, I'd like to lend you Lieyan Dharma for use."

A blazing statue of Dharma walked out behind him, he opened his eyes that stood in the sky and earth, and the sea of ​​​​fire floated behind him.

The ocean rises with endless flames, burn, burn, burn away all the pain.

Far away from here, something is constantly dumping on a connected island.

The people above laughed and toasted in celebration.

"Dear citizens, after our continuous dumping, this sea area is now safe. Those monsters can no longer pose a threat to our safety."

The speaker was neatly dressed: "This world is much bigger than ours. You don't have to worry about pollution. We have stored enough groundwater for thousands of years, as well as enough food...

The crowd cheered: "Long live the Emperor, long live!"

But some people have questioned: "What if we do this, and the world's oceans cannot consume polluted water?"

He was still worried: "We are safe now, but what about our descendants?"

Faced with doubts, Huang Ding patiently answered: "After 1000 years, the pollution has been degraded, and we will definitely be able to develop equipment that thoroughly filters pollution. Our people, the future will be bright!"

The crowd burst into cheers again.

After speaking for another long time, the emperor retreated from the stage to behind the scenes. The kindness and kindness on his face suddenly disappeared, and he left here with a straight face.

"Take me to see that alien race."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Emperor."

The attendants stood at attention and lowered their heads, leading him to a place where all lead alloys were isolated.

"Your Majesty, please wear protective clothing."

The attendants changed his clothes before entering the building.

There are many people moving around in the building, and some of the glass is full of monsters and petri dishes.

Even, there are humans.

After passing through many obstacles, they finally came to a glass window.

Inside the glass was a snow-white room, with a bloody figure sitting cross-legged in the middle of the room.

Spiritual energy and rules continued to flow through his body, maintaining his life and competing with the radiation whose concentration reached the center of the explosion.

"This alien race resisted the explosion of the nuclear power plant and still survived. It's really terrible."

The emperor looked at him, thought for a moment, and picked up the communication speaker.

"Hey, people inside, are you okay?"

When his voice came in, the latter raised his head coldly, looked at him with cloudy eyes and then looked back.

Those eyes looked like a storm was about to fall on him.

The emperor shuddered, then remembered his identity and became furious: "Baga!" "Come here, dismember him. I want to see what he uses to resist radiation. Maybe there is a complete cure for radiation." Ways to do harm.”

The emperor gave the order, and the researchers immediately stepped forward, controlled the mechanical arms and began to dismember the man.

His flesh was already very fragile, and with a gentle pinch the bones and tendons at the base of his arm were pulled out with blood. The man groaned and stared at the emperor.

"If I hadn't been unable to fight against this weird thing, how would you ants have any chance?"

The man roared but could only watch helplessly as they took off his limbs and injected something into his body. Life was worse than death.

Looking at those indifferent creatures, Venerable Fengyun sighed: "There are such cruel races in this world."

If he recovers, he will definitely kill the world and wipe out this civilization!

Yes, civilization, not race. He wants to completely destroy this cruel civilization, leaving no trace behind.

However, now he has no strength to fight back and fights against the radiation with all his strength.

No one knew that a fire was coming from the edge of Guixu.

Chen Banxian borrowed endless light and heat from the sun. How could the dharma that covered the sky move at the speed of light?
30 kilometers per second is just leisurely. If he didn't need to burn endless corpses, the speed would be faster.

However, Guixu was too big, his top speed was only a drop in the bucket, and the burned corpse was even more insignificant.

A world that can host near-immortal monks who have transcended tribulations is inherently extraordinary.

I don't know how many miles they have advanced, but the unit has been ignored. Chen Banxian suddenly stopped and his methods were restrained.

He looked at the sea below him, where a broken foam swimming ring was floating.

Lifting it out of the water, the island nation's writing is clearly visible.

"Is it Yingzhou Island?"

His face suddenly turned cold. Looking at the polluted seawater and corpses under his feet, he suddenly understood.

"It seems that the lessons taught are not enough."

He gathered his breath and traveled through the space, and soon came to an island.

It turned out to be Yingzhou. At the end of the earth, this island country drifted from the sea to the ruins of Qingxuan Realm.

No wonder there is no news about them.

Chen Banxian saw the cities on the island from a distance, with bright lights, and almost every city had a nuclear power plant.

Their technology has developed rapidly, and they have also developed the use of psychic powers. They should have obtained unknown adventures.

The coastal city was under construction and seemed to have just encountered a flood. Chen Banxian continued to scan and quietly fell into the city.

The condemned prisoners also had a chance to speak, and Chen Banxian planned to take another look.

"Oh Nuo, I'll die all the way..."

Words came from behind him, and Chen Banxian gently tapped his head to steal memories.

Their words also became understandable.

"Smile, kid, it's another beautiful day."

The person behind him was a smiling old man who handed him a pamphlet.

"This is a comic I drew and printed by myself. Be sure to keep smiling. Goodbye."

Chen Banxian watched him leave and flipped through the comics at will.

It is black and white, and the content inside is roughly the story of a young samurai who grew up in a small village on Yingzhou Island and traveled around the world.

Among them, the boy's biggest enemy is the Mandarin, and that country...


The comic was crushed by him. Chen Banxian took a deep breath, took out his notebook, and wrote 10 first.

He's under 10, minus 1.

Continuing forward, he ordered ramen at a ramen restaurant.

"Try the delicacies I carefully prepared." The boss smiled with a smile, maybe because there was no one to talk too much, he said ignorantly:
"This is ramen that originated in our country. It is the birthplace of the world and can be seen in every city."

Chen Banxian raised his eyebrows and sneered:
"But as far as I know, this ramen originated from Fushan in Yanhuang China, and it was first called Fukuyama ramen."

"No, no, no!" the boss corrected: "This is the culture of our Japanese nation, not some Chinese country."

Chen Banxian gave him a meaningful look and deducted another 1 point from his book.

He didn't move the bowl of noodles, which contained radiation. After leaving, he went straight to the street.

There were several middle-aged women walking together, and Chen Banxian went up to them and asked them:
"Excuse me, what do you think of the history of aggression on Yingzhou Island?"

"Us?" The women pointed at themselves, and then smiled shyly: "That is all in the past. We have not experienced that era, and we don't know how to express our opinions."

Chen Banxian asked again: "Then, should you know that period of history for your children?"

"Children are innocent." The women told him, "There is no need for children to know history. That is of no use, right?"

Deduct another 1 point.

Chen Banxian looked coldly and saw someone on the roadside shouting: "Oppose war, oppose aggression, and oppose killing!"

This seems to be a man with righteous thoughts, but he did not choose to speak in words, but directly looked at his memory.

All the young man's thoughts appeared in his mind.

"I want to attract attention, I want to win over everyone."

"I want to be in power, I want to be a parliamentarian, I want to be rich."

It's all desire, and the so-called anti-war remarks are just his tools.

This nation... Chen Banxian couldn't believe it.

He continued to ask passers-by what they thought about discharging pollutants into the sea, and they told him with a smile:

"It's not our Earth's ocean anyway."

"There are foreign races here, so there is no need to be soft-hearted."

"I support it because if we don't do this, we will suffer a disaster. This is called emergency evacuation."

"But you know, this sea leads to our world."

He pointed to a vast expanse of white mist in the distance.

It can be seen that Yingzhou Island floated from there.

Over there, there are also discharge pipes.

"We have to prevent monsters from chasing us."

Every passerby he asked responded with this: "Now we are safe, aren't we? That's the greatest victory."

So selfish, so selfish!
Chen Banxian couldn't believe that he actually had the same ancestor's blood flowing in their bodies. How could this be possible?He doesn't understand.

They are a stain and cannot exist!

Chen Banxian was already filled with deep hatred, but now that all this was heard in his ears, Chen Banxian felt angry in his heart.

Right-wingers are arrogant by not acknowledging history, even tampering with history, and worshiping the shrine of Yasukuni.

Regardless of the safety of our homeland, we are selfish and openly pollute the ocean, causing the death of countless creatures. It is a heinous crime!

He opened his ghost eyes, but the funny thing was that because they were foreign creatures, the world of Qingxuan Realm did not accumulate karma for them.

"Our own scandals have to be solved by our own people on Earth."

He remembered this place deeply, and across space, he wanted to return to Baihu City to get some things.

Don’t you like taboo things?Just let you eat enough.

The air and smell of people in this place were too cold. He was afraid of the cold, so he wanted to turn this place into a familiar place.

(End of this chapter)

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