There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 401: The way to enter the mirror world is to burn paper

Chapter 401: How to enter the mirror world - burning paper

Anyone who knows him carefully will know that he is a complete devil.

What he did is difficult to judge based on your personal knowledge. Even if you look at the history of winning and misfortune based on the era, it is rare to see such a life.

According to Lin Tian's reflection, Ying Huo's heart became increasingly ominous.

Along the way, they kept looking for traces of that person from each small world, and each world gave them a new shock.

Hundreds of thousands of people visited Beijing.

A race that sank to the bottom of the ocean.

Fiery magma hell.

"He can't succeed in bloodbathing other races!" Yinghuo couldn't help but tremble: "Even in our era, the Night Clan and the Light Clan did not have such cruel methods to fight to the death."

Finally, when they arrived at a world, they finally found Chen Banxian.

At this time, with the war all over the world, blood red has become the main color, and gunpowder smoke fills the sky over the big city that was half driven into the soil.

A back figure appeared and disappeared in front of him, holding a shrunken body less than one meter high in his hand.

Under his feet were densely packed corpses. Reflected in the Ninth Eye, the figures on the back crushed the bones and liquid with force with five fingers.


Ying Hui couldn't move, and there were only four words in his heart, what a devil!
Along the way, dozens of worlds were visited, almost all of which were destroyed. How cruel is this person?
There are more than tens of billions of creatures in each world?

"Why are you here?"

Shaking off the scarlet in his hands, Chen Banxian showed a charming smile in the midst of the battle.

A sentence appeared in Ninth's mind: He is the angel of the apocalypse in blood and the devil who destroys the world.

But the devil's smile looked so innocent.

The demon turned around and saw that Chen Banxian found Lin Tian imprisoned in the Ninth Hand. He didn't notice anything strange. He hesitated and said:

"Are you... having trouble?"

In his opinion, this was something abnormal, and he immediately said in a bad tone: "How old are you, and you are still acting petty here? Don't you know that the current situation is very tense?"

Ying Huo winked wildly in his confinement and wanted to speak, but Chen Banxian didn't even look at him, only looking at Jiu Jiu.

Lin Tian is unreliable. If he is the ninth, he should be more realistic.

"He is not Lin Tian." Ninth told the story of the Night Clan, especially the changes in Lin Tian.

"Hey, this is going to be tricky." Chen Banxian also encountered difficulties after standing up.

Strictly speaking, Lin Tian is still Lin Tian, ​​but his previous memories have awakened and taken over.

But this is no longer the Lin Tian they knew.

"Actually, this is not bad. At least he can be himself."

Instead, Chen Banxian advised Jiujiu: "We have just met each other. Isn't it selfish to force him to become what we want him to be?"

These words greatly surprised Ninth Heart. He thought Chen Banxian would find a way.

But now it seems that he didn't consider this at all, but directed Lin Tian's question to the definition of "who am I".

Ying Huo was also surprised. His brain waves conveyed his message: "Haha, I didn't expect Chen Banxian to think so. Why don't you let me go as soon as possible!"

He immediately recognized the big boss he recognized in this life and directly made a promise:

"You already have an old relationship with our Night Clan. We can transform you into a Night Clan, and then we can all share this world together!"

This is definitely a temptation. Human beings are weak, but the Night Clan is different. Their civilization and combat power are very strong.

"But he is the Night Clan!" Ninth Clan told Chen Banxian solemnly: "The Night Clan has caused no less than 10 casualties in Baihu City."

"Is there still this matter?" Chen Banxian's eyes, which were originally kind-hearted, turned slightly cold, seeing that the momentum of winning the disaster was obviously wrong.

"That's a misunderstanding!" For some reason, Yinghui refused to admit this matter. Maybe he didn't even notice it himself.

In fact, only after getting to know this person personally can you understand the threat that weighs on your heart.

This human is dangerous!
"You still do this?" Chen Banxian frowned: "Then, I have to choose to separate the memories of your two lives."

"What are you going to do!" Ying Hui frowned: "You can't divide my memory."

"This is not the earth." Chen Banxian's eyes had a dangerous light. He looked at him, and instantly, Ying Huan was shocked.

He fell into a coma.

When he woke up again, the imprisonment on his body had been removed, and Jiu Jiu and Chen Banxian were watching him.

And the Orb of Dawn was in Chen Banxian's hand.

"Strange, how do I know that thing is called Dawn Orb?"

Lin Tian stood up in a daze and looked around.

"Damn it, is this World War III happening?"

He screamed strangely and approached Chen Banxian and Jiujiu.

"Boss, why am I here? Have you done anything bad to me?"

He covered his butt and looked very sad.

"I know, I've known it for a long time, this day has finally come."

He was heartbroken: "But I didn't expect that there are two of you!"

"What are you thinking about?" Chen Banxian's face turned slightly pale and he casually pulled him aside: "Don't disturb my rest. If you have anything to ask Lao Jiu."

"Lao Jiu, what's wrong with me? Why am I here!"

Lin Tian turned around and asked the latter.

Ninth kept silent and didn't look at him at all. He took out nine boxes from his arms and placed them on the ground.

"You go in first and I tell you."

"Oh." Lin Tian walked in and asked, "What then?"

The ninth mana infusion immediately imprisoned the latter.

"You talk a lot." He looked impatient and turned to care about Chen Banxian:

"Are you OK?"

He could tell that Chen Banxian must have used some kind of secret method to remove Lin Tian's memories of previous eras.

However, this secret method must consume a lot of money, otherwise he would not look so tired and pale.

"I'm fine." Chen Banxian said with a smile on his face: "Ninth, I got good news."

good news?
Ninth waited quietly for his next words.

Neither of them cared about Lin Tian struggling in the cage behind them.

I saw Chen Banxian grabbing a handful of soil from the ground and continuously injecting Demon Summoning Sutra Qi.

"Do you know why our world gets bigger every time we break through?"

"If I had known, I wouldn't have stood here waiting for you to tell me."

Jiujiu rolled her eyes at him: "Why are you selling out like those politicians in Die Yunfei and Shen Qinghe?"



In Baihu City, both of them sneezed.

Shen Qinghe rubbed his nose: "You haven't caught a cold recently because you're too tired, right?" Die Yunfei slapped the table in the conference room: "Who's scolding me! Check! If you find out, throw them all to the west for guarding!"

The leaders-level figures in the conference room looked at each other. This reason was a bit too far-fetched.

No one goes to the west to take risks, so you use this method to find out?

They can be sure that the unlucky person will be selected soon, and they just hope that there is no one like themselves among them.

Chen Banxian coughed dryly, and the soil in his hand gradually turned into a key.

"Because our earth may think that this era is short, but in fact it has gone through unimaginable ancient times."

Chen Banxian began to tell that when he read this information from Lin Tian's memory, his outlook was greatly impacted.

This world beloved by Dao has gone through countless epochs. They have had ups and downs, repeated growth and destruction, leaving an unparalleled legacy in this world.

The so-called world becomes bigger after promotion, which actually means that the world is recovering and more details are being unlocked.

These things will always exist, they just lack energy. As long as enough energy is provided, theoretically they can bring all previous eras to the present world.

"Look at what I have in my hand." Chen Banxian raised the Glowing Dawn Orb:

"This is the treasure of Yinghui's era, the sacred object of the Guangming clan. Once you get it...

He endured the teasing for a moment and said: "The ability of this holy object can be activated through special techniques, and it will be invulnerable to all attacks in the same realm!"

"Invulnerable to all attacks?" Jiujiu was surprised. This little thing actually has such great power?
"No wonder Lin Tian's predecessor was so confident, that's probably why he got it."

He understood: "But in the end, the orb didn't work. Does that mean his method was wrong?"

"That's right." Chen Banxian couldn't explain the function of my power of thinking, so he explained kindly:

"You need to activate this object in the Nine Palaces method. Yinghuo slept for too long and became confused. He misremembered the methods of using the sacred objects of their Night Clan and the Orb of Dawn."

He taught Ninth on the spot and let him try.

Sure enough, the Orb of Dawn shines brightly in Ninth's hand, blocking all external forces.

"Is this a sacred object?" Ninth sighed: "The essence of an era is indeed extraordinary."

He didn't quite understand the function of this sacred object, so he returned the orb to Chen Banxian.

"What are you doing for me? I don't need to be in the same realm as being invulnerable to all laws."

He threw the orb back, feeling a little depressed.

His enemies will never be on the same level as him in a fair 1v1.

Most of them are unruly and unreasonable, and they like to use their great realm to suppress them.

Ninth put away the orb and blocked Lin Tian's face without feeling guilty at all.

He noticed the key in Chen Banxian's hand: "Ying Hui used a handful of soil to condense a key before, and opened a mountain to get the orb. Is there a mountain of treasure under your feet?"

He observed the land under his feet: "Does every handful of soil here have such magical abilities?"

"Cough, you think too much."

Chen Banxian took them back to the earth: "Earth is the storehouse of all things. It can unlock all things, but it only needs to be at the mark left by the era. I am just testing the method."

He threw away the key, "The earth is very big, but the eras are not densely populated. It is still not easy to find a holy land."

Ying Huo was able to find the Holy Mountain of the Guangming clan because in their era, the hatred between the two clans was too strong and they knew each other well.

It would be impossible for him to find the remnants of the era in other locations.

"Winning trouble is not a big fish." Chen Banxian walked to Baihu City. He had basically dealt with the world that he could handle.

Some worlds are so large that no Earth has been discovered.

He was also freed from hostility.

"As far as I know, the Night Clan is also the Yinggou Clan that occupies the bloodline of the Corpse Ancestor Yinggou. The real leader is someone else."

"As for the issue you mentioned about the birth of the Night Clan, let's go take a look now."

Ninth nodded and the two left. He always felt that he had forgotten something.

After walking a long way, Jiujiu suddenly stamped his feet.

"My magic weapon remains where it is."

When he turned around to collect the nine boxes, he discovered Lin Tian inside.

He put away the box without changing his expression, turned around and left without any hesitation or explanation.

"Ninth, I need an explanation!" Lin Tian followed angrily: "Are you hiding something from me?"

He always felt that something had happened: "My eyelids have been twitching since I woke up in the morning. I didn't even have a good breakfast. I ran to another world in the blink of an eye. Did you do something to me?"

Speaking of this, his bad memories came to mind, and he hurriedly touched his chest and breathed a sigh of relief when he found that it was hard and solid.

Fortunately, this thing didn't get bigger or softer.

"You are thinking too much." The two men turned back to comfort him: "You are sleepwalking. We will find you."

They walked all the way back to Baihu City.

"I didn't think too much!"

Lin Tian was sure: "What must have happened, tell me."

He kept pestering this issue, making Chen Banxian wish he could delete all his memories.

However, in fact, he only deleted Lin Tian's memories before this life and every bit of his life as a Night Clan.

He was very careful, fearing that a little more would change Lin Tian. It would be difficult even for him to bear the mental exertion, and his face was pale now.

As he said, it was undoubtedly selfish to delete Lin Tian's memory, and he didn't want to get involved.

Who knew that Lin Tian actually found a legitimate reason for him to take action, so he reluctantly acted selfishly.

Now when they came to the hospital in the city, they found that many people's blood was being drained.

If it is an extraordinary person, it will not be a big problem. Even if it is not the first time, it will be difficult to detect the abnormality.

But ordinary people couldn't bear it, so there were widespread serious illnesses.

"Come here." Chen Banxian greeted the annoying Lin Tian, ​​who was now busy with business.

"What are you doing, boss?" Lin Tian hurriedly approached: "Are you going to tell me a secret?"

"Yes, that's right." Chen Banxian leaned close to his ear and whispered, his breath making Lin Tian's ears itchy.

"Actually...I am your Ba Ba."

Lin Tian:? ? ?
He jumped three feet away and looked at the boss angrily, "Brother Xian, are you seriously ill?"

Ninth couldn't bear to look away.

It is really difficult for him to connect the two people now with the two people on the battlefield, but now it seems that Lin Tian's recovery is very successful.

"Let's go and find out about the condition first."

Chen Banxian came outside the ward and looked inside. He saw that the air conditioner was on and the bed was filled with patients wrapped in quilts.

They were shaking constantly and dripping glucose nutrient solution into their hands.

"It's a symptom of massive depletion of Qi and blood."

It can be seen at a glance that if they don't know about the Night Clan, maybe they are still looking for the cause and what kind of disease it is.

"Can you find the source of the blood?"

Ninth glanced around, but he didn't notice anything strange outside.

 Please change the update time. Chapter 2 will be updated at eight o’clock.
(End of this chapter)

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