There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 53 Banjiao: Get the book in minutes

Chapter 53 Banjiao: Get the book in 10 minutes
"What a big deal." Chen Banxian looked around for something to wipe the stains on his body: "What kind of ecstasy soup did he pour into you to make you protect him like this?"

"He took my sister hostage!"

Die Yunfei opened the space door angrily: "I'm going to save her now. You'd better pray that she's okay, otherwise you and I will fight to the death!"

Sister Die Yunfei?
Chen Banxian, who was wiping his body, said strangely:

"Didn't your sister run away with the pretentious protagonist Lin Tian? Why is she still being held hostage by Xia Chushan?"

He turned around and saw that Die Yunfei was nowhere to be seen?I don’t know whether I heard this sentence or not.

Wouldn't this fool believe Xia Chushan's lies without proof?Ranked fourth on the list, is this IQ?

Shaking his head, he muttered to himself without looking at the minced meat on the ground:
"I've gone up, I've gone up, why have I gone up again? Annoying."

He was annoyed, and then hurried back. After all, it was a world full of dangers, and Fang Ping might encounter danger.


The iron cage that had been sealed for a long time was violently opened on this day!

The thick steel on the arm seemed to be kneaded, and he easily pulled it aside.

In the iron cage, the originally ferocious Half-Jiao shrank his pupils when he saw this, and then buried his head into the snake's body with his tail between his legs.

Can't see me, can't see me.

Chen Banxian first took out a bottle of Qi and Blood Powder soaked in blood and gave it to Fang Ping to swallow in order to die.

"Fang Ping, Fang Ping!"

He shouted the latter's name with all his strength, not daring to slap his face. If he used a little more force, Fang Ping would fill a square meter.

Fang Ping raised his eyes to look at him, confused and unable to focus, and then subconsciously tried to show his conscience, but Chen Banxian tightly covered his mouth.

"It's me. Open your eyes and look. It's dad. Dad is here to save you."

Fang Ping finally saw the person clearly and finally opened his mouth to say what he had said in the past few days except his conscience.

"I'm your grandfather."

After saying that, he closed his eyes and there was no movement at all.


Chen Banxian didn't believe it. After waiting for another two seconds, a steady purring sound came from the cage.

This bitch has such a big heart?

He was angry and amused, and then glanced at the half-dragon in the cage.

The half-dragon body that quietly buried its head inside its body and exposed one eye tensed up, ready to fight at any moment.

Unexpectedly, the monster didn't seem to be planning to do anything to it, but asked: "Can you understand human speech?"

Banjiao's head moved continuously.

"Okay then, let's drive."

Banjiao:? ? ?
You were probably asking me if I could understand human speech just now, right?
I'm just a snake, and you asked me to drive?
"What, is it difficult?" Chen Banxian's eyes turned cold.

Banjiao suddenly shook his head like a rattle, and then took the initiative to crawl towards the cockpit.

It racked its brains, thinking carefully about how the human who drove the truck started it before, and then learned to use its tail to depress the clutch, use its body to control the steering wheel, and then use its head to shift gears.

The car buzzed and actually started to move.

"Damn it, you really know how to drive?" Chen Banxian was eye-opening as he watched the car using its tail to shift gears and lift up the afterimage.

For now, let’s not kill him.


Banjiao turned around and glanced at Chen Banxian, wondering where he was going.

"go back."

Chen Banxian grinned. There were still some people he hadn't finished dealing with.

So, driven by the desire to survive, Banjiao took the B10 photo in just 2 minutes.

The vehicle parked far away from the third shelter. Chen Banxian got out of the car and looked around, and met an acquaintance.

Zhou Bai.

Ever since he got the blood from the bottle, Zhou Bai was careful and quickly converted it into contribution points.He exchanged half of his contribution points for Qi and Blood Realm exercises, and after practicing both, he felt his strength increase.

He is now wandering outside the shelter, hoping to find a lone sheep to practice his skills with.

Hiss, why is that man covered in blood?At first glance, he looks like a ruthless person.

Still wearing a paper bag.

No, why does that person look familiar?

"Zhou Bai, come here and help me." Chen Banxian waved, and when he heard the voice, the latter suddenly felt his anus tighten.

It's the big guy!
He trotted up to meet him with a smile on his face, and secretly swore in his heart that he would never come out to fight in the autumn wind again. This must be retribution!

The boss ordered: "Help me carry him to the tent, be careful."

Zhou Bai went to the person behind the raised stone, and then found that the stone was moving.

One of them was lifted up, revealing two big bright eyes.

"Hiss!" It wasn't Banjiao who screamed, it was his gasping sound, and he didn't dare to move at all!
At this moment, Chen Banxian slapped him down: "Pah."

"Be honest, why are you staring at people?"

Banjiao and Zhou Bai's necks shrank at the same time, and they looked at each other, but they felt a slight fondness for each other.

They are both fallen humans (snake) from the end of the world.

"You help me keep an eye on this man and the snake, and I'll go take a look inside the shelter."

He ordered, already seeing chaos in the shelter.

I guess Die Yunfei came back to cause trouble.

"Big... boss..." Zhou Bai pointed at himself and then at the half-dragon on the ground, speechless.

Are you sure you want me to look at the snake instead of feeding it?

"What, do you have any objections?" He glared, and both of them shrank their necks at the same time.

"It's okay, I'll be back soon."

He left a few words, removed the thick iron pillar from the iron cage with one hand, and rushed into the shelter.

The man-snake was dumbfounded, where did this monster come from?

Inside the shelter, there was chaos.

A large number of soldiers gathered, their firepower weapons were pulled out, and they were pointed at the thin figure in the center.

The refugees have stayed far away, even if their tents and property are still affected.

"Die Yunfei, don't get excited. If you have anything to say, please talk to us. Let's solve it slowly."

A negotiator was pushed out, his calves trembling.

What he faced was fourth in the rankings, fourth!How many people are there in the entire shelter?He is fourth!

Die Yunfei showed no fear in the face of so many people and stood proudly.

"I said, leave your sister to me, otherwise, even if you become an enemy of everyone, slaughter innocent people, and bear the blood debt, I will destroy your Third Sanctuary!"

Arrogant, confident, the heroic young man is high-spirited.

The negotiator was about to burst into tears: "We really don't know where your sister is, Brother Die, please let us go."

Die Yunfei: "Stop talking nonsense and hand over my sister. I have always been independent of the world and you forced me to do so!"

"Boss, we are just little people, why do you need to embarrass us? Who dares to kidnap your sister?"

The negotiator's face was full of bitterness. Who could tell him what was going on?

He missed his old mobile phone very much. He could solve the problem and get information with just one phone call. Why put it off until now?

He looked back resentfully, "It's not stressful for you to hide behind and watch the show. Have you ever considered my feelings?"I'm afraid.

Die Yunfei frowned. He didn't like this answer: "Well, just find those people. I want to ask him what Zhang Fang Shu means."

You threaten my sister, and I threaten your life. At worst, one life is worth one!
No one can hide from his assassination. This is his pride, coming from the only space transcendent, Die Yunfei!
 Chen Banxian wiped the scraps of flesh from his face and said with a fierce look, "Please vote, please study, or I will punch you in the chest."

(End of this chapter)

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