There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 605 The end of the natural disaster

The chessboard does not move, the chess pieces are thousands of years old, and the blood fountain reflects the scene at that time, but the words are completely different.

"Thank you both for your help!"

Chen Banxian saluted seriously. If it hadn't been for the fountain of blood given to him by the two of them, he would have been wiped out until only his body was left.

The great grinding of yin and yang cannot grind away his spirit and his will. Compared with his body and his way, his will is the most terrifying.

"No, in this time and space, we have met countless people, but you made it to the end."

The two of them smiled at him: "We are waiting for your arrival, but you still have a chance to survive. I hope to see the real you again."

As soon as the words fell, the two people disappeared, and the blood fountain suddenly disappeared from his body.

The vision in front of Chen Banxian once again turned into a yin and yang grinding mill.

He stood still and suddenly opened his eyes, shattering the big mo!


The ancient tribesmen were shocked, but their shock was quickly suppressed.

It's so unbelievable, yet so reasonable. It's no surprise that anything happens to this human race.

"If you have any other tricks, just use them!"

Chen Banxian faced the sky proudly and calmly, with fairy light constantly flowing out of his body.

Quasi-immortal, he was already a quasi-immortal at this time.

Tian Dao was silent, and then an eye emerged from the calamity cloud. The moment he saw that eye, Chen Banxian took two steps back unconsciously.

A little scared, he felt guilty.

"I admit I was a little loud just now."

He shrank his neck, and the next second he saw Tiandao's gaze turn into reality.


Chen Banxian's eyes widened, and he suddenly fell to a depth of 30 million miles from Kunlun!

He was driven deep into the ground, and the clouds of calamity began to slowly dissipate.

"Is he dead?"

The ancient tribesmen began to carefully communicate with their spiritual thoughts.

"He should be dead, the clouds of calamity have dispersed."

"I think it might be possible. As the saying goes, smoke never hurts."

"Don't go play with the human race!"

"Don't be led astray by the humans!"

The ancient clans rebuked him, and with this blow, the Yinggou clan disappeared completely.


The dragon transformed into a real dragon body and couldn't help but fly into the deep pit. How big is the entire Kunlun? This is one thousandth of the territory on earth.

This one thousandth is not the previous more than 500,000 square kilometers, but has expanded by an unknown number of times, which is impossible to calculate. After the dragon flew down, Chen Banxian could not be found anywhere.


She shouted anxiously, but at this time, Chen Banxian was in a strange space.

"Am I being hacked into the sky again?"

Chen Banxian stood up from the clouds with difficulty, feeling panicked.

It's over, it's over, they don't think he was hacked to death, right?

If no one uses the Immortal Invitation Technique on him, wouldn't he be able to go back?

Chen Banxian anxiously walked through the clouds, only to bump into a strange big tree.

I saw that the tree was covered with red ropes. When he hit it, the red ropes that were not intersecting began to touch in twos, and some even touched in threes and fours.

"Hiss, what's so hard?"

Chen Banxian looked up and saw a strong feeling of marriage filling the air.

This...isn't this the Yuelao tree?

He had been wandering around the heaven for who knows how long without finding him, and now he was found by Yipijiu?

With a thought, Chen Ning'an saw the information of countless people on the tree. All he had to do was connect the red thread to get them married.

He looked up and saw that this place was completely different from the heaven he was in before. It was higher, bigger, and more top-notch.

He looked around and saw that in addition to this old moon tree, there was also a peach forest, brilliant hibiscus trees, jade-carved laurel trees, etc.

"Is this what the heaven really looks like?"

Chen Banxian looked unblinking, then seemed to remember something and immediately ran over to dig a hole.

It's okay if he doesn't use his ability. Once he uses his ability, Chen Banxian immediately notices the difference. All the rules and avenues in his body turned into immortal rules, and he gained his own immortal energy.

What is immortality?

In the past, he always thought it was a higher quality energy, but now it seems that it is not, completely different.

All the avenues in his body turned into a stream of "Qi".

This Qi is his Tao. Once used, all things will disappear and everything will become extinct.

At this time, following his actions, he actually dug up the Yuelao Tree and the Fusang Sacred Tree, and even the heavens could not stop him.

"Don't dig, don't dig!"

Suddenly there was a voice, and Chen Banxian looked back. It turned out that two children were running from a distance, with panic on their faces.

"I can't dig it, I can't dig it!"

The boy yelled at him: "If you dig up the Yuelao tree, marriage in the world will disappear, men and women will no longer get married, and the world will perish!"

His voice sounded, causing Chen Banxian to finally stop what he was doing.

"so serious?"

His face was solemn: "This is not a tree, this is a time bomb."

It would be better not to have a moon-old tree.

"No, this tree is just a form of expression. To change it, you need to use great magic to change the world."

The boy held up his hands to him and said in shock: "But you just wanted to pry away the entire world's marriages!"

After he said this, Chen Banxian realized that he had indeed done this just now.

Unknowingly, he used his own immortal energy.

Only after he killed ten thousand ways and cultivated silence was he able to do this subconsciously.

"Is this what becoming an immortal is?"

Chen Banxian felt a faint fear, the world would be destroyed if he didn't pay attention.

"Yes, this is becoming an immortal."

The boy bowed his hands to him: "Congratulations to the immortal for successfully overcoming the tribulation. You can live in the heaven in the future and be in charge of the misfortunes and blessings of the world."


Chen Banxian immediately shook his head: "No, no, I have to go back!"

He still has too many things to explain, how can he settle in the heaven like this?

"I want to go down!" He said stubbornly: "You are the innate beings in the heaven, right? Let me go down quickly!"

"Immortal, this... is there any way to get down here?"

The boy shook his head: "If we could go down, we would have gone down long ago."

"I do not believe!"

Chen Banxian gritted his teeth and began to search quickly in the heaven.

"What...are you going to do?"

The boy had an ominous premonition in his heart: "You must not do anything bad...

“Labour and management need to dig it down!”

Chen Banxian used his hands and feet to dig at a low-lying area.

He actually started digging and started to attack the heaven, and the speed was not slow.

When he dug it out, he found a top-quality spiritual brick, which he kicked into his pocket.

"Hey, you..."

The boy hesitated to speak, but there was a hint of joy in his eyes.

Can you really dig down?

This upper heaven realm was dug through by Chen Banxian. He dug three levels before falling into the middle heaven realm!

And this was the place where he had been taken before. The students including Xiaosi stared at Chen Banxian in stunned silence.

"Uncle You Xian, why did you come down from above?"

(End of this chapter)

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