Chapter 67 Incense Feedback
But...but why is there still the sound of dice?

"One, two, three... big!"

"One, two, three... big!"

"One, two, three... you should give me a six o'clock!"

Black Crow didn't understand.Even if I don’t know how many years of age I don’t understand.

Are you tired of playing dice alone?

Just at dusk, suddenly, a delighted chuckle came from a hundred meters above: "Six o'clock, hit!"

bingo?What hit you?The black crow was confused, and the voice above seemed to be crazy:
"Hey~ ok, I really hit it!"

"Why don't you give me your little sample?"

The black crow raised his head and saw something rapidly expanding in front of his eyes!
"Damn it, door plaque!"

He almost forgot to hide, feeling that his soul was shaken.

This is really a door plaque!When it falls, the two characters above are too conspicuous!
It was originally placed on the city gate, but now the frame was broken and it fell down!


The door plaque fell beside Him, but He only felt absurd!
Chen Banxian slid down the door frame, quickly picked up the plaque, and waved it twice.

"So heavy! So big! I like it so much!"

The twenty-square-meter gadget was waved in his hand and the wind blew it, making the black crow's soul dim and confused.

The door was flat and half a meter thick. Chen Banxian needed two hands to hold it.

Black Crow barely calmed down his mind.

Black Crow tried his best to calm down his mind.

Black Crow tried his best to calm down his mind!
Black Crow's mentality is broken!Grass!Damn, that's not fair!

He was burning with jealousy. A human being could obtain such a treasure, but He was guarding the treasure mountain without knowing it!

"Hate it, I hate it!" He wished he could die again!

"What do you hate?" Chen Banxian came over carrying the plaque, a large shadow covering his eyes with jealousy.

Black Crow showed a humble and philistine smile: "Sir, I hate you for not getting such a treasure earlier. Congratulations to you, sir!"

"Well, congratulations, congratulations."

Chen Banxian was in a good mood, and even looked at the black crow much more pleasantly.

He suddenly remembered You Ye's hexagram and casually mentioned: "Do you have anything to do with the demon clan?"


Black Crow thought for a moment: "I have nothing to do with the demon clan."

It's ok?
Chen Banxian asked again: "Then what will you do if you go out?"

go out?Leave this prison in Yaming Country?

Black Crow's eyes flashed. Has his last plan been discovered?
Looking at Chen Banxian's seemingly casual gaze, Black Crow didn't dare to bet, this human being... was too scary.

"I don't know what I am like. After all, I can be considered a demon clan, but I am afraid that Wan Di will devour all living beings without incense. They have no Qi and blood, so they naturally love Qi and blood."


"For example." Black Crow pointed at some extraordinary people outside the door:
“Their energy and blood are still good and they can resist the crowd, but they don’t have the incense on them to deter the crowd, and they will eventually be consumed alive.

Incense is generally a reflection of worshiping ancestors or relatives as well as ghosts and gods. "

Chen Banxian understood what Black Crow meant, so he said: I am dead and I have something to burn.This sentence is the essence of fighting against disease!
Human beings often hold memorial ceremonies, especially during the Qingming Festival, and basically every year they worship their deceased ancestors.

But the demon clan has no offerings and no incense feedback. No matter how strong the energy and blood are, it can't consume the energy of these old people who don't know how many years.It's not human power, it's natural selection.

"How do they get out?" Chen Banxian looked at the people who were close to his Qinghui. They were acting calmly in front of him, but outside, they might be different.

"Sir, due to the influence of Heaven's Dao, the gate of Fengdu City will open when Heaven's Dao returns with a certain intensity."

Black Crow did not say how much effort he put into connecting Crow Ming Kingdom and Fengdu City Gate.

"But if you take off the plaque, Fengdu City will no longer be complete. I'm afraid this time will be greatly advanced. Maybe three days, maybe seven or eight days, the door of hell will be opened here!"

in advance?Are feelings still related to me?Chen Banxian held the plaque tightly, there was no way he could give it back!
He looked at the black crow: "Why did you take care of the group of insects before? Now let them go back."

Black Crow smiled bitterly: "Sir, I can do it when I am physically present, but now..."

But now He has more than enough heart but not enough strength.

For the first time, Chen Banxian regretted that he had not acted lightly or harshly. He shook his head: "Forget it, I will find a way myself."

Isn't it just incense?It's like no one knows how to do it.

He still has a priesthood in his hand.


The third shelter.

After all, Chen Banxian delayed his return for a whole day. He rummaged through Crow Ming Country and found two more bunches of vermilion fruits. Eating this kind of fruit has a stronger effect than Qi and Blood Powder and increases your strength!
The black crow landed on his shoulder, not daring to speak or utter a sound. Chen Banxian regarded it as a living encyclopedia of heavenly law.

“There’s something not right about the atmosphere in the shelter today.”

He walked to the door, this world is like this, there is turmoil every day.

Different from the shrinking of extraordinary beings before, there are more extraordinary beings today, but most of them are silent and look sad.

"Boss, you are back!"

Zhou Bai first saw a big stone slowly walking out from a distance, and then he saw the man carrying the stone plaque!

Familiar paper bag head, familiar style, familiar adults!
The huge plaque was ten meters long, and it made people tremble with the ground when it landed.

Damn it?Not a plastic prop?
"Yeah." Chen Banxian nodded: "What happened to the shelter today?"

"Hey, sir, you don't know something." Zhou Bai said with great sadness:

"Aren't there many extraordinary people who went to explore the secret realm before? The result was that they didn't come out. It was the girl demon who took the initiative to break open the space from the outside and rescue the person!"

"It's just that there are a lot of people missing. My rumor revealed that more than half of the people have stayed in there forever!"

"Hiss! So miserable?" Chen Banxian pulled the tattered paper bag that had stuck to his face and rubbed the dice in his hand.

Thanks to this dice, otherwise the Fengdu City plaque would not be knocked off.

Zhou Bai sighed: "Isn't it? It is said that after those people were rescued, they were immediately led by the sister demon to confront the top management of the shelter, and killed many people. Now the shelter is in turmoil, and many people have moved out. "

Zhou Bai gave Chen Banxian a thumbs up and boasted habitually: "The boss still had the foresight to stay away from the whirlpool early."

Although he knew it was a compliment, Chen Banxian just liked hearing it.

"Where is Fang Ping? Are you awake?"

"Wake up! You woke up the next day after you left, and you also followed the sister demon and told you what revenge you wanted. I wonder if the boss knows?"


Chen Banxian's mouth twitched, he turned around and ran to the shelter carrying the plaque, what a fool!
"Boss, where are you going, boss!" Zhou Bai shouted from behind, you haven't tipped me yet!

It would be better if he didn't get hurt by accident as he wanted revenge.

You have bullets and gunpowder but you still care about your conscience?

 Please pay attention to fire prevention during Qingming Festival
(End of this chapter)

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