Chapter 80: Ninth on the Double List
"Real stuff?"

Fang Ping raised his head mischievously: "Where did you get it?"

The two of them immersed themselves in research, and this guy even took a special leave, struggling for a long time without any clue.

"Isn't this book about medicinal materials? Can it really cultivate immortality?"

Fang Ping began to have doubts by the afternoon, thinking that Chen Banxian was deceiving him.

"This is obviously about philosophy." Chen Banxian denied his thoughts:

"Look at this paragraph: I used a fluke step to reach Kuafu's trace. That's why I stumbled upon Min recently..."

The two of them were confused, and for Chen Banxian, it was a heavy blow.

It turns out that I don’t have a golden finger, so I can’t understand even the real immortal cultivation techniques in front of me.

Goldfinger smells so good, I love Goldfinger!
"Let's go, let's find someone who really understands it to study it."

Chen Banxian put on the paper bag and waved his hand: "Let's have a meal by the way, I'm starving to death."

After eating and drinking, Fang Ping patted his belly and asked, "Who should we go to?"

"Not to mention anything else, in terms of intelligence, my honorary minister's reputation is not in vain. I even know the color of Die Yunfei's underwear today!"

"You actually took off someone's pants." Chen Banxian's eyes turned cold, and then he said: "Nineth on the list, do you know?"

"Are you talking about the number nine on the double list who doesn't want to be named but everyone knows it?"

Fang Ping touched his chin: "Hey, what a coincidence. I know where he is, but he won't see me."

"Why?" Chen Banxian asked.

Fang Ping rubbed his head and smiled awkwardly: "Aren't I curious a few days ago, so I went to his place as a guest, and then I really wanted to know his name...

Needless to say, Chen Banxian already understood that this guy would definitely use his own abilities.

"What's the result? Have you found out?" Chen Banxian was also curious.

"Stop talking." Fang Ping subconsciously rubbed his butt:

"He doesn't follow martial ethics, and he actually found someone to guard me in advance. As soon as he activated his ability, he was kicked in the butt."

Fang Ping was not beaten to death, so his ancestral grave was well buried.

"Oh what a coincidence, sister, you are here."

At this moment, a girl's voice came, and Chen Banxian frowned. He didn't want to hear this voice.

"I changed my clothes today and put on a paper bag. How did you recognize me?"

Chen Banxian was angry: "Die Qihua, is your extraordinary power clairvoyance?"

"What are you talking about, sister? It would be great if I didn't know about my extraordinary ability but my clairvoyance."

Her eyes kept darting back and forth over him.

"Okay, okay, I heard that my sister is looking for number nine on the double list?"

Is there any way to pray for flowers?Chen Banxian felt something in his heart. Indeed, he had had this hunch when he told fortunes for her before. She might be the key to his high-quality wool.

His tone suddenly became gentle: "Little sister Qihua, can you take your brother with you?"

When Die Qihua heard this, her eyes narrowed:
"Sister, come with me. Brother Lin Tian and I happened to meet Jiu when we were running out, and we got to know each other that way."

She was very lively, as lively as if she were neurotic. She led the way by jumping up and down, and stopped in front of a tent in the general area of ​​the shelter.

This place is dirty and messy, and it is a gathering place for refugees.
Number nine on the double list, live here?

Chen Banxian was greatly surprised. He had a crush on this Ninth Shen who he had never met before just at one glance!

He is a hermit in the city, so cautious, and he is a like-minded friend!

"Don't move around, be careful of getting lost." Die Qihua warned:

"I didn't know what happened when I came here for the first time. I just walked around in circles for half an hour and couldn't get out."

After she finished speaking, she shouted at the top of her voice from more than ten meters away from the tent:

"Xiao Jiujiu, here I come."

Some people in the surrounding tents looked up and looked back.It's that little girl again, looking for the boss, don't worry about it.

Oh, and there is also an honorary minister of the Ministry of Intelligence.

Honorary Minister?

They were startled, and then quickly closed the tent door, but don't let this thing take your mind too far!
The boss is so unlucky, he almost exposed his true identity last time.

The ordinary tent door opened normally.

There is also an ordinary man inside, which is difficult to remember.

Chen Banxian felt envious again.

Ninth's face showed helplessness: "Qihua, are you okay all day?"

Then he saw Chen Banxian and Fang Ping behind Die Qihua, and his eyebrows furrowed.

He usually keeps a low profile and doesn't want to get into trouble for no reason.

"Brother Jiujiu won't you let us in?"

Die Qihua's eyes flickered, and she was so surprised that the ninth one was as big as the first two.

"Come in, come in." He gestured with one hand and asked the people to move forward, while giving Fang Ping a sharp look.

"If you are curious again, I will kick your ass into six pieces!"

Fang Ping smiled awkwardly: "Brother Ninth, that day was an accident."

After entering the small tent, their eyes suddenly became wider.

Mustard seed and Xumi, there is another cave?
The tent that looked like it could barely accommodate a few people from the outside had actually expanded several times!
Ninth made a pot of tea for everyone and said, "The house is humble and simple, please don't mind."

"It's so magical..." Die Qihua has been here several times, and she is shocked every time.

Chen Banxian was also shocked, so shocked that tears flowed from the corners of his mouth.

"You guys must have some plans for coming with Qihua." Ninth took a sip of tea and said:

"Although this girl is unreliable, she has a good heart. I also believe in your character."

"That's right, don't look at how good my vision is!" Die Qihua appeared, then took Chen Banxian's hand and started to introduce:
"Look, this is Sister Chen Banxian, who is number eight on the mysterious list, known as Paper Bag Head, and nicknamed Xiao Guaxian!"

Good guy, the three nicknames since debut seemed to be such amazing titles in Die Qihua's mouth, which made people's faces turn red.

Die Qihua squinted her eyes: "What a coincidence, the eighth, ninth, and tenth rankings are all here!"

"It's quite a series of numbers." Fang Ping interjected.

"I'm a man." Chen Banxian raised his hand to signal again, but unfortunately it had no effect on Die Qihua.

Chen Banxian took out the alchemy book from his pocket: "I came here today to ask some questions from my imaginary friend."

Pushing the book in front of Ninth, he picked it up and flipped through it, his eyes slightly solemn.

"This... is actually a secret book on developing the human body's potential as a powerful medicine!"

"Human medicine!" X2!

Chen Banxian and Fang Ping looked at each other. Isn't this a book on alchemy?
They haven't taken out the other book on how to hold pills yet.

If Master Zhou knew, would he be so angry that he vomited blood?

"Yes, it is a powerful medicine for the human body. I can see it at a glance. This is the greatness of the ancient sages."

He explained: "In the same book, some people see philosophy, some people see history, and some people see cultivation methods, or stars and mountains."

Ninth is very knowledgeable and knowledgeable: "This book is very good. The author must be extraordinary. It is exactly what I need. Please give me a price."

The human body's powerful medicine can develop its potential, which is of great help to his practice.

"Qihua, I will accept your favor this time," he promised.

"What a vulgar price to ask."

Chen Banxian smiled: "Let's all make friends and you teach us how to practice. There is no need to negotiate the price."

(End of this chapter)

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