There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 89 The 3 hexagrams are all without life

Chapter 89 All three hexagrams are lifeless

The cold light made Cai Mujin feel cold all over.

He was not a fool, so he chose to trust his sixth sense and remain silent for the time being.

This hexagram is not normal.

Die Yunfei was cautious and wrote the word "花" on the paper.

Butterflies pray for flowers.

At this moment, he was thinking of his sister, and she was the only one he believed in.

"The number of flower is seven. At this noon hour, it is the number of seven again, and the number of water and fire is nine, for a total of 23 numbers. Take the five lines and move them, which should be the earth, fire, Ming and Yi hexagrams!"

Earth Fire Ming Yi...the main hexagram ninety-five collapsed.

His heart sank. The water in this hexagram turned into the earth, the fire was extinguished by the earth, and the sun's rays were covered up.

The light of hope is finally hidden underground, it's a big disaster!

He looked at the word "花" again, and saw that the grass and trees were transformed, and the grass and trees were Li Huo. The character "hua" was the image of a person taking a dagger to cut off the flower head, which was also a great evil.

"Master Chen, what's the result?" Die Yunfei asked.

"Master Chen, what's the explanation?" Youye stared at him.

Chen Banxian took a deep breath: "Another hexagram."

Start again?

This was something they had never encountered before, but Die Yunfei still stretched out his hand to shake and divine.

"Jingle Bell……"

Three copper coins fell one after another, Lao Yang, exactly the same as before.

The second time, Lao Yin...

The third time, Lao Yang...

At this moment, everyone's eyes finally changed. There were 720 changes in the three copper coins, both sides.

But the two hexagrams are exactly the same. What are the odds?
It’s still a combination of fire and water!

"Shake it again!"

Chen Banxian disrupted the hexagram and asked Die Yunfei to shake it again.

"Master Chen, is the hexagram bad?" Die Yunfei's palms were sweating. This unknown mysterious power was more penetrating than his extraordinary ability.

The third time is still Lao Yang, Lao Yin...


Outside the conference room, there was thunder and thunder, and dark clouds rolled in at some point, making the sky dark.

Thick black smoke clung to the tall buildings, as if the sky was setting.

The lightning flashed, making the faces of the 12 people present pale.

The hexagram was formed again, exactly the same, and no one said anything.

This copper coin is just a copper coin, and it is impossible for such a person to make small moves under the radar.

Cai Mujin swallowed his saliva, the scene at this time was beyond his understanding.

Just now, it was still sunny.

Just one divination caused a huge change in the celestial phenomena, and the three divination images were exactly the same. This is really something.

Chen Banxian finally raised his head and gently pulled off the plastic bag on his head.

"Wood can make fire, vitality is in the east, metal can make water, and clearance is in the west. Sister, the hexagram indicates that the child is less than three days away, so escape to the east."

"I don't believe it. You decide the direction of the entire Liangcheng and three shelters with just one statement."

Bieshuang stood up and said, "I will go west to Qingcheng to check the situation in person. If I don't come back in two days, you will run away again."

She looked dashing and left directly outside the conference hall.

"Let's go together." Su Yun was unwilling to be left behind and stared into Chen Banxian's eyes:
"I have never believed in your hexagram, even if you have been correct more than once, this time, I still don't believe it.


Su Yun's jawline shimmered under the light, and her expression was determined: "If I don't come back, you go find Sun Haibo and ask him to lead the team to escape Liangcheng." After saying this, he went west.

Chen Banxian had no expression on his face and turned to look at Die Yunfei. What do you think?
Die Yunfei was under the greatest pressure.

He personally divined the divination and understood the magic in it.

"I immediately ordered the shelter to start preparations and notified the other two shelters."

He said solemnly: "Everyone, the meeting is dismissed. You can send people to check, but please retain a certain amount of strength. We need enough extraordinary people to escort the masses."

In this era, if we choose to escape from the current status quo, we don’t know how many people will die.

Disease, hunger, cold, disaster, fatigue, and death threaten everyone's life at all times.

If he chooses to believe Master Chen, he will be responsible for all the consequences.

If he makes the wrong decision, every person who dies will turn into a demon and will haunt him for the rest of his life.

Chen Banxian got up and walked back. He wanted to pack his luggage. When he passed Ninth's tent, he remembered that Ninth was probably heading west today.

To the west, beheading, isn't this Qingcheng?
It really should be a hexagram.

He thought as his footsteps gradually passed by the door of his home and walked out of the shelter.

"Hiss..." A question mark appeared on Banjiao's forehead, who had been waiting at the window for a long time. Isn't he going home today?
Beside Chen Banxian, there were extraordinary people hurriedly passing by, driving a vehicle to the west. They moved very quickly, racing against time.

"Chen Banxian!"

Someone shouted, and he dug his head and saw that it was the three girls of Liu Lexian, with more wounds on their bodies:
"Sister Yun just said something about Qingcheng. We are going to take a look. Can you help us with your fortune telling?"

Chen Banxian paused and divined, and there was nothing wrong with the thunder.

"Don't go, pack your things and run away." He advised seriously.

Liu Lexian and her three daughters shook their heads: "We have to go. Many people are sick. If we move again, many people will die."

A wind blew, and Chen Banxian narrowed his eyes. The black wind blew the clothes of Liu Lexian and the three girls swaying, making the hall dark.

They said goodbye and left in a hurry.

Chen Banxian walked slowly and continued walking, and another acquaintance passed by him.

Sun Haibo left a figure behind: "She's gone, why don't you try to persuade her? I'll go join in the fun."

Sun Haibo's footsteps were in a hurry, and Chen Banxian saw Teacher Bu Ming chasing after him again: "Sun Haibo, come back, we teachers can just leave this matter!"

When he slowly walked to the door, the fat black man in the crowd came running, it was Zhang Debai:

"Master Chen? Ouch, what a coincidence, Master Chen, have you seen my sister? I'm looking for her everywhere."

Your sister?Chen Banxian's tone was suspicious: "Zhang Xiaoyu?"

"Oh, yes, it's Zhang Xiaoyu!" He said with excitement on his face: "Master Chen, have you seen it?"

Chen Banxian pointed in the direction: "I just went out and went west. You should quickly bring her back, pack your things and run east."

It is very difficult for an extraordinary person to die if he only wants to escape, unless his face is extremely dark.

This fat black man will probably die on the way.

"Damn it, thank you, Master!" Zhang Debai ran away in a flash. He was just such a little sister.

Chen Banxian saw a lot of people and moved very quickly. The sister had no intention of hiding the news.

His footsteps stopped outside the shelter.

There are still many tents here, vaguely becoming a black trading place.

"Hey, boss, I've finally waited for you." Zhou Bai came up to him happily: "I take good care of your stone plaque! No one dares to take advantage of it."

The rest of his words were hidden deep in his heart, even if someone tried to break it, it was so heavy that it couldn't be broken.


Chen Banxian nodded, picked up the stone plaque with his backhand and headed west.

"Boss, where are you going?" Zhou Bai shouted from behind, why don't you give me a tip this time?
A metal sign flew to his feet: "If you have nothing to do, go find Fang Ping and prepare to migrate."

"I figured it would be profitable to go to the west, and the smaller you go, the bigger."

(End of this chapter)

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