There's something wrong with my hexagram gold

Chapter 9 Chen Banxian I have revised this chapter several times

Chapter 9 Chen Banxian I have revised this chapter several times

"Huh? Master!"

"Damn it, it's the master!"

"Master, come and line up in front of me!"

At the school's food distribution area, some students' eyes lit up and they recognized Chen Banxian's identity.

In a few days, who in the school didn’t know the name of Master Chen from the journalism department?
"Do you know Master Chen?"

"Of course I know!"

"Oh~" Everyone looked at each other, understanding each other tacitly.

"Does that method work? I voted for this number." A classmate quietly raised two fingers.

"I tried it. The goddess used to be indifferent to me, but today she actually told me in advance to take a shower!"


Chen Banxian smiled and reluctantly took the front seat.

Everyone hates queue-jumping dogs, and everyone wants to be queue-jumping dogs.

He had to wait in line at least until it was completely dark. He also had to practice the Demon Summoning Sutra and fortune telling at night, so he really didn't have enough time.

"Master, yesterday I went to the north to get a branch as you said, but I didn't ask clearly whether this branch should be worn on the body or not?"

The junior student who helped him jump in line was full of flattery: "Master, please give me some advice."

"Well, usually I take a branch with your birth date on it and put it under the bed." Chen Banxian said with a pleasant expression.

"Classmate, it's time to prepare lunch."

The cafeteria aunt successfully transformed herself into a staff member and reminded Chen Banxian.

"Thank you." Chen Banxian pretended that others trusted such a mysterious master.

"You are too young to learn well." The aunt glanced at them. They didn't believe in these ghosts and ghosts. The spoon in their hands was inevitably tilted, and the porridge, which was already clear and watery, lost a few mouthfuls.

Chen Banxian held the bowl but did not move. He saw that the aunt was surrounded by Yin Qi, and she was afraid that she had encountered something unclean recently.

"Auntie, please add more."

Could it be that the show-off drama is about to take place in the cafeteria?He began to wonder in his mind whether this was a bit of a downgrade.

"Oh." Auntie gave him two more mouthfuls of gruel.

The words Chen Banxian was about to blurt out were choked in his throat.

The script is wrong!Why did you really add it?
If you don't scold him, how will the plot unfold next?

That's not what is written in the novel.

He doesn't dare to go outside the school. Why don't people show off inside the school?

Chen Banxian held the bowl, and the thoughts in his mind finally became:
"Auntie, I see that there seems to be something sinister about you. If you are haunted by something evil, come to 404, dormitory building of the Department of Journalism."

Sigh... let's transform, pretending to be a slap in the face is not suitable for him after all.

Auntie's spoon shook again, and her face became gloomier.

If there wasn't a leader supervising her, do you think she would have scolded her back?

The student kids these days are so disgusting, how can they curse them to bring evil?'s all about living.The aunt sighed and continued to prepare the meal honestly.

But to be honest, there is a lot of chaos outside the school now. It’s not bad to have such a stable job, but I don’t know if the old man is hungry outside.

Seeing that the aunt didn't respond, Chen Banxian shook his head and left with the porridge. He just saw that the aunt's body was too full of yin.

It may not be so quick.

Unexpectedly, he had just taken two steps, and before he even took a sip of the porridge in his bowl, there were sudden bursts of exclamations behind him!
"Auntie fell into the porridge!"

I don’t know which student shouted first, but I saw the aunt who had been serving porridge plunged into the vat of porridge and struggled wildly.

"Gudong Gudong Gudong."

Fortunately, the porridge is almost cold. "Fuck!"

Chen Banxian was not slow, he took three steps and two steps to get behind his aunt, inserted one hand into the cool porridge and lifted her up!
The porridge was really clear and not slippery, but the auntie's face turned pale and she was holding it back!

"Cool down!" Someone poured cold water on the side.

"It's so cold!" The aunt sneezed. Seeing that the other person wanted to splash water, she hurriedly said: "This porridge is not hot, it's okay, don't!"

The soldiers heard the sound and quickly gathered around. Fortunately, there was a false alarm, so they quickly left.

"What a pity for a pot of good porridge." Chen Banxian sighed, but his heart was a little gloomy.

The yin energy in Auntie's body has not diminished, which will lead to her continued misfortune.

"Auntie, go back and warm yourself by the fire. Pay attention to safety during this period and be careful not to choke on the water you drink."

Choking on water?The aunt suspected that Chen Banxian cursed her for falling into the porridge, but she had no evidence.

The soldiers came and left just as quickly. Now that there are no classes, those teaching buildings have become a temporary gathering place for the soldiers.

He scanned the crowd with his ghost eyes to see if there were any unlucky people who were contaminated by Yin Qi. If you didn't know it, you would be shocked!
Just in the long queue, there are at least a dozen places where the strong Yin energy gathers.

The nearest person was right next to him.

The man saw Chen Banxian looking at him and greeted him warmly: "Master?"

"Take care of yourself." Chen Banxian reluctantly responded, and quickly escaped from here without fighting again.

There is definitely a BOSS hidden on campus. If you are not the protagonist, it is best not to provoke him easily.

If a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall, we can no longer stay in this place!

You have to think of a way to avoid the limelight and figure out where you can hide.

"Good for yourself?"

Behind Chen Banxian, the enthusiastic classmate's smile gradually became weird.

"It was seen..."

He stared at Chen Banxian's leaving figure, stopped eating porridge, and followed him with his toes on the ground.

Around him, several classmates looked blank and followed quietly.

Not far from the soup kitchen, several classmates looked at each other and followed quietly.

"The target has moved, get ready!" A confident smile appeared on Gao Fangqian's face.

"I knew it wouldn't be able to hold it back. Do you really think you're hiding it well? Little did you know that all ghosts and ghosts would be able to hide under my kind eyes!"

"Captain, wow, wow!" The team members gave a thumbs up: "That damn thing never dreamed that we had actually locked him in!"

Gao Fangqian was greatly benefited from it and said sternly: "When that ghost takes action, Xiao Mu, you feint attack from the left, Xiao Hai, you fully cooperate from the right, and the others hold the line!"

He took out a short sword made of peach wood from his arms and said confidently:

"When it thinks this is all our power, I will take it by surprise!"

"Let that thing have a taste of justice from heaven!"

"Captain is awesome!" The team members complimented again.

"Okay, we have to hurry up, don't let that unlucky guy accidentally die in vain."

Gao Fangqian and others moved quickly, and from a distance they saw the possessed classmate entering the dormitory building of the Journalism Department along the night.

"Damn it, there are other students around!" Xiao Mu looked ugly: "Captain, what should I do if I hurt my classmates later?"

Gao Fangqian frowned slightly: "It's okay, Junior Li, you go and evacuate the classmates."

"Okay." Li Luode walked out of a few people and quickly entered the teaching building.

"Is it okay for Junior Li?" Xiao Hai was a little worried: "He has only joined us for two days."

"He can do it, he can do it." Gao Fangqian said confidently: "You have never appreciated his ability: spreading lies through lies!"

(End of this chapter)

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