Chapter 94 He

After struggling for a long time, the four half-dead people finally calmed down.

Chen Banxian's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face. He felt that the Bashu perverted hot pot he had eaten before was like a child's snack.

Hot pot...he never wants to eat hot pot again!

With tears in his eyes, Chen Banxian ran to the river to collect some river water and picked up a few tree roots before the others set out on the road.

The conditions of Han Pingsheng and others were very bad. They didn't even have half their lives, so they were trying to explore the way with one breath.

Ye Kuli felt like he was going to die.

Half of his open eyes are still in the world of the world, and which of his closed eyes has been reported to the Lord of Hell.

"If we don't get out, we'll all die of thirst."

The evil wind had a big tongue, and the completely numb mouth made it difficult to speak.

Susu sobbed and cried: "I don't want to do sect tasks anymore, wuwuwu, I miss my master..."

She regretted that anyone who wanted to come to this poor place could come.

Several people searched for the way for a long time, but still saw no hope of leaving, and Chen Banxian's eyes became darker and darker.

Dry, as dry as fire.His strong Qi and blood were sluggish, the Flying Immortal Body was suppressed, and even the Demon Summoning Meridian Qi became sluggish.

The rules of this secret realm are not fatal instantly, but torture you bit by bit from body to heart.

The Bashu people must be ecstatic about this place...

Chen Banxian put down the stone plaque and climbed up a tall tree. The only solution for now was to destroy the core of the secret realm.

He stood on the top of the tree, his eyes widened, and his legs slightly straightened. Unexpectedly, the next second the top of the tree made an overwhelming crunching sound.

Chen Banxian's heart trembled, and he hurriedly lowered his position. MD was so high!

He looked again, and saw that the dead forest stretched so wide that it was difficult to see the edge, and the river they had been on before stretched windingly to an invisible end.

This secret realm is so huge!

He climbed down from the top of the tree and happened to see Ye Kuli looking at him pitifully.

"Brother, what should I do?"


Chen Banxian casually picked up a person, carried the stone plaque and ran towards the source of the stream, slowly thinking about the hexagrams.

The hexagram Li Huo gave rise to Kun Earth. Originally, Li Huo had nothing to do with the river, but the river turned out to be extremely spicy, and instead corresponded to the Li hexagram.

If he follows the river, he has a high chance of finding the source. It may not be a way to leave here, but it can relieve the current predicament.

Lifting the stone plaque slightly in front of him, he exerted force on his thighs and his energy and blood were frighteningly strong.

Evil Fei, who was casually caught in his hand, didn't know why. He was just shocked by how human beings could have such a powerful body. Without cultivating spiritual power or practicing Taoism, the natives of this world were really unreasonable.

The next moment, Chen Banxian's concentrated energy and blood exploded, his legs shot out like arrows from the string, and the air even exploded with a sound: Boom!
Evil Fei only felt a strong suction, his eyes could not see clearly, and his ears only heard a series of firecrackers. He was dazzled and turned upside down!

This feeling lasted for a while, and when he woke up, he was dizzy and could barely see where he was.

Oh my god, none of the elders in his master's sect would be so excited to take him flying with a sword!

The surroundings were scorched black, and in front of them was a deep abandoned volcanic lake.

Behind him, there was a passage forced out by Shi Bian. The rules were neat and orderly. All the huge rocks and towering men were smashed into pieces along the way.

Brutal pushed him all the way to the lake and knocked over a giant irregular rock.

So outrageous!

A gap opened in the lake, and a steady stream of lake water flowed out from here, forming a river that ran through the entire secret realm.

This is where?

Before he could think about it, the demon said something to him, then reached out and closed his eyes.

Then, he became light and plopped into the center of the lake.

Chen Banxian: "Why are you turning a blind eye? Do you look down on me?" He looked at Efei struggling crazily, his whole body flushed red, and then blood came out. The heat here was even more spicy than before. For terrible.

No wonder there is no grass growing around.

In the end, Efei stopped struggling and slowly sank to the bottom of the lake. There was no other danger.

This is a secret realm where no life exists.

But he breathed a sigh of relief, jumped his feet and followed Evil Fei's body as he sank down.

There is always a group of airflow around him to protect him from direct contact with the river water. The quality of the plaque produced by Fengdu City is good and solid.Take him down quickly.

The surrounding light became darker and darker, and he opened his ghost eyes to replace his normal vision.

The lake is bottomless, and the endless black void swallows people's hearts.

All the way down from here, a strange scene suddenly appeared in the water, and a wonderful world unfolded in front of him.

First, there is an ancient tree that stretches hundreds of meters. Its branches are so thick that dozens of people can hug them. It looks like an enlarged mulberry tree, with dense dark brown fruits on it.

This giant mulberry tree is rooted in the pure dark water, invisible to the sun and motionless, as if floating in the void.

There was another vine that stretched for unknown lengths, with white flowers in bloom, but the evil flying corpse's arm brushed against the flowers, and they were instantly corroded.

Chen Banxian quickly stayed away.

Continuing down, all kinds of strange and strange plants looked very pleasing to the eye, taking root in the void water. But seeing that only half of Evil Fei's body was left with a thigh, he didn't dare to touch it.

The further down you go, the more corrosive it becomes!
Passing by this area, it was empty again, and then he saw the bottom of the water.

The last traces of Evil Fei's existence suddenly disappeared under the water.

It's not corrosion, it's something that has passed through it. There is a cave underneath!
Chen Banxian instinctively didn't want to take risks, but when he touched his skin, he found it was dry and cracked, with no moisture at all.

That is to say, his vitality and blood are strong and his body is astonishing. Most people would have become mummies at this time.

He carefully stretched out the tree root he had picked up before, stretched out half of it to penetrate it, and then pulled it back. Only after making sure that it was fine did he dare to take risks.

"Sutra of Summoning Magic!"

He shouted to be brave, and his whole body was covered with Demon Summoning Meridian Qi to fight against unknown risks!

He moved, he took a step, he passed through this space!
The dark world suddenly lit up, it was a huge space.

His pupils shrank sharply as he saw the horrifying scene.

Huge man!

A lying female giant, several thousand meters high, raised like two mountain peaks!His body was covered with moss and plants, and he cried silently with his hands wet.

A drop of tears turns into a river, connecting all the way to the outside world.

Such a bottomless lake is actually filled with tears.

He didn't dare to move, trying not to make any noise for fear of waking the thing.

In the Jin hexagram of whether heaven and earth can change into fire and earth, Lihuo is the god and Kun is the female, and Qianjin is the big one.This is too vivid, there really is a goddess.

But whether good or evil, he dare not judge.

He didn't move, but the goddess's crying stopped.

The mere movement of a pair of giant hands caused a huge earthquake to occur here, causing violent tremors in the sky above the head and turmoil in the lake.

The true face exposed under those hands was even more frightening. It was not the eyes, but two huge rotten flesh holes. Tears had already flowed from the face into deep ravines.

The rotten flesh hole stared directly at Chen Banxian.


Chen Banxian's heart twitched violently as he thought of a famous person, Alexander!

He can see Himself!

Chen Banxian had a strong premonition and noticed that the latter's eyes moved and he saw the plaque on the Fengdu City Gate and paused for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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