I am a director, but I have the skills of an actor

Chapter 293 Reshaping outlook on life

"Mr. Wan, it's so hard to find you!"

"I'm really sorry, Director Zhang. I really didn't know you were looking for me again. When I went to attend the Cannes Awards Party later, I learned from Deng Chao and the others that you had been waiting for several days to find me. I felt really guilty. I didn't I should have gone on a trip at that time, I’m really sorry.”

As soon as Wan Qingshan returned to China, he turned on his mobile phone and took the initiative to contact Director Zhang.

Director Zhang was also sincere. After returning home from Cannes half a day early, he settled down near Wan Qingshan's house. After receiving Wan Qingshan's call, he immediately asked Wan Qingshan to meet him.

Wan Qingshan spoke sincerely and his eyes were sincere, but Director Zhang didn't believe a word he said.

If Wan Qingshan hadn't received the wind in advance, or if he hadn't wanted to avoid him, how could it have been such a coincidence that Wan Qingshan went out to travel alone the day before he went to Cannes.

"Mr. Wan, let's not fight. Let's just tell the truth. Mr. Wan, you haven't moved out of your support, you are only delaying by hiding. I know you don't want to make things worse. Now that you have shown up, it's time to stop!"

Wan Qingshan looked deeply at Director Zhang and said, "Director Zhang, you are quick to talk, so I'll just say it, I can stop.

But Director Zhang, I just want to ask you something. If I don’t ask you clearly about this matter, I will always have a knot in my heart. "

"Mr. Wan, tell me."

"Director Zhang, I would like to ask if I am violating the law by recruiting people?"

Director Zhang's expression changed suddenly, and he said seriously, "There is no violation, and there is no violation, but Mr. Wan, you have to know that some things are determined by people."

Wan Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly and he smiled self-deprecatingly, "Director Zhang, I finally understand, thank you for clarifying my doubts.

By the way, Director Zhang, if you have time, my movie should be launched on the domestic video platform in a few months. I hope you can go and watch it. The story of the movie is somewhat similar to my current situation.

Of course, if you have the chance, Director Zhang, you can watch the full version. When my movie is released on domestic video platforms, it must be an abridged version.

The abridged version may leave people a little confused in some places, so it is better to watch the full version. "

Director Zhang frowned slightly and looked closely at Wan Qingshan, "Mr. Wan, when I was waiting for you in Cannes, I didn't stay in the room all the time.

If I go to Cannes, then of course I have to see your movie, after all, domestic audiences can’t even see it.

Regarding your movie, Mr. Wan, I think you are a sensible person and should know that society will not change because of individuals! "

"Director Zhang, what you said, haha! I'm not a stupid boy." Wan Qingshan said with a smile.

Director Zhang frowned, "Mr. Wan, I have never regarded you as a stupid boy, but we must consider the overall situation.

Ningde Times and BYD together have tens of thousands of employees, many of whom are the breadwinners of their families, and the whole family depends on the money they earn.

This time, Mr. Wan, you poached people and caused the two companies to stop production.

I'm afraid they won't be able to recover within a few months. Then, tens of thousands of workers' salaries will become lower in these months, and the two companies will even lay off many employees in order to survive.

Nowadays, it is said that jobs are easy to find, but in fact it is not easy to find either. We have too many people and many factories are not short of employees.

Even if the laid-off employees find a job immediately, if they go to a new company, their initial income will definitely be less than before.

Perhaps, because of the lack of income, some families have to borrow money to prepare school fees for their children, or to raise medical expenses for someone in the family.

Even if there are not these difficulties, most families will eat less meat a few times a month. This is for sure, and we cannot ignore it! "

After Director Zhang finished speaking, he stood up and walked out of the box.

After the door closed, Wan Qingshan cursed angrily, "Fuck, why don't you force those two companies to raise the salary? How can I poach people if the salary is raised?

Instead of forcing them to improve their treatment, they would instead kidnap me with morality and give back tens of thousands of employees and tens of thousands of families. In the final analysis, they are still the most powerful! "

Afterwards, Wan Qingshan sighed helplessly, took out his cell phone and called Li Zhong.

"You have to know that some things are decided by people." Director Zhang made it so clear that he couldn't help but bow his head.

But it doesn’t matter anymore. After so long, all the people who need to be dug should have been dug out, and there is no need to poach people on a large scale.

If Director Zhang still stops him from poaching people in a small area, then he will directly call Grandpa Yumo Feng. This is so bullying!
"Mr. Wan, I've spent all that money!" Li Zhong said immediately as soon as the call was connected.

"I got it. I'll transfer another [-] million to the company's account later. You hurry up and build the factory and recruit workers to do the work."

Director Zhang's moral kidnapping still had some influence on Wan Qingshan.

But this is also a good thing. If those two companies really lay off a lot of people, his company can take over, and all the old battery employees can take up the job directly, without the need for training, and it also saves time.

Wan Qingshan's tired and frustrated voice made Li Zhong a little confused, but since he was just talking to Wan Qingshan, he couldn't ask more questions.

"Yes, Mr. Wan."


After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan called Chen Yumo again and asked Chen Yumo to transfer [-] million to the company's account.

"Qingshan, are you still at home?"

On August 8, after talking to Director Zhang and handing "Fairness, Justice" to Hillier, Wan Qingshan, who had been staying at home without even bothering to do global publicity, suddenly received a call from Han Sanping.

"Yeah, I'm taking care of the kids at home."


Wan Mo, who was in Wan Qingshan's arms, touched Wan Qingshan's slightly prickly chin with his small hand, and suddenly shouted with a smile.


After Wan Qingshan responded, he said into the phone, "Director Han, what do you want from me?"

"It's okay. I just saw you stay at home for several months after you came back from Cannes, so I was worried about what happened to you!"

"Haha, Director Han, I thank you for your concern. However, Director Han, just tell me if you have something to do. Why bother with me?"

Wan Qingshan didn't believe that Han Sanping would call to show concern. If he wanted to be concerned, he would have been concerned a long time ago, why wait until he stayed at home for more than three months.

"Ahem, um, I really have something to do with you, but let's talk about it face to face.

In this case, Qingshan, I will go over to find you, and we will talk about it when we meet tomorrow. "

"Director Han, you are my elder, how can I let you come to me? In this case, I will go to China Film and Television to find you tomorrow!"

"It's over!" Han Sanping said in surprise.

After Wan Qingshan returned to China, he had a conversation with the people above him, but he never showed up. Many people in the business and film and television circles knew this.

They were all wondering, what did the people above say?Wan Qingshan was forced to act like a little daughter-in-law, not even coming out to buy groceries and take care of the children every day!
Although I was curious, I didn't dare to inquire. Who knew what the people above said.If they come to inquire about something important, wouldn't they be looking for trouble?
Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment and immediately understood the meaning of Han Sanping's words.

"Director Han, I'm fine. I've been staying at home during this period, just taking care of my children." Wan Qingshan said with a smile.

I stayed at home because after talking to Director Zhang, when I got home, Wan Qingshan suddenly felt tired.

No matter how big we become, no matter how big we become, no matter how big we become, we are not just pigs and sheep to be slaughtered.

It's better to just forget it, rest more at home, and take care of the kids.

Chen Yumo just started to go to work and had no time to discipline his children. Li Ru, Wan Hai and Wan Mo were too doting on Wan Mo. They just followed Wan Mo. Someone had to be the bad guy to control Wan Mo.
"Okay, okay, it's fine."

There was a sense of relief in Han Sanping's tone. He was really worried about whether something big happened to Wanqing Mountain before, but he didn't dare to ask more, so he kept it in his heart.

"Director Han, I will go find you around ten o'clock tomorrow morning."

"Ten o'clock, okay, I'll wait for you in the office."

After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan picked up Wan Mo, who was still playing with his chin, got up and walked towards the room.

The next morning, Wan Qingshan went out to China Film Academy.

Han Sanping and Wan Qingshan exchanged polite words before getting down to business.

"Qingshan, Cheng Long asked me to help. I hope you can help introduce some people to help his son!" Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment. He never expected that Han Sanping would come to him for this matter!
Two days ago, Jaycee Chan and Ke Zhendong were reported by the masses and then arrested on the spot. The media reported it a lot.

After Wan Qingshan came to his senses, he understood what the introduction meant. He wanted him to be the middleman and introduce Feng Zhi to Cheng Long.

Feng Zhi seems to have nothing to do, and he is usually easy to talk to Wan Qingshan, but as a top third generation, Feng Zhi has a wide network of connections.Otherwise, Feng Zhi would not have been able to unite a group of people to get Wanda's loan from the bank. You must know that Wanda's wife has an unusual background.

If Feng Zhi and the others help with Jaycee Chan's matter, it's really nothing. I'm afraid he won't even have to step on the sewing machine.

Although it is a piece of cake, Wan Qingshan will not be a middleman. This kind of thing is none of his business. If he has the ability, Cheng Long will find Feng Zhi himself.

"Director Han, I can't handle this!"

"Qingshan, don't refuse immediately. Cheng Long said that you should be the middleman. Qingshan Media will invest in every one of his movies in the future." Han Sanping said in a low voice.

Although Cheng Long's future movies are not great, they will definitely make money, otherwise he would not keep making one after another.

Cheng Long is also considered a model worker. If he participates in investment in every movie, he can earn a lot of money cumulatively.

However, Wan Qingshan thinks that although he is a bastard and not a good person, and he pursues profit in everything he does, he still has a little bit of conscience.

To earn this kind of money, if he was short of money before, he might have done it unconscionably, but now that he is not short of money, there is no need to do such a thing.

Everyone is the same. When you have no money, you have no moral bottom line.But if you have money, you will care about your moral reputation. Money is the backbone of your moral bottom line.

Wan Qingshan shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Director Han, do you think I lack that little money now?"

Han Sanping was stunned for a moment and sighed, "Cheng Long was also retaliated against, and his son was implicated. Some time ago, Zang Tianshuo came out, and Cheng Long's son was reported. What a coincidence."

At that time, Zang Tianshuo was a tyrant in the capital, and he gathered a group of land hooligans. No matter which star came to perform in the capital, he had to hand over [-]% of the profit to him, otherwise he would not be able to perform in the capital.

Later, Cheng Long came to the capital to perform, and Zang Tianshuo also wanted to make friends with Cheng Long. The international superstar Cheng Long could not stand this kind of anger and was unwilling to make friends with him.

Then on the day of Cheng Long's performance, Zang Tianshuo sent people to cause trouble and smashed all the equipment.

Then things got worse and worse, and there were even beatings.

It is said that a strong dragon cannot suppress a local coward. In this battle, Zang Tianshuo suppressed Cheng Long to the point of being angry. In the end, it was Zhao Benshan who stepped forward and Zang Tianshuo calmed down.

But not long after the incident, Zang Tianshuo went in. Some said it was Cheng Long who asked someone to do it, some said Mr. Zhou. In short, no one knows the specific reason why he went in.

"Director Han, you shouldn't say this when you are sitting in this position. Regardless of whether he was retaliated or implicated, it is true that Fang Renming did something wrong." Wan Qingshan said with a smile.

Han Sanping's face froze, then a trace of surprise flashed across his face, he shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "Yes, I shouldn't say such things.

Cheng Long's matter, Qingshan, you have your own considerations, so it's okay if you don't help. As for me, I'm just helping with a message. "

Wan Qingshan smiled and asked Han Sanping about his plans after retirement.

"I'm a hard-working person and can't take any time off. I'll just make movies after I retire."

Han Sanping took a sip of water, then changed the topic, "Qingshan, find some time, I'll treat you and Ning Hua to have a meal together.

You two had a falling out back then. To be honest, I have to bear some responsibility. Without my guarantee that I would invest in his movie, Ning Hua would not have dared to fall out with you.

I feel sorry for you and a little bit towards Ning Hua about this matter. I want to make up for this responsibility before retiring. "

Wan Qingshan was silent for a few seconds and replied, "Director Han, you have said so, I have no problem eating.

But Mr. Han, do you think it’s useful to have a meal?
To be honest, after so many years, I have long forgotten what happened back then.

But just because I don’t take it to heart doesn’t mean that I have lost my memory. I can’t remember what happened in the past. It’s impossible to say that just by having a meal together, I can become the same as before. To Ning Hua, I will still be the same as now, as plain as a stranger. . "

Han Sanping's expression darkened and he sighed, "I take it for granted. In this case, just forget about eating, lest you feel uncomfortable."

"Director Han, thank you for your understanding."

"Haha, how can I be considerate?"

Then Wan Qingshan and Han Sanping chatted for a few words and left China Film.

After leaving China Film and Television, Wan Qingshan had just got into the car and was about to let Duan Tong drive home when his cell phone suddenly rang and Chen Lei called.

"Mr. Wan, Taobao has updated its version and created a video model of a few seconds to introduce products!"

Within half a year, Taobao released a video introduction of just a few seconds, which made Wan Qingshan want to laugh.

Although we know that Taobao is too big to conduct live broadcasts for all, we can at least come up with a live broadcast mode so that qualified merchants can choose for themselves.

It took more than half a year to create a video screen to introduce the products. This pace was too slow.

Wan Qingshan was still wondering whether Ali was too bloated, so he was so slow in doing things, but Chen Lei let him know that he was wrong.

"Mr. Wan, I also heard about the news that Alibaba is building a new app that specializes in low-price products. This is for us."

Special offer app?Special deal?
Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said, "It's okay, Mr. Chen, we don't have to worry about how Taobao does it. We are far ahead on the road of low-price products. As long as we take it step by step and control the quality of the products, we will be able to Don’t worry about being caught up by Taobao.”

"Yes, I will definitely do it well.

Well, Mr. Wan, the company is almost out of money, and now it only has [-] million in the account. "

In the past half year, Maimai has almost developed into a copycat of Pinxixi. Now it has more than 9000 million active users, more than 800 million daily orders, and a daily transaction volume of nearly 5 million. It is second only to Taobao and has become The second largest e-commerce company.

With such rapid development, money is burned quickly. In addition, in order to become a blockbuster, the live broadcast company also needs a lot of money to prepare the fashion show. In more than half a year, more than 20 billion was burned.

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and said, "The [-] million will be invested in the live broadcast company first, and I will try my best to support the live broadcast app interview and launch a fashion competition, so that I can strive for a higher valuation in later financing."

"Understood, I will launch the live streaming app as soon as possible."

After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan asked Duan Tong to drive home. As soon as the car arrived at the entrance of the alley, by coincidence, Ma Huateng called.

Quanzhi is out of money and needs to prepare for Series B financing!
Content interaction platform, although in the past few months, Alibaba, Baidu, and NetEase have successively launched apps to enter this industry.

But in the past few months, Quanzhi has continuously updated several versions, incorporating all the databases mentioned by Wan Qingshan. Although the transaction volume and the number of users have decreased a bit, the reputation has become better.

Even if the number of users is a little less than before, based on the current number of users, Quanzhi almost dominates the content interaction platform, and has successively established branches overseas and is expanding rapidly.

Fast expansion also means fast money burning, and all 20 billion has been burned.

Wan Qingshan still has the same attitude when it comes to omniscient financing, Rongbei, he won’t invest money anyway.

After talking on the phone with Ma Huateng in the car, Wan Qingshan got out of the car and walked home. After taking two steps, he saw Li Ru pushing Wan Mo, who was sitting in a cradle, walking over there.

"Dad, hug!"

Wan Qingshan has been taking Wan Mo at home for several months. In addition, some time ago, before Wan Mo was one year old, Chen Yumo was called to work by Chen Yanfeng. As a result, Wan Mo is now very attached to Wan Qingshan. When he saw Wan Qingshan from a distance, he came to him excitedly. Wan Qingshan stretched out his hand.

"Oh, dear son!"

With a smile on his face, Wan Qingshan took two quick steps and picked up Wan Mo from the cradle.

"Mom, what are you doing here?"

"When I didn't see you, Mo Mo couldn't stay at home and had to shout to find you.

I persuaded him to go find his grandpa, and he agreed, so I was going to take him to the park to find his grandpa.

So did the old man. On such a hot day, he went to the park to play chess with others.

You came back just in time. It's too hot. It's not good to take it out to play. It's too hot. "

"Son, I'm home." Wan Qingshan smiled and gently tossed Wan Mo.

"Haha!" Wan Mo laughed immediately after being thrown away.

After returning home, Wan Qingshan played with Wan Mo for a while. After Wan Mo got tired and watched Wan Mo fall asleep, Wan Qingshan walked out of the room and took out his mobile phone to call Feng Zhi. (End of chapter)

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