In November, the first World Internet Conference was held in Zhijiang, and Wan Qingshan, as the chairman of Maimai Company, was also invited!
This kind of meeting is of a very high level, especially since Wan Qingshan has to have meetings with leaders, dinners, and inspections are even stricter, and he has to be searched every day.

After a few days of tossing, the Internet Conference was over. When Wan Qingshan returned to the hotel and was about to take a shower, he suddenly received a call from Ding Sanshi.

"Mr. Wan, I am Ding Sanshi, where are you now?"

Ding Sanshi's familiar tone made Wan Qingshan a little surprised. He and Ding Sanshi had never met before.

"Mr. Ding, hello, I'm at the hotel, what's going on?"

"It's nothing. I just want to invite Mr. Wan to have dinner with you. Zhou Hongwei and Lei Jun are all here."

"Mr. Ding, if you call for dinner, you are free even if you don't have time. But Mr. Ding, is this the pig you raised?"

Wan Qingshan's joke made Ding Lei on the other end of the phone stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Haha, Mr. Wan, you want to eat my pigs!

Next time, next time, I’ll treat you to a whole pig feast.

But there was nothing I could do this time. I came with nothing and no pork. "

"Mr. Ding, it's agreed that next time we eat, we must prepare the pigs you raised."

"No problem, no problem, Mr. Wan, we're in box 106 of that B&B Jinyi Inn."

"Okay, I'll be there soon."

After entering Jinyi Inn and pushing open the room No. 106, Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment.

There were many people in the room, including Ding Sanshi, Ma Huateng, Li Yanhong, Lei Jun, Sina Cao Guowei, and Zhou Hongwei.

The presence of these people did not surprise Wan Qingshan, but what surprised him was that Ma Yun was also there.

Since the launch of MaiMai App, Taobao's active users have dropped sharply. When Ma Yun faced reporters asking questions about MaiMai, although on the surface it seemed that Ma Yun was still the same as before and didn't care.

But when answering reporters' questions, he was obviously not as calm as before, saying, "Let's make the e-commerce industry bigger together," or "Alibaba is not afraid of competition."

Mai Mai poses a huge threat to Ali, and coupled with the past grudges between Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun, anyone with a discerning eye can see that even if Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun are not fighting to the death, they still dislike each other!
What is Ding Sanshi doing?Could it be that he wants to mediate as a middleman? He shouldn't be so stupid. Who would be stupid enough to mediate between the two parties in the ring!
Wan Qingshan murmured in his heart, walked in with a smile, and sat down in the vacant seat when Lei Jun deliberately moved his buttocks.

"Wow, half of the Internet is here. You guys are asking for a discussion. Then I have to study hard."

"Mr. Wan, you are now No. 1 on the Internet. We should learn from you."

Cao Guowei's words instantly solidified the atmosphere in the box.

These words were originally polite, but Cao Guowei said them in a sarcastic tone, and the taste changed drastically!
Wan Qingshan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Mr. Cao, it's impossible to say that. I still lack experience in some things, so I have to learn from my seniors.

Just like Mr. Cao, you occupied the dove's nest and drove away Mr. Wang. I don't know what to do to drive away the founder. "

Cao Guowei's face suddenly changed, turning as black as the bottom of a pot. The expressions of the others changed slightly and they all put down their chopsticks.

Cao Guowei's words were sarcastic, but Wan Qingshan's words simply turned his back on him.

"Mr. Wan, you entered the industry late, so you may not understand that Mr. Cao did not drive Wang Zhidong away.

Wang Zhidong was removed from his post because his actions were not in line with Sina's development and he was voted out by several shareholders! "Ma Yun said from the side.

"Mr. Ma, you are right. As for me, I have only been in the Internet industry for a few years, and I don't understand many things.

Even now, I still don’t understand a lot of things.

Just like I don’t know who is in charge of Sina.

I don’t even understand how a company as big as Sina can make it so that I, a person in the Internet industry, don’t know who is in charge.

I think this may be because Mr. Cao is not the founder of Sina. If Mr. Wang were here, he would definitely not let Sina reveal who is in charge. Such outrageous things would happen.

After all, the company you created is like your own son. It must bear your own surname and will not bear the surname of anyone else.

Speaking of which, I also have to thank Mr. Cao. Without Mr. Cao, well, the words "loyalty" are a bit reluctant, but it is still appropriate.

Without Mr. Cao's loyalty and Sina's publicity for me in the past few years, the public would not know that I still have so many scandals. "

Ma Yun's expression froze, and Cao Guowei's complexion turned from black to blue.

Lei Jun and the others twitched the corners of their mouths, trying hard to suppress laughter.

Wan Qingshan was so cruel and didn’t save any face for Cao Guowei!

The person in charge of Sina is unclear, saying that Cao Guowei is just a puppet and showing his loyalty, and even more so that Cao Guowei is Ma Yun's lackey!
No one could bear to hear Wan Qingshan's sarcastic words. Cao Guowei slapped the table with blazing eyes, stood up and said angrily,
"Wan Qingshan, don't bully others too much just because you are the richest man. If Sina takes action, there is nothing you can do against me, Sina."

Lei Jun and others lowered their heads slightly and looked at each other with the people around them, then leaned back in their chairs and waited to watch the show.

Ma Yun rolled her eyes and picked up the wine glass to drink.

"Mr. Cao, I am not Wang Jianlin. My eyes reach the top of my head just because I am a rich man.

As for Sina taking action, haha, haven’t Sina Weibo done enough to smear me in the past few years?
As for what can be done with Sina, Mr. Cao, there is a lot of messy news on Sina Weibo, and there seems to be a lot of news about human life.

Random reporting in order to attract attention.

You said that if I make these things hot and then say that Sina Weibo eats steamed buns with human blood, I will spend another billion to start Weibo at this time.

Your Sina Weibo started by attracting celebrities. As for me, I have some connections in the entertainment industry. Do you think they will jump to me?

At that time, I will use my connections in Hollywood to find some international stars to come to my place to open Weibo. Mr. Cao, do you think Sina Weibo can still be the dominant player in the social media platform industry? "

Looking at Wanqingshan with a dull expression, Cao Guowei said nothing, but his face turned blue and white.

What Wan Qingshan said made Cao Guowei very scared. If Wan Qingshan really did this, Sina Weibo would lose its skin.

Lei Jun and others' pupils shrank slightly, and their expressions became serious. Wan Qingshan's method seemed to work!

Ma Yun glanced at the frozen Cao Guowei, put down her wine glass and said with a smile, "Mr. Wan, Mr. Cao is also joking with you. As for Weibo slandering you, it is definitely not Mr. Cao's intention, it should be done by someone below.

Mr. Cao has always been a friendly person who makes money. This is obvious to everyone. Mr. Cao will definitely not be able to smear you.

Don't worry, Mr. Wan, I think Mr. Cao will definitely make the people below him change their ways after he returns. "

At this time, Ding Sanshi also spoke. After all, he invited everyone, and he couldn't let Cao Guowei stand down like this.

"Oh, didn't we agree that we would just chat tonight, why did we suddenly start talking about this kind of thing?

Come on, come on, don't spoil the fun, let's eat and chat. "

When Ding Sanshi organized the game, he was the host. Wan Qingshan gave him this face. More importantly, it was not that Ma Yun couldn't get off the stage, but that Ma Yun's pawns couldn't get off the stage. Wan Qingshan didn't think it was interesting either.

So, he picked up his chopsticks, took a bite of food, and then turned to chat with Lei Jun about Xiaomi mobile phones.

Given the steps, Cao Guowei had to continue even if he was very angry and ashamed.

After all, the operation Wan Qingshan just mentioned is a bit scary. If Wan Qingshan is not followed up and forced to do this, Sina will be in big trouble.

After that, everyone really didn’t talk about anything serious, they were just chatting, and later on, they all talked about literature.

Ding Sanshi invited Wan Qingshan to dinner and also called Ma Yun. He simply invited them to dinner. He did not try to ease the relationship between Wan Qingshan and Ma Yun at the dinner table.

After the meal, Ding Sanshi also prepared other games, singing and taking a bath...
Wan Qingshan didn't play these games anymore. These games were boring, not even one-tenth of Feng Zhi's tricks.

Early the next morning, Wan Qingshan flew back to Pengcheng and continued to take care of his son at home.


Two years later, in December in Pengcheng, the weather was just right, neither hot nor cold.

"Dad, I want ice cream!"

On the lawn behind Wan Qingshan's house, chubby Wan Mo pulled Wan Qingshan's pants and kept shaking them!

"You are not allowed to eat it. What kind of ice cream do you eat in the winter?"

Wan Mo let go of Wan Qingshan's pants, pouted, and said with an unhappy face, "I want to eat it!"

"I see you want to eat fried pork with bamboo shoots again!"

Wan Mo's expression froze, and then he shouted, "Bad dad!"

He turned around and ran towards the house on his short legs, shouting at the same time, "Grandma, grandpa, daddy hit me again!"

"Qingshan, what are you doing, beating the child again!"

No one came out to see, but Li Ru's voice protecting his grandson came from inside the house.

"I didn't hit him, I just scared him and wouldn't let him eat the ice cream!"

At this time, Li Ru came out of the house, hugged Wan Mo, who was running over, and complained to Wan Qingshan, "There's no need to beat the child if you're trying to scare him!"

Then, he turned around and coaxed Wan Mo, "Mo Mo, we don't eat ice cream, grandma will take you to eat chocolate, okay!"

"Okay, I want to eat chocolate, eat chocolate!" The dissatisfaction on Wan Mo's face disappeared immediately, and his face was full of excitement.

Looking at Li Ru carrying Wan Mo towards the house, Wan Qingshan felt a little helpless. The older his son got, the more naughty he became, and he was no longer as fun as before!
The next day, Wan Qingshan and Chen Yumo went to Hong Kong Island to meet Chen Lei, Ma Huateng and others!
"Mr. Wan, you haven't shown up for a long time. It's not easy to meet you!"

Ma Huateng pushed up his gold-rimmed glasses and joked with a smile.

"I can't help it. The child is naughty now. As soon as he is out of sight, he will go crazy."

Xu Xin on the side smiled and said, "Mr. Wan, do you plan to take care of your children at home from now on?"

"Let's wait until the children are older and more sensible in a few years to see what happens."

At this time, Xu Nanpeng whispered, "Mr. Wan, now Taishan will fully support Ma Yun and use connections and a lot of money to help Taobao.

What are your plans here? Will you continue to fight Taobao with the funds raised from the listing? "

A year ago, on the eve of preparations for the Second World Internet Conference, Maimai's monthly sales reached a level almost equal to that of Taobao. Wan Qingshan ignored dissuasion and launched a war.

On Taobao's Double Eleven, Mai Mai held a Mai Mai Day, offering [-]% ​​off all self-operated products, directly reducing Taobao's Double Eleven sales to one-third less than the previous year.

Since then, MaiMai and Taobao have been fighting each other for real!
The competition between e-commerce companies is just like the competition between taxi-hailing software in the future. They spend money to promote it everywhere, and then discount or subsidize the products. Anyway, they are not making any money, and they may even pay to grab users.

Alibaba is not that big now, but after burning for a whole year, Taobao's annual profit has gone from a profit of tens of billions to a loss of several billions.

Maimai didn't benefit much either. Although users robbed a lot, they also lost a lot of money.

It had already started to make a profit, and the monthly profit before the war had reached more than 6 million.

This burning directly caused Maimai to lose money and almost all of the 800 billion in financing were burned.

This battle has left Taobao and Maimai exhausted, but in this kind of money-burning battle, the boss and the second child will never fight and the third child will take advantage.Maimai and Alibaba have been fighting for a whole year. and Vipshop all closed down. Pinxixi, which just emerged, also went bankrupt. Even self-operated was greatly affected, and its annual sales were directly affected. One third less!

Maimai has almost burned out 800 billion yuan, and there is no money to support the normal operation of Maimai. If you want to get money, you have to continue to raise funds. But when it raised 800 billion yuan before, Maimai's valuation had already reached 7000 billion. If you raise money again, The valuation must be at least one trillion.

Taobao has experienced this battle. Although its market value has dropped sharply, it still has nearly two trillion yuan. However, since Maimai has been working with Taobao for a year and still has the upper hand, it is impossible for it to be less than one trillion yuan.

It has not yet been listed on the market, but its valuation is in the trillions, which is more than 1000 billion U.S. dollars in U.S. dollars. Which venture capital company dares to invest? The only choice is to go public and raise funds!

So more than half a year ago, Wan Qingshan calculated that he might not have money to pay his salary later, so he contacted Xu Xin and others and asked them to promote Maimai to be listed in Hong Kong as soon as possible!

Xu Nanpeng's problem is also what Xu Xin and the others are concerned about. They are all looking closely at Wan Qingshan, waiting for Wan Qingshan's decision!

When Mai Mai and Taobao fought before, except for Ma Huateng, everyone else was actually a little resistant.

Maimai is developing so smoothly and well. It can boil a frog in warm water and slowly encroach on Taobao. Why bother to start a money-burning war.

Although after three rounds of financing, Xu Nanpeng and Xu Xin’s combined shares in Maimai far exceed that of Wan Qingshan and Chen Yumo.

But they were not stupid enough to use equity voting to remove Wan Qingshan from the position of chairman and CEO of Maimai.

Wanqingshan is not like Wang Zhidong's Sina.

Now, almost all of Maimai's middle managers are the old people who Wan Qingshan proposed to provide employees with room for advancement.

Their rise is all due to Wanqingshan's proposal to subsidize half of their training fees and share the achievements of Maimai. They are all direct descendants of Wanqingshan, and the company's development planning is all made by Wanqingshan.

It can be said that Wanqingshan is Maimai's spiritual benchmark. If the spiritual benchmark falls, the company will be in chaos, so Wanqingshan can only be allowed to burn money willfully and fight Taobao.

Facing the gaze of everyone, Wan Qingshan shook his head slightly and said in a low voice, "I won't burn it, and I can't burn it. In fact, when I go to fight with Taobao, I don't want to defeat Taobao.

The existence of Taobao does no harm to Maimai, only benefits. Without Taobao, Maimai would almost monopolize the e-commerce industry.

An important industry is monopolized. This is something some people don't want to see, and we can't do it.

My purpose in fighting Taobao is to wipe out other e-commerce companies.

Now everyone has seen that my goal has been achieved. With this battle, our daily active users of MaiMai have directly increased from 6000 million to [-] million.

Of these 6000 million users, a small part are customers stolen from Taobao, and most of the others are users created after the collapse of other e-commerce companies.

Those companies have gone bankrupt, and even if the discounts are canceled later, they will not be able to go back. Of the 6000 million users, Maimai can convert at least 3000 million users into loyal users. "

Wan Qingshan's main purpose of burning money and fighting Taobao is not to kill e-commerce companies such as

Eliminating e-commerce companies such as in advance and causing trouble for Alibaba are incidental. The main purpose is to fight to the death.

If Pin Xixi develops, it will have a huge impact on Mai Mai.

They are all in the low-price market, which is equivalent to Pinxixi developing in the hinterland of Maimai. If it really develops, it will be a devastating blow to Maimai.

Pin Xixi will not die, but wheat and wheat will not be stable, so after knowing that Pin Xixi came out, Wanqingshan changed his usual style and burned money desperately!
Xu Xin and others were stunned. Wan Qingshan wanted to fight Taobao despite everyone's dissuasion. They all thought Wan Qingshan wanted to take revenge on Ma Yun.

But I didn't expect that Wanqing Mountain...
Ma Huateng was stunned for a moment. After coming to his senses, his pupils shrank slightly under his gold-rimmed glasses.

He thought of what Wan Qingshan said, some people don't want to see an important industry monopolized!

Who are some people?Ma Huateng guessed it, and then he thought that Penguin had a monopoly on social communications. He also thought that Penguin had been fined frequently for more than a year. This...
Xu Xin and others were relieved that they would not continue to burn money. If they continued to burn money like this, they would not be able to withstand it. Maimai could not remain unprofitable!
"Mr. Wan, you still have the foresight to not only attack Alibaba, but also burn companies like Vipshop to death, and also add 3000 million users!" Xu Xin praised with a look of amazement.

"Mr. Wan, you're doing a great job. The 800 billion has been used to burn so many things. It's worth it!" Zhang Lei also praised.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, you will find that this battle is worth it. However, when Wan Qingshan changed his usual style before, no one could persuade him to do anything. He had to burn money desperately to make them think that Wan Qingshan was just a personal emotion. The boss wants to take revenge on Ma Yun, so that they can't think about it carefully!
“Everyone, everyone, please don’t praise me like this, it’s nothing to me.

In fact, Ma Yun had already guessed my purpose. A week after the money-burning battle, he called me.

Ma Yun and I have agreed that we will stop until the companies like Vipshop close down. It happened that the last closed down some time ago. According to the agreement between Ma Yun and I, it is time to stop. "

Xu Xin and others were stunned for a moment, and then Xu Xin sighed, "Mr. Ma's acting skills are really good!"

In this money-burning year, Wan Qingshan did not appear in front of the media, but Ma Yun did not appear in front of the media. He often appeared in front of the media.

Whenever reporters mention the money-burning battle between Maimai and Taobao, Ma Yun always turns black immediately and criticizes Wan Qingshan to the media. He is ruining the e-commerce industry. His acting skills are even better than those of the best actor!
The next morning, Maimai rang the bell for its listing on Hong Kong Island!

In just a few years, Maimai has developed into one of the Internet giants, and almost brought down the original giant Alibaba. In addition, Wanqingshan has not shown up for two years, so early in the morning, a lot of people gathered outside the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. reporter.

"Director Wan, do you have time to say a few words?"

"Director Wan, you haven't made a movie for more than two years. Are you planning to quit the film and television industry and stop making movies?"

"Director Wan, some experts have done calculations. According to Maimai's successful listing with a market value of 3000 trillion, your position as the richest man will be surpassed by Mr. Ma for three years. Do you have anything to say about this?"

"Director Wan, you never participated in Maimai's financing before. As a result, you only have 8.7% of the shares in Maimai. You have not obtained different rights for the same shares, and you have not signed an agreement with the shareholders. Not only do you worry about the future of Maimai, Is the company out of your control?"


Faced with the siege of reporters, Wan Qingshan said nothing, put his arm around Chen Yumo, and was escorted by a circle of security guards as he passed through the reporters and entered the Hong Kong Stock Exchange!

This time when Mai Mai rang the bell, Wan Qingshan originally planned to let Chen Lei come.

But Chen Lei refused. He knew that he was just an executor in Maimai Company, and people outside also knew that he was just an executor.

If he goes up to ring the bell, he will definitely be scolded by the media and the public for not knowing how much he weighs. He will not do such a thing.

If Chen Lei doesn't ring the bell, it's even less possible for the others. Wan Qingshan can only come by himself.

With a click of Wanqingshan's hand, Maimai is officially launched!

Then Wan Qingshan stopped caring. After he stepped down, he whispered to Chen Yumo.

After sitting at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange for most of the day, Wan Qingshan, Chen Yumo, Ma Huateng and others left the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

When having dinner with Ma Huateng and others in Wanqingshan, netizens were also discussing it!
"Oh my god, it increased by 40% on the first day it went online. That's awesome!"

"Ten thousand and eighty billion, damn, there's another group of billionaires!"

"Isn't this normal? Maimai and Taobao are engaged in a money-burning war. After a year of working together, the two companies are evenly matched. Alibaba has nearly 8000 trillion, and Maimai has [-] trillion. It's normal!"

"8000 trillion. Wan Qingshan's stake in Maimai is a bit small. It's only over 8 points. Now his position as the richest man will be surpassed by Ma Huateng."

"What's wrong with exceeding Wanqingshan? Ma Huateng surpassed Wanqingshan by relying on Quanzhi and Maimai. These two companies can be said to have been founded by Wanqingshan, but he did not invest money later, resulting in fewer shares."

After dinner on Hong Kong Island, Wan Qingshan and Chen Yumo crossed the border and returned to Shenzhen that night.

Then, Wan Qingshan started taking care of his son again.

The daughter is a little cotton-padded jacket, and the son is simply an irritating thing, especially when he gets a little older. Sometimes Wan Mo does something that makes Wan Qingshan so angry that he chases Wan Mo around with a bamboo stick!
"Little bastard, stop!" Wan Qingshan held the bamboo stick and angrily chased Wan Mo who was running outside.

Wan Mo had already practiced long-distance running far better than his peers in Wan Qingshan while he was frying meat with bamboo sticks from time to time. Wan Qingshan chased for a few minutes, but seeing that he could not catch up with Wan Mo, he could only slow down, take two big breaths, and angrily Cursed,
"Little bastard, don't come back if you have the guts!"

"If you don't come back, you won't come back!" Wan Mo replied stubbornly, then quickened his pace and ran out!

Seeing this, Wan Qingshan was too lazy to chase after him and walked back carrying the bamboo stick.

"Where's Mo Mo?" Li Ru, who was sitting on the sofa watching a movie, looked behind Wan Qingshan and asked with concern.

"Run out!"

After hearing this, Li Ru breathed a sigh of relief. If he was going to be caught, Wan Qingshan would really not show mercy.

As for Wan Mo running away, Li Ru was not worried at all. Every time Wan Mo ran away after being beaten, he always went to his grandfather's house in the same community.

Although she was not worried, Li Ru still took out her mobile phone and called Chen Yanfeng. She was completely relieved after making sure that Wan Mo had gone to Chen Yanfeng's house.

Then, Li Ru began to criticize Wanqingshan.

"I said, can you please stop hitting the child for every little thing.

You don't even look at it. In the past few years, your child has stopped kissing you. He was so close to you when he was a child. At that time, every time you went out, he would cry and look for you.

Alas, Mo Mo is also pitiful. His mother is often away from home, and you are always hitting people. You see, your child has a slumped face every time he comes home. "

“Mom, I would rather he be unhappy now than do anything wrong in the future.

There are so many second-generation rich people messing around now. I would rather break his legs now than go to jail to see him when he grows up. "

"Bah, bah, what nonsense are you talking about? Mo Mo is so good, he will definitely not do those things."

Wan Qingshan was too lazy to reply. The little brat was very well-behaved in front of his grandparents, but he went crazy outside.

At a young age, only in the first grade, he dared to scare the teacher with a toy snake. If he doesn't educate him well at this time, he really doesn't know what he will do when he grows up.

At around six o'clock in the afternoon, Chen Yumo came back from outside after trying his best to take care of himself, but despite his age, he still had some lines at the corners of his eyes.

When changing into slippers at the door, Chen Yumo glanced around the hall and asked, "Momo went to my dad's again?"

"Well, I wanted to hit him, but he ran away!"

Chen Yumo walked to the beach and sat down next to Wanqing Mountain, "Don't just hit him from now on, talk to him some reason."

I see many education experts saying that we should no longer use the same beating methods in teaching children. We should communicate calmly and be the children's intimates! "

"Listen to those experts talking nonsense, if a child can listen to your reasoning, is it still a child?
Let me tell you, you should use punishment to let your child know what is wrong while he is still young, and establish a correct outlook on him.

In this way, when you grow up, you won't mess around.

Don't listen to those stupid experts. They are just a bunch of old bastards who worship foreign things. They think foreign education is good and what our older generation has passed down is dross. But if you look at the crime rate abroad, it is much higher than ours. "

Chen Yumo rolled his eyes, then turned around and said, "That's quite right. If a child can hear adults being reasonable, he is no longer a child.

Then I will be stricter with Wan Mo in the future to prevent him from doing the wrong thing in the future. In this way, when Wan Mo comes back tonight, we will fight together to let him know what is right and wrong! "

Wan Qingshan suddenly turned his head and looked at Chen Yumo, his eyes filled with shock!

In the evening, around eight o'clock, Wan Mo had dinner at Chen Yanfeng's house as before and was sent back by Chen Yanfeng.

This was always the case in the past. As soon as he was about to be beaten, Wan Mo would run to Chen Yanfeng's house and wait until night before returning. By then, Chen Yumo had already returned.

Although Chen Yumo is not at home during the day, he loves Wan Mo very much. With Chen Yumo here, when Wan Qingshan wants to fight Wan Mo, Chen Yumo will always stop him.

This time, Wan Mo thought he would stick to Chen Yumo after coming back just like before.

But after Chen Yanfeng left, Wan Mo was dumbfounded because Wan Qingshan closed the door and took out a bamboo stick and handed it to Chen Yumo!
Chen Yumo took the bamboo stick, grabbed Wan Mo who was about to run away, and then whipped him on the butt.

"You are going to rebel. You used to make fun of your classmates, but now you are scaring the teacher!"

As Chen Yumo said this, he whipped the bamboo stick violently, making Wan Mo scream in pain!

Ah, ah, ah, woo woo, woo woo, ah,,,,,, (End of this chapter)

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