I am a director, but I have the skills of an actor

Chapter 50 A 2-minute silent monologue

Chapter 50 Two 10-minute silent one-man show
"No, Teacher Lu, if you cut it like this, the film will become my one-man show. What I want is a rivalry between father and son. If you can cut out Mr. Liu Wei's scenes, then what other rivalry will there be? "

"Director Wan, you want to play with a rival, but you also have to consider that when your character plays a solo role later, there will be a great sense of separation from the previous scenes with the rival.

So, you might as well stop thinking about rivalry.Listen to me and cut more of Liu Wei's scenes.The next two 10 minutes of your scenes will definitely win you another Best Actor title if not a single cut is made. "

In the China Film editing room, looking at Lu Ben with bright eyes, Wan Qingshan felt helpless.

Wan Qingshan had experience in editing "Selection", so although he was reluctant to part with many scenes, he did not argue with Lu Ben.

In the previous editing of Yu Bo's scene, Wan Qingshan only made a request and did not argue with Lu Ben.

Lu Ben also followed Wan Qingshan's request, but when it came time for Liu Wei's scene, Lu Ben cut wildly.

"Director Wan, the two ten-minute silent one-man show that followed was a scene that shocked the film industry. If I had edited those two ten minutes, I would be a sinner in the editing circle, no, in the film industry."

Lu Ben is now in high spirits, like a cult member.

Wan Qingshan rubbed his brows and said helplessly, "Teacher Lu, how about we cut two versions, one for me and one for my opponent."

Lu Ben looked overjoyed and said excitedly, "No problem, I will cut the one-man show first, and then the rival version. Director Wan, let me tell you, these two 10-minute silent one-man show will definitely make your name in the world's film history. .”

"Teacher Lu, please stop praising me. If you praise me any more, I'll go to heaven." Wan Qingshan couldn't help laughing.

After watching Lu Ben cut a few times, Wan Qingshan couldn't help but said, "Teacher Lu, I think you are quite suitable to be a director."

During the two collaborations with Lu Ben, Wan Qingshan discovered that Lu Ben had great talent as a director.

Lu Ben didn't even look back and said angrily, "What kind of director are you? Since a director can't completely decide what to shoot, it's better not to shoot at all."

Wan Qingshan was a little surprised. What Lu Ben meant by this was that he had wanted to be a director before, but he switched to being an editor because he couldn't shoot what he wanted to shoot.

Suddenly, Lu Ben stopped editing, turned around and asked, "Director Wan, if you want to edit it into a rival scene, are you worried that the two 10-minute scenes won't pass the review?"

Wan Qingshan was silent for a moment and nodded.

At first, he really wanted to film a scene with a rival, and the scripts were all written based on the scenes with the rival.

But when he was acting opposite Liu Wei, the first shot he took looked at it and he thought it was weird, but for a moment he couldn't tell what was weird.

Later, he figured out that Liu Wei's acting skills were very stable, but smoothness meant that he had no explosive power and would be a bit unable to catch his scenes, and the scenes between the two would be unbalanced.

Therefore, he cooperated with Liu Wei and acted under pressure in the subsequent scenes with the opponent.But the film shot in this way is too flat and has no breaking point. If it is exhibited in an exhibition, there is definitely no hope of winning an award.

So when filming later, every night, he was thinking about how to change the script.

But after much thought, he didn't know how to change it.

So he changed his mind and added more scripts instead of deleting them to increase the depth of Luo Feng's character. This led to the 10-minute silent one-man show that followed.

But when he came to the China Film Editing Room and watched all the shots, he realized that the impact of these two 10-minute silent one-man shows exceeded his expectations, but at the same time, it was also a trap.

When he originally added more roles, he didn't think too much and only focused on adding depth to Luo Feng's character.

Now after watching the 10-minute one-man show, I noticed that these 10-minute scenes inadvertently reflected a lot of things, and they will definitely fail the review.

Just the scene where Luo Feng falls from the building on the construction site can easily remind people of the past when rural areas paid public grain to feed the city.

As for making two foreign and domestic versions, Wan Qingshan also thought about it, but after thinking about it, making two versions would be a death.

10. The [-]-minute shot is not like "Selection", which only changed the shot for more than ten seconds.

These two versions can be regarded as two movies. The people in the General Administration are not fools. How could they let him do this?

Wan Qingshan also knows that the two 10-minute silent scenes will definitely win the movie awards.But the General Administration refused to let him pass and took it to the exhibition privately, which would result in a five-year ban from directing.

He is not as tough as Jiang Wen and Lou Ye, so after careful consideration, Wan Qingshan gave up on taking "Heart" to the exhibition, cut it into a rival drama, and screened it in China to sell the box office.

Seeing Wan Qingshan nod his head, Lu Ben cursed excitedly,
"Domestic movies are almost killed by that group of people. Domestic movies can't pass this or that. Movies coming in from abroad can be directly screened with nudity scenes. They are a bunch of sons of bitches."

Wan Qingshan glanced at the door and quickly comforted him, "Teacher Lu, Teacher Lu, calm down, don't be so excited."

When Lu Ben was about to speak, suddenly, his cell phone rang.

Wan Qingshan took out his cell phone that was vibrating crazily in his pocket, looked at it, and said,
"Teacher Lu, I'm going out, I'm sorry to bother you with the editing."

"Go ahead, don't worry, I will definitely edit the movie."

After walking out of the editing room, Wan Qingshan answered the phone,

"I'm coming over now."

After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan drove to Qingshan Film and Television Company.

"Director Wan, Director Ning is waiting for you in the reception room." As soon as Chen Chen saw Wan Qingshan, he immediately stood up and came to greet him.

In the reception room, Ning Hua was stunned for a moment after seeing Wan Qingshan.

Then, he couldn't help but touch his flat head.

When Wan Qingshan saw Ning Huahua, he was stunned for a moment and asked in surprise, "Brother Hua, it's only been a few months, why have you gained so much weight?"

Ning Hua's round face pulled a smile.
"I went to the grassland to film a movie, and the locals treated me to meat every day. After I came back, in addition to participating in a few small film festivals, I ate and slept at home every day. After eating, I gained dozens of pounds at once.

Senior, I came to you this time because I sold the copyright of my movie for a total of 40. "

Immediately, Ning Hua took out three wads of money from his bag and put them on the table.

"Senior, this is your 27."

Wan Qingshan looked at the money on the table and exclaimed, "No, you carry so much money with you."

"I look like this, and you can tell I'm not a rich person. No one will rob me." Ning Hua said with a smile.

"You still have to be careful." Wan Qingshan said, taking two thicker piles. "I'll take 20."

Ning Chao became a little anxious all of a sudden, stood up and said, "No, senior, I am very grateful to you for investing in my movie. How can you give me the money back? Besides, I also earned [-] yuan. I can't afford this money." want."

"Director's fees, script fees, etc., you didn't include them in the 30 yuan investment, so just treat the [-] yuan as these expenses."

Seeing Ning Hua frozen there, Wan Qingshan advised, "Just keep it. Seventy thousand is nothing to me, but it's different for you. Just keep it."

Ning Hua's current conditions are really not that good, otherwise he and Xing Aina would not be renting a house in an old building.

Ning Hua hesitated for a moment, then picked up the [-] yuan on the table, "Senior, you're welcome."

Afterwards, Wan Qingshan and Ning Hua chatted casually for a few words, then indicated that he still had something to do.

Ning Hua saw this and said goodbye. However, when he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped, turned around and asked,

"Senior, how do you watch commercial movies?"

(End of this chapter)

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