Chapter 58
After the movie ended, when the host asked the "House of Flying Daggers" crew to come on stage, Zhang Yimou and Zhang Ziyi got up and walked onto the stage.

After the host asked a few questions that had been discussed long ago, he turned his attention to the audience and invited celebrities to comment.

After the several celebrities who were singled out boasted and Zhang Yimou responded with self-effacement, the host set his sights on Wan Qingshan.

"The people just now are all from the music industry. This time we are looking for someone from the directing industry. Director Wan, as a director, please review "House of Flying Daggers" from your perspective."

Wan Qingshan stood up and took the microphone handed over by the staff, blurting out the draft he had already made in his mind.

"The movie is very exciting, the pictures are full of beauty, and the martial arts scenes are at everyone's level. I can't make a movie like this."

Wan Qingshan didn't mean this to be sarcastic. In his opinion, "House of Flying Daggers", even if the plot is a mess, is still better than many movies.

The beauty of this picture alone has killed many movies, and he couldn't have shot such a picture.

"Wow, Director Wan's evaluation is very high." The host said softly, then turned around and asked, "Director Zhang, what do you think of Director Wan's evaluation?"

"I think the movie still has many shortcomings, and I cannot afford this evaluation. However, I still hope that "House of Flying Daggers" can satisfy the audience."

Zhang Yimou's words surprised Wan Qingshan. He couldn't help but mutter to himself in shock, "It's gone, it's gone, it's definitely gone."

He feels that he has a lot of dissatisfaction, but he also hopes that the audience will be satisfied. To Wanqingshan, Zhang Yimou thinks that he is above the audience, otherwise how could he say such a thing.

Anyone can say that Zhang Yimou's aesthetics is higher than that of the audience, because this is also true.

However, Zhang Yimou himself cannot feel that way.

If you think you are above the audience, you will make a movie that will alienate the audience.

"No wonder "The City Is Full of Golden Armor" and "Three Guns Surprise" will be filmed next." Wan Qingshan sighed in his heart.

After Zhang Weiping and Zhang Yimou broke up, many news media spoke for Zhang Yimou.

It is said that Zhang Weiping forced Zhang Yimou to add the sex scene in "The Thirteen Hairpins", and the failure of "Three Guns" was caused by Zhang Weiping's forced intervention in the actors. It was even revealed that "The Golden Armor" had a poor reputation. It was all caused by Zhang Weiping's strong invitation to Zhou Jielun to star.

Wan Qingshan didn't quite believe this.

Not to mention, the poor reputation of "Three Guns" and "The Golden Armor" is just because the actors were not chosen well.

Let's just say that Zhang Weiping intervened in the selection of actors for the movie. Zhang Weiping relied on Zhang Yimou to make money. If Zhang Yimou firmly refused, Zhang Weiping would definitely compromise.

Besides, Zhang Weiping is not the only investor in these movies.Those people all invested because of Zhang Yimou. Zhang Weiping forced Zhang Yimou to use the actors he appointed, but those investors would not agree.

Wan Qingshan also didn't believe that Zhang Yimou, who had been in the film and television industry for so many years and was still standing, was really an honest person and would be at the mercy of Zhang Weiping.

The comment section ended with Wan Qingshan's evaluation, and then the host interviewed Zhang Yimou and others about the behind-the-scenes stories of "House of Flying Daggers".

After nearly half an hour of behind-the-scenes stories, the premiere ended. Wan Qingshan refused Zhang Yimou's invitation to the dinner and drove away.

Chen Yumo was not at home, and Wan Qingshan was too lazy to cook and went out to eat every day.

At noon the day after the premiere of "House of Flying Daggers" ended, Wan Qingshan received a call from Ning Hua while he was eating out.

"Brother Hu."

"It's done so quickly."

"Okay, let's meet at the entrance of China Film Studio later."

After hanging up the phone, Wan Qingshan turned around and called Han Sanping. After knowing that Han Sanping was in the office, he speeded up his meal.

Before Wan Qingshan arrived at China Film Academy, he saw from a distance Ning Xiangchu, who had lost a lot of weight, looking around at the door of China Film Academy.

"Senior!" Ning Hua shouted excitedly after seeing Wan Qingshan.

"Brother Hu, show me the budget first."

"Hey!" Ning Hua quickly took out a folder from his bag.Wan Qingshan took it, opened it, looked at it, then frowned and returned the budget report to Ning Hua.

The budget is very detailed, so detailed that the actor Ning Hua who plays each role has thought about it and written down their approximate salary on it.

Seeing Wan Qingshan frowning, Ning Hua asked nervously, "Senior, do you have any questions?"

"Brother Hu, why did you write my name on it?"

Most of Ning Huding's character actors are played by actors from the original version.

It’s just that the character Mike the Robber actually has his name written on it.

Hearing this, Ning Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

He smiled coquettishly and said, "Senior, these actors are not famous, so I want to use your fame to increase the popularity of the movie."

"Senior, don't worry, this role is just a guest appearance." Ning Hua immediately added this sentence because he was worried that Wan Qingshan thought he was asking him to provide supporting roles for Guo Tao and the others.

Wan Qingshan said quickly, "No, no, it's not that I can't act because I'm a supporting role, I just don't have time to act.

I am currently writing the script for my new movie. When your crew starts shooting, I will definitely have the script ready. By then I will have to prepare the crew and will not have time to act. "

"Senior, you are going to make a new movie so soon." Ning Huo said in shock.

"Well, I really don't have time to make a cameo. You'd better change someone else first."

"But I really can't find anyone else to make a guest appearance." Ning Hua frowned and said.

Wan Qingshan thought for a while and discussed, "Well, let's take it easy for now, and I will think of a way for you. If I don't find a suitable one, you can just find a new person to play the role, and don't even think about inviting celebrities to make guest appearances."

"That's the only way it can be." Ning Hua sighed with some disappointment.

"Take a pen and cross out my name, lest Director Han sees it later and has to ask me again."

Ning Hua nodded, took out a pen from his bag and blacked out Wan Qingshan's name.

"Also, you increase the budget by 50, and these 50 are your director's fee and screenwriter's fee."

Seeing Ning Hua's expression a little excited, Wan Qingshan immediately said,
"Brother Hu, don't worry, just listen to what I have to say. This is what I think. We are brothers and we will settle the score. I don't want the movie to make money but we will be unhappy.

If you take this 50 yuan, the movie income and copyright will have nothing to do with you.

If you don’t want to take it, then convert the 50 into a movie investment. When the movie makes money, it will be distributed to you in proportion. "

"No, senior, then my fee is not worth as much as 50."

"Whether it's worth it or not, it's up to me as an investor to decide. If I say it's worth it, then it's worth it."

Wan Qingshan knows very well that now, Ning Hua is very grateful to him for investing in him.

But when "Crazy Stone" became a hit at the box office, Ning Hua would no longer think about Wan Qingshan investing in his movie.

At that time, he will only think about how much money he has made for Wan Qingshan and China Film Group, but only a little for him.

Therefore, Wan Qingshan calculated a little more director's fee for Ning Hua and gave him two choices, so that Ning Hua would not have anything to say.

"Senior, thank you for looking up to me." Ning Hua said gratefully.

Then, he lowered his head and thought for a while, then raised his head and said, "Senior, let me consider my 50 as a film investment."

"Well, you increase the total budget by 50, and the 50 will be treated as yours."

Ning Hua nodded, picked up the pen, and changed the budget amount.

(End of this chapter)

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