Chapter 6
"Brother Cheng, what are you doing?"

Li Yancheng put down the script and raised his head, his eyes were red.

"Oh, it's okay, it's just that your script reminds me of the past."

Li Yancheng rubbed his red eyes, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took out one and lit it.

He knew that Wan Qingshan did not smoke, so he only handed cigarettes to Yan Dong.

Yan Dong is an old smoker, so he took the cigarette and lit it.

After taking a few puffs in a row, Li Yancheng's eyes seemed to be full of sadness, nostalgia, and relief as the smoke filled the air.

"The male and female protagonists in the script are reversed, which is similar to my previous experience."

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment. He now understood why Li Yancheng hadn't gotten married yet or found a girlfriend.

Li Yancheng took a long puff of cigarette to control his mood. After exhaling the thick smoke, he began to change the topic.
"Except for the school, the rest of the scenes required in the script are very simple. School is a bit difficult. After all, if it doesn't matter, you can only give some money, otherwise the school will generally not let you go in for filming. But if you give more, you can give less. The problem is, if you give too much, the budget is not enough, if you give too little, it’s useless.”

"Brother Cheng, I have also considered this issue. Therefore, I plan to place the school scene in Nortel. I graduated from Nortel, so the school should let me film it."

"That's no problem, Qingzi, when do you plan to turn it on?"

"Starting in September, more than two months should be enough to prepare."

Li Yancheng breathed a sigh of relief, "No problem, the scene doesn't require much, and two months is more than enough. But, Qingzi, I won't be free for a few days. I have something to do in Hengdian, and my friend is the coordinator of a film crew. He He suddenly fell ill and asked me to temporarily fill in for him for a few days.

They are all friends, and it’s hard for me to leave right away.Qingzi, can you let me wait a few days before looking for a venue?In a few days, he will be discharged from the hospital. "

"No problem, I'm not in a hurry." Wan Qingshan looked at Yan Dong and continued, "However, we definitely need a photographer to find the scene. Brother Cheng, can Yan Dong stay here for two days and then come with you? Go to Chongqing.”

When Yan Dong was about to say that he could stay in a hotel, Li Yancheng agreed first.

"No problem, no problem. I still have a room available. It's very convenient."

This made Yan Dong speechless and could only sigh in his heart.

"I'm sorry to bother you, Brother Cheng." Wan Qingshan said, taking out his bank card that he had already prepared.

"Brother Cheng, this is the crew account number. The password is written on the back of the card. I have transferred [-] yuan to this card. If you spend money in Chongqing, everything will be transferred to the account."

As he said that, Wan Qingshan handed over the book and said, "Brother Cheng, write down your account number and I will send you your salary later."

After saying that, Wan Qingshan turned to Yan Dong and said, "Dongzi, your money will be given to you after you identify the person who will help you and sign the contract."

"It's okay. You can let me take charge of photography without paying you." Yan Dong said with a smile.

"It's definitely not possible if I don't give it. I'll give it to you after the contract is signed."

Wan Qingshan and Yan Dong have a good relationship, but they must give what should be given. Wan Qingshan doesn't even dare to make fun of Yan Dong's words.

Wan Qingshan has seen brothers go to court because of money.When it comes to money, Wan Qingshan has always been serious.

When Wan Qingshan took the notebook that Li Yancheng handed over after writing the account number, the phone in his pocket rang.

Wan Qingshan took out his cell phone and saw that the caller ID was Lu Jianli, and Wan Qingshan smiled on his face.

"Old class!"

"Sun Houhou, I've made an agreement with Beijing Film Studio for you about the affiliation. You go to Beijing Film Studio to give your name, and someone will help you sign a contract."

Although I guessed that Lu Jianshe called to talk about the affiliation.However, this matter was done too quickly, and Wanqingshan was caught off guard.

"Um, Laoban, is there a set time? I'm not in BJ right now, I'm in Hengdian."

Lu Jianshe thought for a moment on the other end of the phone and then said, "There shouldn't be any rush, but it's best to go within a few days. After all, you are looking for help from someone, so you have to be proactive and proactive."

"I know, I know, Laoban, I'll go back tonight and go to Beijing Film Studio tomorrow."

Lu Jianli said so, but Wan Qingshan didn't dare to follow Lu Jianli's words and told him to leave in two days, so as not to make Lu Jianli feel that I helped you find a relationship, but you were not active at all. "That's it, come back to me if you need anything later. You are the first to be a director in this class, so you have to make a good start."

"Hey, Laoban, you know me. I'm not a polite person. I'm afraid you'll find me asking for your help too many times and annoying me."

"Monkey Sun, if you can make a good movie, I will tolerate it no matter how annoying you are."

Wan Qingshan and Lu Jianshe smiled and exchanged polite words with each other. After hanging up the phone, he immediately packed his things and said to Li Yancheng,
"Brother Cheng, because of the affiliation, I have to go back immediately to find the scene and contact the lighting engineer. I will trouble you."

"Don't worry, I will definitely take care of it. After the scene is found, I will call you and let you go and take a look."

"Qingshan, why did you come back suddenly?"

In the early morning, Chen Yumo, who had just woken up, walked out of the room. He was stunned for a moment, asked, and walked quickly to the sofa.

Seeing that Wan Qingshan was still sleeping on the sofa, she immediately swallowed back the words that came to her lips.

When Chen Yumo tiptoed and prepared breakfast in a low voice, Wan Qingshan woke up after smelling the fragrance.

Seeing Wan Qingshan wake up, Chen Yumo immediately said what he had swallowed before.

"You came back and you didn't tell me. You actually slept on the sofa."

Last night, when Wan Qingshan returned home, it was already midnight, and he did not wake Chen Yumo up.When he went to his room to sleep, he was afraid of waking up Chen Yumo, so he lay on the sofa and slept all night.

"I came back late, I was afraid of waking you up."

Wan Qingshan yawned and walked towards the bathroom as he spoke.

"When you come back later, you should go back to your room and sleep. It will only wake you up once, and I will fall asleep again soon."

Wan Qingshan responded vaguely and began to wash up.

After breakfast, when Chen Yumo and Wan Qingshan were washing dishes together, Chen Yumo suddenly said,

"It has been spread in Nortel that you want to make a movie. I went to my uncle's house for dinner yesterday, and he praised you and said that the graduates from Nortel this year are so talented that they dare to hire a crew to make movies after graduation."

Wan Qingshan was stunned for a moment, "Is your uncle praising me, or saying that I don't know how high the sky is?"

Chen Yumo rolled his eyes and said angrily, "Of course I'm complimenting you. Could it be that as the dean of Nortel, he deliberately ridiculed the students who graduated from Nortel?"

"But no matter how I listen to these words, they always feel like irony."

Chen Yumo rolled his eyes again and was too lazy to pay attention to Wan Qingshan.

After washing the dishes, Wan Qingshan went out and drove Chen Yumo's car to China Film Studio.

Beijing Film Studio is the predecessor of China Film Group Corporation. It was reorganized in 99 to form China Film Group Corporation. Outsiders have forgotten about Beijing Film Studio. They only know that China Film Studio now manages imported films, controls half of the theaters, and is extremely powerful.

However, the older generation in the industry is still used to calling China Film Group Beijing Film Group.

Lu Jianli was accustomed to calling him Beiying. When talking about China Film and Television in class, he always called him Beiying.Therefore, when Wan Qingshan approached Lu Jianshe about joining the company, he also followed Lu Jianshe's lead and referred China Film to Beiying.

Lu Jianshe had already greeted China Film Group. When Wan Qingshan arrived at China Film Group, he reported Lu Jianshe's name, and someone took him directly to sign the affiliation contract.

In fact, since last year, the film policy has been liberalized, and private enterprises are already qualified to shoot movies. They do not need to buy factory labels or affiliate with the six major film and television state-owned enterprises.

However, distribution and theater chains still have to go to the six major congresses. If private or private companies do not have a strong relationship, they will worry that the six major congresses will treat them differently. Therefore, the policy is liberalized, but it is basically the same as if it is not liberalized.

Wan Qingshan has never considered the issue of film distribution. He doesn't have to worry about distribution issues. He still seeks affiliation with China Film Group because he doesn't want to be blocked by the General Administration.

The Seven Gentlemen incident has not happened yet. If the pre-shooting script and post-shooting film are not submitted to the General Administration for review, but are submitted to exhibitions, it is an underground film, and it is easy to be blocked by the General Administration.

Wan Qingshan, on the other hand, has no connections in the General Administration. If he doesn't pay, it will be easy for the censoring officials to get involved.

He was too lazy to deal with the officials of the General Administration, so he approached China Film. As long as he was affiliated with China Film, China Film would be responsible for sending the script to the General Administration for review.With the name of China Film, as long as there are no serious errors in the script, it can usually pass the review.

(End of this chapter)

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