Chapter 73
After Wan Qingshan came out of the shadow, he walked to the parking lot while chatting with Ning Hua.

After taking a few steps, several reporters suddenly rushed out from nearby.

"Director Wan, do you have time to say a few words?"

"Director Wan, what do you think about Zhang Weijian and Xie Jingfeng?"

Ning Hua, who was pushed aside by reporters, looked at Wanqing Mountain surrounded by reporters.

Somehow, he couldn't help but feel jealous.

Then, he stood there for a moment, then turned around and left.

Among the reporters, Wan Qingshan was still confused. He had no enthusiasm during this period, so why were the reporters coming to him?

When he was about to squeeze the reporters to leave, he heard a reporter talking about Zhang Weijian and Xie Jingfeng, which made him stop.

"You guys should be quiet first."

Seeing that the reporter did not continue talking, and after calming down, Wan Qingshan continued, "I am in a hurry and can only answer three questions. I will order three, one question per person."

"The first one, I guess." Wan Qingshan chose a girl who looked more pleasing to the eye.

The girl was stunned for a moment, then immediately held up the recording pen and asked, "Director Wan, what do you think of the incident between Zhang Weijian and Xie Tingfeng on the crew of "Little Fish and Flowers" two days ago?"

"I'm not a policeman or a lawyer, so I don't have any opinion on this matter. If you want to ask for an opinion, you might as well ask the police who handled this matter, or ask a lawyer."

The girl was dumbfounded. She never expected that Wan Qingshan would actually bring the matter to the police and lawyers.

"Ask your next question." Wan Qingshan looked at a tall and thin man.

"Director Wan, an insider revealed that the crew of "Little Fish and Flowers" treats mainland staff and Hong Kong staff in two different ways.

There have long been rumors in the industry that Hong Kong stars who come to the mainland to film movies look down on mainland actors. Is this true? "

Wan Qingshan's pupils shrank slightly, looked at the man, and asked with a smile, "Which media company are you from?"

"I'm from the Beijing Morning News." The man hesitated before answering.

"I can't answer your question. As everyone knows, the staff I hire for filming are basically friends of Nortel. I have never worked with Hong Kong artists, so I don't know if they look down on mainland actors.

However, I think you can ask Huayi Film and Television Company about your question.Huayi Film and Television Company is very powerful and has worked with many Hong Kong artists. They should be able to answer your question. "

The man suddenly panicked, immediately took back the recorder and shrank back.

Seeing this, Wan Qingshan snorted in his heart, turned around and nodded at a reporter casually,
"Ask the last question."

"Director Wan, many well-known actors in the mainland have strongly condemned it. Will you do the same?"

"Of course I also condemned it. You can report it when you get back. Wan Qingshan strongly condemned this matter and declared that he would never cooperate with artists with bad records."

This made the reporter's heart tremble. Others condemned, supported, and hoped that the police would investigate and give an explanation to the public as soon as possible. Such empty words.

Wanqingshan actually dared to say that.

At this time, Wan Qingshan, who was about to leave, suddenly thought of someone.

"Reporter, you just said that many well-known actors have spoken out in condemnation. Could you please tell me which actors they are."

The reporter replied in confusion, "Director Wan, there are so many actors speaking out that I can't even remember them."

"That's it. Have you gone to interview Miss Zhao?"

The reporters were immediately shocked. Not only the entertainment circle knew about the conflict between Wan Qingshan and Miss Zhao, but the reporter circle also knew about it.

After the reporter came to his senses, he thought for a moment before replying, "Not yet."

"Then I think you should interview Ms. Zhao. She is now considered one of the most popular female stars in the mainland. In addition, she has often collaborated with Hong Kong stars in the past few years, so I think she should express her stance."

Several reporters were stunned for a moment, and then looked at Wanqing Mountain with strange eyes.Wan Qingshan is so cruel.

Even if she doesn't answer, it's useless. She is also a mainland actor and everyone is supporting her, but she is silent. So how should everyone think of her.

Wan Qingshan's move was very vicious, but several reporters did not dare to follow Wan Qingshan's instructions and interview Ms. Zhao.

After all, without Han Sanping in front, their newspaper office would not be able to offend Wang Yu.

However, two reporters’ eyes lit up.
They belong to a newly opened online news media company, and their boss told them that as long as there is hot news, he can block all pressure.

After Wan Qingshan finished shading Miss Zhao, he pushed aside the reporters and walked out.

Three questions basically answered all the reporters' questions, so the reporter didn't ask Wan Qingshan any more questions.

After walking a few meters, Wan Qingshan thought of Ning Hua. When he looked back, Ning Hua was nowhere to be seen.

He didn't think much about it and just assumed that Ning Shao left first.

After getting into the car on Wanqingshan Mountain, and just as he was about to drive back to the set, he received a call from Chen Chen, saying that an intermediary had bought the online rights to Feng Xiaogang's movie and was waiting for him to sign the contract.

This made Wan Qingshan go to Qingshan Film and Television Company. After signing the contract, he returned to the crew.

When Wan Qingshan returned to the entrance of the crew, Zeng Li happened to be walking out.

"Director Wan, you're back." Zeng Li greeted.

Wan Qingshan stopped when he heard the two harsh words.
"I said Zeng Li, we are also friends. When we are not filming, can you please stop calling me Director Wan? It sounds really harsh to me."

After Zeng Li joined the group for filming, she was always called "Director Wan" whether in front of others or in private.

Zeng Li looked around in panic. When she saw that no one was around, she whispered,
"Please keep your voice down. If people know that we have known each other before, they will definitely think that I was able to star in your movie because of my connections."

Wan Qingshan, who had always wondered why Zeng Li kept calling him Wan Dao, wanted to curse after hearing this reason.

"No, Zeng Li, you have graduated a few years ago, so you can't still be so naive. Isn't it normal for directors to cast actors they know well?"

"I don't care what other people think. Anyway, I don't want people to think that I rely on connections."

Looking at Zeng Li's firm eyes, Wan Qingshan wanted to say, if I hadn't known you, this role wouldn't be yours.

Suddenly, Wan Qingshan thought of something, which made him couldn't help but laugh.

"Haha, Zeng Li, let me tell you. The photographer Yan Dong and the two people who helped him were the people who were beaten by Liu Ye and the others. They know that I know you."

Zeng Li's eyes widened and she exclaimed, "No!"

"Well, the group of people who were beaten at the beginning were all from the photography department of Nortel, and the three of them were all from the photography department."

"Qingshan, go find them quickly and ask them not to reveal our relationship on the set."

Zeng Li's cold face was full of anxiety.

Originally, Wan Qingshan wanted to tease Zeng Li, but seeing that Zeng Li was really anxious, Wan Qingshan stopped teasing her.

"Don't worry, none of them are big mouths."

Zeng Li, who had been in a panic before, finally realized that what they wanted to say had already been said.

However, she was still a little worried, "Qingshan, you are still instructing them to prevent them from accidentally revealing it."

"Okay, okay." Wan Qingshan replied perfunctorily.

At this time, Zeng Li's face suddenly turned a little flushed.Then, she hurriedly said, "I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to buy something."

A fragrant breeze blew past him. Wan Qingshan turned to look at Zeng Li's hurried back and murmured, "I'm just buying something. Do you have to be in such a hurry?"

(End of this chapter)

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