The Concubine Wushuang of Red Mansion

Chapter 252: Fearing that the Marquis of Ning will dominate Liaodong

Chapter 252: Fearing that the Marquis of Ning will dominate Liaodong

The old slave couldn't believe it when he heard that the entire army was wiped out and Daishan and Huang Taiji were captured.

There was a dead silence in the middle camp, and the old slave's face was ashen. Since he had reached this point, it was not that he had never thought about failure, but he couldn't believe that the first misfortune in his life came so quickly!

At this moment, the old slave was full of pride and ambition, and the blazing flame was like someone pouring a basin of cold water on his head, leaving only the sizzling sound of extinguishing and the wisp of green smoke.

The [-] soldiers were a heavy loss for Dashun, not to mention the newly emerging Jianzhou, which was almost half of Lao Nu's army.

Although he has many sons, the ones he relies on most are the second and eighth. The second is good at fighting and the eighth is good at planning. They are Nurhaci's two most powerful arms. Now, Jia Cong will cut off his arms as soon as he arrives.

The old slave did not speak for a long time. No matter how strong his will was, he could not recover from this major blow. If he had a choice, he would rather not win in Fushun than lose in this battle. It is really not worth the gain!
"Father Khan, we can't stay here for long now. We should return to Hetuala as soon as possible!" As the fifth son of Nurhaci, Mang Gurtai learned that Daishan and Huang Taiji had both become prisoners. To be honest, he felt like Very happy.

The old slave has more than ten sons in total. The eldest son Chu Ying was sentenced to death three years ago. Among the eldest sons, Daishan is outstanding and Huang Taiji is highly regarded. Mang Gurtai is the son of his step-concubine and has a noble status. Together with Amin , Daishan and Huang Taiji were awarded the title of Heshuo Baylor, and were also called the Four Baylors.

There is no doubt that the position of Khan will definitely come from these four people in the future, and Amin is the nephew of Lao Nu, so he is not naturally at an advantage.

Now, Ning Guohou has cleared the obstacles for Mang Gurtai on the road to succeeding to the Khan throne in one fell swoop. Wouldn't that make Mang Gurtai happy?

But just leaving like this means admitting defeat, and Daishan and Huang Taiji will also be dealt with by Dashun. If they fight Jia Cong head-on, they might have a chance of winning. At this time, it will be a great test for a superior person. What a vision!
Nurhaci stood up slowly, walked out of the central military tent, and looked towards the south.

At this time, everyone in the Chinese army knew about the disastrous defeat on their side. There were already rumors that Ning Guohou was said to be the reincarnation of the God of War. With him coming to Liaodong, from now on, their country, Dajin, might be destroyed. .

Nurhachi had already felt the low and decadent atmosphere in the military camp. It had only been a few days since the battle in Fushun City. The ecstatic atmosphere after the previous victory had been replaced by a lifeless atmosphere.

In a small military camp not far from the Central Military Camp, Li Yongfang was drinking alone. His wife died in the Battle of Fushun. On the night he was captured, there was an extra woman in his arms, the granddaughter of Nurhachi. , Abate's daughter, a charming beauty.

Compared with the yellow-faced woman who died, Nurhachi's granddaughter was younger and more beautiful, but Li Yongfang felt uneasy when she was in a relationship with her.

At this moment, when he learned that the two Baylors had been captured and the [-] Jianzhou Army had been wiped out, Li Yongfang felt uneasy. He was worried that Marquis Ning Guo would attack Hetuala City, and he was worried that he would do Dashun again. A prisoner, if that happens, he will only die.

In the camp, the woman he had had an affair with disappeared. Li Yongfang didn't want to see anyone, so he drank by himself. After a lot of wine, he was still very conscious and showed no signs of falling asleep. .

"Bring me some wine!" The more he thought about it, the more panic filled Li Yongfang's heart. Only wine could give him the courage to face the next moment.

Outside the tent, a Jiannu wearing Jurchen armor with his head lowered walked in, carrying a bottle of wine in his hand, walked up to Li Yongfang, and placed the wine bottle heavily in front of Li Yongfang.

Li Yongfang noticed something was wrong. He raised his head suddenly and saw a face that was unfamiliar to him. He was staring at him with a pair of cold eyes full of ruthlessness. The murderous look in his eyes made Li Yongfang's heart skip a beat. He asked Said, "Who are you?"

"I'm here to take your life!" This person had already put a dagger on Li Yongfang's neck with lightning speed. A chill came from the aorta on his neck, and Li Yongfang instinctively shrank back. , the blade cut through his skin, and blood seeped out.

"do not move!"

The person who came was none other than Yuan Yongkang. He was a member of the Jin Yi Guard Qian Hu. He shouldn't have taken action easily. However, in order to successfully complete the task assigned by Jia Cong, he had no choice but to take the risk and go into battle himself.

At this moment, there were commotions outside. It turned out that the battle report had been updated. Jia Cong and Dashun's army were approaching. At this time, Nurhaci did not have much time to think about it.

"Who are you?" Li Yongfang didn't want to die. He wanted to delay time. If he broke camp, his newly married wife would definitely come, so that he would have hope of survival.

"Let me make it clear to you that I am from the Jinyi Mansion. The Marquis has said that he hates treasonous traitors the most in his life. He wants to use your head to pay tribute to the Dashun soldiers who died in Fushun!"

After saying that, Yuan Yongkang didn't waste much time. With a flick of his wrist, just before Li Yongfang screamed, his trachea and aorta were cut off. Immediately afterwards, Yuan Yongkang packed up Li Yongfang's big head and prepared it. He threw a piece of rag soaked in pine oil into the tent, followed by Huo Zhezi, and quickly left the tent.

Outside, people from Jinyi Mansion were there to respond.

As the Dashun Army approached, Nurhachi had no time to think too much and urgently ordered the camp to break out. Taking advantage of this panic, Yuan Yongkang and others also evacuated quickly.

Dashun's army moved forward and made a move to attack Nurhachi's central army. It was just an illusion, but Nurhachi did not dare to gamble. He knew nothing about Jia Cong, and he underestimated the enemy, which made him suffer a big loss.

Daishan and Huang Taiji's troops were the elite of the Jianzhou Army, and their entire army was wiped out. Nurhaci will have to face the challenges of the Jurchen tribes. Maybe the Jurchen tribes that were finally gathered will be scattered again and become a piece of loose sand.

This is what the Dashun court wanted to see.

Immediately, Nurhachi broke out of the camp and left. A fire broke out in Li Yongfang's tent, but no one cared about it. If the old slave returned with a great victory, Li Yongfang would be of great use. At the moment, the old slave could not save himself, so he kept such a Prisoners have a limited role.

More like a shame!

Jia Cong stood on his horse outside Fushun Pass, watching the old slave's army march toward Hetuala in a mighty way. Gu Tingxiang and others were half a horse behind him. No one knew that this young man What was the Marquis thinking in his mind at this time?
Jia Cong raised his riding whip and pointed it forward, saying to Gu Tingxiang and others, "Do you think these slave slaves are scary?"

Behind him were the soldiers of Dashun. In their lifetime, they had seen their enemies flee. Of course, they also heard that the young marquis originally looked down on them and wanted to use them as bait!
"It's not scary!" The voice was loud and neat, which surprised Jia Cong. He turned his horse's head and looked at the Dashun Army. He saw that everyone's face had a kind of morale like a rainbow shining through the sun. This was a victorious army. The mental outlook a teacher should have.

At this moment, Jia Cong was satisfied. He nodded, "Yes, it's not terrible! You will die and survive. From now on, you will no longer be the defeated army of Liaodong. From now on, you will follow me, Jia Cong, to fight again and again." After winning many times, I hope your cavalry can defeat Hetuala and eradicate the slaves who slaughtered and robbed me in Fushun and Liaodong!"

"Eradicate the Jian slaves!"

"Eradicate the Jian slaves!"

"Eradicate the Jian slaves!"


The morale is like a rainbow, and the shouts resound through the mountains and forests!

Not far away, the two cavalrymen gradually came into everyone's sight. They saw two soldiers wearing Jianzhou armor galloping towards them. Gu Tingxiang on the side saw this and was about to order people to shoot arrows when he heard these two men. Shouted, "Jin Yiwei, no shooting!"

Jia Cong recognized Yuan Yongkang and raised his hand to stop the attacks of the soldiers behind him. His eyes fell on the baggage carried by Yuan Yongkang, and a smile appeared on his handsome face.

Yuan Yongkang turned over and dismounted not far away. He quickly ran towards Jia Cong, threw the baggage on the ground, and saluted, "Master Marquis, you are fortunate to have lived up to your fate!"

All the soldiers were very curious. Jia Cong's order to obtain Li Yongfang's head was a top secret. Only a few very caring generals around him knew about it, and no one else knew about it.

At this time, the baggage was scattered, and only a human head rolled out, with a smooth forehead and a small braid on the back. It looked like a Jiannu, but his facial features made the Liaodong Army recognize him.

"Is it Li Yongfang?"

Everyone couldn’t believe it!

Jia Cong laughed loudly. He picked up Li Yongfang's head with a spear, raised it high, faced the Liaodong general, and said loudly, "Everyone, this is Li Yongfang's head. Here is my order. Send this message to all the generals in the Liaodong garrison, let everyone see that from now on, if there is a general in the army who betrays the country and surrenders to the enemy, no matter how high the mountains and rivers are, the Jinyi Mansion will definitely take their heads to punish them!

If the people are taken captive, as long as they come back, they will be our good and good people. The court will not pursue them and will treat them equally! "

The Three Thousand Battalions are still in good condition, Jia Cong's military orders are very strict, and everyone in the Liaodong Army is pale. It's not that everyone wants to be a traitor, but it can be seen from this incident that Ning Guohou is strict in running the army and ruthless in his actions!

"Follow the order!" Gu Tingxiang and others all followed the order with clasped fists, and no one dared to neglect.

Jiannu has gone far away, and Jia Cong has no plans to pursue him for the time being. In despair, it is easy for people to have the courage to risk their lives and survive. That is a force a hundred times stronger than usual. It is not yet time to force Jiannu to death. .

Jia Cong led his army back to the division. The morale of the soldiers remained undiminished, and they marched and sang loudly.

Wang Lang followed Jia Cong. Seeing that he remained silent, he could understand Jia Cong's mood. When they arrived outside Fushun City, the sun was setting and the last ray of light just happened to shine on the city wall. A broken corpse was hanging on the city wall. Above, his eyes widened with eyes wide open, seeming to be looking at the city of Hetuala outside Fushun Pass.

Silence spread at this moment, and more than 1 soldiers watched silently.

Jia Cong sat on the horse and seemed to have lost consciousness. He looked at Xia Jin. The past events were like a movie. Frame after frame appeared in his mind. He still remembered that year when he was kneeling in the snow. , it was Xia who came in and gave him hope of life.

Xia Jin taught him to practice martial arts very strictly, but he always cared for him. When he came to this time and space, he felt his father's care from Xia Jin.

"... He will bury my body in Hetuala one day, and I will die with my eyes closed..."

Jia Cong closed his eyes and let tears flow down his cheeks. After a long time, he got off his horse and rushed into the city.

Wang Lang and others were shocked and hurriedly rushed in, fearing that there was an ambush in the city and it would be detrimental to the Marquis.This is already an empty city!
Jia Cong rushed up to the tower and came directly above Xia Jin. He shouted "Master" sternly down and started to pull the rope hanging Xia Jin like crazy. Wang Lang and others wanted to help, but he grabbed him Push away.

He could have come earlier, but he had too many worries!
He didn't dare to disobey the holy order, nor did he dare to disobey the master's order!
When Jia Cong pulled Xia Jin up, it seemed that Xia Jin was still a living person. The rope was hanging around Xia Jin's neck. He felt like he was suffocating. He carefully lifted Xia Jin up. When he reached the edge of the city wall, he He brought General Xia Jin in and cried, "Master, my disciple is late!"

Grief and anger rushed toward him like a tide, but Jia Cong did not dare to lose his mind. He laid Xia Jinping on the tower, knelt beside him, and let his tears roll down.

Jia Cong's hand touched Xia Jin's eyes, and the eyes that had been wide open and refused to close finally closed. Seeing this scene, Wang Lang and others were also surprised, and at the same time they also admired Xia Jin greatly.

The night wind brought a chill from the desert on the far side of the mountain. Jia Cong had been kneeling on the tower for an unknown amount of time. Wang Lang persuaded in a low voice, "Master Marquis, Li Yongfang has been rectified. The slave-building has been defeated. General Xia is in the sky." If you have a spirit, you must be happy. Please express my condolences, Lord Marquis!"

"Master, he could have survived!"

But this sentence can only be placed in Jia Cong's heart. If he says it out loud, it will definitely be used to criticize him. Jia Cong was extremely sad and looked south, "Master has treated me with as much kindness as a mountain!"

"In the coming day, Lord Marquis will capture the city of Hetuala, kill Nurhaci, and avenge General Xia!"

In the city, the soldiers had begun to clean up and set up camps. However, Gu Tingxiang and other generals stood under the city tower and did not dare to leave.

At night, I saw Jia Cong slowly walking downstairs with Xia Jin's body in his arms. The moonlight stretched his shadow, and a sadness replaced the joy of victory in the hearts of everyone, in the dead city of Fushun. spread.

At the second watch, in the temporarily packed cabin, Jia Cong was dressed in plain clothes and sitting at the table. The lights were flickering. A gust of wind blew in from time to time outside the open window, and his shadow reflected in the candlelight also rippled.

After a while of silence, Jia Cong began to polish his ink, and the fragrance of ink gradually lingered in his nose. He picked up the pen and wrote on the blank memorial: "Ning Guohou Jia Jin's Liaodong Economic Brief Inscription..."

When it was time to write a memorial to the court, Jia Cong suppressed all the emotions in his heart and wrote steadily, "Since the slaves were invaded and Fushun was lost, I entered Liaodong according to the order and did not dare to slack off, and went to Guangning to defend Later, I marched day and night, leading a battalion of [-] troops to Fushun without stopping. I also ordered Liaoyang City and Haizhou Guards to each lead [-] troops to Fushun. The three armies were united into one, and they wanted to avenge Fushun with blood to avenge the hatred of their family and country.

The rebellious slaves bloodbathed Fushun, leaving no chickens or dogs behind. They hung the corpses of General Xia's soldiers on the city tower. They plundered our Dashun army and people's cattle and horses. They despised our Dashun state body with disdain. How can I endure it?How to repay the favor of the Holy One?

Ninu knew my intention and came out of Fushun Pass to fight back... Our army won a great victory. Ninu was almost wiped out. The second and eighth princes of Jiannu were captured by our army. In total, they annihilated nearly 8000 enemy soldiers and captured more than 2 of them. There are more than 1 war horses and more than [-] pairs of armor..."

When Jia Cong wrote the number of enemies annihilated, he paused slightly. He knew very well how the civil servants and generals in the DPRK would react when this battle was reported to the court. But since it had been done, there was no reason to hide it.

"My emperor is wise and it is not a pity to rebel against the fate of slaves. In the past, General Li Binghaopu and all the ministers in the court thought that I was obedient and respectful in establishing slaves, and sat back and watched them unify the Jurchens. Li Yongfang has learned from the past, and I thought that he was the world's enemy. Compared with domestic thieves, the latter is especially hateful and terrifying. What I did was not unkind, but I had to be prepared for trouble."

While Jia Cong was writing the memorial under the lamp, Nurhaci had already escaped a hundred miles away from Fushun Pass. At this time, the news that Li Yongfang was sent to Liaodong was also reported by spies, and his son Abatai reported the news to him personally. .

For Li Yongfang's death, Lao Nu and others thought that he had set himself on fire, and his life was not a pity. If he had died in the hands of Jian Nu, it would have been fine, but he had been beheaded by someone sent by Jia Cong. From then on, which general Do you dare to treason and surrender to him again?

The old slave felt a mouthful of old blood spurting out. He asked Abatai, "When did Li Yongfang die?"

"At noon today, in his camp, I heard that someone from the Jinyi Mansion had done it. After the head was cut off, the camp was burned down. At that time, no one paid attention because they were in a hurry to break out of the camp."

The old slave resisted the urge to whip Abatai with a horsewhip. After Li Yongfang surrendered, he rewarded Li Yongfang with the post of deputy general and actually handed him over to Abatai's care. Unexpectedly, Li Yongfang died in In Jia Cong's hands.

Abatai was afraid of being punished by his father Khan, so he said, "Father Khan, this Jia Cong is a tough one. There is a saying among the Han people: treat the other person with his own way. Why don't we also send people to deal with him?"

Nurhaci ignored the seventh son and only ordered the army to move faster!

In the Shenjing City, it has been more than a month since Jia Cong left the Shenjing City. The morning court still continues. Officials from the Chang Dynasty walked into the Linjing Gate, and the tooth plaques hanging around their waists swayed with their steps.

The former King of Beijing and today's Beijing Hou Shuirong glanced in the north direction. There was no news about Jia Cong since he entered Guangning Guards. He was originally worried that he would make great achievements after going to Liaodong, but now, it is He was overthinking.

The Prince of Nan'an County walked in front of him. When they crossed the threshold of Linjing Hall, the two looked at each other. Jia Cong was not in the court, and the civil servants did not know about the situation in Liaodong. However, they learned that Jia Cong came from Guangning. Before the guard disappeared, troops from Liaoyang City and Haizhou Guard were mobilized to try to hunt down Nurhachi.

In recent years, Liaodong, like other border towns, has suffered serious military pay deductions, rusty equipment, and weak military discipline, making it unfit for fighting. However, Liaodong has never sent any information to the capital. They just took this opportunity to launch an attack. If they could pull Jia Cong down, what would happen? Not great?

If we reorganize the capital camp and send capable generals to Liaodong, things will be successful.

At the forefront of the civil servants and military generals, there are already two more people, the third prince Mu Yongzhen and the fourth prince Mu Yongzuo. They have been observing the government in the Six Ministries for a long time and began to attend the court last month.

This can be regarded as announcing to the ministers that the future prince will be chosen from these two princes.

Emperor Taiqi has not yet arrived. The royal family, nobles, civil servants and generals are all whispering in groups. Gradually the voices become louder. In addition to the recent news and jokes in the capital, the topics they talk about are Liaodong. situation.

As the chief and assistant minister, Gu Mingchen stood alone and did not speak to the people around him. Zhao Zibi, the newly appointed minister of the Ministry of Personnel, closed his eyes slightly and remained silent as well.

Last year, his new concubine No. 12 finally gave birth to a baby boy. Unfortunately, his mother didn't see this scene, and I don't know if she saw it in Tianzhiling.

The good son died, and the old mother passed away soon because of this incident. After many years, Zhao's family finally had someone who could pass on the incense to the family. All this was thanks to the Gu family.

Everyone had different thoughts. After Emperor Taiqi got up, he drank a cup of milk and then got up from his bedroom, coughing and panting.

After autumn, Emperor Taiqi's cough broke out again. Queen Song was very anxious and moved to live with Emperor Taiqi so that she could be taken care of nearby. When she heard this voice, she advised with great worry, "Your Majesty, this is the case." Why not slow down political affairs and take good care of your body? There are many things that cannot be dealt with, so why rush for a while?"

Emperor Taiqi shook his head, "For me, every political matter seems to be able to be slowed down for a while, but every matter that falls on the heads of the people is a major event that will make the sky fall. How can it be slowed down? Please note, By the time you reported to me, you had already been delayed for an unknown amount of time."

Seeing that Queen Song's eyes were red and she was extremely worried about the state of his body, Emperor Tai Qi patted her arm gently and said, "Don't worry, I know about my body. If it lasts a hundred years, no matter which prince will inherit the throne in the future , you are both the Queen Mother."

When Empress Song heard this, she couldn't help but shed tears, "Isn't it heart-breaking for the emperor to say this? I have been married to the emperor for many years, and I feel sorry for him. How could I have thought of this? The emperor was in his prime in spring and autumn, and suddenly fell ill. If If you take good care of it, it will heal sooner.”

Seeing that it was getting late, Emperor Taiqi didn't say much. He walked out of the palace door and sat on the shoulder cart. The late autumn wind blew slowly, and the scent of osmanthus came to his nostrils. It smelled good, but it was also exciting. Emperor Detaiqi coughed again.

"Your Majesty!" Wu Ji greeted with concern.

The emperor covered his mouth with a handkerchief, took a long time to catch his breath, and asked, "Is there still no report from Liaodong?"

It has been a month since the 20th day after Jia Cong left. Emperor Taiqi asked him three questions a day. Earlier, Wu Ji was able to say a few words to Jia Cong. Seeing that there was no communication, he could not Not knowing what the situation was like in Liaodong, Wu Ji didn't dare to say anything.

"Back to the Emperor, not yet!" Wu Ji explained, "Wang Yanqian'er wrote a letter, saying that he just arrived at Guangning Guard, and he should be heading to Fushun City in the past few days."

Wang Yannai was an imperial eunuch who guarded Liaodong. The eunuch's residence was located in Guangning Guard. Because of his slow movement, he had to travel with the baggage vehicles, Xianning and others, so he was delayed for a long time on the road.

"As soon as the report from Liaodong arrives, submit it immediately, anytime and anywhere!" Emperor Taiqi warned again.


After ascending the throne, Emperor Taiqi coughed twice. After all the ministers saluted and the mountain shouted long live, Emperor Taiqi raised his hand. After Wu Ji shouted "no courtesy", the day's morning court officially began. .

Today is not the day of the imperial meeting. All those who came into the palace are Chang Chao officials. Zuodu Yushiguan is in the third rank. He is in charge of the Ducha Yuan and is in charge of court affairs. He is also a Chang Chao official. Lin Ruhai has already known that in the imperial court. A dark look at the current situation in Liaodong gave some people the opportunity to attack Jia Cong.

While he was thinking about how to speak for Jia Cong, someone took the lead.

"I am reporting to the Emperor that the imperial court currently has no knowledge of the situation in Liaodong. I sincerely request the Emperor to issue an edict to rebuke Marquis Ning Guo and order him to inform him in detail about the progress in Liaodong. In order to prevent the same thing from happening in the future, I sincerely request that the censor Fang Zhenru be given the power to act expediently. .”

Lin Ruhai already knew all these officials from the Chang Dynasty. This person was Li Jun, the official from the Ministry of War.

Liaodong Economic Strategy is a newly added official position. Originally, the imperial court only dispatched general military officers to guard Liaodong, such as Xia Jin; governors who patrolled Liaodong and also supported military affairs; and garrison eunuchs who monitored other civil affairs and appeased various ethnic groups. .

Jia Cong was appointed as the governor of Liaodong. In addition to sending ministers, the imperial court only arranged for a censor. With the loss of Fushun City, the governor was dismissed.

This resulted in Jia Cong being the only one in Liaodong. How could the civil servants and generals of the DPRK and China be in peace?

Jia Cong has been away for more than a month. Except for sending back a few innocuous memorials, for more than ten days in a row, Jia Cong has not said anything about his visit to Beijing. The imperial court knows nothing about Fushun or Jianzhou.

Lin Ruhai felt that Li Jun had figured out the emperor's thoughts before taking this heart-wrenching move.

Just as he was about to speak, Shui Rong couldn't wait to step forward and said, "Your Majesty, Liaodong is of great importance. It is closest to Shanhaiguan, with North Korea on the left and Mongolia on the right. Once there is police in the border town, it may be too late to respond. I ask the Emperor to issue an order to rectify the situation in Beijing." Camp, just in case something unexpected happens.”

(End of this chapter)

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