The Concubine Wushuang of Red Mansion

Chapter 260: Buying and selling, or making an appointment for a rebellion?

Chapter 260: Buying and selling, or making an appointment to rebel together?

In the outer study, Liu Xianglian and others waited for about a cup of tea. Just when Wang Guozhong and others were worried about whether Jia Cong would see them, Jia Cong came over. The three of them stood up hurriedly, all looking a little restrained.

Jia Cong glanced over and said with a smile, "Sit down, I was eating just now, so I wasted a little time."

Wang Guozhong did not expect that Marquis Ning Guo was such a young and easy-going person. He couldn't help but feel reassured and said, "Master Marquis is too polite. Even if you ask us to wait for a day or two, we are willing."

Jia Cong smiled and said, "That's not the case. Sit down!"

After giving up their seats once more, when Jia Cong sat down, the three of them had just sat on half of the chairs. Jia Cong could also see the embarrassment of the three of them, and said to Liu Xianglian, "Last time, I entrusted you with an important task and sent you to the rear. , causing you to miss the opportunity to make meritorious deeds. If you go back to Feng Dakan and join his army, there will be many opportunities to make meritorious deeds. "

On the battlefield, it is easy to make meritorious deeds. As long as you don't die, you will have the opportunity to make meritorious deeds.

Liu Xianglian was overjoyed. In fact, Jia Cong had asked him to escort grain and grass before. After knowing about Xian Ning and Tan Chun, he no longer complained and even felt a little happy. After all, he had the responsibility of escorting him. In fact, it was Ning Guohou who was responsible for him. of trust.

"Thank you, Lord Marquis!" Liu Xianglian stood up and saluted to express her thanks.

Jia Cong waved his hand, and Liu Xianglian was considered one of his own. Looking at Wang Guozhong and others, Liu Xianglian hurriedly introduced Jia Cong, and added, "They are all brothers that my subordinates made friends with when they were traveling around the world. This time when I came to Liaodong, I learned that my subordinates were working under the command of the Marquis, so I asked my subordinates to recommend him."

Wang Guozhong said, "To be honest with the Marquis, although our brothers are doing a job of licking blood from the edge of a knife, we have never killed an ordinary person. It turns out that when the Marquis was in Shenjing City, we had a desire to curry favor with him. It's a pity that it was too hasty at that time, and Brother Liu and the Marquis were not familiar with each other, so there was no one to recommend.

This time, we came all the way because we wanted to negotiate a deal with Mr. Marquis. "

Jia Cong held the armrest with his hand and looked at Wang Guozhong with a somewhat scrutinizing gaze. The latter also accepted Jia Cong's scrutiny calmly, appearing calm and calm.

"I am not a businessman, and I do not do business! On the contrary, I am a minister of Dashun. Emperor Taizu has taught me that all rebellious ministers and traitors will be punished. For the sake of Liu Xianglian, I can only treat today I’ve never seen you before, but I’ll never do it again!”

At this moment, even Liu Xianglian panicked. He did not expect that Jia Cong would recognize the identities of Wang Guozhong and others as soon as they met. He was so shocked that he stood up in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Wang Guozhong and Wang Kegui looked at each other. Instead of going out, they knelt down towards Jia Cong and said, "Please forgive me for my reckless temptation!"

Jia Cong stood up, facing north, carrying Liu Xianglian and others behind him, and did not answer.

Wang Guozhong and others suddenly panicked and said hurriedly, "Although we are lowly and come from a rough background, we have no choice but to do it. There was no sunny day in Henan last year, and the rivers were blocked again and again. The people first gathered the fluffy grass in the mountains and ate it. Like bran bark, it tastes bitter and astringent. Eating it can only prolong your life. After ten months, the bark is gone, so you peel and eat the bark of the tree. After that, the bark is gone again, and you dig up rocks in the mountains to eat.

There was no rain last year, so how could the people survive?What is the difference between dying from hunger and dying from robbery?Instead of sitting there and dying of hunger, why bother dying for a thief? You can still be a satiated ghost.

Even though we gather together to become thieves, we are more exploitative than those who are in charge, and we don't care about the life and death of the people, so we must be kind.

We have always heard that the Marquis is a man who understands the truth and is willing to think about the people. When he was in the south of the Yangtze River, he resisted the Japanese and saved the people from fire and water. He killed wealthy families and helped the people. We want to imitate him. What's wrong with that?

The Marquis thinks that we have committed a heinous crime, and we should be brought to justice. We are willing to sacrifice our lives to fulfill the name of the Marquis! "

Jia Cong slowly turned around, glanced at the two people kneeling on the ground, and then looked at Liu Xianglian. Liu Xianglian gritted her teeth and knelt on the ground with a thud, "Master Hou, the world is so shunned right now. Only the people in the prosperous land south of the Yangtze River can still survive, and then there is the current Liaodong, where the people still have a way to survive. Both of these two places are due to the continuous blessings of the Marquis.

The Marquis may not know it himself, but the reputation of the Marquis is known to the people in both the south and the north. Many people in the south of the Yangtze River enshrine the image of the Marquis in their homes. In their minds, the Marquis is a reborn parent and a god descended from heaven. . "

Jia Cong didn't know and frowned, "I didn't do anything!"

"The imperial court has been fighting against the Japanese for decades, and the number of Japanese pirates has increased. What is the reason? The generals who fought against the Japanese were unwilling to truly fight against the Japanese, and even colluded with the Japanese. In the end, it was the people who were unlucky. Ningbo even had ten houses for this reason. In Jiukong, the people either died, or fled, or had to succumb to the Japanese pirates and work for them, but who in this world wants to be a rebellious official and a traitor who will have no face to see his ancestors in the future!"

Wang Guozhong knelt on the ground and said, "The Marquis has gone, and in less than half a year, the Japanese pirates have been driven away. As long as the Marquis is alive, the Japanese pirates will not dare to go to the sea. How can the people not be grateful to the Marquis?"
The Marquis killed a wealthy family, and his merits were greater than the fight against the Japanese. Only the Zhen family fell, and more than 20 hectares of land were vacated. The Marquis advocated selling it to the common people. For those farmers who had no land, the Marquis almost sold half of it. Come on, the Marquis has the people in his heart, how come the people don’t have the Marquis in their hearts? "

"No need to talk about this nonsense!"

Jia Cong also thought about this when no one was around. If the world is peaceful, he will protect the world. If the world is not peaceful, he can take advantage of the situation. But now, it is not a good time. In any case, there is no chaos in the court. .

And he had just helped Emperor Tai Qi to save Dashun's life. The stolen property was enough to alleviate Dashun's current financial crisis. Moreover, Emperor Tai Qi had sent Song Hong and others to build a large ship to go south, and Nurhaci had also been captured by him. Hold on, even if the people are in chaos, if Emperor Taiqi can calm him down, the court can still continue.

Wang Guozhong saw that it was useless, and he was at a loss for a while. Fortunately, Jia Cong had no intention of arresting them. As a last resort, Wang Guozhong and Wang Kegui looked at each other, bowed twice to Jia Cong again, and left disappointed. .

After Liu Xianglian sent the two of them out, she was very unwilling and came back. Seeing that Jia Cong was still in the study, standing with his hands behind his back, as if thinking about something, he said, "Master Marquis, why don't you include them?" Under the command of the Marquis?"

The generals of Dashun are accustomed to raising private soldiers, who are well treated and well-equipped. Every time they fight, these private soldiers have made great achievements. Liu Xianglian means, why doesn't Jia Cong include these people as his own private soldiers? Go inside.

Jia Cong turned around, sat down on the chair, and asked Liu Xianglian, "I haven't been out of Beijing for a long time. After leaving Beijing, I also walked north. The sights I saw along the way were shocking."

When Liu Xianglian heard this, Jia Cong was not indifferent. He also hurriedly said, "The Lord Marquis lives in the court, and he should have seen it. Is there still one or two loyal ministers in the court now? In those days, the emperor was devoted to the Tao, and the courtiers often did not see him for many years. On the one hand, they abuse people's power and build large-scale construction projects in order to achieve immortality. In their eyes, the people are inferior to ants, and the corruption of government cannot be achieved in a day.

The current emperor does have ambitions to revitalize the country, but the building is about to collapse. How can it be easily restored?Nowadays, the sun and the moon coexist and have been fighting each other for many years. The courtiers are divided into two factions, criticizing and undermining each other. Who cares about the people?

I heard that there is a dung field in Ansai City, and two or three babies will be abandoned in it every morning. By the next morning, the abandoned children will die, and some of them are abandoned.The world has reached such a stage! "

Jia Cong knew what was going on, but he still asked, "Didn't the imperial court have money for disaster relief?"

Liu Xianglian thought he was young and ignorant, so she couldn't help but sneer, "The Marquis is joking, the court allocates 1000 taels of silver, and if [-] taels of silver can be used on the people, it is great luck. I have found a good official."

The Marquis had saved a lot of money for the court, and the people all knew that there was nothing that could be spent on the people. "

He glanced at Jia Cong and said, "My brothers came here not to ask the Marquis to do anything. The Marquis is a righteous man. He has experienced hardships himself, so he can understand the suffering of the people. These brothers are also helpless. In the future, if the Marquis can give them a way out, they will definitely live in peace with the people, and if it is anyone else, they will definitely fight to the end."

Jia Cong didn't expect that the situation would develop to this point so quickly!

The next day, Wang Lang came to report again, saying that refugees from the south were coming to Liaodong one after another. The cold winter was about to come. With so many refugees coming, the resettlement in Liaodong was also under great pressure.

This shows that Jia Cong's farming policy has been recognized and supported by the people.

Not long after, the censor Fang Zhenru also came, naturally coming to complain about the water, and said to Jia Cong, "So many refugees are gathered in Liaodong. If something happens and trouble occurs, Liaodong will be in chaos, and Nurhaci will definitely Taking advantage of the situation to cause chaos, although we had a great victory before, we cannot take it lightly." Wang Yan, the eunuch of the town army, was sitting next to him drinking tea. After hearing this, he smiled and said, "Master Fang, these refugees are all running towards Jia. If Mr. Fang is afraid that too many refugees will come, he might as well report to the emperor and transfer Jia Hou away.

However, as soon as Jiahou left, it was time for Nurhachi to come. "

After hearing this, Fang Zhenru scolded Wang Yan for flattering Jia Cong and neglecting his duties. He only knew how to say good things to Jia Cong. He did not forget to express his merits to Jia Cong in several memorials he wrote. He said with a smile, "The prince is joking. The refugees will come as soon as they come. Nurhachi must never come."

Jia Cong said, "Master Fang's concerns are not unreasonable. I have been worried about this matter for the past few days. However, in this world, anyone can be let down, but the people cannot be let down. Since the people are targeting the three of us Here we are, even though we don’t have enough to eat and don’t have enough clothes to wear, we can’t let the people freeze and starve.

If there is no food in Liaodong, then we will learn from Nurhachi and go grab it. "

Fang Zhenru heard the tiger's body tremble, and he asked in horror, "Who are you planning to rob? Mongolia? Or Jianzhou?"

"We will rob anyone who is our enemy. The city wall of Fushun has been fully repaired, and several nearby fortresses, trenches, and city repairs have also been completed. It is now the harsh winter. After thousands of days of training and military deployment, Nurhachi shrank. In Hetuala, I heard that his success this year is not very good, and he also plans to leave the city. I plan to go and meet him for a while. "

In fact, Emperor Taiqi couldn't wait any longer. Jia Cong seemed to have reached an agreement with Nurhachi since the battle when he first arrived in Liaodong, and they wanted not to invade each other.

There were also some unfavorable remarks in the court, and Jia Cong, both public and private, planned to fight before the winter came.

If another general were to lead the army, Fang Zhenru and Wang Yan would definitely be worried even if they did not say they wanted to escape quickly. However, because it was Jia Cong, they both thought at the same time that the time had come for meritorious service and promotion. .

Three people are a trinity. If Jia Cong loses the battle, it may not be able to implicate these two people. But if Jia Cong wins the battle, he cannot avoid these two people no matter what. It seems that if he does not hold back, he will have made a meritorious service.

Wang Yan's eyes shone brightly, and he said with a smile, "Our family depends on Mr. Hou!"

Jia Cong laughed and said, "What are you talking about, my father-in-law? My father-in-law abandoned the glory and wealth of the sacred city and stayed with me in a place like this. His high integrity and integrity are admirable. The people of Liaodong will never forget my father-in-law's kindness!"

The eunuchs in the palace are all rootless people. Such people are not like ordinary people who have wives and children. Although they are a drag, they are also a leader.It can be said that these people have no pursuits, and even if they do, they are just extraneous things, either for money, fame and fortune, or just drifting with the crowd in a daze.

Wang Yan was originally the third type of person, quite smart. At first, his smartness was only about how to survive in the palace. Later, when he asked for some money, he found that he had no children. He didn't know who would benefit from having so much money.

At this time, after hearing what Jia Cong said, a heart of compassion arose in his heart.

When he left Jia Cong's residence, he stood on the steps in front of the door and saw the ragged people, the passers-by in a hurry, and the refugees who came with their families to seek refuge. His feelings became more profound, and he thought that if he could Protecting the people of this area can be regarded as putting down roots for oneself.

Jia Cong fought against the Japanese invaders in the south and gained the respect of the people in the south. If he could do something for these people, wouldn't it be good if they could offer some incense to him in the future?

Thinking of this, Wang Yan said to Fang Zhenru who came out with him, "Master Fang, at this moment, our family really understands why Jia Hou wants the people in front to protect these refugees and refuses to let these people die of cold and hunger. Got it!"

Fang Zhenru was deeply surprised. He didn't understand Wang Yan. He thought to himself, "You are a eunuch, how can you have the magnanimity to care about the people?" and asked, "What do you think, Eunuch Wang?"

"How pitiful!" Wang Yan shook his head and said loudly, "Come here, take out 1 taels of our family's salary and set up ten porridge sheds in Fushun City. This winter and next spring, we are not allowed to freeze to death. Starve to death!"

Wang Yan was afraid that no one would hear him, so he spoke loudly. Sure enough, many people on the street heard about it and stopped in their tracks. One of them, an old man, knelt down to Wang Yan in the street and said, "My lord, Bodhisattva!"

Wang Yan was enjoying this so much that his eyes were a little hot, and he stepped forward to help the old man up regardless of his poverty and slovenliness, "I'm serious, how can a eunuch in our family compare to a Bodhisattva?"

"It is said that Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva saves suffering and disaster in hundreds of incarnations. If you have such a heart, you are a Bodhisattva!"

Fang Zhenru cursed in his heart that it was a waste of time and left without looking back. At this time, what he thought of was that Wang Yan, a eunuch, could not save 1 taels of silver in his whole life. Really, these people Stupid, he was easily deceived by Wang Yan.

Really...if you have breasts, you are a mother. I wonder if Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva will be so angry when he sees these ignorant people comparing an eunuch to his incarnation.

Jia Cong just picked up a cup of tea in the study and took a sip. When he heard Kong An talking about Wang Yan's performance outside, he was so shocked that he spat out a mouthful of tea and almost sprayed Kong An in the face. He couldn't understand Wang Yan. Too bad.

"Master Marquis, what kind of medicine does this prince sell in the gourd?"

A eunuch took 1 taels of silver to open a porridge shed for disaster relief. What did he want?Can I be promoted or promoted to a noble title?
"Will he just say it but not do it, and then force the Marquis to do it later?"

Jia Cong smiled and said, "How can I be the one who can be manipulated by him? Since he has said that he will not do it, I have a way to make him fulfill it. No matter what his purpose is, he can do something for the people. He should support him and send some people to help him tomorrow. There should be a little more rice in the porridge, no sand should be mixed in, and chopsticks should be used to prevent it from falling over!
Next, I would like to publicize the good things about the prince and father-in-law, find some scholars in the city, and ask them to write some good things about the prince and father-in-law and deliver them to the prince's father-in-law's house. "

Kong An's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly said, "Yes, I understand!"

The prince doesn't know which tendons are not in the right place, he is about to fall into the pit.

Jia Cong finished his work and went to the backyard. He heard that Tan Chun had gone to learn riding and shooting with Wang Mingyin's son Wang Ying. Hundreds of households went out, and once they even left the city."

Jia Cong glanced at the servant and said, "Wang Shoubei was posthumously named General Guangwei by the court. Prince Wang is the son of General Wang. After Zhongliang, since the third girl is willing to let him teach and he is willing to teach, what's wrong?"

Xian Ning heard the voice coming out from the room. The servant was startled when he heard the reproach in Jia Cong's words, and hurriedly left in response.

Xian Ning smiled and said, "Shi Shu also has good intentions. I'm worried about my third sister, so you don't need to scare people like this!"

Jia Cong held her hand and said with a smile, "Although she has good intentions, she also has the fault of not trusting the third sister. How can she come to me to accuse the third sister? It is precisely because her original intentions are not bad, and I do not Nothing was said."

The two of them entered the room. Jia Cong sat down on the kang and held Xian Ning in his arms. The two of them had been staying in the same room for the past few days. Except for the last line of defense, they had not broken through. They had done everything they should do. At this time, they started to get intimate. , is even more familiar with the road, and his temperament has been greatly changed after tossing and turning.

When he was out of breath, Xianning nestled in Jia Cong's arms and asked, "I heard that the leader of the refugees came to see you. Why?"

Jia Cong didn't quite understand what Xian Ning meant, so he stretched out his arms beside her and stroked her Qishang Saixue with the other hand, saying, "You wanted to come to me, but I rejected you!"

Xian Ning held down his rebellious hand and said, "Why didn't you capture him and send him to the capital? If he was found out, how would you explain it?"

"The emperor asked me to take care of Liaodong's affairs. I only take care of Liaodong's affairs. I don't bother to take care of the affairs of the Central Plains! Liaodong was a great victory. The emperor did not mention the matter of promotion, let alone the marriage. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Why should I be greedy? Credit for this idea?”

(End of this chapter)

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