Dragons: Reboot the New World

Chapter 270, Act 51, Moment of Youth (New book has been released! Please collect it!)

Chapter 270 A scene of youth (new book has been released! Please collect it!)

"When I saw the principal's 'Time Zero' after so many years, he was still as unpredictable as before!" Inuyama Ga praised.

He was originally full of anger, as if he was going to end at any moment and have a life-or-death showdown with Angers, but when it came to the end, his face was as dark as water.

"Don't talk to me like that, as if it's not my word spirit but my sword." Angre smiled, "I remember you were using a seventh-level moment just now. Aga, haven't you made any progress?"

"Just ask the principal to see what we are determined to do." Inuyama He slowly squatted down, holding the knife to his side, imagining in his mind the sharp knife that could cut through Angers defense.

For this sword, he had been practicing hard for 62 years. The 62 years and millions of slashes were condensed on the blade of this sword. Even a mountain in front of him should be cut open...

He had a reason to defeat Angers. He would bet his entire life just to defeat this man. If he failed, his 62 years of life would become meaningless.

Ange's posture was still relaxed. The murderous intention of Inuyama He became stronger, and the sarcasm on his face became stronger.

"バカ!" Angre said suddenly.

No one expected that he would break the silence like this and spit this authentic Japanese word at Inuyama Ga like a sword.

The clear sound of the sword resounded in front of Yuzao.

Visually, breathe out, cut the carp's mouth, pull out, cut off!
Eighth level moment! 250 Six times the speed of the kill!
Inuyama Ga's figure disappeared, but when he reappeared, he was blocked in front of Angers. He had clearly broken through the peak of Setsuna, but this move was so fast that Iai couldn't even achieve the steps of blood revitalization, because Angers pushed him The blade intercepted it.

The Ichimon Norimune was pressed hard against Onimaru Kunitsuna's middle part. It was the center of the sword's blade, and it was the "eye" that defeated the enemy in sword duels.

Angers was able to accurately find his weakest point despite Inuyama Ga's sword speed of 250 times six times. He swung the sword lightly once, just once...

Inuyama Ga turned around, turned into a shadow again, and rushed towards Angers for the second time.

look!Tuna!The cut of the carp's mouth!Pay!Cut off!

The second round of Iai Slash, the eighth level moment, 250 six times the speed of the slash!

He was resisted by Angers again.

Anger always had only one monomon notsusune out of the sheath, and Nagaso Yako Tetsu had been carrying it on his shoulders, and he would play with it from time to time.

Faced with the all-out decisive battle against the eight strongest swordsmen of the Snake Qi family, it was as easy as strolling in the garden.

Does such a man really have any weaknesses?How strong can one defeat such a man?

The third round... the fourth round... the fifth round... Inuyama Ga flashed back and forth against Angers, each time pouring out a rainstorm of sword light towards Angers, and the sound of the knife cutting the air overlapped layer by layer. , it sounds like a frenzy.

No one could see clearly how they waved their arms, and the knives they swung turned into a series of afterimages.

The light of the sword and the shadow of the sword rolled up the gold powder all over the ground. Only in the gaps where the gold powder in the sky was cut could the tracks of their swords be seen. The light of the sword almost filled all the space around the two of them.

"Eighth-level Setsuna? That loser from the Inuyama family actually used an eighth-level Setsuna?"

"But what about the eighth level? Ah He, you are still too slow. You have already stepped into the coffin with one foot. Are you only at the eighth level? Have you only cared about having fun with your goddaughter in these 62 years?"

"You've practiced your swordsmanship to the core! I originally thought you would make some progress, but it seems you've only made some progress."

"It's so sad, Ah He. He has always regarded me as a target and has been living in my shadow. He feels that he is in a desperate situation every moment..."

Angers didn't move at all, didn't even turn around, and swung the sword at the same speed, taunting and yelling meanly, "Too slow! Too slow! Too slow!"

It seems that no matter how advanced Inuyama Ga's Iai is and how sharp his sword skills are, if he doesn't break through Ange's defense once, the student will always be a waste in Ange's eyes.

With the blessing of the eighth level, Inuyama Ga had already wielded hundreds of thousands of swords. He had already wielded the sword to the point of being numb, but he was still suppressed by Anger and could not move forward...

What a humiliation... Inuyama He felt as if his nerves were in pain... From 60 years ago to today, Angers has always given him humiliation.

1945, the year Japan was defeated, was also the darkest year for the Inuyama family.

After the emperor announced his unconditional surrender, the U.S. military occupied Japan, and the eight Sheqi families also suffered a near-destructive blow.

The streets after the war were filled with mud. US military jeeps and pickup trucks sped past, and the water and mud on the ground splashed high onto the kimonos and paper umbrellas of pedestrians.

The American soldiers were laughing loudly in the back seat of the car and shouting curses in unintelligible English.

If they see a woman or girl they like on the street, they will take it away without restraint and walk away amidst the angry looks of others and the screams of resistance from women.

At that time, Inuyama Ga was still a child, running up and down the street wearing the Inuyama family's kimono.

The stagnant water on the roadside would splash his wooden clogs and white socks, and the puddles filled with cherry blossom petals would always reflect the boy's hurried silhouette.

He would get up early every day, holding a few black-and-white photos painted with paint in his arms, and run to Tokyo Port to look at the steel warships coming from the United States from a distance. He waved and introduced loudly that he was the current head of the Inuyama family. , with the most beautiful woman under his hands.

Inuyama Ka has persisted in such a hasty day for almost a whole year.

This is the business that their Inuyama family has passed down from generation to generation. To put it mildly, they are pimps and mamasans.

Inuyama Ga is the last remaining man in the Inuyama family.

So even if he ran and broke his legs and shouted at the top of his lungs, he still wouldn't be able to see the Inuyama family decline in his hands.

But things went against expectations. When other families saw the decline of the Inuyama family, they all put their hands into the custom industry and wanted to steal the women and business of the Inuyama family.

Inuyama Ga had not received any work in the past few days, until this day.

A white battleship sailed from the junction of the sea and the sky, and its huge shadow covered the crowd gathered in Tokyo Port.

Its pitch-black fort is like a giant's arm. Standing on it, the U.S. Navy, dressed in uniform white military uniforms, stands condescendingly, with the pride of a victor on its face.

The battleship was called the USS Iowa.

A senior U.S. Navy officer wearing a white military cap under his arm walked down the gangway with a tall and handsome figure.

Other pimps swarmed over to him in a flattering manner, speaking in broken English and introducing the youngest and best-figured girl in their family.

Inuyama Ga also squeezed in with all his strength, but unfortunately he was too thin and couldn't squeeze in no matter how hard he squeezed.

Unexpectedly, the leading US naval officer did not agree to anyone. His eyes were looking for something in the crowd until he saw Inuyama Ga at the outermost edge.

The officer pushed aside the crowd and came straight to Inuyama Ga. He glanced at the tattoo exposed under Inuyama Ga's torn sleeves and asked calmly, "A child of the Inuyama family?" Inuyama Ga looked up at the majestic man like a general. The courage came out of nowhere, and he held his head high, his muddy face full of stubbornness, "It's a man from the Inuyama family!"

His tone was extremely stubborn.

"A man? I don't think so." The officer sneered, "I am a mixed race from the United States. Let me tell you, the master, that the secret party's messenger is here."

"I am the current head of the Inuyama family!" Inuyama Ga said, "My name is Inuyama Ga, and I can represent the Inuyama family."

"Inuyamaga, right?" The officer leaned down, looked into Inuyamaga's clear eyes, and then straightened up, "My name is Hilbert Jean Angers. I'm here to negotiate. You can choose peace or dignity. .”

There is only one choice between peace and dignity, either surrender, and you can live if you submit, or dignity, and die generously with dignity... What an extremely arrogant self-introduction, the young boy at that time thought to himself.

Hilbert Jean Angers looked up at the water-washed sky, holding an unlit cigarette in his mouth.

Inuyama Ga later learned that this man was a staff officer of the U.S. Navy and served as a lieutenant colonel. He was also a mixed race from the United States and the leader of a mixed race organization called the Secret Party.

Peace is surrender, dignity is death. Angers explained his principles from the first day they met.

So he became a disciple of Angers and gained strength and power, but he also received endless humiliation from then on.

But all this was of his own free will, and he would sacrifice everything, including his life and even his dignity, for the rise of the Inuyama family.

"Too slow! Too slow! Too slow!" Ange yelled, "Is that all? Is that all?"

In my memory, Angers always yelled like this.

"Too slow, Ahe! Is this your full strength? Is this the only level you can do!"

"Ahe, why don't you try to chop up the old lady who crossed the road, the only remaining man in the Inuyama family is a waste like you!"

Time and time again, words full of insults were shot like sharp arrows, followed by whippings with wooden sticks or bamboo knives.

Inuyama He roared and resisted again and again, and was knocked to the ground again and again. His body was covered with bruises, and his self-esteem was also bruised.

Hilbert Jean Angers stepped on his chest with his shiny leather boots, which seemed to crush Inuyama Ga's self-esteem as the last man in the Inuyama family.

In his eyes, he is just a puppy with incomplete teeth, right?

But no matter what, Anger is his teacher, which is something Inuyama He has been unwilling to admit for many years. It is precisely because of worshiping him as his teacher that the Inuyama family has been revived as he wished, and is even stronger than at its peak.

The entire customs industry in Japan is 60.00% occupied by the Inuyama family. Those families that had tried to divide the power of the Inuyama family were running around and falling apart.

Inuyama Ga also became the first head of the Japanese branch. His power in the Snake Qihachi family even surpassed the heads of the family for a while. He had a unique voice in the Snake Qihachi family.

But you must always be careful in front of that man. He laughs at Inuyama Ga all the time and uses all the spicy words.

Inuyama He didn't dare to resist, he was too weak, and everything he had was given by Angers.

Inuyama Ga once had nothing but dignity, but now Inuyama Ga has lost all his dignity.

He seemed to have everything except his dignity, and he seemed to have lost the only thing he had.

The people of the Snake Qihachi family insinuated that he was a dog of Angers. This weak loser borrowed power from the American half-breeds and bossed around in front of his compatriots.

Inuyama Ga never refutes, because this is a fact, this is his own choice. He has no choice between preserving his dignity and destroying the Inuyama family or abandoning his self-esteem and letting the family rise.

But to whom did he tell his pain?
Every time Angers stepped on his head and taunted him, and his eyes were level with the ground, he would think of himself being pushed down into the mud by foreigners.

Those people also stepped on Inuyama Ga's head, grabbed the territory belonging to the Inuyama family, and tore the women's kimonos.

Women who dare to resist will be slapped hard, and just asking for mercy will arouse men's animal desires even more.

Until the men put on their clothes again, spat and left, the women lay on the ground, their fair skin covered with red marks, suffering silently from beginning to end, like a piece of dehydrated dead meat.

Every time at this time, Inuyama Ga would struggle to come to them with his body covered with bruises, and cover the half-clothed woman with his muddy kimono.

He was very kind to prostitutes, and it was common for him to be beaten by clients in order to gain benefits for them.

Because in his eyes, the prostitute who sells herself for money is like the second sister he doesn't want to see again. This is the only way he can atone for his 'impossibility'. "

"Ahe, life is like this. If you choose some things, you have to abandon other things." Angers' words before leaving 65 years ago echoed in my ears.

"You have power now, and the Inuyama family has risen. That will never happen again."

Yes, teacher, that kind of thing will never happen again, but my dignity has also been thrown away forever... Teacher, do you know, I am angry when I am stepped on by those people, but I feel sad when I am stepped on by you. of……

The rise I look forward to is that everyone in my family can live with dignity... We have risen, but we have lost our dignity forever...

You stepped on the last man of the Inuyama family and deprived him of the dignity he had left in his life.

"I don't despise gangsters, I just despise trash! Want dignity? Sure! Just knock me down!" Angers in his memory sneered in his ear.

Is that a teacher?Is it dignified if I knock you down?

That year, he, Angers, was 68 years old.

But he couldn't do it in the end.

Is that a teacher?Is it dignified if I knock you down?

This year, he was 83 years old and Angers was 130 years old.

What was the result?

"I am a man of the Inuyama family!" The roar covered the clear sound of the sword.

Ninth-order instant, 510 double speed cut!

The boy deep in Inuyama Ga's soul spanned 65 years of time and space, and roared like an angry lion together with him now.

A flash of sword light shined from the scabbard, and the overlapping sword lights and sword shadows like a tsunami were chopped into pieces by this sword. The arc drawn by Onimaru Kunitsuna was as beautiful as a girl's eyebrows...

Across the entire Tamamo-mae!
(New book, please read and collect it)
 The new book is here↓
(End of this chapter)

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