Dragons: Reboot the New World

Chapter 276 Scene 57 Odin

Chapter 276 Seven Acts of Odin
On the helipad at the top of Genji Heavy Industries, Mr. McCarron looked at the entire Tokyo while holding his favorite drink.

There is a table on the tarmac, and in the middle of the table is a bottle of Macallan 1926. This may be the most expensive whiskey in the world, selling for millions of dollars. It is so rare that no one will actually open the bottle and drink it. , just store it in a safe like jewelry.

This table was set up at the request of Mr. Macallan. Tachibana Masamune respectfully held another bottle of Macallan 1926 and stood behind him, personally acting as a waiter.

The place had been cleared a long time ago, because Tachibana Masamune said that a very important person would come to talk to him about something. At this time, even the current head of the family, Minamoto Chisheng, had no way of knowing what happened on the helipad.

"It's been raining lately, probably because of the elemental turbulence caused by the White King's awakening." Mr. McCarron looked down at the busiest Shinjuku district, with an air of boredom all over his body.


"Tokyo will also become the center of the whirlpool."

"It's foreseeable." Tachibana Masamune replied humbly.

"You know what? Dr. Herzog, I really hope you can chat with me now on the same level." Mr. McCarron sighed, "I'm used to being aloof, and suddenly I want to hear words that are less respectful."

"Okay." Tachibana Masamune remained humble.

"This is the limitation of human beings, Dr. Herzog. They will always care about whether their identity and what they say are worthy of them."

"No matter how hard you try to think like a dragon, you are still human, and you are still not free from those limitations."

"Yes, humans are very fragile creatures after all." Tachibana Masamune said softly.

"So I have to say, Doctor, your plan has a major flaw." Mr. McCarron took a sip of wine. "You can simulate the mind of a dragon, but you can never simulate the heart of a dragon."

Masamune Tachibana looked calm. Even if Mr. McCarron said that the plan he had worked hard for 20 years was worthless, he must still look calm.

Because this man is by no means someone he can compete with.

"For example, assuming your plan succeeds in the end, you can only steal at most one-third of the White King's power through this method." Mr. McCarron said slowly, "And unfortunately, the White King The spirit will revive in your bones and blood with authority.”

"In the end you will only become the carrier of the White King."

"How do you call this method in Chinese immortality novels?" Mr. McCarron smiled, "I usually read a lot, let me think about it... it should be called seizing the body, right?"

"What can Mr. McCarron do?" Tachibana Masamune asked.

"Ah, if I had I, I wouldn't be here. From ancient times to the present, it seems that only Chu Zihang has successfully walked this road. Even I only used an alternative method..."

"However, just relying on the experiments done in the Black Swan Harbor Research Institute and the broken intelligence chain, you were able to come up with this plan, which shows that you still have great potential." Mr. McCarron waved.

The service teams led by the deadpools filed out with silver platters and placed rich dishes on the table.

Cold cuts of beef and thin slices of ham, served with emerald green arugula and topped with crumbled cheese.

"Do you know about Ragnarok?" Mr. Macallan asked slowly, tying his napkin.

"I know." Tachibana Masamune filled a glass of wine for him.

"That is not a legend, but a reality. There will definitely be such a catastrophe that will destroy the world in the future. Even gods will be destroyed."

"Then there is another question. The world will be rebuilt and new gods will be born. If the old gods refer to the Black King and his descendants, then what are the new gods? They are baptized by the blood of the Black King and thus A new dragon clan that evolved?"

"I don't know." Tachibana Masamune said.

"Of course, this question is still too profound for you, and you are not qualified to touch the reality of the world." Mr. McCarron gestured with his eyes to the Deadpools to move another chair, "When you actually ascend the throne, You are qualified to sit at this table and eat with me."

"Then what are you..." Masamune Tachibana asked doubtfully.

"Let you experience it in advance." Mr. McCarron smiled, "Didn't I say before that we will conduct this chat on the basis of equal status?"

Tachibana Masamune sat down across the table in fear.

"Speaking of which, Dr. Herzog, I admire your values." Mr. McCarron put the ham into his mouth. "You see, the world is a huge dining table, such as the one we have in front of us now."

"Eating is the nature of living things. If you don't eat others, others will eat you."

"And usually only a very few people can sit at the table, like you, like me."

"Tokyo was originally just an ordinary international metropolis, but as a god ascended to Takamagahara, this ordinary international metropolis would soon turn into a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood."

"However, his glory will always illuminate this city... I really want to talk to this god about the future of the world. If he is willing to stand with me, then the glorious future will appear in front of us early."

"You mean...the complete White King?" Tachibana Masamune asked cautiously.

Mr. Macallan shrugged noncommittally. "This world is broken. It's long overdue for reconstruction. In a world without a king, rebels kill each other."

"We were enemies of each other and fought bloody battles for the throne, but when the real king returns, everyone can only crawl at his feet and accept his punishment."

“Even though we have lowered our heads so low that they can touch the ground, the King will not forgive us because our hands are stained with His blood.”

His eyes were indifferent and sincere. As he said before, this was a chat based on equal status. Masamune Tachibana was no longer his follower, but his friend or relative.

"I don't understand what you mean." Tachibana Masamune trembled slightly.

He heard something in these incomprehensible words that he could never touch.

If you touch it, you will die.

"It's nothing." Mr. McCarron smiled again, "It's just a little complaint, because we are all afraid of the fate that will eventually come."

He pulled out the black crystal weapon from his lower back and played with it in his hand.

It was like the tip of a spear.



"Go! Go! Go! Boys, run! Our beautiful guests need you to save them!" the humpback whale shouted outside the dressing room, and the cowherds changing their makeup came in and out.

"Come on, come on!" Lu Mingfei ran out of the bathroom holding his pants. "Little Sakura, cheer up on your first day at work!" The humpback whale slapped his shoulder angrily, almost to the point of collapsing his shoulder. "We don't have enough manpower! Go and pour wine for the guests!"

"Yes! Go there immediately!" Lu Mingfei sprinted towards the hall at a speed of [-] meters, fastening his belt as he ran.

"Take up the perfume! Don't inhale the guests! Show your fighting spirit! Run like a horse in the man's flower path!" The humpback whale raised its arms and roared.

From 8 pm to 10 pm is the busiest time in Takamagahara. The guests under the stage begin to call the familiar cowherd to come out to accompany the drink, and there is a rush of traffic in front of the door.

The late guests are often groups of close friends who have had dinner elsewhere and come to Takamagahara to join the big singing and dancing party, and the cowherds have to go and say hello.

There is a shortage of manpower everywhere, the cowherds and waiters are running to work, and the humpback whale is roaring outside the dressing room backstage, like the owner of a circus.

He rushed into the dazzling light, and before he could take a breath, he found that a boy wearing a black suit and a white tie had just opened a bottle of fine champagne and was waiting for him at an empty table.

The flow of time suddenly slowed down, and the sound waves that hit my ears became softer.

"Can I keep you overnight tonight?" Lu Mingze placed a crystal glass in front of Lu Mingfei and filled it with champagne.

"Go away, I won't have sex with you, and it's considered incest!" Lu Mingfei hugged his shoulders in disgust.

"Okay, okay." Lu Mingze sighed, "Every time I tell you a cold joke, you have no intention of accepting it."

"So what is going on?" Lu Mingfei sat down opposite him, "Do you still need to bother me to come to my little Cowherd shop?"

"The Twilight of the Gods is about to begin early."

"...You suddenly told me this and I was not mentally prepared at all." Lu Mingfei frowned, "What's going on?"

"It's just ahead of schedule, there's no reason why."

"The great restraint of history, the inescapable fate, the Good Friday of the Kings, the Lord of Despair resurrected from the abyss, holding two watermelon knives and slashing from the North Pole to the South Pole." Lu Mingze shrugged, "You should be mentally prepared Brother, didn’t you say that many things will be different this time?”

"Although you are not a human being, can you speak human language?"

"Okay, in human terms... Odin, is this name familiar to you?"

Lu Mingfei was stunned, "It's familiar."

"Of course, he doesn't just have the name Odin, he can be many people." Lu Mingze picked up the wine glass, clinked it on Lu Mingfei's glass, and then drank it all.

"For example, the prophet Merlin in Celtic mythology, the main god Odin in Nordic mythology, he can also be Major Bondarev in the Black Swan Harbor incident, and Nido, the administrator of the Hunter website, seems to have changed in recent decades. Got a new name..."

"The current head of the Gattuso family, Pompeii Gattuso."

"Well, I have guessed this a long time ago." Lu Mingfei shrugged, "Actually, we couldn't figure out many things in the previous life, right? Nidhogg suddenly woke up, and then started a movement of destruction, forcing One sound after another.”

"First, the tide hit all the cities near the coast, and then the cities built on the earthquake zone were destroyed one by one. The main rivers were changed. The creatures in the Amazon jungle were not immune. The super volcano erupted and the volcanic ash spread to ten thousand meters. kilometers into the air, eventually covering the entire earth for several years."

"Well." Lu Mingze snapped his fingers, and the cup was filled with yellow wine. "Everything happened too fast, and we couldn't understand it."

"But I guess this is Odin... let's call him Odin first. He likes the cuteness of this name."

"Odin wanted to prevent Nidhogg's resurrection and devour his authority to overturn this destined ending and construct a new world... but he failed."

"Nidhogg is still resurrected, wreaking havoc, and then there are only two of us left in the world."

"That's right." Lu Mingfei nodded, "Then what happened this time? Why is the Twilight of the Gods advanced?"

"Brother, your existence has affected the course of history." Lu Mingze said quietly, "Have you never heard that the secret of heaven cannot be leaked? When someone tries to interfere with the operation of the secret of heaven, they will suffer the backlash."

"What you clearly said at that time was, 'Those who rebel against fate will be penetrated by the burning spear into the deepest part of hell.' Well, don't be such a naive person, otherwise you won't even be able to remember what you said."

"Okay, I admit that that's what I said at the time. It doesn't matter, the meaning is the same anyway."

"What should we do now?" Lu Mingfei also drank the champagne in one gulp.

"What can we do? We can only hope that all the chess pieces we laid out before can be used."

"..." Lu Mingfei was silent for a while and asked, "Has Odin come to Tokyo?"

"Well, it arrived this morning."

"It's so annoying. This broken city is just a mess." He scratched his hair irritably, "I originally thought that the Tokyo incident in my previous life was already chaotic enough, but what happened now?"

"Let me count how many forces will participate in the crazy party of the resurrection of the White King. The Secret Party, Kassel Academy, Henkel and the North American mixed-race forces, Odin and his Hall of Valor, the Elders of the Dragon Clan, Hercules Erzog, maybe the sky and the wind will also come to interfere..."

"It's not as bad as you think. Odin, the Council of Elders, and the brothers and sisters of the King of Ocean and Water can all be considered a force."

"And Brother Tian and Feng, you can rest assured that the one who holds the power is dead. I mean completely dead, including the title."

Lu Mingze said slowly, "Besides, even if Li Wuyue is resurrected, it won't be a serious problem. Let Chu Zihang kill him again."

"Dead?" Lu Mingfei was stunned, "Li Wuyue's brother, is he dead?"

"Well, it was probably the time when you were busy working on the love story between Chu Zihang and Jörmungandr."

"How did you die?"

"It's considered to be devoured. Some people just love to be ghouls. There's nothing we can do about it." Lu Mingze picked up the wine glass, "Don't talk about those bad things, let's drink first."

"Not in the mood to drink." Lu Mingfei waved his hand, "How much do you know about Odin's plan."

"He has been conducting experiments, looking for hybrids who can complete the road to becoming gods. You should know this. The former King Arthur, the current Herzog and Chu Zihang are all his experimental subjects."

"It took him a thousand years to lay out this game of chess. Over the millennia, he advanced the camp step by step. He can be called a strategist. But how could he endure an unexpected pawn who completed the road to becoming a god before him?"

"So this time he jumped out in advance. He wanted to kill this little bastard Chu Zihang and figure out his secret."

"Of course this is just incidental, the most important thing is..." Lu Mingze stared into his eyes, "The incident of King Bai's resurrection itself."

(End of this chapter)

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