death gap

Chapter 43 Black Forest

Chapter 43 Black Forest ([-]-in-[-])

Su Chen wanted to stop him, but his fellow apprentices all nodded in agreement, drowning out his objections.

Hong Shisan was so inspired that he prepared a bonus table and a sheep wine fruit plate, and made a special trip to the General Temple to invite the statue of General Jiuyou.

Burn incense and worship the god every day.

At first, Su Chen felt a little embarrassed every time he saw him offering incense to General Jiuyou.

But as time went by, he got used to it, and even occasionally stole his own offerings.

In the past ten days, Su Chen practiced An Jin against the sandbag every day. As he became more and more proficient in using An Jin, the effect of the gap pressure method was gradually getting worse.

Because his mind was starting to go numb.

No matter how scary something is, if you replay it hundreds of times in a row, people will eventually develop a tolerance.

After noticing this sign, Su Chen immediately stopped the gap supercharging method. If he continued like this, he was afraid that he would become mentally ill.

So in the next few dozen days, he focused on increasing his physical fitness.

Under Hong Shisan's arrangement, Su Chen found special lead weights from the boxing gym and tied them to the power generating points of various parts of the body.

Practice boxing while increasing your physical fitness.

At first the weight of the lead block was thirty kilograms, but after a month it had increased to fifty kilograms.

After practicing to this point, he could punch the test machine with more than 600 kilograms of force.

A perfect peak of Ming Jin.

At this stage, Su Chen's innate potential has been fully explored, and his physical strength will be in a state of slow improvement for a long time.

This is just like professional athletes. After reaching a certain stage of training, it is already very difficult to maintain without regression.

If you want to make a big improvement, you need to practice dark strength, and then simulate the sound of thunder to stimulate the bone marrow to usher in the third development.

Knowing that it would be difficult to improve his physical strength, Su Chen consciously added or removed lead weights based on the martial arts characteristics of Xuanjia Wu Xiangzong: increase the weight of any part that needs strength, and reduce the weight of lead weights that need to be relaxed.

During his practice, Hong Shisan often came over to help Su Chen adjust his condition with his energy.

The martial artist did not stimulate Su Chen's bone marrow or forcibly destroy his strength, but only helped him relieve muscle fatigue.

In Hong Shisan's words, it means that the master leads you to practice on an individual basis.

Such step-by-step practice helped Su Chen lose his impatience little by little and gradually calmed down his mind.

At the same time, Su Chen has become more and more familiar with his body's functions, and has become more and more thorough in exploring them; Ming Jin has become completely proficient in exerting force, and it can be said that he can move his heart at will, and he can do everything.

Less than three months passed quietly like this.

On the last night, Su Chen chose to take the purchased supplies home and put on a full set of protective clothing.

Then lie on the bed, close your eyes and rest your mind, waiting for the destined moment to arrive.

At 0:00 in the middle of the night, he lost consciousness for a moment, and when he woke up, he was in a foreign land.

The cold night wind blew in waves, roaring like a terrifying howling monster.

The air was filled with the smell of decay.


When Su Chen regained consciousness, he found himself standing in a dark forest, with straight and tall trees blocking most of the moonlight.

Above the head is a thick crown of trees, with dense layers and intertwined branches. Only the sparse and mottled moonlight shines in through the gaps between the branches and leaves.

When the night wind blows, the waves are like the sea.

The dots of light scattered on the ground were moving in all directions like fireflies, making the forest particularly mysterious and strange.

An erratic mist filled the forest.

The farther away the fog becomes, the thicker it becomes.

As far as Su Chen could see, the fog was as thick as a white wall stretching from the sky, completely surrounding the forest.

"New gaps."

He carefully observed his surroundings for fear of missing any weird clues.

Just as Su Chen looked around, a young woman's call came to his ears:

"Is anyone there? Is there anyone here?"


He held back his words.

Because I'm worried that this is a trap set by weird people.

Su Chen picked up a heavy bag of supplies and walked silently in the direction opposite to the sound. His waterproof shoes made no sound as he stepped on the rotten lichen surface.

The trees here were very tall, with any tree measuring two or three meters in diameter. It almost made him think that he had entered the country of giants.

"Is anyone there?" the young woman's voice came again.


Although the power of the disaster did not increase, Su Chen still ignored her and just continued to walk forward.

Just as he walked around a giant tree in front of him, a man's figure came around from the other side of the tree trunk.

The two almost collided face to face.

The visitor was a tall and thin young man, wearing a professional camouflage uniform, wearing infrared glasses, and holding a communicator in his hand.

Seeing his outfit, Su Chen knew that this person was not a novice.

After a brief observation, the man's expression relaxed. He raised his left index finger and put it to his lips to make a silent gesture.

Then, the two of them stretched out their right hands and held them together.

This is not a sign of friendship, but to determine whether the other person has body temperature.

Feeling the warmth of each other's palms, the vigilance on their faces dropped a lot.

"My name is Li Dan." The young man said softly:

"You are lucky to have met me. If you want to survive, come with me."


Su Chen looked at him suspiciously, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

"Follow me."

Li Dan turned around and waved, leading him forward. At the same time, he picked up the communicator and said:

"I'll be right back if I find a living person."

Su Chen kept a safe distance of two meters and followed him, wanting to see where this person was taking him.

The two walked in the woods for about 5 minutes, passing through several dead trees entangled with vines, and a small, relatively open area appeared in front of them.

There is a camping tent set up here.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing camouflage uniforms and fully armed was patrolling the entrance of the tent.

When he saw Li Dan leading Su Chen towards him, the middle-aged man nodded at him:


"Veteran." Li Dan responded.

"A living person?"

"A living person!" Li Dan nodded lightly.

"Take him in." The middle-aged man's expression softened, he turned to glance at the tent door and motioned for them to go in.

"Come with me."

Li Dan said hello and took the lead to enter the camping tent.

Su Chen followed him silently, becoming more and more curious.

Did you find the organization yourself?

The tent is made of steel and has a disc-shaped interior with enough space to accommodate three or four people.

There was a thick layer of moisture-proof mats on the ground, as well as three sleeping bags.

At this time, there was only a fat young man in the tent - he was sitting next to the vent, cooking food on a small gas stove.

The air smelled of meat.

When Li Dan saw the fat boy, a smile appeared on his face:

"Young Master Fang is a veteran. He seems to have just entered the gap."

The young man known as Mr. Fang raised his head and looked at Su Chen:

"How many times have you entered the gap?"

"Why are you asking this?" Su Chen asked doubtfully.

"Of course it's to see if you are qualified to join us!" Li Dan glanced at him, then raised his right hand, revealing the golden lock tied to his wrist with a red rope:

"Master Fang has a concentric chain lock in his hand, which can fix the time when we enter the gap to the same time period, so that we can work together as a team to increase the chance of survival." "Sealing props?!" Su Chen blurted out subconsciously.

"It's interesting that I actually know the sealing props." Mr. Fang raised his head, with a gentle and friendly smile on his face:

"Tell me what you are capable of. If you can, we will be a family that lives and dies together from now on."

"I'm a fighter." Su Chen simply introduced himself.

Joining this team now is really good for you, at least you can exchange information with each other.

"Fighter?" Mr. Fang's eyes lit up:
"What level?"

"Usually three or five big men are not allowed to get close." Su Chen introduced as concisely as possible.

"Do you have any experience in dealing with weird things?" Mr. Fang's eyes became brighter and brighter.

"Yes! I have met three weirdos, and they didn't do anything to me!" Su Chen said confidently.

He thought that saying these words would shock the two of them, but unexpectedly, as soon as he said the words, he got suspicious looks from them.

"Tell the truth, don't brag." Li Dan frowned and reminded.

"I'm not bragging." Su Chen felt a little embarrassed.

"Since you said so...just stay for now." Mr. Fang looked at him with a suspicious look:
"I won't give you the Tongxin Chain Chain for the time being. When you prove your true ability, I will recruit you as a formal member."

"That's okay." Su Chen agreed nonchalantly.

"Just find a place to sit." Mr. Fang said casually.

This person seems to be easy to get along with. Although he is always called young master, he does not have the habit of being arrogant like his second ancestor.

At this time, the middle-aged man standing guard outside suddenly ran back indoors, looked at Mr. Fang and asked:
"What is it?"

"What is it?" Mr. Fang looked at him in confusion.

"Didn't you just call me in?" The middle-aged man stared at him suspiciously.

"I didn't." Mr. Fang spread his hands with an innocent look on his face:
"If you don't believe me, ask Li Dan about this new friend!"

"No." Li Dan shook his head.

"Indeed not." Su Chen also stood up to testify for him.

"But I did hear someone calling me..." The middle-aged man's eyes were empty, his expression gradually distorted at this time, and his face was as pale as paper:
"I even agreed."

Half of his head disappeared out of thin air, and the part from the skull to the cheekbones was completely gone, leaving the bloody mouth exposed to the air.

In the remaining half of his head, the tongue in his mouth was still trembling, as if there were still words left unfinished.

Then, a stream of sticky blood spurted out from the wound, and the middle-aged man with only half his head left fell to the ground, and his body was still convulsing on the ground.


Mr. Fang screamed, stood up suddenly, and then his knees gave out and he fell back.

As the middle-aged man's body fell to the ground, the young woman's voice in the depths of the forest became clearer:
"Is anyone here?"

"Is there anyone here?"

"Is there anyone?"

Su Chen, Li Dan, and Fang Shao covered their mouths at the same time, with cold sweat rolling down their faces, fearing that they would make any sound.

At the same time, Su Chen was also frightened.

Fortunately, I was smart enough not to look for the owner of this voice, otherwise I would have easily been killed before activating the god-like armor.

"Is there no one?"

"Is there really no one else here?"

"There's really no one."

The young woman's voice drifted away and gradually disappeared.

The oppressive atmosphere in the tent did not diminish by half.

Blood gurgled out from half of the middle-aged man's head and had accumulated a shallow layer on the moisture-proof mat. The thick smell of blood filled their nostrils.

Su Chen was a little better, Li Dan and Fang Shao were already shaking like chaff.

After a brief silence.

Mr. Fang sniffed and couldn't hold it back. He threw himself on the middle-aged man's body and cried loudly:

"Uncle Chen is dead...Uncle Chen is dead!"

"Young Master Fang, don't be sad yet." Li Dan said, walking over and dragging the middle-aged man's body outside:
"We don't know when we will go down to accompany him."


When Mr. Fang heard what he said, his body trembled and he immediately stopped crying.

Seeing this, Su Chen also stepped forward to help.

After the two carried the body out, they did not dig a hole and bury it, but just placed it next to a dead tree.

Because if you bury it, it will be in vain.

After a while, his body will return to the world on its own.

Before leaving, Li Dan took off the concentric chain lock from the middle-aged man's arm and put it into his pocket.

Dispose of the body.

They returned to the tent, washed the moisture-proof mat with clean water, and sat directly on the ground.

Mr. Fang stared at the top of the tent in a daze for a while, then suddenly spoke:
"Uncle Chen's death was not in vain."

"He died in exchange for a piece of information for us."

"In this dark forest, do not respond to voices of unknown meaning."

"Weirdness can be deceiving." Su Chen then added:
"I think it will imitate other people's voices and if it answers, it will die on the spot."

"You're right!" Mr. Fang quickly agreed.

"In this case, can't we just try not to talk?" Li Dan said, patting his head.

"No!" A familiar voice came from my ears.

"why not?"

He looked at Mr. Fang in surprise, but only saw him looking at him in horror.

Fang Shao tightly covered his mouth, indicating that he had not spoken at all just now.


Li Dan vaguely understood something. Due to fear, blood rushed to his head and his head buzzed.

"I don't want to die!"

His expression completely collapsed, his whole body was shaking, and he looked around at a loss.

"Go away!"

"do not come!"

"I can't die!"

Li Dan kept punching the air, as if he was driving away an invisible monster.

Just when his emotions completely collapsed and he almost burst into tears, Su Chen suddenly stretched out his right hand, held Li Dan's head, and quickly pressed it toward the ground.

A terrifying gnawing sound filled the air.


Li Dan, who was lying on the ground, screamed at the top of his lungs.

The scream lasted for a second and then stopped suddenly because he touched his head.

Mr. Fang, who stood aside and witnessed the whole process, said excitedly:

"The head is still there! The head is still there!"

"It's really still there."

Li Dan touched his head, then looked at Su Chen with tears in his eyes:

"I didn't die? How did you do it?"


Su Chen lowered his head slightly, looked at the palm of his right hand, and said with a normal expression:

"Just do it casually."

Just now, he suddenly felt that the calamity began to increase, and realized that Weird had made a move, so he saved Li Dan with quick eyesight and quick hands.

When Uncle Chen died before, the power of the disaster increased for a moment, but Su Chen didn't have time to take action at that time.

(End of this chapter)

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