I just want players to save money, but I was made the richest man.

Chapter 16 If one girlfriend is not enough, introduce another one!

Chapter 16 If one girlfriend is not enough, introduce another one!
"Draw a duck? The new game is ducks?"

"It's no use talking so much, just paint as I say." In Ke Jin's room, he arrested the reluctant boss Ke Yu directly from the living room to his room, and pressed her in front of his computer desk.

This girl will start school in less than half a month, so she needs to be squeezed quickly.

Now that the cooperation has been agreed upon, the next step is to rush to produce the game.

The Goose and Duck Killer was a semi-finished product when it was received, and Ke Jin briefly browsed the unzipped package.

It is found that the code of the underlying logic of the game is there, and you can even test run it directly.

There is a saying in the programming industry that if a bug can be run, don't touch it.

However, the characters in Goyasha are all outlined by countless dynamic black dots, and there are currently no stickers.

In this case, it will not be accepted by the majority of players if it can run, let alone reach the top of the list.

"I asked you to draw it. The eyes should be as big as copper bells, but the eyes should be dull and dull, like a stupid bird. Then the neck should be very slender. Have you ever eaten duck neck? That's probably the shape. The lower body should also be It’s basically the shape of a duck. Anyway, remember, the core is to highlight a dull point.”

"Okay, I've finished the painting." While Ke Jin was describing, Ke Yu had already held the digital tablet and drew a portrait according to what he described.

After taking it and looking at it, Ke Jin couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

Drink, grow up?
She is indeed my sister, she just doesn't share the same brain with me.

The duck he drew was [-] or even [-]% similar to the stupid duck in Jin's memory.

It's just that the details are a bit lacking.

But it doesn't hurt, just go back and make slight adjustments yourself.

Although Ke Jin can't draw, he has been majoring in game design for four years in college, so it's no problem to use PS to edit the pictures.

"Can I continue watching TV series?" Ke Yu was about to leave.

Ke Jin held his head and sat down again.

"Where is this? Next, you have to draw paid content."

"Ah?" Keyu's little face suddenly turned red. He stretched out his hands to cover his eyes, but his fingers were wide open and he peeked at Kejin: "Brother...does Duck also want to be pornographic...I, I haven't watched many movies, I don’t have enough knowledge… Uh-huh-huh-huh.”

The reason why she made a strange sound in the end was because Ke Jin reached out and grabbed her soft cheeks, stretching them to both sides like noodles.

"Don't pinch...the child will be teased stupidly..." Keyu protested vaguely, shaking his body like a toy.

"It's the paid content in the mall, the duck's costume, the dress-up box that displays the nickname, and the built-in chat box dress-up when speaking. Let me get 10 sets of these for now. I have a design plan in my computer." Ke Jin thought about it I think 10 sets should be enough for now.

"10 sets?" Upon hearing this, Keyu's amber eyes widened: "Give me a knife, I won't be able to draw this until school starts next year..."

"What now?" Ke Jin slowly took out two tickets for a celebrity concert from his pocket: "It will be held in Linshi in three days. You can go with your best friends."

"Wow!! Tickets for Ni Baibai's concert?? Or in the front row? Brother, how did you get it???" Keyu's eyes were shining, and he was about to pounce. (The stars currently featured are made up by myself and do not reflect any real stars. You will be able to tell when I map them)
Kejin collected the tickets again.

Keyu rolled his beautiful eyes and said with a smile: "Seven days, I can get it done in seven days at most!"

"In addition, there is a giant panda pillow here." Kejin conjured up a pillow doll on the computer table again.

Keyu's face turned red with excitement: "A limited edition officially released by Yudu? This seems to have been sold to 2000 on Xianyu...Brother, how did you know I wanted this? I love you so much. !”

Ke Jin coughed.

Keyu immediately put on a straight face and swore seriously: "Three days! Three days at most! From now on! I will not eat, sleep, watch TV, or mess around. It will be like this today, every day!"

"Okay, let's get started." Ke Jin gave up his position and waited for Ke Yu to fully enter working mode.

Instead, he slipped out of the room, picked up the remote control, fell comfortably on the sofa, switched the TV to the sports channel, and swayed his legs leisurely.

As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to pamper a girl but only a short time to use her.

There is no psychological burden at all!

Unfortunately, Youya's good times did not last long.

The sound of the door turning outside made Ke Jin alert. His first reaction was that his home had been robbed.

Then, I saw my parents returning home.

Ke Jin glanced at the wall clock in the living room, which read 12:[-] noon.

It stands to reason that parents will have dinner at work at noon and usually will not go home.

What happened?
What's even worse is that the old girl is still in her room helping to polish the game.

If his father caught him, Ke Jin didn't dare think about the consequences.

When he was only 10 years old, his father smashed the game console and was so angry that he was not allowed to play any games in the future. He still remembers it.

"Where's your sister?" After entering the house, Ke Jun took a quick glance, but found no shadow of Ke Yu. Then he looked at the coffee table, and there was no sign of food: "You're not home at noon?"

Since there was no ventilation beforehand, it was difficult for Ke Jin to lie and say that Ke Yu had gone out.

I can only bite the bullet and say: "You are studying in my room. She said that even if you get into college, you can't relax."

"Studying in your room?" Kejun looked at Kejin suspiciously: "Doesn't she have a room of her own?"

"Uh...she said my room was dark and quieter." Ke Jin saw his father walking quickly to his room, and cold sweat almost broke out on his forehead.

At this moment, Ke Mu spoke.

"Where do you care about your children studying? Isn't every room in your own home?" Ke's mother glared at Kejun angrily: "The children are almost here, so you can control everything as much as you want. Everything must follow your rules." Do it.”

"If there are no rules, there will be no rules. We must pay more attention to the rules in small things." Kejun said meticulously. As a middle school teacher with 30 years of experience, his stereotypes and prejudices have been deeply ingrained and have not wavered at all with the development of the times.

"Okay, speaking of rules, you promised me not to go fishing this weekend, can you do that? Don't secretly find an excuse to go out again." Ke's mother said angrily.

At the mention of this, Kejun's expression suddenly became frightened. His hand that was about to open the door moved away from the doorknob. Instead, he made gestures and stuttered: "Last time... it was so big."

Ke's mother didn't bother to reveal that he bought fish at the vegetable market. Instead, she turned to Ke Jin, who was eating melon on the side and said, "Go, clear the living room, we have guests at home."

"Who is it?" Ke Jin asked as he jumped up from the sofa and fiddled with the sofa cushions twice.

"Your Aunt Zhou, the third uncle's cousin, her son is going to come to Jianglin to attend middle school. She also rented a room in the school district here to accompany him to study. It's in our community. It's the first time here today. Please invite her. I’m a guest at home.”

"Oh." When mentioning Aunt Zhou, Ke Jin responded dully.

He was somewhat impressed by this distant relative.

There are not many other points of contact, but I just remember that she loves to brag.

Mother put on an apron and got into the kitchen. After being busy for a while, Aunt Zhou came to visit with her son.

Then came the same greeting session, saying hello to each other and doing the usual things.

Kejin was caught in the middle and had to bring tea and water to the elders from time to time, which was extremely embarrassing.

At this moment, he was even more envious of his old sister who was huddled in the room.

Just when Ke Jin was wandering in his mind.

Suddenly, he heard a familiar loud roar, accompanied by hysteria.

"Wang Defa!! Hahahahahaha!! How can I play this game? Ah? How can I play it!!"

When he glanced around, he found Aunt Zhou's son sitting on the sofa, holding a mobile phone and staring at the video screen with a silly smile.

Ke Jin stepped forward to take a look, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat.

This brat, the content of the video he was watching was a collection of famous scenes of Lao Shang playing Iwanna yesterday.

Given the popularity of Iwanna in Perak Station, and Perak Station has a majority of young users, it is not surprising that teenagers would see this video.

But here's the problem.

Ke Jin remembered that Lao Xiao read his name during the live broadcast...

And I still read it over and over again through gritted teeth.

Kejun is right there at the moment. If he could extract some keywords like 'Kejin' and 'game designer'...

Thinking of this, Kejin felt cold sweat streaming down his forehead, and hurriedly stepped forward and said to his distant cousin, "Do you like Ultraman? My brother has a complete set of Ultraman stickers in his room. I'll take you to take a look."

Kejun was immediately unhappy.

"Why do you always pick on your cousin? If he likes to watch videos, let him watch them."

As he said that, he leaned forward and said with a smile: "Xiao Cheng, what video are you watching? Let your uncle take a look too."

"I'm watching a game anchor. In the past two days, a very powerful game designer has designed a very interesting game. It's very interesting. Uncle, do you want to watch it together?" The little cousin gave up generously. Location.

"Game?" Kejun's expression was startled.

"What's wrong, uncle, don't you like watching games?"

"Oh, no, uncle also likes to watch games." Kejun said that he was a child who was kind to outsiders but strict with his own children. His expression was just stunned for a moment, and then he came forward with a smile.

Ke Jin looked at the scene in front of him, and his CPU was almost burning out.

When I was anxiously thinking about how to deal with it.


Aunt Zhou stepped forward and snatched away the little cousin's cell phone.He quickly stuffed it into his pocket, with a bit of anger on his expression: "When I was studying, I was addicted to these games and short videos every day. Are you still learning? You don't know how to help when you come to someone else's house!"

"Go quickly and go to the kitchen to help your aunt pick vegetables."

"Oh..." The little cousin was unhappy, pursed his lips and walked towards the kitchen.Since other people were disciplining their children, it was hard for Kejun to say anything.

Ke Jin wished he could give Aunt Zhou a kiss.

Aunt Zhou, you are my god!

Don’t you just love to brag?

What a big deal!Looking back on the past, who hasn’t had the glory days yet?
As a result, as soon as Aunt Zhou opened her mouth, the next sentence completely burned out the Kejin CPU.

"You too, kid, it's rest time again, just watch others playing games for a while." Kejun just spoke.

I heard Aunt Zhou say: "Old Ke, you don't know something. The game this child just watched was made by a younger brother of my mother's family."

"Ah?" Ke Jin was confused.

No, do I still have this identity?

"What are you doing? Go and pour tea for your Aunt Zhou!" Kejun glared at his son angrily.

Ke Jin eavesdropped while pouring tea, and then heard Aunt Zhou say.

"This game has become very popular recently. Even I, who don't know the Perak Perak website, have heard about it. I didn't know until my son told me about it. Isn't it the one from my mother's family... Oh, Lao Ke, you don't know me anyway. Then I called him..." Aunt Zhou started to get excited.

When Ke Jin saw her expression, he knew she was just bragging.

But the problem is, what she said was so true that I almost believed it.

Even her father was stunned by her: "How much money does the gaming industry make now?"

"No, my brother told me what kind of love he does. He loves Wang Na. He can make millions in one day!"

"Pfft!" Ke Jin almost spat out his saliva at the side.

Naturally, he was scolded by Ke Jun again.

Not long after, Ke's mother put the food on the table.

Ke Jin took the initiative to deliver meals to Ke Yu's room on the grounds that he would not disturb Ke Yu's study.

In the living room, the adults exchanged cups and cups, finally ending a rather pleasant lunch.

After the meal, Aunt Zhou left with her little cousin.

Kejun started to mutter.

"Damn it, I just heard from Xiao Zhou that she has a cousin who recently made a hot new game and can earn millions in one day. Tsk, tsk, tsk... This is more than what I earned after teaching for 10 years. There are so many. Is the game industry so profitable now?"

"Listen to her nonsense." Kemu wiped her hands and said indifferently: "She is a good-looking person. It's just that after she came into our house, she saw that we are living a good life now and we have a house in the city. She brought a My child still has to rent a house, and I feel unbalanced, so I just randomly picked up a topic to cover up my embarrassment."

"That's right." Ke Jin also nodded in agreement.

"He's her cousin. I can also say he's my cousin." Ke Mu said.

"It's just...ah, that's not right." Ke Jin shook his head hurriedly.

I can be anyone's cousin, but I can't be your cousin, mom.

Kejun shook his head stubbornly and said seriously and meticulously: "We have no evidence to prove that others are bragging. Maybe it is true? Don't deny other people's success casually."

Then, his eyes fell on his unsatisfactory son.

I feel even more irritated when I think that after my son graduated, he interviewed with a hundred companies but no one wanted him, and he still laughed at his old age at home every day.

"You brat, look at Aunt Zhou's cousin, who is about the same age as you. He is already standing alone on the Pili Internet, which is full of young people, and has made such a successful career!"

"Looking at you again, you are so playful and smiling. When will you be able to catch up to one percent of your Aunt Zhou's cousin? I feel comfortable."


He shook his head as if he hated iron.

But whether useful or not, he is still his son.

Kejun didn't want to scold her anymore. Just when he was about to go back to his room, he paused again and turned to look at his wife.

His expression also changed from scolding his son to submissive.

"Damn it, this weekend, what the hell... well, I made an appointment with a colleague to go fishing..."

Ke's mother said angrily and amusedly: "How big can we catch this time?"

"So big! It must be so big this time!" Kejun opened his hands and gestured with his tiger's mouth: "At least 20 kilograms!"


After a incident that was not considered a farce, Ke Jin was given some reminders.

The progress of establishing a game company needs to be mentioned as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if you make a game by yourself, even if you use a pseudonym, sooner or later the news will be exposed.

After all, every family has a well-informed young man.

"After the release of Goyasha, I will establish a game company after receiving the ultimate reward of the system! I will also borrow money to establish it first to pave the way for the future." Ke Jin thought to himself and made a calculation.

Three days passed like water.

Keyu's skills in art as a special admissions student in colleges and universities are really not good at all.

In just three days, she worked hard to help Kejin draft 12 sets of mall skins, as well as several nickname boxes, dialog boxes and other special effects.

Even completed the task beyond the standard!

The heavy workload left her with a pair of panda eyes, and she could hardly stand still when she stood up.

He staggered and hung on Kejin like a koala: "Brother... I'm about to die... Wuwuwu... If I die, you can take Xinlin to the concert... She also I like Brother Ni Baibai very much!"

"Okay, don't talk about Brother Ni Bai. I'll take Copernicus with her too." Kejin straightened his sister's body, took out a bank card from his pocket and stuffed it into her pocket.

"Is this Su Zai?" Keyu blinked doubtfully.

"There are fifteen thousand in the card. I earned it from playing games. Isn't your school starting soon? Girls have grown up, so don't save so much. When it's time to dress up, dress yourself up. If you don't have enough living expenses, just take care of me. Don't look for your parents, it's not easy for them to make some money." Ke Jin smiled, pinched Ke Yu's face gently, and said softly: "I've worked hard on you these past few days, Yu Bao."

Keyu's eyes, which had only hidden sleepiness, suddenly overflowed with large tears. His lightly biting lips even trembled into waves, and he threw himself directly into his brother's arms.


Listening to these childish and funny words, Ke Jin silently patted Ke Yu's back gently, comforted her for a while, and then coaxed her back to the room to sleep.

Put on the headphones, look serious, and start debugging the final work of "Goose and Duck Killing".

After a while of busy work, it was late in the morning and late at night.

After several trial runs, no bugs were detected, so Kejin contacted a staff member from the cloud.

Huang Chun has previously stated that as long as his game is ready, he can contact him at any time and it can be put on the shelves at any time.

Early in the morning is when there are the fewest people.

Kejin deliberately chose this time period to release the game in order to reduce the popularity as much as possible.

After unlocking the ultimate mission, it’s time to truly let yourself go!
After talking to the cloud staff, there was no problem with the connection.

"Confirm upload!" Ke Jin pressed the enter key hard.


at the same time.

WWgame platform.

Several staff members on the night shift were already drowsy.

Suddenly, they received a call from their latest partner, the cloud game platform.

Kejin’s new game is now on the shelves!

Suddenly, their spirits perked up, and they quickly returned to their workstations and put on their headphones.

His fingers flew quickly and started typing on the keyboard.

And the same moment.

In all channels of the WWgame platform, the banners on the homepage were replaced with a brand new game one after another at the speed of light.

In less than 2 minutes, all data is synchronized!
On WWgame's major channels and platforms, a sincere art cover is clearly displayed.

[New dark horse designer Mr. Ke Jin’s new game "Goose and Duck Killing" is here! WWgame joins hands with Cloud Game for a joint launch!Ignite your gaming dream this summer! 】

 Wait for another


  Thank you to the boss of 'Midnight Lights Bright' for the 2888 book coins reward!

  Thanks for the love, boss!

  Kudos to the big guy!

  bang bang bang! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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