Shadow Spy

Chapter 105 The Consul General’s sudden visit

Chapter 105 The Consul General’s sudden visit

After leaving Thain's office, Hamprey's values ​​collapsed. After hesitating for a long time, he went directly to the Consul General, Mr. Ayres, to report before lunch.

Ayers didn't expect that Pan Sen would be involved in the material acquisition!Originally, in his mind, Pan Sen was a newly recruited low-level diplomat, and he was working hard to protect him at the time. He did not expect that after the incident at the police station and the assassination incident, he could still be useful in terms of supplies—— The boss is so shameless that he wants to seize the channel!
Thane?The Commercial Counselor has been restless since he came to Shanghai three years ago. He always wants to climb up the ladder. He has always been in conflict with the Political Counselor Sheehan... Unexpectedly, now he has resorted to methods to his subordinates!
At the beginning, after discussing with Political Counselor Sheehan, Ayers placed the newly hired Pan Sen in the Commercial Office. The actual purpose was to ease the difficulty of his work and to test some people within the consulate. However, he did not expect that there were actually people in the consulate who wanted to target him. Pantheon!So, this made him a little bit unable to sit still.

After listening to what Hanprey said, Ayres said he understood, but he told her clearly: If you have anything in the future, you can report to him directly.Hanprey felt honored by this, but he also knew that in this way, his immediate superior, Thain, would have little power and little role! ——
After get off work, Ayers' secretary called Li Junhao and said that he was going to his new home for dinner in the evening!

Although he didn't understand what happened, Li Junhao certainly wouldn't refuse. Of course he responded with a welcome attitude and called back to the mansion in advance: I want extra dishes!

After get off work, a little later, Mr. Ayers' Lincoln bulletproof car, escorted by two guard jeeps, drove to the Junhao Mansion at No. 525 Yuyuan Road.

Li Junhao has dealt with Ayers a lot. Although he has not yet completely determined the special relationship between the two, he knows that the old man's character is that of an old naughty boy. When he saw him coming to the door, although he took the lead to greet him, he did not say any flattering words and Behavior.

After entering the living room and looking at the surrounding decorations, Ayres snorted coldly: "Little Ogg, you really disappoint me! Originally I heard that you bought a villa on Yuyuan Road and decorated it extensively. , I thought you were capable! I didn’t expect that after working on it for a long time, it was still so tacky, which really disappoints me!”

"No, old...Mr. Ayers, you finally came here to give me some guidance. You can't just criticize me, right?" Li Junhao said funnyly: "Give me some praise and support so that I can be valued by my colleagues!"

"You kid! Just be poor!" Ayres pointed at him and said, and then he really visited the house in the courtyard carefully. When he finally returned to the living room, he sat down and said, "The layout and structure of the house are very good. That’s right, now that you have moved in, boldly renovate and build it according to your own ideas, and make this place your own happy place. In the process, just remember one thing: be brave and brave, and don’t be afraid of ghosts!”

Li Junhao understood what he said, stood up and said respectfully: "Sir, don't worry, since I have decided to take root in Shanghai, I will definitely defend this place! If little Japan wants to cause trouble, I will give them a good look!" At this point , he added, "Sir, I need you to pay more attention to my previous plan and proposal for the concession. Once successful, I am sure to change the situation in the entire Far East..."

Ayers looked at him seriously, but mentioned another thing, saying: "Little Ogg, I can support your material plan this time, but if something goes wrong, you must take the initiative to take responsibility. Can you Do it?"

"Of course!" Li Junhao said immediately: "There is a famous Chinese saying: One person is responsible for the work, and I will not involve anyone else!" "Well, you will be fully responsible for this material procurement plan from now on, and Hanpuri will I will fully cooperate with you!" Ayres said, "Well, remember one thing, don't report to Thain in the future!"

Um?This is interesting!Li Junhao understood a lot of the content. Something happened to Thain to annoy the old man!Moreover, judging from the current situation, the matter is still related to myself!After a little thinking, I figured out that this was a situation that arose after Hanprey reported to Thain!In fact, it is easy to understand. Thain should have taken care of his own material channels. He was unhappy when the old man found out and decided to attack him!
"As for dealing with the Japanese..." Ayers added, "Of course I support your view, but I hope you will act according to your ability, not be impatient or aggressive, and only take action when you are sure..."

The old man is still very capable. Although he did not say anything substantial, he revealed his attitude. As for how to understand it, it depends on the person who listens to it! ——
For this dinner, Xiaoyu and Li Xiaoyu spent a lot of effort to prepare a feast of Shanghainese cuisine, as well as steak, macaroni, cream of mushroom soup and other Western-style meals due to the arrival of Ayers. The consul general was very satisfied with the meal.

Under this circumstance, Li Junhao lost no time in raising the issue of Li Xiaoyu's work.

After a simple test, Ayers nodded happily and agreed!As for the accent issue, the old man's answer is very classic: This is the authentic British accent, no need to change it, anyone who can't understand it means that he is uneducated!have to!The matter was solved unexpectedly, and even Li Xiaoyu himself felt it was strange!

After dinner, Ayers and Li Junhao went to the study on the third floor to drink tea and chat for an hour. As for what they talked about, outsiders did not know.

A little after ten o'clock in the evening, Ayers got up and left. Everyone got up and sent them out the door. They had done enough courtesy. Ayers was also very satisfied and waved goodbye to everyone with a smile.
As soon as Ayers' car left, Li Junhao went out directly. After going around two lanes, he released a car without anyone noticing and drove towards Hangzhou Road.According to his agreement with He Dongming, the other party would clear out a large warehouse before eleven o'clock, open the back door, and evacuate the guards; this time, he was not going to use anyone else, and was going to take a risk and unload the goods directly from the portable space to In this warehouse.

At 35:10, Li Junhao opened the back door with a key and entered the factory warehouse. He Dongming had evacuated all factory personnel as agreed.The unloading process took less than [-] minutes, and then he locked the warehouse door and waited for He Dongming's arrival.

At ten minutes past eleven, He Dongming arrived at the factory, followed by two sturdy bodyguards, each carrying a suitcase.After inspecting the goods, he was very satisfied. He Shaodong happily handed the two suitcases to Li Junhao and completed the transaction.So far, everyone is happy!

(End of this chapter)

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