Shadow Spy

Chapter 110 Intelligence Briefing in the Early Period

Chapter 110 Intelligence Briefing in the Early Period

Li Junhao originally planned to sell the "White Project", but then rejected the idea.The reason is simple. Selling intelligence through the intelligence market is very risky. The most critical point is that if the news reaches the U.S. Consulate General and the intelligence is even purchased, some people will doubt the source of the intelligence.

As of now, he is the only one who knows about this information. Consul General Ayers, Deputy Military Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Kelton, Commercial Counselor Thain, and First Secretary Hanprey all know this information. According to the division of work and authority, Military Attaché Hobbs Colonel and Political Counselor Sheehan should also know about it; in addition, there is also outside American businessman Willis who also knows about this.

Therefore, the information he wanted to sell was not actually the "White Plan", but another piece of information derived from this plan - the exact date of the German attack on Poland!Of course, if there were reliable channels and cover, he wouldn't mind selling another copy of "White Plan", would cost more!

In fact, at this time, many countries have concluded after comprehensive information that Germany will definitely attack other countries. Some countries even guessed that its target is Poland, the European powder keg, but little is known about the specific plan. , the "White Plan" is still very confidential.

At present, the United States and the Chinese underground party have obtained this information. No one knows whether other countries or forces have also obtained it or how long the plan can be kept secret. However, no one really knows the specific date of the war. !Li Junhao even believed that even the German army responsible for executing the White Plan did not know because a key condition necessary before the war had not yet been achieved - German-Soviet relations!
But this is no secret to Li Junhao. The system's feedback has given him the accurate answer - the start date of World War II in this world remains unchanged!
After sending He Dongming out of the house, Li Junhao began to think about specific ways to sell information. The ideal situation is of course that he can conduct transactions without showing up, but how to achieve this effect requires careful design.
On Friday, May 5, when he was at work, Li Junhao took Li Xiaoyu with him. After arriving at the Consulate General, he personally sent her to the office of Miss Hanprey, the first secretary of the Commercial Department. After introducing them to each other, they also chatted with her. For a while, after feeling that the two women had become quite familiar with each other, they stood up and left.

He believed in Hanpuri's character, and since he agreed, he would definitely be able to take good care of Li Xiaoyu; at the same time, he also believed in Li Xiaoyu's work ability, and he should be able to get into work soon. After all, she is a talented woman and has been trained by the organization.

After returning to his office, Li Junhao received an intelligence briefing from the confidential secretary of the Military Attaché in early May—his current status gave him the right to access domestic and foreign political and military intelligence.

The briefing content covers important international, domestic and Chinese news from May 5st to 1th;

On the 1st, the Chinese army failed to counterattack Nanchang. On May 5st, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the commanders-in-chief of the troops participating in the war in Nanchang to go to the front line to supervise the battle in person, and ordered that Nanchang should be captured before 1 days. Duan Langru, the commander of the 5th Division who lost his fighter plane, "rectified the Dharma in front of the army and showed clear warning."

On the 6th, Chen Anbao, the general and division commander of the No. 20 Ninth Army of the Kuomintang Army, was ordered to lead his troops to attack the enemy in Nanchang. Japanese reinforcements arrived and the fighting became more intense.At 5 o'clock in the afternoon, there was a hand-to-hand fight with the Japanese troops on the Longli Zhang side. Chen led several of his entourage officers and soldiers to rush to supervise the battle despite heavy artillery fire. Unfortunately, he was shot several times and died for his country.

On the 9th, the Guilin camp ordered a cessation of the attack on Nanchang. The Nanchang battle ended. All troops were ordered to return to their original posture and temporarily take a defensive position between the Ganjiang River and the Fuhe River and along the east bank of the Fuhe River.

On the 10th, Gu Zhutong reported to Chiang Kai-shek the main reasons for the defeat in the Battle of Nanchang: (1) Failure to surprise the enemy with a surprise attack;

(2) Limited to the terrain, there is no room for detours and breakthroughs, and difficult attacks cannot be avoided;

(3) There are too few artillery and engineers, and the infantry is poorly equipped and unable to attack difficult targets;
(4) The enemy aircraft is active and uses poison gas, causing excessive damage to our side;
(5) Each division was ordered to attack at limited points, with insufficient equipment and uncoordinated movements.
On the 3rd and 4th, the Japanese invaders bombed Chongqing and caused the "May [-], [-], [-]th tragedy"!
On the 4th, the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region of China designated May 5th as China Youth Day.

On the 5th, Chongqing's "Current News", "Ta Kung Pao", "Xinwen Daily", "Xinhua Daily", "National Daily", "Sweeping Daily", "Central Daily", "Business Daily", "Xinmin Daily", " Due to Japanese bombings, water, electricity, transportation and printing problems, the top ten newspapers of Southwest Daily were ordered by the Military Commission to suspend publication starting from May 5. For the time being, each newspaper will issue a joint edition and organize a joint committee to preside over the matter.

On the 6th, Wang Nijingwei electrified and surrendered to the enemy - Wang Nijingwei arrived in Shanghai from Vietnam on May 1939, 5, called Chiang Kai-shek in Chongqing, and publicly surrendered to Japan!He had a secret conversation with the Japanese representative Imai Takeo on the ship, expressing his intention to establish the Wang Puppet Government and planning to exchange views with the Japanese authorities, and became a traitor.

On the 8th, the South Korean Kuomintang, the Korean Revolutionary Party, and the Korean Independence Party, which had retreated from the coast of China to Qijiang County, jointly issued a declaration of dissolution of the three major political parties, founded the new Korean Independence Party, and reorganized the [-]th Korean Provisional Government.

On May 9, the Eighth Route Army severely damaged the Japanese army in the Wutai Mountain area. On May 5, the Japanese 9th Division and the Independent Mixed 109rd Brigade, each with a total of about 3 people, were dispatched from Wutai, Daying and other places in Shanxi. Lu carried out a "mopping up" operation in the northeastern area of ​​Mount Wutai in an attempt to jointly attack the Eighth Route Army's Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region and the main force of the Eighth Route Army in the area.The Shanxi-Chahar-Hebei Military Region used one force to suppress the Japanese troops invading eastward from Mount Wutai. They concentrated the main force of the 5000th Brigade of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army and quickly maneuvered to the area from Xiaguan to Shentangbao to wait for an opportunity to annihilate the first force.

On the 10th, the military expansion plan proposed by the US Department of Defense was once again rejected by Congress.On the same day, Congress passed the construction plan for three new highways and expanded the recruitment of road construction workers.
The Kuomintang lost another battle and the Eighth Route Army won. The "May [-], May [-]" bombing tragedy was another crime committed by the Japanese army. Chongqing was so short of supplies that even major newspapers had to publish joint editions. Wang Nijingwei was completely gone. On the road to treason, South Korea’s new government-in-exile was actually established in Chongqing!
After Li Junhao read the briefing, he was filled with emotion... Huh?Then he realized an important piece of information: Wang Ni arrived in Shanghai on the 5th!He immediately searched his memory and vaguely remembered something. It seemed that Wang Ni's residence in Shanghai was on Yuyuan Road!But I can't remember the specific address.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still. He immediately got up and called two bodyguards to drive away from the consulate general.

(End of this chapter)

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