Shadow Spy

Chapter 113 Wang Ni’s traces were discovered

Chapter 113 Wang Ni’s traces were discovered

Soon, Li Xiaoyu received a call back again. After decoding, it showed: Wait, we will contact you in four hours.

Four hours!It's [-] a.m., so we won't get the report until [-] p.m.!
Turning off the radio and going downstairs, Li Xiaoyu completely believed what Li Junhao said last night. The communication code would not lie, and it was impossible for the enemy to learn the deep secrets within the party. It was all true!
Seeing her solemn expression, Xiao Yu, who was making dumplings downstairs, said: "Sister Xiaoyu, don't think so much. Brother Jun said that war is unavoidable. What we have to do is to end it as soon as possible, do everything we can, and leave no regrets." That’s fine, it’s useless to think too much!”

Li Xiaoyu sat at the table and started to help make dumplings while saying: "Xiao Yu, there are some things you don't understand!"

Xiaoyu smiled and said happily: "Sister Xiaoyu, do you know? Brother Jun has expected what you said. Do you know what he said? He said... Xiaoyu, this girl, has no knowledge of politics at all. Molecule, she is always worrying about big things. To say she is stupid is a bit excessive, but to say she is smart is to lie... Hahaha! Although I don’t understand it very well, why do you think it makes sense now? "

Li Xiaoyu also smiled, as if he was really like this, taking himself too seriously as the protagonist!Just like what happened during this period, if it hadn't been for Mr. Pan Sen's rescue, I don't know what my current fate would have been!Who are you qualified to question now?The previous telegram has proven that everything is true. All he has to do now is wait for a call back in a few hours. Why do you think so much?
On the other side, Li Junhao and Nick got off the bus at the west entrance of Yuyuan Road and walked around taking pictures, not missing every lane.

By this time, he had a relatively good understanding of the house number setting rules on Yuyuan Road. What was the number of a single courtyard or a separate building facing the street? Lanes with alleys leading to more areas and more residences were called lanes. The house numbers showed XX Get the XX number.This rule gave him confidence that he could just take a photo of any number along the street for future files. He would need to go in and take a closer look at Lane XX...

He has decided to start establishing detailed household registration files for the concession, which will be very beneficial for future work.

Nick, who was following him, didn't know the meaning of this, but he was very conscientious as a bodyguard, always looking around vigilantly, with the pistol at his waist and the Thompson submachine gun hidden on the right side of his coat always ready.

At this time, the west end of Yuyuan Road was around Lane 1400. More than an hour later, at Lane 1136, as soon as the two entered, they saw dozens of eyes staring at them, and the further they went in, the more people were on guard!Nick sensed something was wrong, and put his right hand on Thomson who was in his coat. His eyes widened and he became fully vigilant.

But Li Junhao walked forward indifferently, the camera in his hand was still taking pictures, as if he didn't feel anything strange at all...

When the two of them passed by the Prince's Mansion at No. 1136, Lane 31, they saw at least ten plainclothes men with guns on guard inside and outside the courtyard. However, they did not stop at all. They looked around and walked over without even taking a photo!
In fact, it wasn't that Li Junhao didn't want to take the photo, but that he knew he had found the real owner. With his sensitive senses, he already knew from the whispers of the surrounding security personnel that this was the "Wang Mansion".

After leaving Alley 1136, he took Nick and continued eastward. When he encountered the solitary number, he took photos and recorded them. When he encountered the alley, he walked in and secretly paid attention to it. There were indeed tails on his body, and at least four people were quietly following them. !He didn't look back and continued to do his own thing. He walked for nearly twenty miles before the pursuer stopped and went back. Needless to say, he must be Wang Ni's man.

However, he did not leave immediately, but continued to wander... He did this just out of caution, but he did not expect to avoid being exposed just right - it was apparent that four people were following him just now, but in fact there was an expert. Later, he didn't notice it at all.After continuing to take pictures like this, after passing ten more lanes, the man finally gave up. After returning, several people reported that he was just a foreigner who liked bungalows to take pictures.
A little before noon, the two groups met in front of No. 714 Yuyuan Road. After taking two photos of the courtyard through the fence gate, the four of them got in the car and went home together.

At this time, Li Junhao suddenly remembered that there was a nameplate beside the gate of No. 714 just now, and the words on it were "You Cunlu"!He knew the origin of this house. It was built by Kang Youwei on 64 acres of land he purchased when he was 1921 years old (10) and named "Youcunlu". He lived here for two years.

However, when he remembered that this person's house belonged to him, his heart became lighter. An old man from the Qing Dynasty had made great achievements in knowledge and education, but his political opinions were full of mistakes. He was a group of people abandoned by the times. There is no need to pay attention to it anymore.
After eating a delicious dumpling at home, Li Junhao drove to the Consulate General with two bodyguards. He first sent nearly twenty films that he had taken to the confidential room of the Military Attaché. There is a special photo lab here to develop photos. The person on duty patted his chest and said that he would have all the photos developed in the afternoon.

After letting Jackie and Nick go to rest, he returned to the office and began to check the Yuyuan Road household information that Miliya transferred from the police station yesterday. He found No. 1136, Lane 31: the head of the household, Wang Boqun, left Shanghai after the 8.13 incident.

Then, he went to the archives to check Wang Boqun's information. As expected, he was also a famous figure in the Republic of China, especially famous for his education.

Wang Boqun, whose given name is Yintai and whose real name is Qingxuelu, is from Xingyi, GZ Province. He is the brother-in-law of He Yingqin and a veteran of the Chinese Tongmenghui. He once followed Mr. Sun Yat-sen and served as a counselor in the Presidential Palace and the Minister of Transportation of the military government;
Founded Daxia University in Shanghai in 1924 (a comprehensive private university initiated by more than [-] teachers and students who broke away from Xiamen University due to the student movement);

In 1928, he served as Minister of Transportation and concurrently as President of Jiaotong University (Xi'an, Huhai, Peking, Southwest, and Hsinchu);

In 1929, he concurrently served as the first principal of Wusong Merchant Marine College.

In 1931, he resigned as Minister of Transport.

After the Sino-Japanese war broke out, Wang Boqun led Daxia University to move inland to Guizhou.

The file also records that the current garden house at No. 1136, Lane 31, was a newlywed residence built by Wang Boqun at a huge cost to remarry a girl from the school (Bao Zhining) when he was concurrently the president of Daxia University. At that time, there was a fuss over this incident. There was an uproar - the public doubted: How could a Minister of Transportation spend such a huge amount of money, so he must be corrupt!

In fact, this is really an injustice to Wang Boqun. He came from a distinguished family and had a prominent fortune. He graduated from Chuo University in Japan with a master's degree in political economics. He is proficient in business management and is good at investments in banks, companies, media, calligraphy and painting. Since 1923, he has successively initiated the establishment of Shanghai Hailingnan Bank has invested in Shanghai Bank, Zhejiang Industrial Bank, Guangdong Bank, Shanghai Tram Company, Xiangxin Flour Mill, etc., and invested in media such as "Current News" and "Jing Bao". Its earning power is not fake!
(End of this chapter)

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