Shadow Spy

Chapter 116 Actions to control the concession

Chapter 116 Actions to control the concession

On Sunday, Li Junhao received a notice from the Consulate General asking him to attend a meeting.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Li Junhao came to the conference room on the third floor of the consulate and found that the attendees were all heads of departments, and he was the one sitting at the lowest level.

Consul General Ayers personally announced the theme of the meeting. On Monday morning, he went to the Ministry of Industry Bureau with relevant personnel from the British Consulate General to re-elect the board of directors, with the goal of achieving absolute control of the public concessions by the United States and Britain.

In order to avoid unexpected situations, the US and British troops stationed in Shanghai will be dispatched to control key points in the concession, and the merchant corps from all over the world will provide assistance.Because in previous secret discussions, the Italian side stated that it would not participate in the matter, it was excluded from the operation.

In this mission arrangement of the Military Attaché, Naval Attaché Colonel Grado Hobbs accompanied the Consul General to attend the board of directors, Deputy Army Attaché Lieutenant Colonel Rick Kelton went to the International Business Group to guide operations, and Li Junhao, as the Assistant Attaché, led a platoon. The navy and navy team members went to the police station to take charge.

Before, Li Junhao thought that this matter would go on forever, but he did not expect that the result would be like this. This shows that the US and British Consulates are no longer willing to tolerate the current situation of the concession, and now they are directly taking strong measures.That's fine, it's already mid-May, time is getting tighter and tighter, so we have to hurry up.

In today's Shanghai, the outer areas and the Chinese boundary of the urban area are occupied by the Japanese Army. The northern and eastern areas of the original public concession are occupied by the Japanese Marine Corps and are classified as the so-called Japanese Concession; the French Concession is a public concession directly led by the French Consulate General. The remaining central and western areas of the public concession were managed by the Concession Bureau of Industry and Commerce; the original bureau of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce was a relatively purely autonomous organization and was not under the leadership of the British and American Consulates General, and even the Japanese Consulate General. The influence is mixed in the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau, and this situation is very unfavorable to the United States and Britain.

Li Junhao felt that it was his own instigation that made Ayers make up his mind, and he felt a little happy about changing the course of history!
On Monday, May 5th, Li Junhao went to work wearing a military uniform. Both Xiao Yu and Xiao Yu's eyes lit up because he looked really handsome in military uniform.

At [-]:[-], the U.S. Consulate General's convoy set off, and everyone went to their destinations.

Li Junhao did not take his own car, but sat in a jeep military vehicle specially sent to escort him.

Two jeeps and a truck drove into the police station carrying Li Junhao, two bodyguards and 32 marines, frightening the patrol officers.

Immediately afterwards, a group of British troops with the same configuration also drove in. A British captain got out of the lead car. After seeing him, he immediately saluted and said: "Hello, Major Panson, I am Company E of the [-]rd Battalion." Lord Willis Burton has been ordered to cooperate with you in carrying out your mission."

Li Junhao immediately responded: "Hello, Captain Burton, I am Ognyan LI Panson, Assistant Naval Attaché of the U.S. Consulate General. Thank you for your cooperation."

The two of them were both tall and brown-haired, and they looked very harmonious standing together. After realizing this, they looked at each other and smiled.

Next, the two led a group of soldiers into the north building, guarded two elevators and two stairs, and then took control of the sixth, seventh and eighth floors where the police management was located. Li Junhao and Burton led ten soldiers to the Arrived at the eighth floor.At this time, several chiefs and deputy chiefs of the police department already knew about the arrival of the American and British troops. They were surprised and a little panicked. They didn't know what was happening!Then they heard a knock on the door, and American and British soldiers told them to go to the small conference room for a meeting.

When they entered the conference room, they found two officers sitting at the end of the long table, a U.S. Navy major and a British army captain.

"Please take a seat, gentlemen." Li Junhao waved his hand.

The chief and deputy directors looked at each other in confusion and could only step forward and sit at the long table.Later, the supervisors of various departments of the police force came in and sat at the table.

Ten minutes later, seeing everyone had arrived, Li Junhao's bodyguard Jie Qi stepped forward to report.

"Gentlemen, I am Ognyan L.I. Panson, Assistant Attaché of the U.S. Consulate General, and this is Captain Willis Burton of the British Army stationed in Shanghai." Li Junhao introduced the two of them first, and then took out a He raised a copy of the order jointly signed by the consulates general of the United States and the United Kingdom and said: "Now, we formally inform you that, by order of the consulates general of the United States and the United Kingdom, a special meeting of the Ministry of Industry and Commerce Bureau will be held this morning to reorganize the board of directors. , the two governments will take back the administrative power over the Shanghai Concession... As the primary means of managing the concession, the police department must also be sorted out. Gentlemen, do you understand?"

After hearing this, all the senior police officers were a little stupid, but after reacting, most of them regained their composure. For the Western police officers mainly from the United Kingdom and the United States, it is certainly not appropriate for the U.S. and British consulates to be the top leaders. There will be problems.

At this time, the Japanese deputy director Akagi Yoshiyuki, whose face was swollen by Li Junhao, was suspended. There were only two senior Japanese police officers present, Assistant Director Suzuki Asaburo and Special Division Chief of the Arrest Unit Yoshiki Kawamoto, both of whom had expressions on their faces. Big changes, but looking at the current situation, I don't dare to resist at all.

After waiting for a moment, seeing that everyone accepted the information, Li Junhao added: "In order to effectively manage the police power in the concession, the former Police Commissioner Mr. Lipple Tres was appointed as the Acting Director and the former Deputy Commissioner Berry ·Mr. Weber will serve as the acting inspector general for a period of three months. He will be formally appointed or adjusted based on his performance."

Tres and Weber immediately stood up and took the order.For the former, this matter is a bit depressing, but it is still acceptable. After all, he is still the number one position; for the latter, it is an unexpected surprise. He is the inspector general of the entire police force and the proper second number. , and can even restrict the director in some aspects.

Of course, Weber had already recognized Li Junhao at this time. This young diplomat who once caused trouble in the police department was promoted to assistant military attache so quickly. It was so fast!He was thinking, should he express his sincerity and hug this thigh?

Li Junhao motioned to the two police leaders to sit down and continued: "According to the relevant agreement reached by the Consulate General of the United States and the United Kingdom and the Consulate General of Japan, from now on, all Japanese patrol officers will withdraw from the Concession Police Department..." As he spoke, he looked at his watch, "It is now 10:25. All Japanese arrestees must leave the concession area before 11:[-]. Director Tres and Inspector Webb, please take charge of this work personally. Oh. , By the way, the appointment of other police officers at all levels will be nominated by the two of you, and the evaluation period is also three months."

Originally, Tres and Weber were a little worried, but after getting the right to employ people, they immediately became excited!

(End of this chapter)

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