Shadow Spy

Chapter 119 Returning after the transaction is completed

Chapter 119 Returning after the transaction is completed

On Sunday morning, Li Junhao continued to inspect the warehouse. The military commanders who were already familiar with the process were a little slack today. After being seduced by Jackie, they went to find a place to smoke Camel cigarettes together. Nick guarded the warehouse door...

More than two hours later, Li Junhao came out of the warehouse area and greeted everyone in the military command to go have lunch. Seeing that the time had reached 11:30, the military commander guards hurriedly checked and confirmed that the warehouse was full of goods. They immediately locked the door and waited. Went to drink and dine with the guests.However, they all felt that Americans were really bad at drinking, and they got drunk after only half a pound of Yuzhou Daqu!But in this case, we can only arrange a car to take people back to the hotel!

At six o'clock in the evening, Mao Renfeng, secretary of the Military Command Office A, arrived from Chongqing on another American gunboat, the USS Liz, and then went straight to the warehouse area.The guards did not dare to stop this important military commander and opened the warehouse for inspection. However, something shocked everyone happened - the thousands of tons of supplies previously prepared by the military commander were gone and replaced by cotton yarn, cotton cloth, and mechanical and electrical products. , paper ink, stationery, daily necessities, etc.!The early military commanders were surprised, but Mao Renfeng had seen the world and immediately ordered a count...

At around three o'clock in the morning, the final data was summarized in Secretary Mao's hands, paired with the barter transaction draft he brought. Not only was the goods not less, but there was also an increase of 5.00%!
After checking several times in succession, Mao Renfeng suppressed her fear and made a long-distance call to Chongqing to report to Boss Dai: The transaction was completed and the other party paid 5.00% more!But the other party’s method of transporting the goods is unknown.After waiting for nearly an hour, he received a call back: Complete the handover, respect Pan Sen, and don't make any extraneous moves!
Seeing the call back, even though Mao Renfeng had a lot of questions, she couldn't say any more. Instead, she had to strictly order the staff of the Seventh Branch and Changsha Station: not to leak any warehouse transaction content! ——
On Monday, May 5, Li Junhao boarded another American gunboat "Courson" at the Changsha Pier on its way back to Shanghai. .

On Tuesday night, or around four o'clock in the morning on Wednesday, Li Junhao disembarked from the ship at Wusong Pier, got into the Buick car driven by Xiaohu that came to pick him up, and returned to his residence.

This trip lasted seven days and seven nights, and most of the time was spent on a gunboat. Although I enjoyed the treatment of a captain, as a non-navy person, it still felt extremely hard. I had to have a good rest after returning home. .

When they got home, Xiaoyu and Xiaoyu both got up early, prepared egg noodles for everyone, ate in a hurry, washed up, and went back to rest.Today, Li Junhao is not going to go to work, but Li Xiaoyu still has to go. Now Xiaohu is very proficient in driving, and he has been responsible for picking up and dropping off in the past few days.
After sleeping until about one o'clock in the afternoon, Li Junhao became energetic again.

At this time, the two bodyguards were still sleeping next to the concierge. Xiaoyu and Xiaohu were in the living room. When they saw him coming downstairs, Xiaoyu immediately made tea and went to cook for him. Xiaohu ran back to the room and took out a briefcase for him. He, inside was a week's briefing compiled by his secretary Miliya. Knowing that he was coming back today, he asked Xiaohu to bring it.

After feeling the happiness of returning home, he began to check the situation briefing. These days, there are two most important things in the world:

First, the Nomenkan Incident broke out on May 5. The Japanese and Soviet armies fought fiercely in the Nomenkan area near the Halakhin River in the border area between Northeast China and Mongolia. The battle is still in a stalemate;

Second, on May 5, the fascist governments of Germany and Italy signed a strategic alliance agreement - Germany and Italy signed a 22-year "Steel Agreement", forming an "invincible group of 10 million people." .This agreement openly declares the goal of transforming Europe, unites the two countries politically, economically, and militarily, and is committed to the development of both countries and the "just peace" of the world.At the grand signing ceremony, prominent figures in Germany and Italy, including the German head of state Mustache, agreed that Germany would rule the land and Italy would control the sea during wartime.

After the contents of the agreement were disclosed, Western countries believed that war was imminent.For this reason, the British Parliament was shocked and immediately convened a special meeting to discuss the consequences of this agreement; the United States also attached great importance to this and immediately notified the news to its embassies and consulates in various countries.There was also a note from Miliya in the intelligence report: The Consulate General requires all official diplomats to analyze and predict these two matters.
Li Junhao was familiar with the Nomenkan Incident. Since the Zhang Gufeng Incident in 1938, Japanese and Soviet troops had often clashed in the border area between Northeast China and Mongolia.

On May 1939, 5, the Kwantung Army ordered the "Manchuria Army" to attack the Mongolian People's Republic garrison near Nomenkan, provoking the Nomenkan Incident.

Large-scale fighting lasted from July to the end of August, and the Japanese army suffered heavy losses, with more than 1.7 casualties and almost the entire 23rd Division wiped out.

In September, the European War broke out, and Japan and the Soviet Union ceased war.In this battle, the Japanese army's ambition to advance northward was severely frustrated.

Um!The analysis report is written according to this context, and it can’t be wrong!

World War II is getting closer! ——
In addition, during this week, two major events occurred in Shanghai and Shanghai:

First, on the day Li Junhao left Shanghai, fourteen warehouses controlled by the Japanese and puppets were stolen in the Japanese Concession and the cross-border road construction area in western Shanghai. A large amount of materials and goods were lost, said to be worth millions of yuan.

Second, at 19 pm on the 20th, Wang Ni’s convoy returning from a banquet was attacked on the north bank of the Suzhou River in the North District of the Concession. At least [-] armed men violently attacked using pistols, rifles, submachine guns, grenades and other weapons. Nearly [-] members of Wang Ni's escort were killed and injured, and five people from the Japanese Marine Special Marine Patrol that came after hearing the news were also killed... In the end, the attackers were forced to retreat, leaving nine corpses behind!

The former was of course done by Li Junhao. He deliberately took action in the early morning before departure, and then boarded the ship and left Shanghai. Although it was just for convenience, he objectively got rid of his own suspicion. After all, no one believed that he could make it in the sea. Transport so much supplies in a short period of time!

The second thing must have been done by the military commander, but it was a pity that it was not successful!
(End of this chapter)

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