Shadow Spy

Chapter 127 Busy life on weekends

Chapter 127 Busy life on weekends

On Saturday morning, Li Junhao began to arrange the material handover as planned.

First, he called the consulate. First, he asked the Commercial Office to notify the contacted American freighter to dock at Wusong Wharf before tonight. Second, he applied for a squadron of Marines to be executed at Wusong Wharf after eight o'clock tonight. Guard mission.

Then, he sent Xiaohu and Yuri to drive to the dock and asked the team stationed in the warehouse to take turns to rest during the day and prepare to perform tasks at night. In addition, he notified Manager Tian of the force gang that 150 workers would be on standby in the afternoon and wait. notify.

And the most critical part was that he asked Willis to prepare another freighter for him, arrive at Shiliupu Pier at [-] pm, and use it for one night.

After arranging things, Li Junhao felt at ease. He walked downstairs with a copy of "Shuowen Jiezi", drank tea and read in the living room, and played mahjong with Xiaoyu, Xiaoyu, Jieqi and Nick.The whole living room was filled with laughter and he liked this atmosphere very much.

During lunch, Li Junhao saw Li Xiaoyu looking worried and took it to heart.After the meal, he took the opportunity to stop her and asked her why.

Li Xiaoyu hesitated before telling the reason: she knew that Li Junhao rescued a Chongqing person who was caught by the patrol room, and she had an idea in her mind, that is, could she rescue an underground party member who was also caught by the patrol room and was waiting to be transferred?

Li Junhao wanted to agree immediately, but he raised two concerns: First, there are 12 people waiting to be transferred. Which of them are underground party members?The second is the current state of these people. To put it bluntly, are they rebelling or not?

Li Xiaoyu can't answer these two questions now!

"Go upstairs and send a report and ask your superiors." Li Junhao said, "Don't worry, as long as they are true underground party members, I promise you that I will do my best to rescue them."

"Thank you, Brother Jun!" Li Xiaoyu was so excited that she called him brother along with Xiaoyu!

After more than an hour, Li Xiaoyu came down from the attic, holding a list with seven names on it, one of which was marked.She explained that these seven people were all arrested underground party members. After confirmation, the marked person had rebelled, and the other six were all loyal fighters!Yan'an hopes that these people can be rescued if possible; it also said that under the current circumstances, it is difficult for Yan'an to pay material thanks, but Mr. Pan Sen can make his own requests and Yan'an will try its best to meet them. .

"NO! No need to thank you!" Li Junhao said, "I will try my best to rescue them. This is my respect for you. By the way, what about the traitor?"

"Because of this traitor's betrayal, we have exposed as many as five people. Three of these six people were betrayed by him, and the other two have died!" Li Xiaoyu said, "We hope to execute him!"

"Understood." Li Junhao nodded, "But after the other six are released from prison, you'd better arrange for them to leave Shanghai immediately, because their identities have been exposed and it is too dangerous to stay!"

"Brother Jun, don't worry, we will make arrangements for this." Xiaoyu said naturally, already familiar with the call.

Li Junhao thought for a while and said: "In this case, you can ask for instructions again. It is best to arrange the evacuation route in these two days. I can rescue people at any time."

"Ah? So fast!" Li Xiaoyu was surprised, "Okay, I'll go right away..."

Li Junhao was actually a little worried about whether Weber and Fast could keep their promise and safely keep these 12 people, so he planned to act as soon as possible.Thinking of this, he thought a little more: there are seven underground members, what are the identities of the remaining five?So he called the police again and asked Weber to send over the detailed information of 12 people waiting to be transferred.This time, Li Xiaoyu came down quickly and said that it would take time for the headquarters to arrange evacuation channels. There was no way to determine the specific time period yet, so he tentatively agreed to call back at noon the next day.

have to!It's stuck here!Li Xiaoyu was embarrassed about this.

Li Junhao thought this was a normal thing. Under the current situation in Shanghai, arranging the safe evacuation of six people at a time was not an easy task.
At three o'clock in the afternoon, Assistant Director Fast personally drove to the Junhao Mansion and delivered the files of 12 people.

Li Junhao briefly looked through it, pointed at the photo of one of them and made a finger gesture, and then said: "Except for this person, please protect the others and don't let anyone hurt them."

"Don't worry! Mr. Panson, I will definitely do it!" Fast said, patting his chest.
A little after five o'clock, we had early dinner in the mansion.

At 05:30, Li Junhao drove to Shiliupu Pier with a group of bodyguards.

At [-]:[-], Li Junhao and Lei Lei stood on the breakwater of the pier and smoked. The latter was obviously not used to the smell of cigars. He coughed while smoking, but he was reluctant to put it down because he heard that this one cost two dollars. Of course Can't waste it.

"By the way, why haven't you seen Xiaofeng for so long?" Li Junhao asked with some doubts.

"What, it's not enough to have Xiaoyu, you still miss Xiaofeng?" Lei Leijun glanced at him sideways, but he said something like a tiger or a wolf!

"Don't talk nonsense! I regard Xiaoyu as my sister." Li Junhao warned him sternly.

"Tch!" Lei Leijun said disdainfully, "Mr. Li, you have no chance. Xiaofeng has calmed down now and is busy taking care of Zhuzi!"

"Lei Shizhu?" Li Junhao said in surprise, "Are they getting along?"

"Yeah! They will get married after Zhu Zhu's injuries are completely healed." Lei Leijun said with a smile. Although he admired this foreign devil man very much, he still felt that it was right for the girl to marry a Chinese.

"Eh? That's wrong!" Li Junhao said deliberately, "Didn't you say that people with the same surname cannot get married?"

"You are talking about the kind of close relatives with the same surname. Our family and Zhuzhu's family have been on the fifth server for a long time. It's okay!" Lei Leijun said.

At this time, a Dutch cargo ship began to slowly dock. Li Junhao watched the ship stop and said: "Master, let everyone go out. After I get on the ship, no one is allowed to come within 100 meters." ."

"Don't worry! It has been arranged long ago." Lei Leijun assured.
When Li Junhao stepped forward, the crew members on the Dutch freighter "Flying Man" were disembarking. Finally, after the captain said hello to him, he also stepped off the freighter - he had been notified by the company before that he would use two boats at Shiliupu Pier. The crew will load the cargo in an hour, and the crew will go ashore to eat. After two hours, they will come back and sail to Wusong Wharf a few kilometers upstream to unload the cargo.For this, the company will receive a commission of $2000, like a joke.

(End of this chapter)

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