Shadow Spy

Chapter 134 Determined to rectify the police force

Chapter 134 Determined to rectify the police force

The Police Building, where the police station is located, was built in 1935. It faces south and faces north. It is composed of four ten-story buildings in a zigzag shape with a courtyard in the middle. It covers an area of ​​2743 square meters and a construction area of ​​13448 square meters.

The facade of the building has a vertical composition and is in the neoclassical style. The main entrance is a cross-street door opening, which can allow vehicles to drive into the inner courtyard. There are also two arched door openings on both sides.

The outer walls of the building are decorated with light brown veneer bricks, stone is used in the arch openings and footrests, and the walls facing the inner courtyard are built with clear red bricks; the indoor office floors, doors and windows are all made of Liuan wood, and most of the stairs and corridors are paved with polished Shizi, there are 5 elevators built into the building.

The north building faces Fuzhou Road. The ground floor to the eighth floor are the offices of various police departments, the ninth floor is the club and recreation room, and the tenth floor is the radio and telephone switchboard room.The ground floor to the second floor of the south building are detention rooms and offices, the third floor is for dormitories and restaurants, the fourth to eighth floors are for dependent Western police officers, and the ninth and tenth floors are dormitories for senior police officers. The east building is for the central arrest room, and the west building is for The building is the Yinqiao and Huaqiao dormitories.
Li Junhao is very dissatisfied with the current situation of the police force, mainly in three aspects. First, he believes that the settings of various departments are not reasonable enough and do not conform to the modern police system and need to be adjusted; especially those that arrest anti-Japanese people, The Special Department (Political Department) whose main work is done by red elements must be banned.

Second, at present, all the middle and high-level officials in various departments and arrest bureaus are Western arrests. The Chinese arresters, who have the largest number of people, have the lowest status, even lower than the Indian arrests, and they are basically engaged in the most basic foot patrol (street patrol). There were very few plainclothes (detectives), and there were only a few who could be detectives, which made him unhappy.

Third, except for a small number of middle and senior police officers from the Western Police Department who received formal professional training in the United Kingdom, the United States and other countries before arriving in Shanghai, most police officers only received short-term training after joining the police force, and their overall quality is not high.If time were not tight, he would really like to train all the patrol officers in rotation.

In addition, he also decided to recruit more patrol officers after the initial reorganization of the police department, and he had already targeted a special group in Shanghai, those national soldiers who were injured during the August 7000th Anti-Japanese War. Veterans!Statistics were made in later generations. There were at least [-] such veterans in the concession at this time. If he could recruit half of them, he could form three combat groups.

There is another special place, the "Lonely Army Camp" on Jiaozhou Road in West Shanghai, where a group of anti-Japanese war heroes - eight hundred warriors - were imprisoned!He really wants to release them immediately, but he can't do it now. One is that his authority is not so wide now, and the other is that the current Japan-UK and Japan-US relations do not allow it!

In fact, the world war has not officially started yet, and the British and American governments cannot directly break away from Japan, especially because the current concession cannot withstand the armed attack of the Japanese army.

The most important thing now is to control the armed forces in the concession within three months. In addition to the police department, there are 1700 British troops stationed in Shanghai, 1300 US troops (Fourth Marine Regiment), 700 Italian troops, and There are 1500 merchants from all over the world, but a few months later, when the European War begins, the British army will be ordered to withdraw. The Italian army is an allied force of Germany and Japan, and is not reliable at all. It even needs to be on guard!
With the support of the Consulate General, the U.S. military has no problem. What he can win over is the Merchant Group of All Nations. The person currently commanding these 1500 mercenary militiamen is retired U.S. Army Colonel Art Schneider, which is an advantage.However, as a rule, the Merchant Group of All Nations has been controlled by the British for a long time. If he wants to intervene, he must get strong support from the US Consulate General.

As soon as I thought of this, a call came in. It was Sheehan, the political counselor of the consulate. As the newly appointed deputy director, he called to inquire about the situation as soon as he learned of the changes that had occurred in the police department.

After Li Junhao briefly explained the situation to him, he clearly told him that he had done this on purpose and that the police force must be completely controlled by the United States. Mr. Ayers fully supported this; as for the British If you are dissatisfied, ignore it. Britain is seeking help from the United States now, not when it was the boss before.

After hearing this, Sheen understood and asked him to just go ahead and do it.
During lunch, Li Junhao took Yuri and others to the restaurant on the third floor of the south building to have dinner and check the food of the patrol officers, but when they arrived at the restaurant, he was angry!
The restaurant occupies half a floor, which is quite large and can accommodate hundreds of people dining at the same time. However, it is set up into different dining windows and dining areas for high-rise, Xiqiao, Yinqiao, Huaqiao, etc. There is even a just-in-time restaurant. The special window for daily fishing has been revoked. The food conditions and dining environment are very different!This kind of hierarchy made him uncomfortable.When he went to get a meal from Hua Qiao, he was really angry - what the hell is this?Brown rice, stir-fried water spinach, spinach soup, no eggs, no meat, and very little oil!This configuration is not even as good as the coffee rice and red cabbage soup in Yinqiao, where other people’s meals contain meat and eggs; not to mention the Western food like steak, pasta, salad and other Western food in Xiqiao!
He asked, lunch is free, but the difference is too big!

Although he was angry, he did not get angry directly. Instead, he said to Brown, who had just arrived at the restaurant: "Have you thought about it clearly? Do you want to stay at the police station?"

"Yes, boss, I want to stay here." Brown affirmed. He felt that there were greater opportunities here.

"Director's Office, General Affairs Office, which one do you want to go to?" Li Junhao asked.

Brown said: "Boss, I still want to stay with you."

"Well, let's go to the director's office!" Li Junhao nodded, "The current people can't be used. You can find a few people by yourself. If you are not sure about the people in the police department, look for them from the consulate. This department must Use your own people.”

"I understand," Brown responded.

After Li Junhao thought for a while, he said: "In addition to improving the structure of the new director's office as soon as possible, you will have to deal with one more thing for me in the near future, and that is the problem of the restaurant. Remember, I don't like unequal treatment among patrol officers. And the first thing is to start with the restaurant!”

"Don't worry, boss, I will solve this problem as soon as possible." Brown said immediately. He had heard about the boss's dissatisfaction with the restaurant's settings before, and now the boss had directly raised it. Of course, he had to hurry up and do it.

Brown, his own man, is in charge of the director's office, and Li Xiaoyu and others can also hang out in the director's office. Of course, they are still directly responsible to Li Junhao personally, and they can also get a legal salary, which is really appropriate.

 Thank you readers for correcting the error!
(End of this chapter)

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