Shadow Spy

Chapter 137 Vigorous implementation of new regulations

Chapter 137 Vigorous implementation of new regulations

As soon as he got to work on June 6, Li Junhao handed Brown the Chinese and English versions of the "Police Order" and asked him to arrange for it to be printed and distributed to every department and every official patrol officer. After 2 days, he would conduct an assessment and learn new rules. Patrol officers who fail the doctrine will be suspended pending the exam and given ten days to review for the make-up exam. If they fail to pass the make-up exam, they will be directly demoted or even fired!
After receiving this order, Brown was a little embarrassed. He now understood the situation of the police department and knew that many of the grassroots patrol officers were simply illiterate. How could he write down this new order that seemed to be more than 20 words in 1000 days? ah?
But Li Junhao did not compromise at all. He knew that in later generations, there were more than a dozen types of military doctrines with tens of thousands of words, and many soldiers could recite the entire text!Moreover, he does not require the patrol officers to recite it now, but only requires them to remember part of the content that is relevant to them, and only requires a passing score of [-]%. If they cannot do it, it means that they have no future, and it is better to leave as soon as possible.

Of course, there will definitely be people who use illiteracy as an excuse, but he believes that teamwork is necessary whether you are a soldier or a policeman. If someone is illiterate and can't find a colleague to help read to him, then he can only This shows that his popularity is low to a certain extent, and he is probably not suitable to stay in the police force.

After hearing what the boss said, Brown understood that this was actually a test of the patrol officers' attitude towards this matter and their ability to deal with people, so he said no more and went out to do things.

In the office, Li Xiaoyu was also asking: "Brother Jun, is this too harsh?"

Li Junhao shook his head and said: "Xiaoyu, this is not a question of literacy. I don't expect many patrol officers to pass the test at once, but I hope to see their attitude!"

Li Xiaoyu thought for a moment before she understood, and therefore she felt the gap between herself and Brother Jun. But then she remembered another thing and said: "Brother Jun, I want to send the original text of the report you asked me to translate to Yan'an, do you agree?"

"Agreed." Li Junhao smiled. He had already allowed her to send the report at home, but he was very pleased that she could now ask for his opinions in advance. However, the report was too long, and a 7000-word manuscript would take more time. How long, he didn't know!Although no one would dare to provoke him in the Yuyuan Road Mansion, but if he continued to send messages for several hours, it would be too eye-catching!Therefore, he pointed to a small door next to him and said: "This is a rest room. You can send reports in it. The time should not be too long..."
Li Junhao's motivation for vigorously implementing the new police regulations is not only to control the police department and improve the overall quality of patrols, but also for another reason: he wants to use this matter to identify who will be resentful because of it!From a psychological point of view, if there is resistance in his heart, he will obviously show a stronger rebellious psychology than others to this obviously unreasonable order. He can use the detection function of smart glasses to distinguish.

In the past few days since he took charge of the police station, he has discovered dozens of yellow enemies while walking up and down. They are basically all middle-level British police officers, as well as two police officers with certain positions. He had already written it down in his notebook.If these people did anything wrong, he wouldn't mind cleaning them again.

At this point, he had to lament that the detection function of smart glasses is very powerful, but also has great limitations. Not to mention the distance of only 20 meters. If the other party is not hostile or wants to harm him, ordinary people will just display Different shades of gray light spots made it difficult for him to distinguish potential uncooperatives, so he could only use other methods to make up for this flaw.

Because the new police regulations are actually based on the Hong Kong Island police system in the 21st century, changes must be made in department settings, police uniforms and police ranks. Li Junhao wants to complete these three tasks within 20 days.

In addition, quality training for patrol officers must also be put on the agenda, but due to the current situation in the concession, we can only do it slowly.To this end, he plans to establish a training base in the future to train patrol officers in phases.

The recruitment of new police officers must also be carried out as soon as possible... In this way, it is better to train a group of new patrol officers first, and when they are ready to take up their posts, they can replace the old patrol officers for rotation training.Well, here's a solution.
Just when Li Junhao was thinking about how to rectify the police department faster, the Wang Puppet Secret Service Headquarters, which had been hit several times in a row, got good news - Chen Mingchu, the personnel chief of the Shanghai Military District, wanted to cooperate!

Lin Zhijiang, the military traitor on the 76th, met Chen Mingchu by "accident". However, because the two faced each other alone at the time, he was not sure of capturing or killing the other party. Instead, he was afraid that the other party would do it. However, he did not expect that Chen Mingchu would ask him to chat. !The two were old acquaintances in the military and knew each other's skills. In a one-on-one situation, neither one was sure of killing the other, so they simply found a restaurant to sit down and have a meal.

After returning, Lin Zhijiang reported to Li Shiqun that Chen Mingchu had the idea of ​​​​leaving the military-controlled Shanghai District. The reason was that he belonged to Wang Tianmu's line, but Wang had been transferred from Shanghai. They, the people of the Wang line, were under the supervision of the acting district chief Zhao Lijun. He was suppressed and lived a very unhappy life. He even couldn't get his salary and funds on time, which made him want to quit.

After Li Shiqun learned about this, he was of course overjoyed and secretly ordered Lin Zhijiang to maintain contact with Chen Mingchu. Not only would he not arrest him, but he would also send money and goods to try to win him over.
No one else knew about Chen Mingchu's intention to rebel, but Li Junhao noticed the date after work. Knowing that the "Wang Tianmu Incident" was about to happen, he ordered the patrol room to strengthen the inspection in the concession and strictly ordered all checkpoints to strictly carry out the search. According to the inspection regulations, non-concession troops and civil servants carrying weapons are prohibited from entering. If they break through, they can be shot to death!
After this order was issued, in just one day, various checkpoints refused dozens of people from entering the public concession. However, in the face of heavily armed patrols and guards, no one forced their way in.

Although this situation has aroused the dissatisfaction of several forces, because the concession has long been stipulated that armed personnel are not allowed to enter, and it occupies a high legal position, so there is no way to protest.Of course, various lobbying activities were carried out one after another in the British and American consulates and the Ministry of Industry and Industry Bureau, but in the face of the strength of the Americans, no accommodation was received.

As a result, there have been fewer outsiders entering the concession with guns, and the overall security situation has improved visibly. This makes the British and American Consulates General, expatriates, and residents very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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