Shadow Spy

Chapter 146 Police trainees enter the camp

Chapter 146 Police trainees enter the camp

On Monday, June 6, at the weekly morning meeting of the police force, Li Junhao listened to the work reports of various departments. After giving some instructions on the work of the week, he immediately rushed to the military camp on Haiphong Road to inspect the training of police trainees. The team’s food and accommodation arrangements were pointed out, and several deficiencies were pointed out and requested to be resolved today.

At noon, he personally went to Hailu's canteen to check the quality of the food.The main chefs here are all logistics soldiers from the sea and land. Although they cannot cook Chinese food, they have all received logistics supply training. Not to mention the taste of the food, but in terms of nutritional balance, they all meet the military supply standards.This is enough. The students who come for training have to be trained, so they don't have to think about enjoying delicious food or anything like that.

As for the uniforms, they were Marine Corps-specific uniforms provided by the Fourth Marine and Land Regiment, which Li Junhao paid for to clean up inventory at sea and land.Originally, the commander of the sea and land, Lieutenant Colonel Deeger Cole, was a little reluctant. He was worried that the uniforms of the fourth regiment would not be replenished in the future. However, after hearing Li Junhao's new plan and seeing the new uniform style he sketched, he immediately agreed. Come down.

The training ground in the military camp was completed by the engineering teams of the sea and land in the past few days. Although it looks a bit crude, it is enough for the time being.

The equipment and weapons needed for training were all mobilized from the police department's inventory. Li Junhao was not satisfied with the firearms and had already placed an order with Willis. It won't take long for new equipment to arrive...

In terms of instructors, in addition to his personal role as chief instructor, he also transferred [-] experienced non-commissioned officers from the sea and land, and [-] mid-level patrol officers from the police department who had been personally verified by him...

In short, for this training, Li Junhao put a lot of thought into it and prepared everything he could think of in advance, just waiting for the training to start tomorrow!

During this process, Zheng Pingru and Xiao Yu basically followed the whole process. When they saw Li Junhao's layout and arrangements, they were extremely impressed and determined to work hard to do their jobs well, hoping to help and reduce Brother Jun's burden.
At 6:13 a.m. on Tuesday, June 55, there was already a long queue in front of the gate of the headquarters of the 527th Marine and Land Regiment at No. [-] Haiphong Road, waiting for the release starting at [-] o'clock.In the queue, except for a few people, most people were wearing only single clothes and had empty hands, because according to the notice after passing the interview a few days ago, the training camp will provide all food, clothing, housing and transportation, and the trainees do not need to bring anything. .

At eight o'clock sharp, the four guards on duty in front of the military camp gate moved to the left and right, leaving a passage in the middle to enter the camp, and began to let the students in. However, those who brought bedding, clothing and other personal belongings would be stopped. I was ordered to throw the things I carried on the roadside far outside the gate. If I didn't throw them away, I wouldn't have to enter the camp.

There were a few stubborn people in the queue who were unwilling to throw away the things in their hands, and even argued with the guards... The American soldiers were uncompromising about this kind of behavior, and immediately raised their rifles and issued a warning... At this time , on the roof of a three-story building in the military camp, Li Junhao, holding a telescope, saw the scene in front of the gate and couldn't help but shook his head. The reason why the police and the army were able to suppress as many as Several times or even dozens of times the rabble, the first thing is discipline, and the second thing is weapons and equipment!These young people today are still far behind!
Although he didn't want any conflicts to occur, if in this case, if those trainees who disobeyed orders could not understand the situation clearly, he would have no choice but to give up!
He allows and even appreciates individuals to show off their abilities and personalities, but will never allow anyone to disobey discipline!
Some disputes in front of the gate quickly subsided. There was no need for the guards or the marines and marines who were lined up inside the gate to take action. It was the students who also came to participate in the training. Several students who made trouble were beaten up by everyone. After a meal, he threw it on the roadside.Afterwards, several students took the initiative to maintain order at the entrance, and soon things became smooth in front of the gate.

What made Li Junhao interesting during this process was that the students who came forward to take the lead were basically undercovers, which was quite interesting!
After the students entered the military camp, they came to the playground under the guidance of the soldiers and patrol officers on duty. This time, they remembered it and actually knew to line up in the same formation as during the interview (the ones who were beaten were also included)!

Subsequently, under the roll call and order of 20 non-commissioned officers and 20 patrol officers, the trainees formed 10 square formations, with 80 people in each square, and the other 50 people (including the 20 undercovers) formed a separate team , Li Junhao’s bodyguards Yuri and Nick came to lead the team in person.

The trainees were a little uncomfortable, but no one dared to speak up - they didn't see the noncommissioned officers and police officers staring eagerly in front of the queue, or the US Marines lined up 30 meters away outside the queue!
At nine o'clock sharp, Li Junhao appeared on the podium in front of the playground. At this time, he was wearing a custom-made black slim-fit police uniform with silver buttons (see the 21st Century Police Uniform for the style). He took two steps forward and walked to the stage. After standing at attention, he saluted the audience with a standard modern military salute. Everyone in the audience was stunned and admired!
After receiving the gift, Li Junhao said loudly: "Dear students, today is your first day to join this training camp. On behalf of the Ministry of Industry and the Police Department, I first welcome you to join the police force that maintains social stability! Of course, now You are still police trainees and have no actual working ability...

“Over the next four weeks, right here in this very place, I, Commissioner of Police Ognyan L.I. Pantheon, along with the 4-plus instructors in front of you, will strive to impart enough skills to you. , allowing you to become a preliminary qualified modern policeman..."

At this point, he paused and his tone became more solemn and authentic: "Before you start formal training, I want to emphasize three disciplines to you:

“First, obey orders and follow instructions!

“Second, what the instructor says is always right!
"Third, if you have any other questions, please refer to the two above!"

In fact, what he said was a bit ahead of his time. Everyone at the scene, including the instructors and the onlookers, did not understand it at the first time, and it took a moment to react!On this occasion, I couldn’t discuss it, so I felt a little uncomfortable!
Li Junhao didn't mean to show off his words on this occasion, but he really felt that these words were right!He clearly believes that the police and the army are both disciplined forces, and "obeying orders and following orders" is definitely the first principle that must be implemented, otherwise wouldn't it be chaos?
(End of this chapter)

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